Üremenin acı döngüsünü devam ettirmesi

2024.11.26 16:49 deparniuex123 Üremenin acı döngüsünü devam ettirmesi

Doğan herkes kaçınılmaz acılar çeker,hastalık acısı,yakınlarını kaybetme acısı,ölüm acısı,bunlar Doğan herkesin kesin çekeceği acılar,hiç doğmasak bu acıları çekmezdik,bunu diyince doğmasaydık hazzı da deneyimleyemezdik ve bu kötü diyebilirsiniz ama bu hatalı bir yargıdır,çünkü hiç doğmamış bir insan hazzın yokluğundan etkilenmez,yani hazdan yoksun olmak hiç doğmamış biri için kötü değildir çünkü o yok,hazzın yoksunluğu var olan kişi için kötüdür, şöyle düşünün,birinin doğduğunda acı çekeceği kesin bir yer düşünün,savaş ülkesi gibi,insanlar birinin orda doğmamasına sevinir acı çekeceği kesin olduğu için,bir de birinin doğduğunda hazzı deneyimleyeceği bi yer düşünün,kimse var olmayan biri adına orda var olmadı ,yani hayatı başlamadı diye üzülmez,çünkü doğmamış biri için hazzın önemi yok,ama hiç doğmamış biri için bile acının olmaması iyidir çünkü acının yokluğu her zaman pozitiftir,yüksek mental acı çeken birini düşünün,bu kişi gece uykuya daldığında uyurken acı çekmediği için bu iyidir değil mi? Sonuçta uyuyan kişi bir acı çekmez,ama uyuyan kişi hazdan yoksun kalıyor diye üzülmeyiz,hayatı iyi olan birini düşünün,bu kişi uyurken bu kişi için üzülmeyiz,üzülsek saçma olurdu,aynı şekilde doğmamış biri için de doğup hazzı deneyimlemediği için üzülmek saçma,ama acıyı deneyimlemiyor diye sevinebiliriz
submitted by deparniuex123 to felsefe [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:49 Dizzy-Economist-9453 ZT 0770 Elmax

ZT 0770 elmax
I recently purchased a ZT 0770 elmax with black aluminum scales from EBay and was wondering if there is a way to be sure it is authentic? It is supposed to be here on Friday. Thanks in advance.
submitted by Dizzy-Economist-9453 to knifeclub [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:49 BarneyRobinStinson7 Aubrey Plaza Oh my God! APRIL!!!! 😍🔥

Aubrey Plaza Oh my God! APRIL!!!! 😍🔥 submitted by BarneyRobinStinson7 to PandR [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:49 Celestialelora Dream

I had a dream that my twin and his girlfriend was chasing me and i was hiding😂, what does this mean. I pulled my energy back because i dont want to talk to a wall because he blocked me
submitted by Celestialelora to twinflames [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:49 HawkeNovels Dragon Sovereign #3 Pre-Order

Dragon Sovereign #3 Pre-Order submitted by HawkeNovels to haremfantasynovels [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:49 metal_mastery Please help me make something compact out of this

So to preface it - I never had a pedalboard and just used modelers on my desk. Recently I found very good deals for Singular pedals and got this setup. I tried to find a pedalboard to fit them all horizontally but failed. I plan to power everything via usb-c as it seems viable and cheap to try. I want it to be a single unit setup for portability and overall neatness.
Asking experienced folks which board could fit everything or if you’d rearrange the things differently.
In short - help me make sense of it
submitted by metal_mastery to pedalboards [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:49 LostPence Haunter evolution trade

Just looking to touch trade a haunter to evolve it. Thanks!
submitted by LostPence to PokemonSVTrades [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:49 persnicketyminded Fasting / Weight loss content

Hey guys I started making health videos on TikTok and my content talks about intermittent and water fasting because they have been very helpful in my journey… I am 40 days in a 100 day channel. I am in the mist of losing 30 lbs over this past year.
1/2 the time it gets flagged and the other 1/2 it doesn’t.
I’m not preaching about any harmful topics.
Should I not mention fasting at all? Or can I encode the language.
Because I see some channels do mention it, but maybe my channel is getting targeted?
I show a balanced way of eating with intermittent fasting, so just wondering if anyone can help. I am not even extreme 😢😢 I just want to give up.
submitted by persnicketyminded to Tiktokhelp [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:49 Agile_Friendship4809 Brightburn universe evil harvey dent

Brightburn universe evil harvey dent submitted by Agile_Friendship4809 to brightburn [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:49 keepflying10 Oh boy

Oh boy submitted by keepflying10 to aquarius [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:49 r3crac Kukirin V1 Pro 48V 7.5Ah 350W 20 Inch Electric Bicycle [EU] for 496.96 USD without coupon (Best price in history: 502.93 USD) [EUROPE]

European warehouse
Here is the link (Banggood): Kukirin V1 Pro 48V 7.5Ah 350W 20 Inch Electric Bicycle [EU]
Current price is 496.96 USD. The lowest price in my database is 502.93 USD.There're already 10 records in DB. Price monitoring since 27.6.2023!
Price alerts and current coupons for Kukirin V1 Pro 48V 7.5Ah 350W 20 Inch Electric Bicycle are here https://couponsfromchina.com/kukirin-v1-pro-48v-7-5ah-350w-20-inch-electric-bicycle-eu-discount-price/
Good deal with nice discount.
Image: https://i.imgur.com/XcHgaSL.jpeg
submitted by r3crac to xiaomi_discount [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:49 No_one_of_note_here Preocupante aumento de intentos de suicidio en La Araucanía: Alza es del 93% en relación al 2023

Preocupante aumento de intentos de suicidio en La Araucanía: Alza es del 93% en relación al 2023 submitted by No_one_of_note_here to chile [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:49 Tasty-Knowledge5032 We need 5 more remakes of the last of us!

The game needs 5 more remakes. It’s old and dated. The remaster and the remake don’t do it justice. It should also be really expensive each time it gets remade. All 5 times. After all the last of us is the best thing since sliced bread. It’s gods gift to the world. It cured cancer. Rose the dead. Solved world hunger.
submitted by Tasty-Knowledge5032 to thelastofus [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:49 Buri_is_a_Biscuit duckhurtingjuice

duckhurtingjuice submitted by Buri_is_a_Biscuit to bonehurtingjuice [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:49 Hopeful-Carry3391 bro 😭

bro 😭 i’ll just sell my whole account if i lose bruh
submitted by Hopeful-Carry3391 to Soundmap [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:49 ZultaniteAngel Musk’s mother defends him from bullies “degrading” him as a “billionaire”

Musk’s mother defends him from bullies “degrading” him as a “billionaire” submitted by ZultaniteAngel to EnoughMuskSpam [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:49 Xzaghoop On Sportscenter and BTS (11-24-2024)

On Sportscenter and BTS (11-24-2024) submitted by Xzaghoop to ErinDolan [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:49 Darth_Marko_23 What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Darth_Marko_23 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:49 radiantbungleman Background check taking too long because of ONE county??

I have accepted a new position. The company is using Veritable Screening to conduct my criminal background check. The issue is that the county is very backwards and makes reps from the screening company physically walk into the courthouse and request specific information. This has caused my job start date to be delayed 3 weeks. Has anyone ever experienced anything like this?
submitted by radiantbungleman to recruitinghell [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:49 Fa1se-Personality Think we might still be couple of years away. But hope for more news soon.

Think we might still be couple of years away. But hope for more news soon. submitted by Fa1se-Personality to Witcher3 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:49 Left_Purchase_7256 More morgs

More morgs submitted by Left_Purchase_7256 to morgs [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:49 Upstairs_Pumpkin6457 After this picture he said (shhh) so I whistled until she found him 👀😗

submitted by Upstairs_Pumpkin6457 to SkyChildrenOfLight [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:49 WolverineReal6444 This movie only got mixed reviews. But I say this is a best movie. Fight me

This movie only got mixed reviews. But I say this is a best movie. Fight me submitted by WolverineReal6444 to IndianCinema [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:49 mkappy33 Full time musician w/ no streams - HELP?

Hi, a little about me first: I’m a full time 27 y/o professional musician. I play about 225 shows a year under my own name and playing guitar and bass for other pro touring bands. I make 100% of my living playing music. Local gigs I play a lot of bars, doing original music- but mostly doing covers to keep the bar happy. Touring gigs it’s all originals- but I’m usually playing as a sideman in someone else’s project.
My question is this: how do I get people to actually listen to my music? My highest streamed song only has 4500 streams. Seems insane considering I’ve played about 1000 shows in the past 5 years. I wouldn’t consider myself very strong in social media. I hate posting, and I doubt I’d even have a social media account if I wasn’t a musician. I have a feeling that’s it- but I’m not sure. Any thoughts?
submitted by mkappy33 to musicmarketing [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:49 Fabulous_Honey_6282 What Really Happened at Waterboy

If you haven't seen my posts before, one of my high school best friends is really close with one of Jenna's influencer "friends". this "friend" can't stand jenna and rarely sees her anymore and I don't often ask for info but my friend is in town for thanksgiving, so I had to get the updates at dinner last night.
So as suspected, Waterboy fired Jenna weeks ago. It was not mutual. At all. She begged Connor to let her stay but they said no. She even offered to work for free, but all of her "ideas" were costing them tons of money and Mike put his foot down. Mike can't stand Jenna :) Hiring Ken was to spite Jenna they didn't think she'd do it but she did and now Jenna trying to act like they're cordial but Ken hates Jenna's guts.
Jenna only does things with friends when its beneficial to her, she can never hang out with people without publicizing it and this group of girls is so sick of her. When someone needs a friend, Jenna miraculously isn't available (too busy painting a giant nutcracker alone I guess), but when she wants something from them, all of a sudden she is blowing up their phones.
Jenna's job w Waterboy was never meant to be temporary like shes claiming now. Jenna thought working for Waterboy would make her more "relatable" having a 9-5 and the boys thought she'd be able to use her platform to bring them more sales. Not only did their sales not increase at all, but Jenna's "marketing" ideas lost money. The boys and other WB employees got sick of her never showing up for normal hours and then coming in to the office in the middle of the workday insistent they film some tiktok that she was the star of and everyone got sick of it. She would move forward with plans without getting approval. They had many talks with her about scheduling content but she never would. Cabo was the real dealbreaker - it cost a ton of money and they saw no spikes in revenue following the trip and all of the content. I'm not sure if the boys know about her little Canva deck leaking to this page, but will try to get more info on that.
Most of this is pretty much what everyone already thinks, but now its been confirmed.
submitted by Fabulous_Honey_6282 to jennapaleksnark [link] [comments]
