Why is this happening?

is,am,are的区别?一、用法不同1、am的用法第一人称I+am。I am 还可缩写成I'm。但是am与not不能缩写。 IS语音是一款集视频表演、K歌娱乐、社交互动于一体的娱乐社区平台。 密保管理; 在这里管理您的密码保护。 点击进入; 找回密码; 密码忘记或丢失了在这里找回。 iSpeak官方网站,提供IS最新版本下载。IS是国内多人语音聊天平台,深受广大在线K歌、聊天、娱乐及游戏用户的喜爱。 be considered 和be considered as有什么区别?用法分别是什么?首先我们来看下be considered和be considered as的大致意思:be considered:词性为动词短语,be considered是一个动词短语,由系动词be和及物动词con Dobby is free是什么意思?“Dobby is free”是电影《哈利波特》中的一句经典台词,但是很多人都不知道这个梗是什么意思? 宋岳庭life is a struggle!完整版歌词???歌名:life is a struggle!演唱:宋岳庭作词:宋岳庭作曲:宋岳庭正当我睁开双眼 踏入这个世界妈妈给我生命 现在让我自生自灭这让我恐惧 在我的眼里每个人都戴着面具回想 我有最好的答案,进游戏后,打开控制台,输入sv_consistency 0,多输几次,就可以了,这个方法我也是在网上看的,“因为Server is enforcing consistency for this file”是个普遍的问题,只不过后缀不同,我的后缀就跟我找到方法的帖子不一样,但是我看前缀都一样就试了一下,果然可以 IS安全中心提供找回密码服务,帮助用户快速恢复账户访问权限。 接下来让我们看下be located on、be located in和be located at的用法区别: 1.位置:be located on指某物或某人位于某个较大的区域的表面或上方;be located in指某物或某人位于某个较大的区域的内部或中心位置;be located at指某物或某人位于某个具体的地点或位置。

2024.11.26 15:21 LipLickinNickens Why is this happening?

First Post EVER!
Hey guys, I have been messing around with Hammer for years now, and I'm still confused by it. I've noticed lately that sometimes the brushes in my map and in the 3D skybox change lighting depending on where I'm standing(in the light or not). I know it's something simple, but I can't figure it out. This is just a test map(aren't they all)
submitted by LipLickinNickens to hammer [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:21 CustomWritingsCoLTD STAT 050 elementary stats Pasadena city college

Hiya doing! I’m Jaime, I graduated with my masters in statistics & I’m based out of the Bay Area, CA.
Pay for the completion of your STAT 050 course - all the assignments & tests.
text me on discord: CWCO#8243 or Email [email protected]. my reviews/vouches on Reddit & Discord
submitted by CustomWritingsCoLTD to statisticsHomework [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:21 SchemeAggravating315 Guys I'm so done with my school

No because tell me why the boys managed to mess up the bathrooms sobad that now only one can go in at a time AND TELL MY WHY THE BATHROOMS IN THE LOCKER ROOM MANAGED TO FLOOD THE WHOLE GYM-
submitted by SchemeAggravating315 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:21 BeautifulLazy7266 What do these mean at the top of a file?

mod camera; mod context; mod debug; mod fs; mod math; mod swapchain; mod texture; 
submitted by BeautifulLazy7266 to learnrust [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:21 Sanitarium28 Driving from GWS to Vail today. How bad will it be?

I moved here from out of state recently and don't have any driving experience in snow/ice. Thank you.
submitted by Sanitarium28 to vail [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:21 noodbsallowed Is the pumpkin good to use for pumpkin pie?

Is the pumpkin good to use for pumpkin pie? I brought this weeks ago and it’s still hard on the outside.
submitted by noodbsallowed to pumpkincarving [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:21 Then-Classic2884 Wait for it…

I haven’t necessarily been FORCING my son to listen to hot mully but that’s quite literally all I’ve been listening to for months. I assumed he’d just tuned it out BUT last night my 8 year old said “if this song (wait for it) didn’t exist I would be in despair” I laughed and started to record and then he added jimmy neutron out of nowhere! I’m so proud right now lmao. In the video he says wait for it and jimmy neutron are better than 100 cheeseburgers and a car made of onion rings and ketchup.
submitted by Then-Classic2884 to hotmulliganband [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:21 Professional_Bit6642 BREAK WEEK NOOO

BREAK WEEK NOOO submitted by Professional_Bit6642 to Chainsawfolk [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:21 999alreadyhere Amazing Diamantina and Brazilian Phantom quartz

submitted by 999alreadyhere to Crystals [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:21 burtzev One year on, we know this: Sweden’s trade unions are more than a match for Elon Musk

submitted by burtzev to StrikeAction [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:21 Saladsoon What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Saladsoon to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:21 iamtherealsteve Where Cardinals stand on trade talks with Nolan Arenado, who’s open to a position change (to 1st base)

submitted by iamtherealsteve to baseball [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:21 coast_of_botswana Guerilla Takeover

With the addition of the guerillas (great squad I love them to death) I have seen more points get capped immediately after the previous. Perhaps a lock cooldown should be added like the conquest game made to prevent teams getting to the point so quickly.
submitted by coast_of_botswana to enlistedgame [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:21 brainy1577 hierarquia relacional e responsabilidade afetiva

tive um relacionamento não monogâmico poliamoroso com um amigo durante um ano e meio. as coisas começaram de maneira extremamente casual, dado que ele era casado e eu não queria me envolver numa dinâmica em que a hierarquia não era clara. sou uma mulher hétero e já havia tido experiências ruins com homens héteros em relacionamentos abertos, o que me fazia ter ainda mais receio da não monogamia poliamorosa.
ele passou quase um ano se dizendo muito apaixonado por mim, e eu não cedia. queria manter as coisas casuais. porém, no início do ano, decidi ceder. ele queria um relacionamento, um namoro real oficial, dizia querer horizontalizar as relações, ainda que dissesse enxergar meu papel de forma diferente da esposa dele.
em seu casamento, o contrato era que eles podiam ter relacionamentos paralelos de qualquer intensidade, desde que o outro não ficasse sabendo. isso mudou. ele contou para a mulher sobre nós, e ela contou para ele que estava em um relacionamento estável com outra pessoa havia mais de um ano e se sentia aliviada de finalmente poder se abrir. tudo muito bom, tudo muito bem.
assumimos publicamente esse relacionamento e vivemos uma paixão muito intensa. tenho amigos em comum que disseram que a mulher dele jamais reclamou e via, na verdade, o meu relacionamento com ele como um grau estabilizador do casamento deles.
o problema é que, a partir do momento em que ele soube que a mulher dele estava com outra pessoa e que isso não iria mudar, ele mudou. além de outras dinâmicas conjugais complicadas, como um período de doença, ele passou a tratar nosso relacionamento como secundário, mas, quando questionado, não admitiu isso. se dizia “monogâmico” comigo, mas vivia à mercê da agenda da esposa, com quem convivia diariamente e ainda tinha dias reservados para dates. eu ficava com o que restava.
desconfio que ele não comunicou que a dinâmica entre ele e a esposa mudou e que eles estabeleceram, mesmo que inconscientemente, uma dinâmica em que a relação deles seria sempre central. isso me causou inseguranças que nunca foram validadas por ele.
com seis meses de namoro, ele terminou subitamente. disse que precisava focar no casamento e que ele estava se sentindo confuso com as minhas demandas. depois vim a descobrir que houve conversas sobre terminar o casamento porque ambos estavam muito envolvidos com seus relacionamentos paralelos. ele não quis. me deixou sem muitas explicações — apenas algumas conversas em que dizia que não sabia o que estava acontecendo no casamento dele e que eu deveria ser compreensiva com isso.
ele insistiu em ser meu amigo, mas, como não existia uma dinâmica aparentemente honesta, tivemos um desentendimento sério e nos afastamos. qualquer outra tentativa de diálogo passava pela necessidade de que eu tinha que entender o que estava em jogo na vida dele e no casamento dele.
não nos falamos mais. a amizade se perdeu. me senti invalidada e isolada em minhas inseguranças. estava muito apaixonada e achava que ele também. agora não sei de mais nada.
muitos sentimentos de confusão voltaram quando descobri há poucos dias, por meio de amigos em comum, que eles decidiram viver em casas separadas, pois a esposa queria de fato uma relação mais horizontal — ele não. ele também não quis me contar, e honestamente não sei se isso importa tanto assim.
me senti feita de terapia de casal, descartada e retraumatizada. minha visão de não monogamia não passa por um processo de descarte de pessoas quando elas não são convenientes, seja em relações hierárquicas ou não. não sei se isso é comum e, honestamente, não sei se é um problema da não monogamia em si ou de um relacionamento disfuncional para o qual fui puxada sem saber.
alguém já teve experiência semelhante?
submitted by brainy1577 to NaoMonogamiaBrasil [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:21 boopboopdupedupe DW - Can elderly people ride?

I'm taking my 75 year old mom to Epcot and Magic Kingdom. She'll use a scooter to get around. She can walk short distances with a cane but takes a little time to navigate stepping up into something or getting out. How do they handle this on rides with the moving walkway? Can it be slowed down? Can she go through the lines with a scooter or do they trade out for a wheelchair?
Thank you for any info/advice!
submitted by boopboopdupedupe to DisneyPlanning [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:21 Wolfie_wolf81 Don't dare ask for the tomato juice

Don't dare ask for the tomato juice submitted by Wolfie_wolf81 to lotrmemes [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:21 lizgiggles Casper mattress giveaway {US}(12/08/2024)

submitted by lizgiggles to giveaways [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:21 hatimwolf 👣What’s Your Favorite Walking Spot?👣

We all have that one place we love walking—whether it’s a scenic trail, a bustling city street, or even a cozy loop around the neighborhood.

Let’s inspire each other to explore new places!
submitted by hatimwolf to Sweateconomy [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:21 leopoldthesoapmaker Guilt Culture - Jr. Year (2024)

Guilt Culture - Jr. Year (2024) Hiya, I made this album inspired by R.E.M. and a bunch of other people. If you like indie / alt rock you should check it out!
submitted by leopoldthesoapmaker to rem [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:21 cow_g1rl Anon helps out

Anon helps out submitted by cow_g1rl to wholesomegreentext [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:21 NYC_TMJ_Doc Myofunctional (Jaw Muscle) Exercises for TMJ

The lateral pterygoid muscles are involved in stabilizing the TMJ and, if under tension, can cause tinnitus or eustachian tube disorder (a feeling of "full ears", underwater sensation or the inability to equalize pressure in your ear canal), and/or clicking or popping. Try these exercises on your own a few times a day:

  1. Sit upright and place a wine cork in between your teeth (yes, a wine cork!). You'll want to position it so that you can slowly "roll" your lower teeth on the circular portion of the wine cork. Do not put the wine cork in lengthwise - it should fit comfortably between your upper and lower teeth without strain. When you do this exercise, do it very deliberately - move your lower jaw slowly to the left, then back to center, then to the right.
  2. Inflate your cheeks with as much air as possible and "move the air" to the right side of your mouth and then the left side. This exercise helps release strain in the buccinator muscles, and indirectly will help with some strain in the masseter muscles.
Lastly, consider taking an anti-inflammatory on a regular basis. I never want my patients on meds for too long, so I routinely recommend Curcumin Phytosome from Thorne. Curcumin is a derivative of turmeric and it has powerful anti-inflammatory properties. You can order some here: https://s.thorne.com/RakJv
submitted by NYC_TMJ_Doc to TMJ [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:21 shoorvir ‘…if you win, EVMs not tampered; when you lose, EVMs tampered’: SC dismisses PIL on bringing back ballot papers

‘…if you win, EVMs not tampered; when you lose, EVMs tampered’: SC dismisses PIL on bringing back ballot papers submitted by shoorvir to Maharashtra [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:21 realjarispg transitioning from chem to fm

Im currently 3 months into y12 and taking maths econs chem. originally, i took maths bio chem econs but because i didnt know if i wanted to be an actuarist or a dentist.
however, i dropped bio early on cause i despise it. now im in a dilemma where i want to take fm instead of chem but dont want to feel like i have wasted my time / catch up on 3 months of fm. i decided i wanna take up actuary so chem is useless to me in the future.
my dream unis mostly need further maths as an advantage to apply for. so, should i drop chem and take fm and work my ass off to catch up & regret now rather than regret in 2 years time when i enter uni?
submitted by realjarispg to 6thForm [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:21 Late-Builder7039 Poonam Bajwa 💥

Poonam Bajwa 💥 submitted by Late-Builder7039 to actressheaven [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:21 Unable_Philosophy473 Anyone who has gotten bellafil filler in forehead for scars?

I am looking for some feedback on getting bellafill on forehead for a scar.
submitted by Unable_Philosophy473 to AcneScars [link] [comments]
