Путешествуй пока душа твоя жива!

2024.11.26 13:30 ElectroAdeptus Путешествуй пока душа твоя жива!

Путешествуй пока душа твоя жива! submitted by ElectroAdeptus to KafkaFPS [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:30 -_-Orange The smallest carrot and potato I’ve ever seen/grown. The egg and quarter are for scale. [homemade]

The smallest carrot and potato I’ve ever seen/grown. The egg and quarter are for scale. [homemade] submitted by -_-Orange to food [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:30 Pristine_Revenue2445 Tips for handling and dribbling

I'm new to basketball and I can't dribble properly in game,even though I do drills.Please give tips
submitted by Pristine_Revenue2445 to BasketballTips [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:30 ActGreedy [ Removed by Reddit ]

[ Removed by Reddit on account of violating the content policy. ]
submitted by ActGreedy to CosplayForEveryone [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:30 Sharp-Philosopher913 A huge thank you to this subreddit for always providing me with useful tips

A huge thank you to this subreddit for always providing me with useful tips submitted by Sharp-Philosopher913 to IELTS [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:30 zuiseu Forschungsprojekt veröffentlicht KI-Sprachmodell aus Europa

Forschungsprojekt veröffentlicht KI-Sprachmodell aus Europa submitted by zuiseu to DEvier [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:30 Dangerous-Result-926 Halo?

Where is the halo now i cant seem to find it? Did they delete it?
submitted by Dangerous-Result-926 to DressToImpressRoblox [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:30 Whole_Ad4475 BBC addicted snowbunny femboy. I need a big cock in me

submitted by Whole_Ad4475 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:30 hardbody_hank Wordington Grammar

Wordington Grammar submitted by hardbody_hank to wordington [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:30 interestingfactoid GA County Certified Election Without Examining Crucial Documents

GA County Certified Election Without Examining Crucial Documents submitted by interestingfactoid to NewRepublicans [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:30 Filisdin What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Filisdin to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:30 furiousicorn I need a professional kitchen wizard to tell me about your dream commercial kitchen.

I want your expert advice! Whether you’re a seasoned chef, a line cook, or a kitchen manager, I want to know what makes your dream kitchen.
What’s your ideal kitchen layout for maximum efficiency?
Any genius hacks for keeping everything organized and within reach?
Feel free to share opinions, pictures, sketches, or even your wildest kitchen fantasies! Looking forward to your insights!
submitted by furiousicorn to KitchenConfidential [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:30 Watermel0n45 17F bored

submitted by Watermel0n45 to LetsChat [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:30 PotatoFeeder What should i do with this disused nonfunctional caliburn?

What should i do with this disused nonfunctional caliburn? Came into possession of this recently, not sure what to do with it
submitted by PotatoFeeder to Nerf [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:30 Daedalus_NL Looking for some MC buddies

Hi all!
I'm looking for some people to play some MC with. I don't really mind what type of game you might prefer, whether it's just a vanilla server with some friends or if you play some gamemode or mods.
Some context; I'm 25 years of age, and I'm an English teacher in the Netherlands. I used to play a lot of minecraft with buddies, but I've lost contact with most that did or they've stopped playing. I still love the game and play it every once in a while for a bit, but it gets boring rather quick when you're doing it alone.
Now, I'm not sure I'm comfortable voice chatting but I might be able to get used to the idea, would prefer just starting with a discord or in-game chat or something similar. I play mostly Java on my PC, but have Bedrock as well. Anyway, let me know if you think you have something that might suit me!
Thank you!
submitted by Daedalus_NL to MinecraftBuddies [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:30 CadeOCarimbo [OC] Quais times vendem mais ingressos para seus jogos quando o jogo é contra o Flamengo, comparado com sua própria média? Dados do Brasileirão desde 2023:

[OC] Quais times vendem mais ingressos para seus jogos quando o jogo é contra o Flamengo, comparado com sua própria média? Dados do Brasileirão desde 2023: submitted by CadeOCarimbo to futebol [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:30 Lifeisa_trip 21F

21F submitted by Lifeisa_trip to amIuglyBrutallyHonest [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:30 Jumpy-Character3905 Purpose of absorbent Subtrate other than to make gas masks?

I have maybe 1000 of this. Any other uses?
submitted by Jumpy-Character3905 to playark [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:30 dirodvstw What’s wrong with me?

In the past I would think reaching a net worth of 100k was crazy and wonderful, like a dream come true, like one of the biggest achievements you could reach.
Then I got there and I was really really happy and it felt so good and fulfilling.
But as time went on and my net worth started to grow it felt like it was less and less as time went by.
Fast forward to this day, I just reached half a million yesterday. Despite feeling amazing and being really happy, I feel as though I have less money than I had when I only had 100k.
What the hell is wrong with me? It just doesn’t feel as much anymore, I don’t know how to explain it, but I just wanna get more and more and more, it doesn’t feel enough and it doesn’t feel like that much either, compared to having only 100k, which I know it’s crazy and sounds crazy because 500k is five times the amount of 100k, but it still feels little… what’s wrong with me?
submitted by dirodvstw to Rich [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:30 insanelyslowpainter Progress so far for my emperors children

Progress so far for my emperors children So far so good decided to make use out of the helmets carrying as a severed helmet
submitted by insanelyslowpainter to Warhammer30k [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:30 HQuinnie My GF (22 F) Broke up with me (25 F ) because of distance

I really need a place to vent and some advice—either on how we might fix things or, if not (hopefully not), on how to move on.
Quick story: I (25F) and my girlfriend (22) have been dating for almost three years—2 years and 7 months, to be exact. This morning, she broke up with me. Her reason was that she can’t handle the distance anymore and wants to work on herself. She also said I deserve someone better.
For me, the only real issue has always been the distance. We live in different countries, and her country is very strict when it comes to granting tourist visas to people from my country. Because of this, there’s a slim chance of us meeting in person within the next 1–2 years. I understand she’s still in university, and I’m still figuring things out as a fresh graduate with a low-income job, so meeting for the first time might take longer than we’d hoped. But I don’t understand why she decided to end things so suddenly—especially after we’d already talked about this, worked through it, and agreed to support each other until the timing was right.
It hurts so much. I really thought we were going to be each other’s wives, but now it feels like that dream is slipping away—and it’s heartbreaking.
Has anyone here been in a similar situation? How did you manage to fix things with your partner, or how did you move on with your life?
submitted by HQuinnie to LongDistance [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:30 Megatron_36 How close is “Pure Hindi” to Sanskrit?

How close is “Pure Hindi” to Sanskrit? Etymologically speaking very close (correct me if I am wrong), how about grammar?
Does being good at Pure Hindi makes learning Sanskrit easier?
submitted by Megatron_36 to sanskrit [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:30 CuriousExplorer12_ What is something that is more physically satisfying than sex?

submitted by CuriousExplorer12_ to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:30 sidcaf Palkia 206483591714

submitted by sidcaf to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:30 Easy_Enthusiasm_549 What do I have in my poop?

I recently had Helicobacter Pylori, I did the treatment and everything seems to be fine, now I can eat well. poop is also quite normal, but in the feces every now and then I find these white filaments. I don't understand what they are, do I have another infection? is it mucus? what are they?
submitted by Easy_Enthusiasm_549 to MSPI [link] [comments]
