How To Fix Half Sword Black Screen Issue or Error On PC | #halfsword

2024.11.26 15:20 maxfield034 How To Fix Half Sword Black Screen Issue or Error On PC | #halfsword

How To Fix Half Sword Black Screen Issue or Error On PC | #halfsword submitted by maxfield034 to AndroidDataRecovery1 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:20 Bubbly_Ad_250 the gift with the awesome message I received from a lovely coworker

the gift with the awesome message I received from a lovely coworker submitted by Bubbly_Ad_250 to FuckNestle [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:20 Consistent-Beat-84 Tacitus Aurelius, The Volkihar Bloodmage.

Tacitus Aurelius, The Volkihar Bloodmage. submitted by Consistent-Beat-84 to SkyrimCharacters [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:20 TomaruHen Should I spend my mythic essence now or should I wait?

Basically the title. I have been saving mythic essence and with the new changes I am confused about what will happen to the mythic shop. Will it disappear? Will it continue to exist? If the former, I should just spend my me to get a skin like ashen knight pyke. If the latter, I should hold on to them till duality dragon voli comes back.
submitted by TomaruHen to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:20 pickanameidontwantto Fun puzzle!

Fun puzzle! Y'all, we've all had that moment. A cocktail that simply rocked your damn world. You get the recipe from the 'tender (and leave a juicy tip), and you're super proud of yourself for thinking to do it.
I had one of those moments a few weeks ago. I can't have dairy since around turning 30 so I've lost many "creamy" textures in my life, and this Foam Magic-based bad boy touched me in a way I haven't been touched in years. It touched me so good I forgot who I was and had 4, and then proceeded to forget most of the rest of the night 😅
Attaching a picture of my notes. I got all of the ingredients, including both Giffard and Fugit Banane, and bought an iSi whipper.
  1. I've never used Foam Magic - any idea how much "2 scoops" should be?
  2. I'm guessing 0.5oz of the Banane liquor?
Any other tips as I dive in? I've made a decent number of cocktails but I'm a little over my head with this one but I will figure it out!!
Happy Thanksgiving!!
submitted by pickanameidontwantto to cocktails [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:20 Sven-Ost 💸 Recognize the role that financial stability and independence play in a man's sense of self and ability to provide for his loved ones. Develop a healthy relationship with money, using it as a tool to support your goals and values, while also maintaining a balanced perspective on its true..

💸 Recognize the role that financial stability and independence play in a man's sense of self and ability to provide for his loved ones. Develop a healthy relationship with money, using it as a tool to support your goals and values, while also maintaining a balanced perspective on its true.. submitted by Sven-Ost to MotivationLifeQuotes [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:20 hyprgehrn Desconfie de tudo e de todos, mas nunca demonstre desconfiança

"Todos odeiam saber que é desconfiado e não acredita em ninguém.Mas,cuidado,pois existe muito engano. Multiplique seu receio sem que ele apareça"
"Busque não dar a entender ao outro que não lhe acredita, já que é descortesia, pois pensará que o considera enganador ou enganado. Se der a entender que não acredita, podem considera-lo mentiroso, pois parte da natureza daquele que mente é não acreditar em ninguém, nem ninguém nele acreditar"
Baltazar Gracián- Livro A arte da sabedoria
Transparecer desconfiança é uma ação que só tem pontos negativos para quem a pratica. No pior dos casos, ela coloca tudo a perder, e no melhor deles, a pessoa só não ganha nada. Uma abordagem universal para adotar no trabalho, relacionamento e outras relações interpessoais é sempre ser desconfiado, mas esconder isso a todo custo.

  1. Mostrar incredulidade é desrespeitoso, principalmente se o outro é honesto.
  2. Demonstrar que desconfia de tudo e de todos coloca seu próprio caráter em dúvida. Existe a ideia de quem é desconfiado está se projetando nos outros, logo ele acha que todo mundo é traiçoeiro que nem ele.
  3. Ironicamente, mostrar aos outros que você é uma pessoa desconfiada aumenta suas chances de ser enganado. Porque quem realmente ter intenção de te enganar, vai saber que precisa usar mentiras e artifícios mais bem elaborados. E se os enganadores se esforçam mais, a tendência é que eles consigam te enganar. As operações mais bem sucedidas da polícia são aquelas feitas na calada da noite, sem a população ou mídia saberem. Eles não falam abertamente que estão investigando algo, muito pelo contrário: dão a impressão que não sabem de nada, pra deixar o criminoso tranquilo para ser pego no ato.
Agora aplicando isso no contexto de relacionamentos:
Eu vejo relatos aqui de pessoas que vivem perguntando ao parceiro com quantas pessoas ele ou ela já ficou, interrogando constantemente sobre onde ela está ou oque fez no outro dia. Sendo que essas perguntas acabam sendo sem sentido, porque a outra pessoa pode responder essas perguntas como ela quiser, e considerando que você não tem bola de cristal, e não colocou rastreador no celular dela, você terá que aceitar oque ela falar. Quando você não pode verificar se a resposta para uma pergunta é verdadeira, fazer essa pergunta para começo de conversa não tem sentido.
Mostrar que você é ciumento e desconfiado acaba sendo uma demonstração de insegurança e inferioridade, além de colocar o seu próprio caráter sobre dúvidas. Por isso, fica aqui esse conselho: sejam desconfiados, mas não deixem que descubram isso.
submitted by hyprgehrn to relacionamentos [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:20 D3v1LGaming Which ending do you think will be canon?

We know that the game will have DLC but because the game has 4 endings and we do not know which will be canon.

  1. Skif ending: In this, we bascially spread the Zone to the whole world,
  2. Scar ending: The entire zone get zombified.
  3. Ward ending: From the look of it The corp take control of the zone for "the good of mankind" but we all know they will exploit the shit out of it for their own benefit.
  4. Strelok ending: Monolith 2.0
Which do you think will be the canon ending? Will the DLC be a continuation or we going to play 1 of the few important NPC like Korshunov, Richter or Scar?
submitted by D3v1LGaming to stalker [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:20 Own-Philosopher7689 I want to be good at singing more than anything

I want to be good at singing more than anything but have a hard time picturing myself getting better than I am now. For context I have no background in theatre, choir, etc. but have always loved performing, dancing, and singing. I want to try out for my town's musical company but don't feel I'm good enough. I practice everyday and am actually enrolled in vocal lessons but I don't feel as if I've been progressing inside or outside of the practice room. I'm not an awful singer, but I'm extremely average, maybe slightly above average on a good day- which feels few and far between. I'm mostly posting this to see if anyone else had/has felt like this and how they go about trying to improve or how they finally improved if they see that difference. No one in my real life gets what I'm talking about when I say this is a very real very strong passion of mine but it's hard when I feel so mediocre about it. Thanks!
submitted by Own-Philosopher7689 to singing [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:20 Positive_Ad_1293 Hugging Firefly from behind

Hugging Firefly from behind submitted by Positive_Ad_1293 to StelleMains [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:20 YourShizuka Appreciation post to u/Notyourcupofchaai

Had the experience of buying from u/Notyourcupofchaai and it was seamless! She gave me timely updates and was kind through the process. Thanks a lot for the freebie!! The lipstick is just perfect!
submitted by YourShizuka to IndianBeautyDeclutter [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:20 -baksuz- finished this kitty today and figured it fits the holiday spirit 🐱🍗 should i add anything to the mewnu? 😸

finished this kitty today and figured it fits the holiday spirit 🐱🍗 should i add anything to the mewnu? 😸 submitted by -baksuz- to cat [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:20 ChurubuscoSalteado [For hire] Social Media Marketing for Small Business Owners - $100/month

I'm a freelancer offering Social Media Marketing services for just $100/month!

DM me for more details and to get started!
submitted by ChurubuscoSalteado to jobbit [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:20 Wayuuuuu [USA-NY] [H]

Iam looking for rtx 4070 ti super whoever have please coment belom or pm me
submitted by Wayuuuuu to hardwareswap [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:20 MindCapalot Farmed dokkans global and jp 5-9k+ stones for sale, rank 1 glbs with 2-4K+ stones on them(no units just stones aka 98% fresh) , I can provide accs with units you want on them that are either out or not anymore, I can farm your accs(medals, rank, link levels anything) For cheap dm if interested $5

submitted by MindCapalot to DokkanBattleTrades [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:20 TheWiesle Grohe Blue | Wasserhahn vergolden möglich?

Hallo Handwerkerkollegen,
wir sanieren gerade unser Haus und stehen im Punkt "Küchenplanung".
Alles soweit geregelt, ein MUSS ist ein Sprudelhahn - ein anderes MUSS wäre, dass dieser Gold ist (dieses MUSS kommt von meiner besseren Hälfte).
Der einzige Sprudelhahn ab Werk ist der Quooker - und die lassen sich die Farbe Gold mit 995€ exra bezahlen (!!!).
Da wir eigentlich kein warmes/kochendes Wasser direkt aus dem Hahn benötigen, wären wir auch mit dem Grohe Blue Professional zufrieden (kostet ja auch schon etwas).
Ist es möglich diesen zu vergolden? Evtl. durch Galvanisieren oder ähnliches? Oder wird das "Innenleben" des Hahns dadurch zerstört?
Bin für jeglichen Input diesbezüglich dankbar.
submitted by TheWiesle to Handwerker [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:20 Phantom_user_ November

November submitted by Phantom_user_ to Pamela_Longoria [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:20 Sean480 [WTS] Geissele 30mm 1.54” Scope Mounts Black + FDE

Additional photos:
Brand new Geissele Super Precision SOCOM 1.54” 30mm 0MOA LPVO / scope mount in FDE. Part #: 05-329. Price is $260 shipped.
Same exact thing in black is very lightly used, still in excellent condition. $230 shipped.
PayPal G&S only due to flair. Comment then PM please.
submitted by Sean480 to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:20 The-Great-Memelord Ma Meilleure Ennemie 🤝 I Really Wanna Stay At Your House

submitted by The-Great-Memelord to Edgerunners [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:20 ericlancheres The Strong Draft in Formula Vee

I love iRacing and have been spending many hours in the vee recently. However, one issue that has been particularly frustrating is the seemingly unrealistic drafting effect in the vee.
In a race, a trailing car up to 1.2 seconds behind can rapidly catch up to the leading car, regardless of the skill or pace difference between the drivers. I feel that this not only diminishes the competitive integrity of races but also leads to unnecessary collisions with less experienced drivers who can latch onto faster drivers solely due to the exaggerated drafting effect.
Because I wanted to make sure I was being reasonable, I went down the rabbit hole, modeling and calculating realistic drafting effects… and then comparing it with iRacing.
(I figured that if I could show that the current drafting in iRacing's Formula Vee may not align with real-world physics, I'd have a better argument on my hands rather than being just some guy screaming 'draft too strong!' I have been hearing complaints about the draft non-stop in the voice comms while we're on Laguna however I wanted to back it up with some numbers.)
Here's what I considered:

  1. Distance Between Cars: The closer the trailing car is to the lead car, the stronger the drafting effect.
  2. Speed of the Cars: Aerodynamic drag increases with the square of velocity, making drafting more significant at higher speeds.
  3. Aerodynamic Profiles: The shape and size of the cars influence air flow and the effectiveness of drafting. Because I don't know the exact profile for the vee, I made assumptions.
  4. Alignment: Directly following behind maximizes the drafting benefit. I assumed that it would be a straight draft.
Using a mathematical model that represents how drafting diminishes with distance.
The aerodynamic drag force (Fd) acting on a car is given by:
Fd = (1/2) * ρ * Cd * A * v^2
Fd = Aerodynamic drag force ρ (rho) = Air density (approximately 1.225 kg/m³ at sea level) Cd = Drag coefficient (dimensionless) A = Frontal area of the car (in m²) v = Velocity of the car relative to the air (in m/s) 
What happens on a long straight?
And if we were to look at different scenarios, for example, you're leading a race. A trailing car is 1.2 seconds behind and both cars are traveling at 150 km/h (which is 41.67 m/s).
Calculating the Distance (d): d = v * time = 41.67 m/s * 1.2 s = 50 meters Computing f(50): f(50) = 1 - [0.30 / e^(0.358 * 50)] = 1 - [0.30 / e^17.9] ≈ 1 - [0.30 / (6.04 x 10^7)] ≈ 1 - (4.97 x 10^-9) ≈ 1 - 0.00000000497 ≈ 0.999999995 
That's 0.0000005% drag force reduction if we're 1.2 seconds behind a car like the vee going at 150km/h! (This is my main gripe… for example if you're 0.9 seconds ahead of someone on the uphill section of Laguna Seca, by the time you finish the climb, the car behind you will have caught up. That's crazy!)
So what about different distances?
Well I'll spare you the math however assuming the 150km/h speed, realistic drag reduction values would be:
0 meters (0 sec): Approximately 30% drag reduction 1 meter (0.024 sec): Approximately 21% drag reduction 2 meters (0.048 sec): Approximately 14.66% drag reduction 5 meters (0.12 sec): Approximately 5% drag reduction 10 meters (0.24 sec): Approximately 0.835% drag reduction
(While we don't the exact figures in iRacing uses, I know that is significantly stronger than this. There's a huge draft reduction up to 1.2 seconds.)
What I'd like to see:
Possibly reducing the maximum possible drag reduction for the vees and/or making the drafting effect diminish more quickly with distance would help to solve this and bring it closer to reality.
  1. While I understand that you might want to artificially increase the draft in the Vees to make for closer racing, in my opinion, it's significantly overestimating the drafting effect at larger distances. In fact, I believe the current draft system increases collisions because less experience drivers may not handle the sudden speed gains appropriately which are more likely to result in poor overtakes attempts.
  2. Right now I feel as if there's no real incentive to master the vees as the draft allows slow drivers to keep up with faster drivers without matching their skill level. While this might not be an issue when there are several seconds difference, this is especially apparent at the higher level when the margins get smaller. When the difference between the top drivers is less than 0.5 seconds per lap, this essentially reduces the driving skill gap and muddies the waters when it comes to racing. It's not really about "who's fastest" and becomes more about "who survives the race".
I have been really frustrated with the current exaggerated drafting in the Vees and would love to see it adjusted to more realistic values.
submitted by ericlancheres to iRacing [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:20 CantoneseCook_Jun [homemade] Stir-Fried Saltwater Shrimp with Chinese Parsley!I think Chinese celery and shrimp go really well together. These small red shrimp are quite special, The color when cooked is very similar to when it's raw. and people in eastern Guangdong like to use them for marinated raw dishes.

[homemade] Stir-Fried Saltwater Shrimp with Chinese Parsley!I think Chinese celery and shrimp go really well together. These small red shrimp are quite special, The color when cooked is very similar to when it's raw. and people in eastern Guangdong like to use them for marinated raw dishes. submitted by CantoneseCook_Jun to food [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:20 AstronomerStrange165 Pretty accurate…

I am a computer person. I just looked at it because I got a notification.
submitted by AstronomerStrange165 to recap [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:20 Psychic-Fox Help identifying this manuscript page?

Help identifying this manuscript page? I picked this up at an antique shop in Turkey some years ago. I wondered if anyone can provide any information about it. I’ve asked Arabic speaking friends and they haven’t been able to translate it. Thanks
submitted by Psychic-Fox to Antiques [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:20 Square-Movie7006 Christina and Jeremy

Did anyone else want to cry when Jeremy gave her a big hug?! That was so sweet. Also, Snoops team just loves eachother. When Jeremy moved on, he went down the line and gave a hug to each team member. I love that.
submitted by Square-Movie7006 to thevoice [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:20 cg12356 Opinions on the new ticket options?

Sorry if this has been posted before, I was just curious to see everyone’s reactions to the new ticket options. I personally am excited for good life meadow definitely am gonna try to get those tickets.
submitted by cg12356 to ElectricForest [link] [comments]