2024.11.26 16:39 districtpeach Best playgrounds for a 7 year old?
Is wacky world at Wills Park still open for now? Looking for a fun playground for my step kid in town for the week.
Any other good spots to consider?
submitted by districtpeach to alpharetta [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 16:39 WillCRNA I think I just won the Costco lottery
submitted by WillCRNA to whiskey [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 16:39 Corey_lee_xoxo Looking for full carry because I only have 1 gold left ro complete the album. I have two 5 stars i can offer or I can send however many stars you want
submitted by Corey_lee_xoxo to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 16:39 AutoNewspaperAdmin [National] - KHOU 11 Houston is doing away with one of its newscasts | Houston Chronicle
submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 16:39 AdvertisingHopeful53 O Ritual Misterioso
Nunca fui de acreditar muito nessas coisas de superstição ou presságios, mas existe uma história na minha família que sempre me deixou arrepiada. Achei que seria interessante compartilhar aqui, para ver se alguém já ouviu algo semelhante. Essa história envolve meu bisavô, um homem simples que morava no interior do Nordeste e que tinha um ritual bastante peculiar
Durante as festas de aniversário dele, especialmente quando a data coincidia com noites de lua cheia, ele realizava algo que todos da família consideravam estranho. Meu bisavô pegava uma bacia de água, cuidadosamente a enchia e a colocava sob a luz da lua. O ritual era sempre silencioso, quase soleno, como se ele estivesse em um momento de profunda introspecção. Ele observou o próprio reflexo na água e, após alguns instantes, disse a mesma frase: "No dia em que eu não me ver mais aqui, é porque no próximo
Isso aconteceu por muitos anos, e toda vez que ele repetia o ritual, os familiares ao redor ficavam em silêncio, sem questionar. Era como se todos sentissem que aquilo carregava algum significado misterioso, mas ninguém ousava falar sobre isso. Para o meu bisavô, aquele momento parecia ser sagrado, algo que ia além de uma simples superstição. Era como se ele tivesse uma conexão direta com a lua e o que ela pudesse revelar
Até que, um dia, algo diferente aconteceu. Durante seu aniversário, ele fez o mesmo ritual, mas dessa vez, ao olhar para a água, meu bisavô não conseguiu ver o próprio reflexo. Ele ficou por alguns minutos, contemplando a bacia vazia, sem dizer nada. Depois, virou-se para meu bisavó e, com uma tranquilidade perturbadora, falou: "Se prepara, porque eu vou partir." Ninguém entendeu muito bem o que ele quis dizer naquele momento, mas cinco dias depois, ele faleceu dormindo, sereno, como se já soubesse que era sua hora.
Essa história sempre circula na minha família como um mistério que nunca foi completamente explicado. Mesmo eu, que nunca fui de acreditar em presságios ou coisas assim, não consigo me deixar arrepiar quando ouço alguém falar sobre isso. Minha família jura que é verdade, e eu sempre fico pensando: será que era apenas um incidente ou havia algo mais profundo envolvido?
Fonte: Um amigo meu me contou a história do seu familiar.
Todos os meus relatórios são realmente reais. Documento essas histórias reais em vídeo e as edito. Para quem tem curiosidade e prefere algo visual, fique à vontade para conferir o conteúdo: https: //youtu.be/5hnBPH6Zx04
submitted by AdvertisingHopeful53 to Forum_Sobrenatural [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 16:39 Latter-Subject-3679 100k hit in my a6 audi 3.0T Quatro
submitted by Latter-Subject-3679 to Audi [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 16:39 Fmcd123 Was this a win?
submitted by Fmcd123 to FiveNightsTD [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 16:39 thegobbleghoul If I could!!!!!
Local Chilis reviews had me dying. After the recent episode, I knew these needed to be shared here. submitted by thegobbleghoul to yourstupidopinions [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 16:39 AfterManufacturer150 Quick opinion
If I don’t go to dispo today, won’t be able to go till tomorrow evening. Is it likely to get better deals tomorrow?
submitted by AfterManufacturer150 to PaMedicalMarijuana [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 16:39 ApeFightShills 💰
submitted by ApeFightShills to Superstonk [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 16:39 Manzaka_ The only thing the hero hall does is make upgrading hero’s longer btw
Wanna start upgrading your hero’s after getting to a new th? 12 day cool down Getting a new hero? 9 days build time Hero’s are already a huge time suck and they just made it longer and for what? No advantage was given with the hero hall. I get it it’ll make sense in the long run but at that point just shrink the alters to 2x2 it functions the exact same submitted by Manzaka_ to ClashOfClans [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 16:39 Diamon_Arga Hot day
submitted by Diamon_Arga to touhou [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 16:39 MelonBalls1 #2☆Sumi- The Quirkless Villian
Been a hot minute since I posted my bad- :)
But here's Sumi-The Quirkless Villain,2nd in command of the BigTopCircus.
Born with no quirk,Sumi was content with the thought of living a calm,normal life. However, Sumi's hero crazed mother didn't want to live that kind of boring life for herself.Through connections,Sumi's mother found a way to make her daughter a hero,so she did the unthinkable. She severed Sumi's arms&legs, equipping her with blade limbs, and made her do extensive hero training,forcing Sumi to pose as someone who has a quirk. Sumi never wanted this. Tired of it all, the day Sumi was off to UA,she kills her mother,telling her she'll become a villian, just to torture her beyond the grave. She ran off, eventually stumbling upon a young man named Spots, trying to get the attention of AFO. Being Quirkless yet having unmatched hand to hand combat abilities,Sumi is a force to be feared.
submitted by MelonBalls1 to BNHA_OC_Characters [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 16:39 peng-guin “Ilan po cut off score sa (program)
WE. DON’T. KNOW. Paulit ulit nalang dito. Hindi sya dinidisclose at hindi alam ng students. Study hard sa USTET and aim high scores sa each test, knowing the cut-off score won’t guarantee your admission to UST.
submitted by peng-guin to Tomasino [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 16:39 Purdue_Exponent Hillenbrand RA arrested for alleged DUI
submitted by Purdue_Exponent to Purdue [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 16:39 studyandsucceed It will be okay.
I am scared, yes. But, I know it will all work out. This isn’t the end of the world. Godspeed.
submitted by studyandsucceed to LSAT [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 16:39 FlopShanoobie Induction cooktop protectors?
I'm currently "arguing" with my wife about cooktop protectors for our new induction cooktop.
For reference we had a white glass-topped GE electric cooktop that very quickly became stained. If you need to know one thing about my wife is she hates things looking messy. She became obsessed with scrubbing, bleaching, and polishing the thing to the point she agreed to a new induction cooktop ONLY because it would replace this other appliance that actually still worked fine, but was just stained.
We got a GE cooktop in black. For several years I've been using a standalone induction burner with a black glass surface for my wok and cast iron and there's been no staining. So great, right?
No. She's insisting we invest in protective mats for the new cooktop. I've read those will reduce efficiency up to 50% and messes with temp control, which for me is a non-starter. Advice from the manufacturers to avoid "making it ugly" is to just clean the bottoms of your cookware thoroughly before you cook, don't slide it around on the cooktop surface, and clean up any messes immediately. If you need to scrub, use mild, glass-safe abrasives. Easy peasy. She's not OK with this plan though, and is about to spend like $200 on protectors in various sizes and shapes. Then I'm going to have to use them.
What's the hive mind got to say on the matter?
submitted by FlopShanoobie to Cooking [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 16:39 Character-Cycle-5275 zeig mir deine freundin
submitted by Character-Cycle-5275 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 16:39 Disastrous-Noise2815 Babyspun here
I need a damn xan and a bottle of Alka-Seltzer water to lift my spirits up submitted by Disastrous-Noise2815 to CloudBlowersWanted [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 16:39 KCMuller Are this kind of loafs allowed here?
submitted by KCMuller to Catloaf [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 16:39 Pomdb What is this?
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Pomdb to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 16:39 WillWebb231 2nd Gundam Riptide
submitted by WillWebb231 to Tau40K [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 16:39 spin_fire_burn Best doorknobs for HA in 2024
I'm currently in the process of buying my first home and I am very eager to install more permanent devices. First and foremost is going to be replacing door locks. None of the doors have deadbolts, so I am looking for a doorknob setup with keypad and/or biometrics. I'm finding TONS of recommendations around deadbolts and may add those in the future, but to start with, I'm trying to keep it simple(r).
Key factors I'm looking at, but please tell me if I'm missing anything:
2024.11.26 16:39 99TDA_V99 Does anyone want a digital image made for them? Please DM me if you do.
submitted by 99TDA_V99 to drawing [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 16:39 PhDprincess_ My face before road tripping back home to see family!
submitted by PhDprincess_ to Faces [link] [comments] |