Garage, die ursprünglich zu meiner Wohnung gehörte, ist an eine externe Person vermietet. Tipps?

2024.11.26 14:26 bvbsoccer Garage, die ursprünglich zu meiner Wohnung gehörte, ist an eine externe Person vermietet. Tipps?

Hi zusammen,
ich wohne seit kurzer Zeit in einem 4 Parteien-Haus, wozu 2 Garagen gehören. Eine Garage wäre ursprünglich mal für meine Wohnung gewesen, doch die Vormieter wollten diese wohl nicht mehr. Nun ist die Garage schon seit einiger Zeit an eine Person, die noch nichtmal in unserer Stadt wohnt, vermietet. Die Person ist so gut wie nie da und hat dort nur einen Oldtimer und ein Motorrad geparkt. Die Vormieter sagten, dass sie die Person auch so gut wie noch nie gesehen haben.
Die Vermieter habe ich natürlich auch schon gefragt, also ich meinen Mietvertrag unterschrieben habe, ob ich evtl. eine Chance auf die Garage hätte, aber sie sagten, dass sie das leider nicht machen können, den aktuellen Mieter dort rauszuschmeißen.
Habt ihr irgendwie eine Idee, ob ich da irgendwie drauf bestehen kann oder so?
Ist ja auch irgendwie total dumm. Die Person ist nie da und ich muss mir teilweise einige Minuten lang irgendwo einen Parkplatz suchen. Mir würde ja schon reichen, einfach vor der Garage parken zu können, aber das ist wohl auch nicht erlaubt. Die Daten von dem aktuellen Mieter rückt man mir auch nicht raus, sonst hätte ich ihn mal kontaktiert.
submitted by bvbsoccer to Ratschlag [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:26 gigligugu Erstes Auto kaufen und keine Ahnung haben

Hallo liebe Community,
endlich kann ich mir mal ein eigenes Auto leisten. Leider habe ich jedoch wenig bis keine Ahnung von dem Markt. Ich verlasse mich mehr oder weniger auf mein Bauchgefühl und Halbwissen aus dem Internet.
Prinzipiell bin ich auf der Suche nach einem zuverlässigen Kombi für die nächsten 5 Jahre.
Ein Favorit ist bisher der unten gezeigte Audi A3. Ich habe etwas bauchschmerzen wegen der laufleistung. Der Händler meinte mit dem Diesel sollte man locker bis 300.000 km kommen. Was sagt ihr dazu?
Dieses Angebot habe ich bei AutoScout24 gefunden.
Kilometerstand: 127.892 km Erstzulassung: 05/2020 Preis: € 20.880
Vielen Dank für ihre Hilfe!
submitted by gigligugu to automobil [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:26 CollectorCash0out welp here we go again. Clicks for clciks! I will be clicking on every link (may not be able to comment srry!)

submitted by CollectorCash0out to PKMNTikTokDeals [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:26 melatonynph Aquaductos de Segovia en España

Aquaductos de Segovia en España Un lugar increíble
submitted by melatonynph to Fotos_Espanol [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:26 d-battaglia Am I the only one?

I recognize I may be alone on this but does anyone else genuinely not care and haven’t cared at all about the storyline? Like the survival aspect of the show is what was intriguing and got people into it in the first place? The adult scenes almost always feel like filler and I almost roll my eyes at a lot of it due to simply not caring.
submitted by d-battaglia to Yellowjackets [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:26 seontonppa What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by seontonppa to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:26 Valtiel_DBD I would like to offer up Velahtiel for anyone to draw her in ANY outfit they want! Doesn't matter how serious, plain, goofy, sexy or whatever. Just have fun with this 8'4ft tall, muscular, angry Aussie woman!

I would like to offer up Velahtiel for anyone to draw her in ANY outfit they want! Doesn't matter how serious, plain, goofy, sexy or whatever. Just have fun with this 8'4ft tall, muscular, angry Aussie woman! submitted by Valtiel_DBD to ArtRequest [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:26 Crose-_- Are these warts?

Are these warts? The bigger one and some small ones around it
submitted by Crose-_- to Warts [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:26 Orcinus-OrcaSWSA Recalls are scaring me away from getting the Telluride

I love everything about this car, but the very serious recalls that have happened are making me really nervous.
Is this car reliable?
submitted by Orcinus-OrcaSWSA to KiaTelluride [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:26 shock789- Parkdepot conseguenze

Ciao a tutti, Ho letto di altri post qui su Reddit relativi allo stesso problema, ma nessuno ha scritto effettivamente cosa sia successo dopo aver ricevuto la “violazione ai termini contrattuali”. Ho ricevuto tramite posta ordinaria un avviso di violazione dei temini contrattuali da parte di Parkdepot, azienda privata, dopo aver parcheggiato l’auto al Carrefour (Milano). Il punto é che all’entrata sono presenti sbarre non funzionanti perché a detta dei lavorati del Carrefour “ogni volta che le mettiamo funzionanti, ce le tirano giù”, perciò quando sono entrata non ho potuto ritirare nessun biglietto che attestasse l’orario effettivo della mia entrata. Ho fatto la mia spesa e poi ho incontrato una amica (sempre all’interno del supermercato) con cui mi sono fermata a parlare per un po’ di tempo. Dopodiché sono uscita e sono tornata alle mie attività. Dopo circa un mese, ricevo questa lettera con richiesta di pagamento entro una settimana della cifra di €40 per violazioni contrattuali rilevate tramite le loro telecamere private, perciò non omologate. Io all’inizio, credevo fosse una truffa poiché sulla lettera é presente un qr code per il solo pagamento online, follia. Il punto é che io non ho nulla che effettivamente possa stabilire l’orario di entrata nel parcheggio, essendoci le sbarre rotte e nessun ticket con l’orario di ingresso e di uscita, perciò dovrei pagare sulla base di queste fantomatiche foto della mia targa che loro hanno grazie a queste loro telecamere private. Ma la loro richiesta é lecita ? Per far rispettare un regolamento su un parcheggio, quest’ultimo non dovrebbe come minimo funzionare nel modo corretto con la presenza di sbarre e ticket che indicano esattamente l’orario di ingresso? Se avessi potuto verificare l’orario, non sarei potuta uscire e sarei stata costretta a pagare le ore eccedenti, ma questo non mi é stato possibile. Inoltre non c’è traccia di questo contratto o delle foto della mia targa. Mi sembra che questa azienda vada avanti solo grazie alle persone che pagano senza fare domande, e onestamente vista la situazione economica in cui ci troviamo non mi va di continuare a farmi andare bene tutte le richieste assurde a cui i cittadini vengono sottoposti, sopratutto in questo caso in cui la richiesta di denaro da parte loro sembra più illecita che altro. Ma qualcuno che non ha pagato, a cosa é andato incontro? Inoltre, mi conviene rispondere, oppure essendo stata mandata con posta ordinaria fare finta di non aver ricevuto nulla (cosa che poteva succedere, siccome la busta non é stata lasciata nella mia casella ma all’ingresso del condominio, quasi buttata lì) Per favore date la vostra preziosa opinione, molti qui hanno sempre qualcosa di intelligente e estremamente utile da dire rispetto ad altre piattaforme 🙏
submitted by shock789- to Avvocati [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:26 MobileNewsBot Can’t get Daily Board to work on your Samsung TV? Try this

Can’t get Daily Board to work on your Samsung TV? Try this submitted by MobileNewsBot to mobiles [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:26 Ornery-Honeydewer It’s Painfully Obvious Why Trump is Ignoring the Law and Refusing to Sign Transition of Power Forms

submitted by Ornery-Honeydewer to Trumpvirus [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:26 ThunderBuckets73 A Young Professor? (LOL)

A Young Professor? (LOL) submitted by ThunderBuckets73 to rush [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:26 Unfair_Woodpecker568 Satin pillowcases

حد عارف اجيب اكياس مخدة ستان منين بكواليتي كويسة؟ او ايه انواع المحلات الي بتبيعها والمفروض سعرهم يكون كام؟
انا شوفت على امازون كان الوحدة فوق ال100 بشوية السعر دا معقول اطلبها ولا مبالغ فيه؟
submitted by Unfair_Woodpecker568 to askegypt [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:26 Sad_Tax847 Is Human Biology less chem and math based than a straight Biology major?

I'm currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology with plans to apply to medical school. However, I'm considering shifting my focus to avoid the big downside of student debt in conjunction with the extra 4-5 years of studying that will entail with med school. Instead, I’m thinking about transitioning to a biology degree, as it seems to offer broader career opportunities with the major alone. Curious on Human Bio specifically in believing that it might be the most simular to kinesiology (BSC) not (BA) If anyone could give me advice on this let me know.
submitted by Sad_Tax847 to UofT [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:26 UltimateCapybara123 Which ship do you think is better?

View Poll
submitted by UltimateCapybara123 to UndertaleYellow [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:26 Disastirous_Runn Endless field

Endless field submitted by Disastirous_Runn to LiminalSpace [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:26 Any-Faithlessness267 Lake of pintrest impressions

I had better impression lavel in my pintrest account. But theses days I have noticed, getting low impressions. Anyone know resone?
submitted by Any-Faithlessness267 to AestheticLifePhotos [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:26 TheOdhracle Disco is Dead, Long Live Disco (Part 1) - a newsletter recommending some nu-disco, boogie and funk records from this year.

Disco is Dead, Long Live Disco (Part 1) - a newsletter recommending some nu-disco, boogie and funk records from this year. submitted by TheOdhracle to NuDisco [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:26 TerryG111 But what do we need here in New England?

Not only do we need to rebuild everything, we need to tear everything down and completely change the culture here or at least get back to what was the standard here and that is winning damn it
By this I mean:

submitted by TerryG111 to Patriots [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:26 Dense_Application221 Is this a real Casio? I feel like I may be scammed.

Is this a real Casio? I feel like I may be scammed. submitted by Dense_Application221 to casio [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:26 Educational_Towel713 Fisch angler question

Do get my fish back if i give it to the angler in fisch roblox?
submitted by Educational_Towel713 to FischRoblox [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:26 ToujoursFidele3 Special thanks to r/lego for convincing me to get this one while I still had the chance!

Special thanks to lego for convincing me to get this one while I still had the chance! submitted by ToujoursFidele3 to lego [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:26 Zentarah My 200 diamonds 😱😭 what a scam! Not only 1 I wore 2 items from collection.

My 200 diamonds 😱😭 what a scam! Not only 1 I wore 2 items from collection. submitted by Zentarah to pocketstyler [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:26 Aloy2222 Is it worth starting playing now? As seeing clorinde has made me wanna download and try it out

submitted by Aloy2222 to Genshin_Impact [link] [comments]