Plano odontológico Amil Dental P6500

2024.11.26 14:30 lauradamascenno Plano odontológico Amil Dental P6500

eu queria muito contratar o plano mas é voltado apenas para empresas e com contratação de no mínimo 4 pessoas, alguém deseja contratar também? ele possui clareamento a laser, lente de contato (faceta de porcelana pelo que pesquisei), e aparelho ortodôntico autoligado, por 145 reais mensais (tem q ser 1 ano)
submitted by lauradamascenno to financaspessoais [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:30 SirTurtleDork What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by SirTurtleDork to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:30 nelson3b Truly free team (minus buying the standard edition of the game)

Truly free team (minus buying the standard edition of the game) Yes, I know, touch grass. I have played quite a bit. The funny thing is, I haven't played any Rivals this year. There are too many objectives, moments, and WC tiers to finish. There's just no time. My lines aren't set in stone. I just finished building Sundin this morning, via remote play, at the start of my work day.
My best benched cards are 86 POTY Bobrovsky, 85 GB Scheifele (bnd), soon-to-be-85 FH Niederreiter (bnd), 84 base Pastrnak, 84 DHT Weber (bnd), and all of the other free bnd cards, like the 84 HUT 25 Brodie, Drouin, etc. and 84 SN Grimson.
I'm now going to save coins for the next high overall current/former Leaf or current/former Regina Pat, as those are my favorite teams.
submitted by nelson3b to NHLHUT [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:30 T0M0DACH1_W Please a solution you have tried and it worked on iPhone

Please a solution you have tried and it worked on iPhone submitted by T0M0DACH1_W to RobloxHelp [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:30 skip_limit 36F. Companion Requested. Seeking Platonic Connection. Send Help. Please.

Today I am working from home,
And finding myself alone,
The tasks are dull and dry,
I ache for the day to pass me by.
If it should pass me at a snails pace,
I hope for a companion to take their place,
On the other side of this computer screen.
Reaching through to be heard and to be seen.
Connected to a stranger through an invisible web,
May we become strangers no more, and part ways as friends.
submitted by skip_limit to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:30 No_File_8616 What if old Iraq was still around

What if Ba'athist Iraq was still around? I'm glad it's not but it kind of kept Iran in check. Would they be bros now? Or would one have killed the orher. Would they both be nuclear nations? How would it be today, do you think Israel would be not at war with hamas and hezbollah or would the world be much much worse?
submitted by No_File_8616 to althistory [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:30 Relative_Stand_6532 Kingdom Come in Real Life, why are people hating?

Hi! I want to share a video with you that shows my gameplay reimagined with AI. What do you think? Many people are angry at people spamming links to their AI videos and many people will hate me for posting this link here but I put a lot of effort into this one. I think it looks good and it provides you with some insight into what games may look like in 10 years. Especially the cutscenes look better even now. But because it is 'AI' people will keep on hating, no matter the quality of the video.
Video: Kingdom Come in Real Life
submitted by Relative_Stand_6532 to kingdomcome [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:30 suze13 Professional Servicing?

My husband and I bought a new Harman P43 in 2022 and use it as our primary heat source for our home. We live in New Hampshire, so it gets a good amount of use (basically runs 24/7 from Dec-March). We scrape the burn put every day, clean the glass twice a week, empty the ash pan once a week. I also use a brush to get all the crap off the sides, fan, and the top grate part, then shop vac it out once a week. After every ton of pellets, we do the same, but we also take a part in the back out and shop vac it (sorry I'm not great with the actual part names, its a weird little cap and it gets sawdust in it). We also clean out the compartment under the burn pot once a week.
Our stove vents through out chimney, which we get inspected every year (usually only needs to be cleaned every other year). I've read about people getting their stoves professionally serviced every year, and I'm wondering if thats necessary? Also wondering what a professionally servicing would do that we aren't doing already as our regular cleaning/maintenance.
If you read all of this - thanks!! I love our stove and it was a big investment so I just want to make sure we're taking good care of it, and of course being safe.
submitted by suze13 to PelletStoveTalk [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:30 Popotito-Eternal El mejor lomo del mundo

El mejor lomo del mundo submitted by Popotito-Eternal to argentina [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:30 MountLazarus Plague Knight by Artisan Guild

Plague Knight by Artisan Guild submitted by MountLazarus to minipainting [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:30 coychi 241126 sbsyoungstreet Instagram Update with Wendy, Kinky, and Kim Jiyou

241126 sbsyoungstreet Instagram Update with Wendy, Kinky, and Kim Jiyou submitted by coychi to red_velvet [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:30 ToeComprehensive6935 Is this rot?

Is this rot? submitted by ToeComprehensive6935 to GrowingMarijuana [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:30 sharewithme WoTH: Vocabulary Quiz - Day 1544 Evening

See words and translations for the past 24 hours below.

English French German Italian Portuguese Spanish
behind derrière hinter dietro por trás (de) detras
wear usure die Abnutzung sperpero usar desgaste
profession Profession Missing? professione profissão profesión
perception aperçu Missing? percezione percepção percepción
obedience obédience Missing? obbedienza obediência obediencia
threaten guette drohen Missing? ameaçar acecha
mankind humanité die Menschheit umanità humanidade humanidad
destructive Missing? zerstörerisch distruttivo destrutivo(a) destructivo
burn brûlure die Verbrennung, verbrennen, brennen ustione queimar quemadura
solid solide solide solido sólido sólido
country pays Land paese país país
antique ancien antik, die Antiquität antico antigo / antiquado antiguo
Report any incorrect translations @
Thank you for all of your help and support!
submitted by sharewithme to Word_of_The_Hour [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:30 engineered_owl ITAP of a bald eagle in Alaska

ITAP of a bald eagle in Alaska submitted by engineered_owl to itookapicture [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:30 nono91why Kaha leke jaoge isse

Kaha leke jaoge isse submitted by nono91why to DesiCelebHub [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:30 WalkerUnknown How can I perform well in college?

I've been learning alot about my college subjects and the majority of that learning comes from my failures in my quizzes and activities.
I'm absolutely devastated as I wanted to be a lister this beginning semester but I just saw my partial grade for a subject I was confident in and I saw I only got 2.00 (1.00 is highest and listers start at 1.75). I cannot imagine what my grade would be for the subject I'm worried about and I'm anxious I'll get a 2.75 (3.00 is passing the bare minimum)
My dreams of graduating with latin honors are squandered by this reality and I hope my future gets better since this is still my 1st semester as a freshman.
I just wanna ask for advice on how I can achieve my dream of being a liste perform well in college?
submitted by WalkerUnknown to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:30 yhanflexx INOCENTE

INOCENTE submitted by yhanflexx to MusicPromotion [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:30 Sandy_JD Fortnite does not save settings or language.

Fortnite does not save the settings or the language, every time I open the game it even shows the season trailer, which is only shown when you enter the game for the first time in a new season, and I need to configure everything again, as if it were my first time playing.
submitted by Sandy_JD to BoosteroidCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:30 Infamous-Audience669 30 days off but it’s getting harder

Since a week or so I can’t get the idea to smoke out of my head. I’m at this point where the nicotine monster says: “dude who cares, just smoke one, u can stop anytime if u want after” “you will feel better after u smoked, all the cravings wil go away and u can handle life bearings better”
I hate and love this voice at the same time. It’s so far from the truth that it somehow justifies to smoke. Although my healthy side is still present and despise the lies and manipulation. But I feel the healthy side getting weaker by the day and I hope every day the lies will stop or atleast get weaker.. but it doesn’t and it’s driving me insane.
I hope I can keep strong but I’m scared I’m losing grip and to be fair im scared shitless that the healthy me will not get on top.
Thanks for reading and letting me share. Bless you.
submitted by Infamous-Audience669 to stopsmoking [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:30 Holiday_Childhood_48 I have a crazy idea for how Okarun losing his balls could have serious consequences.

I personally feel that Okarun losing his balls seems like it's mainly for humor and a way to move the plot forward which is fine but i feel like there is more potential there. There might be more to it later in the manga but i am anime-only. My idea will never happen and i think most fans would hate it but hear me out and read all the way to the end of my post and keep an open mind before you roast me.
let's say after all these crazy adventures are over Momo and Okarun finally confess their feelings and start dating. They are about to have sex for the first time but there is a problem, Okarun can't get an erection. Momo can see with her powers it's not just him being nervous and they go to Momo's grandma. She confirms that due to his genitals going through everything they have been through they no longer work with his body the same way. There is nothing they can do and he might get better over time but it is likely he will never get an erection again or be able to have sex.
If this is permanent there is so much you can do with this, i feel like there is already some commentary about masculinity and male gender with Okarun and this would go even further. Of course impotent men can lead happy lives but to many men this is hard to even imagine especially a teenage male. Okarun is not exactly a horndog but he still has urges and he cant do anything about them now even by masturbating so he would have to learn to deal with that.
For Momo this would also be interesting for her to deal with. I feel like part of her arc is that its hard for her to accept that she is attracted to Okarun when he doesn't fit a more traditional masculine type that she likes, well what is more traditionally masculine than having sex with a woman and he can't even do that now. Lots of relationships are damaged or even broken by erectile dysfunction and it's understandable that a woman would not want a sexless relationship so Momo would have to think about that.
Maybe they do get together anyway and work it out regardless. Maybe they split up and Okarun learns to be happy anyway. Maybe he finds an asexual partner and he and Momo are good friends but they mourn the relationship they could have had.
I don't know how long Turbo Granny will be in the story but this could be a moment for her as well if she cares about them later she could realize what she did to him was wrong and have genuine regret. This could be a temporary problem as well and still have some of these things covered.
You might be thinking this is not appropriate for this show but i disagree. This show has tackled serious things before and has a way of blending funny and serious moments, this would be something that starts out funny and becomes serious later. It would certainly be original as well, how many high school anime have you seen about erectile dysfunction? Please be honest and tell me what you think but don't be too mean to me please.
submitted by Holiday_Childhood_48 to Dandadan [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:30 jvc72 Buy Signal SpareBank 1 SRBank ASA - 26 nov 2024 @ 15:12 -> NOK142.80

Ticker: SRBNK.OL
Exchange: OSL
Time: 26 nov 2024 @ 15:12
Price: NOK142.80
submitted by jvc72 to getagraph [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:30 fake_slim_shady_4u Honest Experience of working as a remote software developer as a third year Student

I work at this very small company, we are building Zoho inventory competitor, it's me and my boss working on the project rn, I joined 3 weeks ago,
For this project he has no documentation, when I asked he said all he needs is speed, has no UI/UX asked me to take reference from Zoho, the backend queries written with supabase sdk, he is literally writing raw queries there
This was the existing codebase he assigned me to, I took refrence from Zoho built the stuff, did best as I could, and today just when my shift is about to end asks me to be on a call, tells me this is not supposed to be done, why did you add this etc etc, told me I messed up Google auth(which he did from api console), tells me to use Daisy UI, after I used shadcn
I basically had no knowledge what to do, all he said was built this that on your own and when I did that he is mad
My work is obvious not perfect has its issues, I re did some ui so that it matched Zoho more which I think was my mistake, he said I should not have touched that, I just wanted to go extra mile overdeliver
What irritated me the most is on the VC he said while coding "What the F", I don't think it is professional, I don't want to complain but I did a lot of other things which he completely discarded in his shitty codebase, the totality is what makes me so angry
I did an internship before in India, had a shitty experience where we had to code while sharing the screen on Google meet, I vouched to never work in a small start up in India, finally got this remote job and this is what I get, the thing is in just 3 weeks this is what he does, imagine being their for 3 months
What I learned is does not matter what ethnicity or skin colour your employer has, a horrible person is horrible
I am young, my work is not perfect but I don't think I deserve this
The most important thing I learned/realized is that how clueless I am, I have no idea what to do now, pay is horrendous and growth is non existent(technically speaking I am learning a lot about horrible bosses), it's very hard to get an opportunity rn
What should I do?
submitted by fake_slim_shady_4u to developersIndia [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:30 The_invalidSalad 24M anyone want to come rate me?

Anyone (18+) want to rate my looks? I'm aware there are subs for this btw just more comfortable sharing me one on one vs to a whole sub. Basically I'll send you 3 pics of me (all sfw they'll be from my dating profile) and you can let me know what you think of my appearance anyway you want, you can be as honest as you wish
submitted by The_invalidSalad to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:30 Nott_Astronaut 🤍~•clairsentience readings•~🤍

Hello! ( ◠‿◠ )
I’m Nott, a healer and clairsentience reader. A lot of you already know me cause I’ve been on reddit for 6 years now. My mission is to help people reach higher vibrational states and thus unleash psychic skills of their own. My reading method involves connecting to your inner light and energy to get a clear vision of what’s happening in your life. I do all sorts of readings incluiding, love, personal, career and spiritual (aura) readings. As a healer, aura readings are a tool to lead you into the most abundant and expansive road possible —they’re also a good opportunity to connect to your guides if required.
Today’s offer is:

🤍 love and relationships: timeline of a connection, their feelings, platonic relationships, friendships, family
💎 career: job and career path, financial situation, successful businesses, when to start a new endeavor
🧿 spirituality: guides, advice, healing, cords
Please feel free to reach out— the steps to book a reading are:
-send a message on chat -let me know how long you’d like your reading to be -set a time depending on our mutual availability -choose a topic of interest or send in questions depending on the length of the reading -send payment via PayPal or ko-fi -I’ll ground and prepare for your reading on the meantime -begin with the session
this is not a substitute for medical advice not should it be a reason to leave treatment.
~I don’t read about legal matters (that’s the only restriction)
~Payment via paypal or Ko-fi, it must be sent prior to the session no exceptions. thank you 🙏🏼
~ If I have find out you are being dishonest about sending payment and you’re saying you did but there’s no proof of it, you will be black listed and reported to the mods.
~ I reserve the right to do any refund. I will only provide you will a full or partial refund if I consider that I have not provided a service of quality. You agree to this statement by soliciting and paying for my services, thus you can’t demand for a refund, only I can offer it to you in compensation for what I feel I lacked.
These are some of my reviews
submitted by Nott_Astronaut to Spiritual_Energy [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:30 Bad_Begginer_Artsist Ghostface somehow beating homelander is an interesting concept (Mild blood and graphic violence)

Ghostface somehow beating homelander is an interesting concept (Mild blood and graphic violence) submitted by Bad_Begginer_Artsist to MortalKombat [link] [comments]