2024.11.26 15:20 Any-Literature5546 What's the deal with Gene-Seed?
There are allegedly 19 organs but that doesn't take into account the canis Helix or the butchers nails. So is there 20 for each chapter? I know Primaris is an additional 3, but I'm trying to come up with a successor chapter to the Ultramarines and as far as I can tell they don't have a flaw so maybe they just have 19 not a faulty 20th one like the rest.
submitted by Any-Literature5546 to 40kLore [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 15:20 henlo-stinky What is the angbao etiquette for destination weddings?
Since its wedding season, wanted to get a sense of what the angbao etiquette is like for destination weddings.
It’s fairly standard that guests pay for flights and oftentimes accommodation as well to celebrate the couple - would you still give an angbao if made to incur these expenses? How do you determine how much?
If the couple (or their family) covers accommodation, do you give an angbao of a similar value to ‘save face’?
submitted by henlo-stinky to askSingapore [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 15:20 yanmmyfe Help with Valibot and Type Route Handlers
I'm trying to make this pattern work with valibot, but I'm way off the mark. The end goal is to have the request fully typed.
type SchemaType = { query?: v.ObjectSchema< v.ObjectEntries, v.ErrorMessage | undefined >; params?: v.ObjectSchema< v.ObjectEntries, v.ErrorMessage | undefined >; body?: v.ObjectSchema< v.ObjectEntries, v.ErrorMessage | undefined >; headers?: v.ObjectSchema< v.ObjectEntries, v.ErrorMessage | undefined >; }; export const register: { schema: SchemaType; handler: RequestHandler; // Optional, or adjust if required } = { schema: { body: v.object({ email: v.pipe(v.string(), v.trim(), v.toLowerCase(), v.email()), firstName: v.pipe( v.string(), v.trim(), v.regex(new RegExp(REG_EXPS.NAME.pattern, REG_EXPS.NAME.message)), ), lastName: v.pipe( v.string(), v.trim(), v.regex(new RegExp(REG_EXPS.NAME.pattern)), ), mobile: v.pipe( v.string(), v.trim(), v.regex( new RegExp(REG_EXPS.MOBILE_NUM.pattern, REG_EXPS.MOBILE_NUM.message), ), ), password: v.pipe( v.string(), v.trim(), v.minLength(8), v.regex( new RegExp(REG_EXPS.PASSWORD.pattern, REG_EXPS.MOBILE_NUM.message), ), ), }), }, handler(req, res) { const s = v.parse(this.schema.body!, req.body); }, };
submitted by yanmmyfe to typescript [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 15:20 NewsEmbarrassed7713 They’ve cursed us with this wretched avatar
submitted by NewsEmbarrassed7713 to MonsterLegends [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 15:20 Tuggie355 8 weeks a long wait for trades program boots?
Ordered my trades program almost 8 weeks ago still in que for production. I've seen post saying if you ordered certain boots now, you'll get them by Christmas.
submitted by Tuggie355 to NicksHandmadeBoots [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 15:20 Altruistic_Elk3384 WIP On The Workbench: Monogram 1/48 VF-114 F-4J
Progress on one of the 4 builds currently on the workbench. Here - Monogram’s classic 1/r8 F-4J that came boxed in VF-96 livery. Building this OOBas much as possible save the decals for the VF-114 decals from CAM. Alas, since the cockpit is their F-4D version, had to clean that up and use Eduards 3D printed decals in the modified cockpit. Also using Reskit;s AIM-7E and AIM-9D because the kit missiles were…yuk. Tried a different panel shading technique using a sponge instead of airbrushing. Current status - color coat finished (AK Real Colors and Model Master paints) and first dry fit post-paint of elevons, etc. Landing gear, weaps pylons and centerline tank still to go. submitted by Altruistic_Elk3384 to Scalemodel [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 15:20 _discosonic_ Aktiviranje preduzetničke paušalne firme iz radnog odnosa
Pozdrav svima. Hteo bih da 'odledim' firmu kao preduzetnik paušalac ali sam u međuvremenu stupio u radni odnos kod drugog poslodavca pa me zanima da li sam dobro shvatio da ću biti u obavezi plaćati porez od 20% i socijalno osiguranje? Da li neko ima iskustvo iz 2024. godine. Hvala!
submitted by _discosonic_ to pravnisaveti [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 15:20 Icy_Necessary1455 Looking for gifts
Hi everyone, Unfortunately a few months ago I lost my phone together with my save data and had to start over. I was wondering if anyone has gifts from any Halloween themed collections, Sanrio gifts or any fortune cookie gifts they’d be willing to give away so I can make up for lost time. I’d be happy to pay you back in those friend gift pillows. My ID is 82817704346. Thanks ❤️ submitted by Icy_Necessary1455 to ACPocketCamp [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 15:20 OccamsNametag My favorite type of gloves, and the old pair a few months old
submitted by OccamsNametag to Wellworn [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 15:20 Dapieday How’d I do?
submitted by Dapieday to infiniti [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 15:20 Emfaroz i mean, can you blame me?
submitted by Emfaroz to okbuddyzomboss [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 15:20 wolf8097 $40 per hour contractor role is how much after taxes?
I googled this but can't find any clear answers. I know that contractors/freelancers have to pay their own taxes as opposed to a regular job that deducts it automatically from paycheck.
How much would it be per month after taxes? it would be $40 per hour and 40 hour workweek
submitted by wolf8097 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 15:20 Flushing7890 Tesla referral code up to $2000 off - Tesla offer Inventory discount up to $5000 off plus 3 free months FSD and supercharging
Save up to $2000 on a Tesla referral https://www.tesla.com/referral/linchee633159 Tesla offer Inventory discount up to $5000 off plus free 3 months FSD and supercharging between November 14, 2024 and December 31, 2024.
submitted by Flushing7890 to TeslaReferralsCode [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 15:20 Holly-Sauce State 2126
submitted by Holly-Sauce to WoSStateReviews [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 15:20 maitruclam Turkey Lives Matter
Turkeys have the right to live too, be vegetarian or starve ()> #shakkerai https://preview.redd.it/qfysx06cj93e1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=4b120b8ed51a5660cf56f3a2c82eb8c1e665997f https://preview.redd.it/rrrkg47oj93e1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=864ea348aa7241b3fa0d9d15d44c2d25460c0623 submitted by maitruclam to ShakkerAIOfficial [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 15:20 pigeon008 Tenable IDs
In tenable sc , is scan results id the same as scan ID? trying to use this with an api call and was wondering if they are the same?
submitted by pigeon008 to tenable [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 15:20 seteink Ajuda com processador
Olá amigos eu estou montando um pc recentemente i estou em duvida em qual processador coloco ele está com as seguintes configurações:
Placa mãe: tuf gaming a520m plus II
Fonte: MSI Mag 650w
Memórias ram: corsair vengeance 32gb (4 pentes de 8gb)
Ssd nvme 1tb
Water cooler rise mode 240mm
Placa de vídeo: RX 4060ti
A princípio eu ia colocar um ryzen 5 5600gt mas vi pessoas colocando ryzen 7 5700, compensa pegar algum com gráfico integrado ou vai pra um sem gráfico mesmo mais simples pra economizar um pouco, até mesmo um ryzen 5 5500, sei la kkk me ajudem ai
submitted by seteink to computadores [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 15:20 Claija79 [Vitiello] Luka Jović underwent surgery to reinforce his left inguinal canal today in Belgrade. The estimated recovery time is four weeks.
submitted by Claija79 to ACMilan [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 15:20 Similar_Scheme8766 Speed wheel not working properly?
The speed wheel on my new Bauer palm sander only starts to work at like numbers 3-4 out of 6 I think. Point is it won’t start at the lower numbers on the gauge. Anyone else notice this or did I get a defunct product? submitted by Similar_Scheme8766 to harborfreight [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 15:20 orangesr4u Who prefers fake titties, who’s your favourite
submitted by orangesr4u to LadyboysOfAsia [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 15:20 LemanRussVI Meet Maverick
submitted by LemanRussVI to TuxedoCats [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 15:20 Energysalesguy New car buying process. Deposit taken. Agreements signed but didn't get anything via email except payment links.
Hi, I paid the deposit and signed somewhere on tablets but haven't received any paperwork that I was told will be emailed.
All i got is payment links. Should I pay or wait to see the order form.
What could go wrong?
submitted by Energysalesguy to CarTalkUK [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 15:20 PixelPips *Laughs in 4k*
submitted by PixelPips to Ubiquiti [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 15:20 Extra_Scheme_4044 Research participants needed! (Open to swap)
Hi guys!
I am conducting a study on the Relationships between Parental expectations, Emotional regulation strategies and Self-esteem.
Anyone 18+, who currently has at least one caregiver (e.g., mothefather), can participate.("caregiver" in this context refers to any individual in a parental role)
It’s completely anonymous and voluntary, but I’d really appreciate it! Thank you in advance!🫶
submitted by Extra_Scheme_4044 to SurveyZone [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 15:20 ExtremeCat27 Looking for friends / social group
33m I’m moving back to Winston (grew up here) after a long term breakup recently (tough) and don’t have any friends in the area. Looking to find some cool people to hangout with and meet. I’m an introvert introvert and don’t drink but like nerdy things, working out, drawing, video games, tinkering, hiking, and chilling.
submitted by ExtremeCat27 to winstonsalem [link] [comments]