Wordington Milkman

2024.11.26 13:50 The_Oregon_Duck Wordington Milkman

Wordington Milkman submitted by The_Oregon_Duck to wordington [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:50 DeGameNerd egg_irl

egg_irl submitted by DeGameNerd to egg_irl [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:50 FrenchSalade Le gouvernement annonce le lancement d'une aide pour les 100 000 étudiants qui n'ont pas accès à un repas à tarif modéré proche de leur lieu d'études.

Le gouvernement annonce le lancement d'une aide pour les 100 000 étudiants qui n'ont pas accès à un repas à tarif modéré proche de leur lieu d'études. submitted by FrenchSalade to etudiants [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:50 qwxnhnnh SELLING STYLE ME UP HAIR!

everything is in included, can recolor it to your preferred cc! 🥳
submitted by qwxnhnnh to Woozworld [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:50 samfreiheit Is this deal worth it?

Hey everyone,
I found this deal for the Thermalright Aqua Elite 360 V3 CPU Cooler and I’m wondering if it’s worth it:
Is this a good price for what it offers? For those who’ve used it, what’s your experience with performance and reliability?
I’m planning to pair it with my Ryzen 7 7800x3d and don’t want to regret spending the money.
submitted by samfreiheit to ComputerHardware [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:50 Calm_Ad_2339 The contrast in the background (only in the AMD Adrenalin application) changes every 2-3 seconds

I installed my 7900xt today (old card was the rtx 3070) I uninstalled the old nvidia drivers before replacing the graphics card and installed the amd drivers after installing the new card.
I have already tried to play something (GOW Ragnarok) and there were no problems (only much more fps than before)
Now to my problem:
In the Adrenalin application itself, the contrast of the background changes all the time (see video) I have already tried reinstalling the driver and resetting to factory settings. I don't know what to do and after googling I haven't found any forum posts with similar problems.
I hope one of you can help me.
submitted by Calm_Ad_2339 to AMDHelp [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:50 Dr-Jamal Does this look good?

submitted by Dr-Jamal to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:50 Proper_Passage_4196 22m Is anyone up for playing some Fortnite or Minecraft?

I also have other games too, and I’m willing to download something if it’s on ps plus or gamepass. Time zone doesn’t matter, so feel free to dm me if you’re interested 🙂 No kids please
submitted by Proper_Passage_4196 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:50 ZohnNasse7 An apartment in korea. sel35f18

submitted by ZohnNasse7 to ZVE10 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:50 Suspicious-Airline84 Does it annoy you when people lie about having sensory issues?

I always see comments about how people have to shave their legs because of sensory issues?! It feels like a mockery.
submitted by Suspicious-Airline84 to misophonia [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:50 nodiaque Anyone using nextcloud AiO community app?

Hello everyone,
Was wondering if anyone is using the nextcloud aio community app? There's some stuff I dislike about it and wondering how this can be changed. For instance, the named volume mapping that create the drive in the docker filesystem instead of a mounted path. What is the gain here? Cause these type of volume aren't compatible with appdata backup/restore plugin which mean I have to rely on a seperate backup system just for nextcloud.
There's also the fact nothing is mounted at all so changing any configuration that require modification need to be done directly in the docker using vi, I can't use code-server like I do for everything else.
All docker created by aio seems to be doing this also. Is there a way to prevent all this and have it follow unraid way?
Thank you
submitted by nodiaque to unRAID [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:50 OhPutItDown UK or the US

Hey, so I'm a non-EU medical student and I want to hear your thoughts on this. I want to get a residency in internal medicine and then fellowship in oncology.
Basically I don't know which of the two countries to choose. The decisive factor was the language and the ease of settling in. I know Germany is one of the more direct options but I'm afraid I'll be lonely there + I'd have to start learning the new language all over again. Thanks for all the replies.
submitted by OhPutItDown to medicalschooluk [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:50 T1ck-T0ck What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by T1ck-T0ck to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:50 nofaxxspitintruflego im atm obsessed with this game (i want to buy it)

but my issue is that im rehabbing my arms, and still certain kind of mousemovement might prove painful after short whiles, so im wondering hows the camera movement in this game ? is it tied to mouse and u choose direction with mouse and then attack ? or ?
plz answer i rly wanna get this game q_q or not q_q
submitted by nofaxxspitintruflego to Atlyss [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:50 bravovice Is there a price sheet for lab diamonds?

Is there something like a Rapnet chart for lab diamonds? I keep reading that lab diamonds are super cheap but there is still a pretty big price window when comparing specs. How does one know they are getting a fair price?
submitted by bravovice to LabDiamonds [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:50 Regular-Poet-3657 "I will lead us all into the future! I... am... MAKUTA!" "ARISE... Mata Nui." By BonkleChicken!

submitted by Regular-Poet-3657 to transformers [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:50 monetizalink Como ganhar dinheiro com Reddit?

Como ganhar dinheiro com Reddit? https://preview.redd.it/parbcmka393e1.png?width=835&format=png&auto=webp&s=4b1f68f7051760f7a10eefa8861dc9f1668c7afa
O Reddit é uma plataforma online que tem ganhado cada vez mais popularidade, com uma comunidade diversificada e engajada em diferentes tópicos e interesses.
Veja a seguir o guia completo de como gerar receita usando o Reddit.
O que é Reddit? O Reddit é uma rede social que funciona como um agregador de notícias e postagens, de forma similar a um fórum. A organização é feita através de comunidades chamadas de “subreddits", que são baseadas em interesses, hobbies, notícias, cultura, etc.
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submitted by monetizalink to monetizalink [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:50 Ichironi Operations: What class would fit with Assault + Sniper?

Me and my 2 boys have been going at operations and climbing difficulty, They are assault and sniper and I am a bulwark.
I have noticed we don't really have a lot of immediate firepower, especially on relic difficulties. I'm wondering if either I could switch to something that might flow better with their classes, or if there are any hidden synergies that I might be missing with our group, let me know.
My bulwark is decent, always the last alive which is a given but my timing is good and I try and support as much as I can with banner, but I don't feel like we kill fast enough.
submitted by Ichironi to Spacemarine [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:50 DailyNEARWEEK NEARWEEK Daily Newsletter

**NEARWEEK Daily Newsletter 📩 *\*
** Thursday, November 26, 2024*\*

**💥 Big things around the ecosystem 💥*\*

NEAR AI Office Hours #26 w Paolo Ardoino Tether

Multichain Trial accounts are like a zero-risk onboarding mechanism for apps that allows you to give out web3 gift cards for their users



The Singularity is NEAR: cheeky video unpacking the most important slide from [Redacted]

** 💰 DeFi 💰*\*

Burrow Weekly Recap

Ref Finance Weekly Recap

550,000+ HAPI Score minted

$ABG hit over 600K market cap in the first few hours after launching

**🔼 Projects update 🔼*\*

HAPI Score Update

Meta Pool : Governance Call 12 is happening this week

Shitzu Weekly Roundup
Don't forget to Subscribe to our Weekly Newsletter! https://subscribe.nearweek.com/
submitted by DailyNEARWEEK to nearprotocol [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:50 Rough-Mastodon4883 Should i grind to get the SLR or not?

Should i grind to get the SLR or not? submitted by Rough-Mastodon4883 to Asphalt9 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:50 Deezul_AwT Traintris changes have made it enjoyable

The biggest change is unlimited rotating. So many times before you'd get the 2x1 piece but it was the wrong way. With unlimited rotating, I think only 2 cars so far have I not been able to get at least 80%. And I feel the passes to buy rewards or boosts has made it worth it. I'm getting a good number of yellow gears instead of just coins and gray gears.
If it had played the same as before, I wouldn't have bothered either. But now I'm doing well and have picked up the new building.
submitted by Deezul_AwT to trainstation2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:50 Iamheretobreathe Sanrio Drinks!

Sanrio Drinks! submitted by Iamheretobreathe to sanrio [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:50 BRYSss i need an advice on a config

submitted by BRYSss to buildapc [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:50 weissensteinburg Ride canceled without notification?

This is part rant, part warning, part question. I'm curious if this has happened to anybody else. Last night I scheduled a 3:30am Lyft ride to the airport and received confirmation. This morning I woke up and there was no ride coming, no notifications, it wasn't in the ride history, nothing. If it wasn't for the email I would have thought I dreamed scheduling it. When I click the 'View Your Ride' link in the email it brings me to the app home page. I didn't know if I should wait or look for another ride or what.
When I contacted support they told me very matter of factly that there was an issue with the credit card and I should contact my bank. I asked if this is normal SOP for Lyft to just quietly cancel the ride rather than asking me to update the card, notifying me there was a problem, sending a cancellation email, or switching to the other card I have on my account, and they said they would pass on my feedback. I really had to push for an answer before they admitted I should have been told that no driver was coming.
What gets me is that they advertise the service for less stress and peace of mind, but apparently you can not trust it. Fortunately this was leaving home so I could find another way to get there but I would have been stranded if this happened on the way back. Next time I'll probably use the local taxi company or Uber.
submitted by weissensteinburg to Lyft [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:50 babyjaz033 Perfect Aussie waiting to be fucked

submitted by babyjaz033 to HandBra_daily [link] [comments]
