Trying to recover lost wallet

2024.11.26 16:40 Spec187 Trying to recover lost wallet

Hello I have around 15k DGB. But I lost the bat file years ago. I'm pretty positive I still have my pass phrase for the coins. Is there any other way to recover the coins without the bat file?
submitted by Spec187 to Digibyte [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:40 randomgirl322 Will upper lift lip make chin look longer?

When I look at my face I feel something could be improved, and I realize it could either be my nose, or my long philtrum. Does the upper lip lift procedure only raise the top lip, or does the bottom lip also move up slightly? Even if the bottom lip doesn’t move up at all, will the new proportions make the chin look longer? I have a short chin which I actually like since it makes my face look smaller so I wouldn’t want it to get longer.
submitted by randomgirl322 to plastic [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:40 CauliflowerUnique940 28 thiccc femboy mommy. i wanna be bred by te🤫ens. 05b125e2593311baafe81827d472204d08e40c7aeac5c763409b3815d12a09cd48

submitted by CauliflowerUnique940 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:40 oddjobhattoss Looking for advice

Hello, I'm looking for advice on some good stuff for my wife. She has thin and fine hair, medium brown, and about shoulder length. She gets some hi and lo lights done about once a year when she gets her hair trimmed. Are there any products or hair care items that you can recommend for health and for potential styling? She doesn't do much in terms of styling as she can never get curls and waves to stick around more than an hour or two. Any advice is appreciated.
submitted by oddjobhattoss to finehair [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:40 wsdabreu Seguro automotivo cancelado unilateralmente

Caros, tenho um seguro automotivo, desde 2021, este ano meu seguro foi renovado no mês passado automaticamente, sem questionamentos por parte da seguradora, paguei a primeira parcela e este mês venceria a segunda, acontece que tinha 70 mil em danos a terceiros e eu estava achando o valor baixo, e resolvi aumentar para 150 mil, no proprio app da seguradora era possivel de fazer a alteração, porém exigiam nova vistoria no veiculo, meu carro teve um pequeno amassado, pequeno mesmo na lateral agora no mês 11 mas eu não vi necessidade de acionar a franquia, e não acionei.
Acontece que após a vistoria negaram o upgrade no plano, até ai tudo bem, porém cancelaram meu seguro vigente devido ao fato que segundo eles, o veiculo tem mais de 20 horas de danos, entenderia que se fosse um seguro novo ok eles não aceitaram, mas meu seguro já estava renovado e vigente, por que cancelaram meu seguro vigente por causa de danos? eu tenho o seguro justamente pra isso e não vejo como um upgrade pode cancelar um plano vigente, enfim...
Já fiz reclamação nos meios possíveis e estou aguardando, queria saber se vocês acham que esse cancelamento unilateral, é legal? Como recorrer disso? honestamente conhecendo seguradora já sei que vou ter que partir pro judicial...
submitted by wsdabreu to carros [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:40 Fluffy_Photo_2500 Vyvanse and amitriptyline?

Hi! I recently got prescribed amitriptyline for interstitial cystitis, which according to the doctors should be fine to combine with Vyvanse (50-80mg). Does anyone have any experience with taking both?
One of the side effects of amitriptyline is apparently drowsiness and I’m scared the medications are going to “cancel each other out”.
(I already searched if anyone in this sub had asked the same question, but I couldn’t find anything so I’m making my own post!)
submitted by Fluffy_Photo_2500 to VyvanseADHD [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:40 Pitiful-Lynx9376 Will give 10 stars or heist alert for innocent, strike force, red handed, assembly required, or digital chat!

Will give 10 stars or heist alert for innocent, strike force, red handed, assembly required, or digital chat! submitted by Pitiful-Lynx9376 to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:40 Objective-Pin4207 Screensh0t and cr0p ur fave… ill f33d you her on session 05b52941af9e9239e9485c64ed5adb8dac059fbec02669f8bce63d321c50398c22

Screensh0t and cr0p ur fave… ill f33d you her on session 05b52941af9e9239e9485c64ed5adb8dac059fbec02669f8bce63d321c50398c22 submitted by Objective-Pin4207 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:40 v1s_un1ta_f0rt10r Rossi Ferrero

Rossi Ferrero submitted by v1s_un1ta_f0rt10r to enigmafear [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:40 PeopleAreLikePizza Where to get seriously boozey fruitcake?

I am looking to find some fruitcake that can damn near give you a glow. I am open to ordering it in or whatever. Does anyone have any fruitcake connections or recommendations?
submitted by PeopleAreLikePizza to Edmonton [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:40 DrHenro How the fuck Aoi

After the summer event I have just one question, how can Aoi became a narbie and a ghost? The naoirbie died also in the meantime? In this universe mind and soul are different and independent? How, just how
submitted by DrHenro to heavensburnred [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:40 EfTuvx Kas öğreniyorum

Kas öğreniyorum böyük apla
submitted by EfTuvx to Sanatolia [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:40 wizardhat24 off birth control due to migraine aura

Hi all. I’m struggling a bit and wondering if anyone else has been in the same boat I currently am in…
Was at the doctor’s for a follow up and it was med student training day, so we did a full work up and went over my medical history. I mentioned that while I was getting used to being on a new birth control (switched to seasonique 5 ish months ago) I was noticing an increase in migraines.. including an aura last week. I don’t usually get auras at all, i’ve had maybe two very minor ones in the past year, but my main doctor came in the room near the end of the appointment and told me we had to stop my birth control because of the stroke risk.
So now I’m waiting for a referral for a neurologist (hoping that maybe i’m not actually getting auras and it’s something else- and in that case can immediately start BC again) but now I’m stressed because we highly suspect I have endo and wouldn’t the pill have been controlling it somewhat?? I haven’t been off the pill at all in 15 years and I’m a little terrified lol. My appointment was this past friday and I still haven’t heard anything from the office. I desperately don’t want to be off the BC for long and I’ve already started spotting and generally feeling like crap.
all this to say, has anyone else had to go off the pill for whatever reason? did your endo get worse? best case scenario i’m hoping I get an “all clear” call this week but I know the healthcare system here (canada) is stressed and I imagine it’s probably going to take longer than that.
submitted by wizardhat24 to Endo [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:40 sekosikis This is Rocky, he has a nuclear engine, he still îs the bestest of bois

This is Rocky, he has a nuclear engine, he still îs the bestest of bois submitted by sekosikis to AnimalsOnReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:40 Suspecial_Bee I made a petition for a redo on second season!

Basically what the title says and Here it is.
I don't hold much hope that real change will come from this, but it's crucial for us as fans to express just how deeply dissatisfied we are with the current state of things and the blatant greed driving this project.
submitted by Suspecial_Bee to BlueLock [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:40 Gingijr Lovely

Lovely submitted by Gingijr to iluvmeww_jade [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:40 marykayisl4fun AITA? I just turned 18 and I cut off my mom's access to my electronics.

So, today is my 18th birthday, and I just changed my password so my mom can't log onto my computer anymore. I've been lurking on Reddit and other sites for years, afraid to post anything that my mom might see. She's super religious. I don't really have anything else to say, other than I finally feel like I have some privacy.
My mom had access to everything yesterday, and today I changed all my passwords and deleted her fingerprint access from my phone.
I just told her what I did, and now she's mad at me, saying things like I don't trust her to respect my privacy, which is so hypocritical because for the last four years, I've said repeatedly that she doesn't trust me.
Am I right to not give her access to my stuff anymore?
submitted by marykayisl4fun to AITA_Relationships [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:40 CompetitiveArtist715 After training

submitted by CompetitiveArtist715 to BigArms [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:40 greypic FSU quarterback Luke Kromenhoek earns first career start, burning redshirt

FSU quarterback Luke Kromenhoek earns first career start, burning redshirt submitted by greypic to PianoFingerbanger [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:40 Sidrill211 Game doesn't launch after I input mangohud FPS limit?

It used to work fine a few months ago, but I just tried to play Dark Souls 3, and it refused to launch. I tried deleting the mangohud fps limit command, and it launched fine. I double checked that there weren't any mistakes in the command, and I don't think there are? Any ideas?
MANGOHUD_CONFIG=fps_limit=30, no_display mangohud %command%
submitted by Sidrill211 to SteamDeck [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:40 Feisty_Watercress_29 What is this error?

What is this error? It happens sometimes when I reply
submitted by Feisty_Watercress_29 to midlyinteresting [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:40 Glitter-me-silly-62 My husband got me good

Him: my grandparents should have been studied, they chain smoked and still lived to an old age
Me: I thought your grandma died in her early 80s? Maybe it did catch up to her
Him: my grandma was hit by a car
Me: 😦😦😦😦
I totally knew this about his grandma but it just slipped my mind! I felt so bad but we were laughing afterwards
submitted by Glitter-me-silly-62 to traumatizeThemBack [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:40 lunovanilla [For Hire] Character art and Illustration. (More info on the comments)

[For Hire] Character art and Illustration. (More info on the comments) submitted by lunovanilla to artstore [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:40 lateknightMI Looking for some schedule/workout feedback

Hey all, I’ve been back reading for a while and I appreciate everyone sharing their fitness journeys!
I’m getting back into the swing of things and hoped to get some input on a planned workout schedule.
By way of background, I’m a 43M, with one teenaged son, and I switched about six years ago from a more active job to a desk gig. Around that same time I was diagnosed with a cardiac condition. Happy to go into that more but suffice it to say I’m followed by cardiology and not looking for medical advice. My diagnosis limits me a little bit in that I’m not supposed to “lift heavy” though the exact definition of that for my condition depends on what paper you read. My cardiologist generally summarizes it as avoiding “poweOlympic lifting” though things like body weight squats with dumbbells are fine as is standard bench work, etc.
I was really active in sports through college in using soccer and rowing. In my 30’s I got into distance running and completed a marathon and a dozen or so half marathons. Strength training has never really been on my radar. Recently I’ve been working on a couch to 10k program to get cardio back in line and I’ve been doing 2-4 hot yoga classes a week. I peaked a 210lbs a few months ago and intermittent fasting (along with cutting way back on alcohol) with my current regimen has got me to about 195.
I’m considering getting a gym membership again and looking at something like this:
MWF Warm up, light core work, two rounds of circuit training working up to three: squat, bench, lat pull, military press, upright row, tricep push downs, leg extension, bicep curl, leg curl. Shooting for 10-12 reps per set, back to back with rest between circuits.
TThSa Cardio AM (running or possibly a spin class) Yoga in the PM
Sunday Rest, yard work, etc
My diet is pretty clean already but I do find with intermittent fasting I sometimes run short on calories. I know myself enough to know that I will struggle with food tracking but I already eat pretty high protein, low fat.
My goals are mainly longevity related but I would mind getting to sub 180.
Thanks again for all the info and thanks in advance for any advice.
submitted by lateknightMI to fitness40plus [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:40 Express-Ant691 Looking for darkdiet to dm me 8WS53VYSS

submitted by Express-Ant691 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]