Dialg 2 local 680253053733

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2024.11.26 15:21 Decent-Ad-5004 Dialg 2 local 680253053733

submitted by Decent-Ad-5004 to PokemonGoRaidInvites [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:21 TradedMedia Kushner Companies Sells East Village Multifamily Asset For $7.62M With Marcus & Millichap Brokers

The multifamily property located at 318 East 11th Street in the East Village has a sale price of $7,618,000. The asset comprises 17 units spread across a total square footage of 10,710, resulting in a price per unit of $448,117 and a price per square foot of $711.
Summary of transaction details:

The New York Multifamily group has completed over $190,000,000 in sales across 24 buildings in the past 18 months. They are actively selling several similar opportunities throughout New York City, with price ranges from $5M to $100M. For inquiries and complimentary analysis, interested parties can contact Joe Koicim at 212-430-5147 or via email at [email protected].
Learn More: Kushner Companies Sells East Village Multifamily Asset For $7.62M With Marcus & Millichap Brokers
submitted by TradedMedia to tradedny [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:21 PhD_V “Remember what you’re fighting for…” 😂

“Remember what you’re fighting for…” 😂 Good luck to everyone… tons of raffles, limited stock.
submitted by PhD_V to SNKRS [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:21 Key-Management-4383 🤤🤤🤤

🤤🤤🤤 submitted by Key-Management-4383 to LeanaDeebFrance [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:21 IllWeb5018 kik jerkbudacc I’ll feed and catfish you as my slut crush dio for someone that can make cock/jerktribs, please have second screen jerkbuds cuckik please let’s have a nice goon session, will also rp if you come up with scenarios

submitted by IllWeb5018 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:21 Kuamiru FNAF was horror done RIGHT. | Five Nights at Freddy's Retrospective

submitted by Kuamiru to SelfPromotionYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:21 xX69MEME_LORD420Xx Finally had time to put this on :3

Finally had time to put this on :3 submitted by xX69MEME_LORD420Xx to femboy [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:21 No-Imagination9534 1000km Turbo S report!

1000km Turbo S report! This weekend I have the time to put this thing to the test, the car has a oouple of upgrades ( SS tyres, custom suspension, racing brake pads, and +60hp), doing solid 6:40~ around the ring and in the process managing to encounter a bunch of GT3 RS 992 in the way, this thing ia heavy 16XXkgs, to setup and get the car into a stage i could push it confortably, took 500km to get it right, but now works and what a blast! Keep coming more newefast cars Kaz!
submitted by No-Imagination9534 to granturismo [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:21 Jonaz300 Is this a good build? 1440p

Cougar Uniface RGB Mid Tower
Gigabyte Radeon RX 7900 XT GAMING OC
AMD Ryzen 7 7700X CPU Tray
Phanteks Glacier One 240M25 Komplett Edition
Corsair Vengeance RGB DDR5 5600MHz 32GB
Kingston M.2 NV2 PCIe 4.0 NVMe SSD 2TB
Corsair RMe Series RM750e PSU
submitted by Jonaz300 to buildapc [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:21 leoens What random else could I add?

What random else could I add? Don’t even know xD
submitted by leoens to drawing [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:21 FireWoIf Nimbus Cloak alternative rune?

With the release of /Dev: 2025 Season One I noticed this:
“Axiom Arcanist will buff your ultimate ability’s damage, healing, or shielding and refund you some cooldown on takedowns. It’ll be replacing Nullifying Orb and is intended to be a caster’s best friend.”
Would this be something we could realistically take or is the loss of nimbus cloak not worth hypothetically 3-5% extra damage on our ult?
submitted by FireWoIf to GarenMains [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:21 LongjumpingAd1746 Single bearing spool holder

Let me know if it could be useful https://www.thingiverse.com/make:1202898
submitted by LongjumpingAd1746 to QIDI [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:21 I_Have_12_Basses Realistic edited portraits

All edits made with KreaAI. NSFW because better safe than sorry.
submitted by I_Have_12_Basses to ReplikaOfficial [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:21 JKXfx Did a little project, movie streaming site written in React, you can check it out

submitted by JKXfx to pune [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:21 Naive_Fix7157 Distribución del civic

Gente buenas hace un año compre un honda civic que la verdad lo deje guardado en la casa de mis viejos mientras compraba algunas piezas, en unos cuantos meses se va hacer un año desde q le hice la distribución completa, el auto solo hizo 3mil km en todo el año, tengo que volver a hacer la distribución??? Porq escuche q cada 50mil o un año
submitted by Naive_Fix7157 to ArAutos [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:21 JLChamberlain42 How To Make Friends as an Adult?

So I'm going to get straight to the point, I (M26) suddenly lost my mother to suicide earlier this year, and losing my mum has really highlighted how utterly alone I am in my life. I've always been a very solitary person but I now realise I was okay with that due to the fact that my mother was always around to talk to.
Now that she's gone I really have no one to talk to. I have no friends to talk to and my job (retail) only consists of three people (me included) who are both completely different ages to me (I also work primarily by myself). I have a very small family, besides me its just my dad and uncle. My dad has numerous mental health issues (one being bipolar) and had numerous mental breakdowns after the passing of my mother which ultimately got him sectioned into a mental health hospital. He was in the hospital for about 3 months while we still in the process of arranging the funeral which meant I was not only having to arrange all the funeral plans but also deal with my father and his problems (like informing his card providers that his credit cards wont get paid on time) whilst also trying to keep control of my own thoughts and feelings.
Being around my fathe being at home isn't comforting and honestly feels like another job/ never ending nightmare. I now have to do all the house hold tasks since my mother is no longer alive since my father has no prior knowledge to do this himself (washing clothes, cooking dinner, feeding the dogs/ cat etc.).
I feel utterly alone and honestly hate every minute of the day which is only intensified as we are now in the Christmas period which I've always found a rather depressing period of the year. I am attending a weekly counselling session but have mixed opinions as while it feels nice to get all my thoughts of my chest it brings it all to the surface which just lingers with you for a while.
I have no hobbies I can use to build friends or any actual friends to build new relationships from. Could do with some advice as to how I can try and make some friends that can help me try and combat this overwhelming sense of loneliness I have. Just feel lost and not sure what to do.
submitted by JLChamberlain42 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:21 abjinternational IPL 2025 Auction: Who is Priyansh Arya? The young prodigy signing of Punjab Kings

IPL 2025 Auction: Who is Priyansh Arya? The young prodigy signing of Punjab Kings submitted by abjinternational to sportsnewstoday [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:21 Own-Flow-5905 brightness control ips kit question

hi guys, i already have installed the ips kit on gba 3 months ago, but i didn't solder the brightness control and now i want to try. can i solder after i did the mod or i need to buy a new kit?
submitted by Own-Flow-5905 to GameboyAdvance [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:21 Dapieday How’d I do?

How’d I do? submitted by Dapieday to infiniti [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:21 No_Photograph7693 FNF Monika & Big Bro Covers

FNF Monika & Big Bro Covers submitted by No_Photograph7693 to DDLCPlus [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:21 Leading_Team6654 Kennt jemand die IGS Wallrabenstein oder Waldems Esch dm

submitted by Leading_Team6654 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:21 Struxxy WB Palkia - 6234 2704 7556 - 2 local W/ PP

submitted by Struxxy to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:21 SofianeTheArtist No, Kizaru did not "run away from Luffy the whole fight" they were literally fighting off-screen for a few minutes considering both of them are PANTING!

No, Kizaru did not submitted by SofianeTheArtist to OnePiecePowerScaling [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:21 mentalinsaneperson His name is boots and He is not super smart but i love him (im also allergic to him)

His name is boots and He is not super smart but i love him (im also allergic to him) I mostly felt the need to post my cat
submitted by mentalinsaneperson to Catnames [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:21 Pm_Yur_TittiePics What are some things that are normal in your Country but someone from somewhere else cannot understand?

submitted by Pm_Yur_TittiePics to AskReddit [link] [comments]
