[Artisan] e.onkey - "Love Meontory"

2024.11.26 13:35 e_onkey [Artisan] e.onkey - "Love Meontory"

[Artisan] e.onkey - submitted by e_onkey to keycapdesigners [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:35 ZurkuXeno Any good combatants for Xeno Goku? (Dragon Ball Heroes)

Any good combatants for Xeno Goku? (Dragon Ball Heroes) Please do not say Archie Sonic or any version of Superman!
submitted by ZurkuXeno to DeathBattleMatchups [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:35 PerspektiveGaming Best shaving tool?

As the title suggests, what is the best shaver for a smooth head shave? What are you all using?
submitted by PerspektiveGaming to bald [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:35 Hydrad000 Versus chapter 21 : Analysis.

The highly anticipated Chapter 21 of Versus has finally arrived, and it picks up right where we left off—a heated confrontation between the 23rd Demon King, Diganazal, and Ginbak, the Titan King of the Colossal Realm, along with the return of the 23rd Hero, Fecaccio. Let’s dive into the highlights and unravel the chaos of this thrilling chapter.

  1. The First Scene. Diganazal basks in the worship of her devout followers, savoring their adoration, until the moment is rudely interrupted by the arrival of Ginbak and his clan of titanic warriors. The sheer presence of the Titans seems to disrupt the atmosphere, setting the stage for an epic clash.
  2. Bersek, the Third Son of Ginbak Bersek proves himself to be the calculated member of the Titan family, preferring strategy over raw power. He attempts to gather intelligence, urging Diganazal to replicate Nyudo's magic from a prior battle. However, Diganazal dismisses his words with utter disdain, as if entertained by the audacity of the request.
  3. Diganazal's Revelation Introducing herself as one of the Demon Kings who specializes in researching and enhancing organic lifeforms, Diganazal boasts of her contributions to creating the ultimate army for the Great Demon King Byakuo. Her arrogance hints at a dangerous confidence.
  4. Titans' Physical Might vs. Diganazal’s Power Negotiation is futile as the Titans rely solely on their immense physical strength. Diganazal, unimpressed, unleashes her powers to claim the superior bodies of Ginbak’s group. However, Ginbak delivers a single sweeping blow, obliterating her forces in an instant. The display of raw power leaves no doubt about why he is the Titan King.
  5. The Return of Fecaccio, the 23rd Hero The chapter reveals Fecaccio's grotesque transformation into a Chimera Hero. His body, a patchwork of enhancements, includes:
5.1. The Hero Fecaccio fused with the spirit Rythmi.
5.2. Beasts like the Evil Horse, Sonic Bird, and Iron Monkey, as well as a Mana Crystal.
5.3. The blood of Diganazal herself.
This amalgamation of parts pushes Fecaccio’s strength beyond human limits. But even with his speed and power fueled by Rythmi, he is little more than a gnat in the presence of Ginbak. A single mighty slap sends Fecaccio and his companions plummeting into a grotesque storage room filled with discarded bodies awaiting further experimentation.
  1. Diganazal’s Chimera Suit Diganazal steps into the fray herself, using grotesque tools to assemble a massive Chimera Suit from countless body parts. The suit grants her access to a terrifying arsenal of abilities:
The Muscle Devil’s Arms.
The Thunder Brute’s Long Tongue.
The Hell Spider’s Threads.
The Unico-Dragon’s Spin Thrust.
The Necromancer’s Pet Maggots.
Despite the deadly array of techniques, Ginbak remains unfazed. He mocks Diganazal, comparing her to Jachi, whom he defeated with ease.
  1. Diganazal’s Final Act Realizing she cannot win, Diganazal begs for mercy. When that fails, she opts for a last-ditch self-destruct spell. However, Ginbak effortlessly compresses the resulting explosion into an impossibly heavy sphere, inadvertently crushing yet another member of his family in the process. This moment delivers a laugh-out-loud conclusion, perfectly blending absurdity with dark humor.
Closing Thoughts This chapter challenges readers' preconceptions about the Titans' reliance on brute strength. Despite the Magic World and Celestial Beings appearing far superior, both have now met their end at the hands of Ginbak—one crushed, the other beaten to death. The author masterfully toys with our expectations, delivering a chapter that is both action-packed and hilariously over-the-top.
Stay tuned for the next incoming chapters , and as always, thank you for reading!
submitted by Hydrad000 to versus [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:35 jala1846 Looking for a bull to make me expose my gf, snap sammyy902

submitted by jala1846 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:35 nvielbig How Gravenberch became Liverpool's answer to Bellingham

How Gravenberch became Liverpool's answer to Bellingham submitted by nvielbig to LiverpoolFC [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:35 ARTiSPRETiS Y a-t-il des différences significatives dans les approches de développement et les processus de conception entre les ingénieurs américains, français, britanniques et allemands ?

Je repose la question sur ce thread : https://www.reddit.com/AskEngineers/comments/icoxgq/is_there_any_noticeable_difference_between_the/
Je pense qu'avoir votre vision ça peut aussi être interessant :)
submitted by ARTiSPRETiS to ingenieurs [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:35 Agitated-Fill-6780 Query regarding application to the University of Edinburgh

Hiiii If there's anybody here who applied from India who could answer some of my queries, I'd be extremely grateful!!
Currently pursuing UG in JAIN (Deemed-to-be University), applied for the University of Edinburgh a few weeks ago.
What's the usual time frame they take to send a response? Are there any non-basic documents that I should keep ready in case of a conditional offer later?
I've applied through an agency and I'm worried if the documents are uploaded in the right slots. My SOP is under 'Translation of Degree Certificate', Resume under 'Translation of Transcript' and marksheet records under 'Interim Transcript'. Is this how it's supposed to be?
For IELTS, I've heard that if you score a certain grade in 10th and 12th, you'll get a waiver from the Uni and not need to attempt IELTS. My English grade in both classes was 97/100, will I be eligible for the waiver?
Anything else I need to keep in mind? Thank you in advance!!
submitted by Agitated-Fill-6780 to UniUK [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:35 Successful_Salary_87 RL polo from RepKingdoms good factory

RL polo from RepKingdoms good factory Ordered a polo from repkingdom’s ‘good factory’. It is evident that the sizing is completely wrong. Half Chest should have been 57 cm as per the size chart but it is barely touching 50 cm. That’s a 14 cm difference across the chest. The neck tag is also sown crooked. The horse seems ok to me. What do you guys think? W2c: https: // 1688. com/offe 803120043469.html?ptow= 113d26e7c9a
submitted by Successful_Salary_87 to stockholmreps [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:35 pureststrain129 $CHILLDEER

$CHILLDEER submitted by pureststrain129 to SolanaMemeCoins [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:35 Exciting-Ratio-5876 Snow removal keeping Saskatoon residents 'busy, busy, busy'

Snow removal keeping Saskatoon residents 'busy, busy, busy' submitted by Exciting-Ratio-5876 to saskatoon [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:35 rorororo5 Next steps for SSF Hammerdin?

Feels good to (basically) play D2 again after being super active online in the 2000s!
Maybe you guys have some ideas for me. I most likely wont spend thousands of hours ;-)
I started with with D2 some time ago again, focusing only in singleplayer and one char: Paladin. Wont create further chars.
Im level 90 now and can do all runs without much issues but am wondering, what could some next goals be for motivation? What could be a path to get an anni and a torch, anything else to succeed in? Is it even realistic to do These without all high end gear? I remember guillaumes face and dracules for budget smiter action, lol.
Here is my current gear, any advice what I should try and aim to ugrade next / focusing on which runs accordingly?
Helmet: 3 sock with p Amethyst for mf, didnt find shako yet. Weapon: hoto 39 (found a vex and cubed the rest up, which was a pain) Secondary weapon: najs puzzler for teleporting (69 charges) Shield: Spirit, rondache 43 res Armor: Viper 29, makes sense to sock? Amu: mf or +3 Combat skills, no maras or similar yet Belt: tal rasha, No arach yet Globes: magefist, forstburn.. Rings: 10 fcr rare with stats, raven/darf etc, no soj Boots: rare with frw res mf Charms: gheed, small Charms with Life and res, mf..
Merc: a2 with reapers toll, crow caw Armor (what else to AIM for?), Andy visage
Thanks guys, appreciate it!
submitted by rorororo5 to diablo2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:35 Demand-Automatic Squad building advice please

Squad building advice please I have 183 million in the bank, All are tradeables except the bench,gerrad,de gea and fatawu, I could get utots donnaruma or millinkovic at GK, or chiesa at rm or some other cb inplace of vvd Please tell me what will be best
submitted by Demand-Automatic to FUTMobile [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:35 Few-Avocado-4203 Marge

Marge To be clear, this is a male character but it resembled a “Marge” to me. 😂
submitted by Few-Avocado-4203 to OblivionAbominations [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:35 eigo-bunpou 「英単語解説」oligochaeteの意味について


  1. oligochaeteは、「剛毛 (chaetae) が体の長さに沿って単独で生えている、Oligochaeta 綱の淡水または陸生の環形動物で、ミミズを含む」が定義されています」が定義されています。読み方はˈɒlɪɡəʊˌkiːtです。豊富な例文及び運..
詳細はこちらへアクセスしてください: https://eigo-bunpou.com/oligochaete/
#英語文法 #英文法
submitted by eigo-bunpou to omoshiroi_eigo_bunpou [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:35 Conf3tti To wall or not to wall?

submitted by Conf3tti to RimWorld [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:35 chainsawinsect Drowned Dead

submitted by chainsawinsect to custommagic [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:35 Bowser_EX Da Fister, Da Thinker, and Da Third Wheel.

Da Fister, Da Thinker, and Da Third Wheel. submitted by Bowser_EX to Hololive [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:35 Psychological-Try800 Arbeitgeber streicht Teile ursprünglichen Angebots

Moin zusammen, Mir plagt sich gerade folgender Satz aus meinem Jobangebot im Magen herum.
"Gehalt: Bruttofixgehalt 5000,-/Monat; nach 6 Monaten zusätzliche Zielvereinbarung (5-8 T€ bei 100% Zielreichung)"
Nach sechs Monaten angesprochen: "müssen wir mal schauen was sich machen lässt"
Nach 11 Monaten endlich ein Gespräch mit Niederlassungsleitung und operations Manager: "Wissen wir gerade nicht, wollen dir das ja gerne geben, aber hmm. Geben dir in zwei Wochen Bescheid."
Heute, 20 Tage später: "Können da leider nix machen"
Nun meine Fragen, Hab ich da Anspruch drauf? Ist damit wirklich nur eine einmalige Zahlung gemeint oder doch Gehaltslevel? Können die mir das jetzt einfach streichen?
Danke für alle Hilfe schonmal im voraus.
submitted by Psychological-Try800 to LegaladviceGerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:35 sandymated Megaa s2rr sessionn

submitted by sandymated to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:35 andreem_7 can someone send me 0.00041 solana please 🙏

can someone send me 0.00041 solana please 🙏 BnyRoHgfYmsauMtSLs2TyvfQNH6U5J1ZrdvZ3XBUVkEB
submitted by andreem_7 to SolanaNFT [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:35 hands-- In England if I don’t sign a new contract but carry on working for the same company am I still under the original contract?

Hi so my employer fired me over coffee ( seriously ) but he’s saying because my contract ended and I never signed a new one that I am I not entitled to 4 weeks notice I just need to find out if that’s and how this works if i wasn’t contracted but still works there for another 6-7 months. Any help would be amazing
submitted by hands-- to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:35 RadiantReason2063 Călin Georgescu a pregătit următorul episod, pentru duminică, la parlamentare: un nou partid, înființat în 2023, are candidați pe liste la 1 decembrie / Cine candidează pentru POT

Călin Georgescu a pregătit următorul episod, pentru duminică, la parlamentare: un nou partid, înființat în 2023, are candidați pe liste la 1 decembrie / Cine candidează pentru POT submitted by RadiantReason2063 to Romania [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:35 Plus_Calligrapher529 remixing your girls on snap:bta20241

submitted by Plus_Calligrapher529 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:35 VirginiaNews Rural Virginia co-ops, developer granted $1.1 million to build electric vehicle charging stations

Rural Virginia co-ops, developer granted $1.1 million to build electric vehicle charging stations submitted by VirginiaNews to VirginiaTransit [link] [comments]
