2024.11.26 16:31 Acceptable_Water8817 Would this work ?(elmar frey)
Having idea for elmar frey character where he got tormented for his father's sin in hands of both ramsay Bolton and lady stone heart then later become kin slayer and join daenerys or stannis will it work
submitted by Acceptable_Water8817 to TheCitadel [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 16:31 starterxy Superwoman vs Power Girl WWE
submitted by starterxy to DeathBattleMatchups [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 16:31 Then_Aardvark_2269 What type of tv stand and coffee table should I get for our tiny living room?
I moved in with my roommate 2 months ago and I want to finally complete our living room. It’s small, unfortunately. These pics were taken with the .5x lens. We already have a lot of white (see the last pic, the counter and chairs are white) so I was thinking of maybe a light/medium wood for the tv stand. For the coffee table, I’m thinking a round one might be a better choice for limited space. Also, any feedback on how it’s set up so far? The rug is mine and I already had it before I moved, I think it’s a little small but I’m not ready to change it yet. submitted by Then_Aardvark_2269 to HomeDecorating [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 16:31 Startestlt These are pictures taken of the Eiffel tower by locals
submitted by Startestlt to pics [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 16:31 scott_ci Crashing with H265 HEVC 4k in Camtasia 2024
I use a lot of video recorded from an iPhone at 4k 30fps in H265 HEVC format, but am experiencing crashes when I try to save in Camtasia. (autosave somehow works fine!)
I'm currently using 2024.1.3. On the previous version it was crashing just during normal edits.
Anyone facing similar crashes or having luck with iOS H265 videos?
I've sent in support requests, but they keep telling me it's due to the H265 format, and then directing to their website where it says H265 is in fact supported. They also suggest using handbrake to reformat the videos. Handbrake actually messes up the color profiles no matter what I try (whites get blown out), but using quick export in Resolve can convert without any issues. However, I'd very much prefer not to spend the time converting or store the extra videos.
I have an Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080 video card and i7-8700 3.2GHz cpu.
submitted by scott_ci to CamtasiaStudio [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 16:31 darrlie 4⭐️ for 9, 5⭐️for 15
submitted by darrlie to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 16:31 Poutcheki Assemblée nationale : Abdou Mbacké B. Doli, député de la 14e législature rend son véhicule
submitted by Poutcheki to Seneweb [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 16:31 _Barbosa_ Widać?
submitted by _Barbosa_ to WidacZabory [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 16:31 Any_Horror_7499 Batman by Sol Samuels. Need help finding it.
So I'm trying to find a digital version of Batman stories by Sol Samuels. Problem is, I can't find them anywhere. Literally nowhere. So could someone point me towards a site which has the digital version(s) of this book(s)? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Also there used to be a free version of 5 nights in Gotham in Amazon long time ago, years or a decade ago. I know this cause I used to have the book in my kindle when I was a child. Now, I don't have access to the account so I'm looking for the book. https://preview.redd.it/25u2xjs8w93e1.png?width=834&format=png&auto=webp&s=870ceb7a73f4b784d3feac8522197ce76b89c9f1 https://preview.redd.it/vuotbgy8w93e1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=cd29b2bdd0bf9f56c5ed00a9abbea16c4603b793 https://preview.redd.it/w3ob4wd9w93e1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=ca263fd244aad3e086353bcfeed7c59960b18f64 submitted by Any_Horror_7499 to BookPiracy [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 16:31 scattered11 COMP1005 HELP I got a GNS grade, I never cheated i don't understand why I have this i spent so much time doing those assassents. FML The unit coordinator won't reply I've been trying for days to get in contact.
submitted by scattered11 to curtin [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 16:31 dataentrytard Enter to win a LEFEET S1 PRO WaterScooter. $699 Value. (12/03/2024) {WW}
submitted by dataentrytard to giveaways [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 16:31 TheShadowOperator007 The teaching of Armageddon is really psychologically damaging
Seriously, the teaching of Armageddon messes up the mind. For example, you hear thunder and lightning and then you think Armageddon is right around the corner, but in reality it is just nature.
Also, having a JW parent tell their little son or daughter that their friends in school will be destroyed if they don't preach the so-called good news has got to be really fucked up because one, most non-JW kids never even give the JWs a thought and second, their friends may have different or no religious beliefs at all.
submitted by TheShadowOperator007 to exjw [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 16:31 Anii1234sh How to distribute beads on curves
submitted by Anii1234sh to blenderhelp [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 16:31 RoseyRosalie Will A 5700x3d Bottleneck A 3090?
I'm mainly gonna play 1440p/ but I'm worried about leaving a bunch of performance on the table! Any help would be amazing!!
submitted by RoseyRosalie to buildapc [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 16:31 BaggedMilkISTasty PICASSO ANT AKA GRIEF RELEASES AT 1PM EST TODAY 🚨🚨🎨
submitted by BaggedMilkISTasty to ArmyAntArmy [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 16:31 yungkyuuubi Dialga 3 locals WB 644911753263
submitted by yungkyuuubi to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 16:31 innercitycoupledtw My girlfriend is a stripper and I fucking love it
I would never admit it to my friends. But the thought of countless men fondling and enjoying her body night after night while I’m at home turns me on so much and I don’t understand why 😅
submitted by innercitycoupledtw to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 16:31 InstantArchive I wish I could work for Finch!
I just downloaded Finch a few days ago and recently finished a Product Manager course. I'm absolutely in love with this app and the community, and I saw that they're looking for a Product Designer. I'm so interested in that job but not qualified yet. I'm really curious about the people who work for Finch! Say hi if you do! 🩷🐣
submitted by InstantArchive to finch [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 16:31 TheInexpected Making a Dark souls and castle creashers weird hybrid (only art, this won't be playable). Wich Starting area should I make stuff for this proyect? Undead asylum, Forest of the fallen giants or cementery of ash?
submitted by TheInexpected to castlecrashers [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 16:31 SarcasticEmbodyment Possible Ratatoskr bug
I was doing this week’s Ratatoskr’s run and I noticed on my third try on the first floor that no passives were applied. Possibly an actual bug and it didn’t apply, or maybe it’s a visual bug and it did apply. submitted by SarcasticEmbodyment to SDSGrandCross [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 16:31 International_Angle6 New Gear
I had a Scar 17 about 10 years ago, always regretted selling it… I was casually looking for another 17 when I came across this very gently used 20 for less money than most used 17s I saw… Thought I'd give it a "shot". Figured if I don't like it I can always sell or trade it for something else. Still in the process of figuring out where I want to mount the scope exactly, then I'll get it sighted in and hopefully go out to the desert and stretch its legs a little bit. I have two AR pattern rifles as well as an X95, but always had an affinity for 7.62. Glad to be back.
submitted by International_Angle6 to FNSCAR [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 16:31 ThePr1march Controlling Interest
submitted by ThePr1march to exodus [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 16:31 CheetoKittyCato restyled my 2 new dolls
I love these 2 dolls so much, I really needed to share it with people who will appreciate it haha. most people around me just don't understand:( submitted by CheetoKittyCato to RainbowHigh [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 16:31 Smort-Finn Bought this from some guy I had a lot of issues with it but finally got it running and it runs really well.
submitted by Smort-Finn to rccars [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 16:31 SandwichFormal4251 Milyen lehetőségem van ha terápiára kéne járnom (heti szinten) de a munkahelyemen semmiképp nem rugalmasak az elengedésben?
Elvi opció lenne a szabadság. de senkinek nincs annyi szabija hogy minden héten 1 napra elmenjen.
elvi opció lenne a betegállomány. de 1 háziovos se lesz abban partner hogy heti 1 napra betegáll-ba vegyen azért mert van egy terápiám.
elvi opció lenne a magánterápia. de az 20-25.000 /alkalom, az 1 hónapban 100.000. nem vállalható, de ha csak 50.00 lenne akkor se, sőt ha 20.000 lenne a havi ktg, még akkor sem. nettó 180-ból ilyenre nem telik.
Tehát akkor marad az ingyenes SZTK-s terápia. az meg 9-15h között van, beosztással. még az se biztos hogy 9re mehetek.
és ugye 9-17 munkaidő.
tehát akkor? tippek? ötletek?
submitted by SandwichFormal4251 to hungary_pszichologia [link] [comments]