[theory] What souls are our cast?

2024.11.26 14:39 SufferMyLove [theory] What souls are our cast?

We know that the first of the resurrected were souls reincarnated from the river. But because of the lack of ability for things to grow on thanergy planets (especially animals) it seems reasonable that anyone born in the nine houses is a resurrected soul pulled from the river rather than coming from wherever souls came from beforehand.
With that said, I think our cast could be people from history. Palamedes is Socrates reborn etc.
I realize this presupposes that the souls hadn't crossed to the other side of the river in however long they've been dead. In that case they would be the resurrection of people who are currently alive. Thus Palamedes is Martha Nussbaum reborn or some such. Etc. That feels weird and a bit creepy though and I don't think Muir is thinking of current figures.
Anyway. If I'm right, who do y'all think our cast are the reincarnations of?
submitted by SufferMyLove to TheNinthHouse [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:39 Redr1ng153 pakchucnk1002-windows.ucas not download/stuck on download.

I am trying to install poppy playtime from the fitgirl repacks website (yes, the official website) and when I run the installer it stays stuck on this file and the percent downloaded stays at 27.9, and whenever I try to press cancel it doesn't stop the install or close it, and I cant find it in task manager. I've tried disabling my antivirus, however its still stuck.
AMD Ryzen 5 7535HS
Memory: 8 GB
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2050 and AMD Radeon(tm) graphics
submitted by Redr1ng153 to PiratedGames [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:39 Putrid_Friendship798 [LFA] Caterina von Stern, Ordo Xenos Inquisitor (More info in comments)

[LFA] Caterina von Stern, Ordo Xenos Inquisitor (More info in comments) submitted by Putrid_Friendship798 to characterdrawing [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:39 rossinskifam Zach, is that you?

Zach, is that you? submitted by rossinskifam to TheTryGuys [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:39 Vegetable_Course_216 My boss is ghosting me?

I am on my second month of a new job. My full responsibilities were not made very clear in the interview process, but I have been adjusting. One major issue is I may or may not be in charge of a project--it has been incredibly unclear. I am not the manager of the people working on the project, yet they are acting like I am, and my managemanager's manager have given me the date of expected completion and want me to explain why it's not met when it is inevitably not met.
I have been trying to push the project along and as far as tasks I can complete, I have done these quickly. However, despite the project starting months before I was hired, the other members have not completed even half of their work (and it's due in a week). I am not able to do these tasks, I am only able to confirm they have been completed accurately, which is what I was originally told my role would be for this project. I reached out to my manager to explain that person X and Y have not completed their tasks and have complaints about the process and that these are the reasons they've given for no completion. My manager replied asking if I do not have time to complete my tasks and if I am holding up the project. I explained again that I have completed my tasks, but can't continue on because my role relies on others doing their tasks, which they are not doing. My manager has not replied in a full business day and will be off work until the due date once they leave this afternoon. I can see them replying to other people and I can see their calendar is empty. They canceled all of their calls with me last week, so I haven't been able to discuss this face-to-face with them.
I have not been treated this way in previous jobs and don't know what to do. It's a holiday week so I get that people want to be lazy, but I feel like I'm being ignored and put out as a sacrifice.
submitted by Vegetable_Course_216 to careeradvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:39 CorruptAccountant First big boy job. Are Big 4's Benefits better than the average company?

I just don't have much experience with other companies. I would assume the Big 4 would offer better benefits, but just wanted to as people who have been around the job market for longer. Thanks.
submitted by CorruptAccountant to Big4 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:39 These_Feeling3280 Treesh

Treesh submitted by These_Feeling3280 to Passaic_nudes [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:39 SiteFit3731 AITA for not reaching out and sticking to my boundaries?

There’s a lot of context here so hang in there, I’ll try to keep it brief. I (f24) and my fiancee (m27) are in a crazy phase of life, here are the deets: I finanhandle 80% of expenses and finances, he works full time and is in school full time, he is the only one in his family that speaks to his mom but she has manipulative strings attached to him financially to help with his education (more on this later), we maybe get five hours together a week and a full day off every other week, I have weaned out of speaking to his mom (see the end for reasons).
It’s…. a lot. But we’re making it through. Our families for the most part have been super understanding towards our situation and know that we’re unable to show up in the ways they may want us to. We put in effort when we can, simply put.
When it rains it pours, lol. The week after getting back from our joint bach was followed with a family member nearly dying in the hospital, to finding out I may lose some of our financial stability, queue the rest of the parade of factors. It was a tough week. I sat on the couch crying finally at my emotional peak when he comes out to tell me his mom is upset because I wont respond to her. A text in the groupchat of the three of us asking if I’m alive (which why is that how you approach wanting to talk to someone, it didnt come off cute and silly). That day he explained all that we’ve been dealing with to which “I could’ve still reached out to tell her that I don’t have time to talk.” No sorry ma’am I don’t give a hoot to reach out when I’m struggling to make sure my family and the two of us are kept afloat. If it ended there, cool, I would make an effort to reach out and put it on the docket. But why would it? It has now been a week’s worth of texting him all day every day complaining about me and randomly starting fights with him over this same subject. To the tipping point that last night as I ask him what he’d like to eat when he finally breaks down that he’s on the verge of a panic attack from her. It isnt till he’s home at 9 that he shows me the endless pages of her coming up with blatant lies about me, to the point where I dont even know how she came up with some of the things she was saying. I sat in awh genuinely trying to piece together if I had ever done anything to prompt that. I asked him if I had done anything to prompt any of it. The consensus is no, he even admitted he knows she’s trying to pin us against each other.
In the last week I had offered to reach out but after talking to some family I agree it would be best to stay out of it entirely because really at this point it’s putting oil in the fire and shouldn’t get involved. Equally, I feel like a terrible human because our lives are stressful as is than knowing I’m somehow attributed to causing him even more stress. AITA in continuing my stance in not reaching out or not wanting a relationship with her?
Why I stopped speaking to her: - days before we got engaged she confided in me that she still has a relationship with his ex (he’s asked her for over a year to end that friendship out of respect for us and she claimed she did) - she would call me on a weekly basis only to discuss what is going on in his sons life or talking shit about the rest of his family that i was nothing more than a spy for information for her - she has tried to undermine me to him on countless occasions though his attempts to stop it - she decided to start a fight with him in a public setting and then attempted to bring me into the fight, wasn’t pleased to learn I sided with him
I just don’t respect her, and have nothing nice to say. Needless to say I understand why everyone else cut her off and know he wants to too but is entangled in how she helps with school payments. Now the deets on this, I never knew how much it was exactly thinking it must be a ton. It’s a couple grand every few months. I know this is a lot for many people, but im fortunate enough that I could easily afford this for him and have told him that since learning about that this week.
I don’t even think this is the right subreddit to post this in but am I in the wrong? What the hell do I do? Like genuinely any thoughts and opinions because I have no idea how to handle this given that it’s his mom and just do not want any of it coming to bite me in the butt in the future. (Will probably end up deleting this in a day or so)
submitted by SiteFit3731 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:39 beluga_10101 Purchase Suggestions For Stationary Exercise Cycle

Purchase Suggestions For Stationary Exercise Cycle I'm looking for suggestions on a stationary exercise cycle for my mother. After much effort, I've finally convinced her to focus on weight loss through diet and exercise. However, she tends to avoid working out, even with equipment at home. To motivate her, I took a loan from her and told her that if she doesn't use the bike, I won't pay her back. I'm hoping this will encourage her to stick with it. Any recommendations on good stationary bikes that are user-friendly and heavy duty?
submitted by beluga_10101 to Fitness_India [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:39 No_Chest151 Sceptre staking

Anybody got Some experience with liquid staking? Rewards better? Any risks?
submitted by No_Chest151 to FlareNetworks [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:39 cloudcitadel_paul What does my art taste like?

What does my art taste like? View from Montreux 160cmx90cm
submitted by cloudcitadel_paul to ARTIST [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:39 Timbojfuller A cool guide to 50 Traditional Breakfast Dishes from Around the World.

A cool guide to 50 Traditional Breakfast Dishes from Around the World. submitted by Timbojfuller to dumaflache [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:39 x9p5_ Majetek + peníze

Sečtěte úplně vše co vlastníte (hotovost, peníze na účtu, v kryptu, akciích, zhruba cenu nemovitosti - nebo pokud máte splacenou část hypotéky, firmu/podíl co vlastníte, auto, elektroniku, atd atd prostě whatever), hlavně, že je to vaše.
A následně zvolte jednu z možností, na jakou zhruba částku jste se dostali:
Čistě ze zvědavosti mě to zajímá, nebojte anketa je anonymní :- )
View Poll
submitted by x9p5_ to czech [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:39 StatCanada L’argent, parlons-en! / Let’s talk about money

Avec le temps des Fêtes qui approche, les dépenses — qu’elles soient liées aux cadeaux, aux repas ou aux voyages, entre autres — sont souvent au cœur de nos préoccupations. Si vous avez de la difficulté à répondre à vos besoins financiers ou si vous vous inquiétez régulièrement de vos finances, vous n’êtes pas seul. Au printemps 2024, près de la moitié (45 %) des Canadiens et Canadiennes ont déclaré que la hausse des prix avait une grande incidence sur leur capacité d’assumer leurs dépenses quotidiennes, un taux qui dépasse de 12 points de pourcentage celui enregistré deux ans plus tôt (33 %).
Le #MoisDeLaLittératieFinancière vise à déstigmatiser les conversations sur l’argent en encourageant les Canadiens et Canadiennes à parler de leurs expériences financières et à poser des questions.
💬 Alors, parlons-en : https://www.statcan.gc.ca/o1/fplus/7305-largent-parlons-en?utm_source=rddt&utm_medium=smo&utm_campaign=statcan-statcan-statscan-plus
With the holidays around the corner, spending—whether on gifts, meals, travel or more—is often top of mind. If you are struggling to meet financial needs or often worry about finances, you are not alone. In the spring of 2024, nearly half (45%) of Canadians reported that rising prices were greatly affecting their ability to meet day-to-day expenses, 12 percentage points higher than two years earlier (33%).
#FinancialLiteracyMonth is all about destigmatizing conversations about money by encouraging Canadians to share their financial experiences and ask questions.
💬 So let’s talk about it: https://www.statcan.gc.ca/o1/en/plus/7305-lets-talk-about-money?utm_source=rddt&utm_medium=smo&utm_campaign=statcan-statcan-statscan-plus
submitted by StatCanada to QuebecFinance [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:39 Daddymx87 Lorena Cortinas

Lorena Cortinas submitted by Daddymx87 to PeriodistasMexicanas [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:39 MartianMaterial Template to Congress: The American people deserve to benefit from the advancements that have been hidden for too long. This is not just a matter of curiosity but one of transparency, accountability, and societal progress

Template to Congress: The American people deserve to benefit from the advancements that have been hidden for too long. This is not just a matter of curiosity but one of transparency, accountability, and societal progress Dear [Congressperson’s Name],
I am writing to you as a concerned constituent regarding the critical issue of UFO disclosure and the role of taxpayer-funded disinformation campaigns in obstructing progress. For decades, secrecy and misinformation have deprived the American people of technological and societal advancements that could have been transformative.
Credible testimony from whistleblowers such as David Grusch, Ryan Graves, and Rear Admiral Tim Gallaudet indicates that the U.S. government and defense contractors possess advanced technologies linked to UFOs. These technologies, if disclosed and applied responsibly, could revolutionize energy production, transportation, and medical science. Instead, the persistent influence of disinformation campaigns has delayed this progress, stifling innovation and limiting public benefit.
Where we could have achieved cleaner energy solutions, more efficient transportation systems, and breakthroughs in aerospace, we remain bound by outdated technologies and a lack of transparency. The efforts to suppress the truth have not only harmed scientific progress but also eroded public trust in our institutions. Meanwhile, the stigma surrounding UFOs has discouraged pilots, scientists, and researchers from openly contributing to our understanding of these phenomena, further delaying critical advancements.
As your constituent, I urge you to take decisive steps to end the culture of secrecy and misinformation. Congress must enforce robust oversight of all UFO-related programs to ensure compliance with reporting requirements and the ethical use of advanced technologies. Expanding whistleblower protections will safeguard those who courageously come forward with critical information. Additionally, advocating for public access to declassified materials will foster transparency and restore faith in our government.
The American people deserve to benefit from the advancements that have been hidden for too long. This is not just a matter of curiosity but one of transparency, accountability, and societal progress. Your leadership in addressing this issue is vital for our nation’s future.
Best Regards, [Your Name]
Follow up in 3 weeks if no response.
Join /disclosureparty for more Congressional Templates [End Template]
submitted by MartianMaterial to disclosureparty [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:39 sgeorgeshap ATTACK SHARK Round 19 - X86 KEYBOARD X85PRO valued at $69.99 (12/02/2024) {WW}

ATTACK SHARK Round 19 - X86 KEYBOARD X85PRO valued at $69.99 (12/02/2024) {WW} submitted by sgeorgeshap to sweepstakes [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:39 Snoozlex Arcane Jinx! But..

She’s so adorable. BUT it’s such a shame that they forgot about her middle finger 🙁 hoping they also make an Ekko so i can have the timebomb duo
submitted by Snoozlex to Nendoroid [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:39 WrappingPapers Fruit basket

Fruit basket submitted by WrappingPapers to notinteresting [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:39 jolars KAF Semolina and Sesame Loaf

KAF Semolina and Sesame Loaf Sliced with butter and honey :)
submitted by jolars to Breadit [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:39 SmartLake1046 He's planning something

He's planning something submitted by SmartLake1046 to NANIKPosting [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:39 Daisyheadjo Professional house cleaners of reddit, what are some pet peeves when cleaning other peoples houses?

submitted by Daisyheadjo to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:39 MacManBoy I have recently wanted to buy this figure, but Riot sadly doesn't ship it to Greece. Will this change, or is there a way to send it to me differently? (Arcane Champion Jinx 1/7 Scale Statue on riots merch store)

submitted by MacManBoy to leagueofjinx [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:39 tokkipan 241126 tripleS : Visionary Vision - Performante (MV Behind Film - EP.5)

241126 tripleS : Visionary Vision - Performante (MV Behind Film - EP.5) submitted by tokkipan to triples [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:39 Zanekee Wildcard

Imagine if the next wildcard is related to teleportation, like teleporting people to others' places, imagine how many deaths will happen
submitted by Zanekee to LifeSeriesSMP [link] [comments]
