Chi ha fatto scopato con una di loro mi scrive in privato

2024.11.26 16:50 SavingsStomach3946 Chi ha fatto scopato con una di loro mi scrive in privato

Chi ha fatto scopato con una di loro mi scrive in privato submitted by SavingsStomach3946 to Italian_Vips [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:50 Freakuh 26/Germany looking for someone to talk/play

Hey everyone! I’m looking for people to talk to. I am a introverted person, who loves to spend time for gaming. I’m looking for German talking people here, because my English isn’t that well.
I love games like, Kingdom Hearts, Metal Gear Solid, Dark Souls, Death Stranding, Teamfight Tactics, Final Fantasy 7 Crisis Core, Final Fantasy 14, Satisfactory, Palworld and Pokemon
I love Animes like Dragonball, Naruto and Jujutsu Kaisen. My favourite shows are Prison Break, Blacklist and Suits.
I love to watch streams on Twitch, especially Gronkh, Tobinator and BoxBox
If anyone is German here and wants to talk, feel free to dm me
submitted by Freakuh to GamerPals [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:50 Relative-Fault9512 sexually attractive

sexually attractive submitted by Relative-Fault9512 to GraceCFulton [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:50 Fitzwillicuddy HELP! What do I tell my hairdresser to add to cancel the purple my hair is supposed to be ginger or auburn / copper not purple :(

submitted by Fitzwillicuddy to haircoloring [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:50 M337ING "I'm thrilled to announce that Project Polaris has entered the full-scale production phase! With new challenges just around the corner, it’s the talented and hard-working people who make me believe we can together make the upcoming Witcher Saga a remarkable experience. No stopping now! Stay tuned!"

submitted by M337ING to Witcher4 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:50 Old-Instruction-590 Probleme mit Overlocknaht

Heyho, ich bin noch relativ neu in der Welt des Nähens und habe mir kürzlich eine gebrauchte W6 N454d Overlock zugelegt. Nun habe ich ein Problem mit dem Nähbild. Das Nähbild sieht so aus, als ob der linke Oberfaden Stiche auslässt. Bei genauerem hinsehen sehe ich jedoch, dass die Naht der linken Nadel genäht wurde, der Oberfaden sich aber nicht um die Nadel "herumgeschlungen" hat und somit nach oben rutscht. Das Material auf dem Bild ist ein Jerseystoff, das Problem tritt aber auch bei anderen Stoffen auf. Die Einstellungen liegen bei allen Fadenspannung beim Standardwert von 3, die Stichlänge liegt bei 2 und der Differentialtransport bei 1,75.
Ich habe schon einiges probiert was Fadenspannung angeht, Nadeln wurden auch schon getauscht, sowie neu eingefädelt. Bisher hat noch nicht wirklich was geholfen ohne alles komplett zu verstellen. Bspw ist das Jerseystück mit der Nr. 3 drauf ein Test, wo die linke und rechte Fadenspannugn bei 3 liegt und der Ober- und Ubnterfaden bei 0, dort tritt seltsamerweise das Problem nicht auf, dafür sind die Ober-und Unterfäden jedoch viel zu locker.
submitted by Old-Instruction-590 to Handarbeiten [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:50 HeavenlyPriceszss Drinking in this mountain view. ⛰️🏔️

Drinking in this mountain view. ⛰️🏔️ submitted by HeavenlyPriceszss to smileygirls [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:50 alzokryne I reached my capacity.

I 24M have been dealing with depression since I was around 12 from a toxic family. I made it a goal of mine to move out as soon as I can to save my mental wellbeing. Well I'm now 24, damaged as ever and still have not moved out
I have tried many things, don't assume I didn't.
I been working a job that was my only offer after leaving college for this whole year I never wanted this job but I had to take it to save some money. Now I'm completely done.
Sometimes I step away from God because I don't want to lash out and blame him for my life issues.
I reached the point in the depression where I feel so tired and I don't care about anything. I even have no appetite and that has never happened to me in my life.
I've tried antidepressants before and anti anxiety meds, they did not work.
I recently started to feel maybe I have a major health issue because the appetite thing.
I went to the doctor and she just wanted to give antidepressants so I said no.
But I think I'll try it again.
Also I'm waiting my job, I don't care anymore, I'm not doing this.
Please pray for me, I'm about to leave my laptop and my room to go to this building, hopefully for the LAST TIME.
submitted by alzokryne to TrueChristian [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:50 Own-Bus-5213 current EDC rotation. some days I can't decide

current EDC rotation. some days I can't decide submitted by Own-Bus-5213 to coldsteel [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:50 Dwangeroo If you know who he is you are my people. I miss the Weekly World News.

If you know who he is you are my people. I miss the Weekly World News. I remember a time when we had to get our conspiracy theories and angry rants while standing in the checkout line.
submitted by Dwangeroo to GenerationJones [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:50 IntelWarrior Never knew this exemption to serving in a combat zone existed.

Started last week as a Green & Gold Congressional Fellow and have been reading through the Army Congressional Casework guide. As I was going through it I came across this, which I had not previously known:
Assignment to duty in Designated Hostile-Fire/imminent-danger areas
If a Soldier’s parent, sibling, spouse, or child is killed or dies when serving in a designated hostile–fire area, they may request to be exempt from serving in designated hostile–fire areas. If already serving in such an area they can request to be reassigned out of the area. This exemption also applies to family members of those Soldiers who are in a captured or missing status or who have been determined by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) or another Military Service to be 100 percent physically or mentally disabled.
So if I understand this correctly, a soldier whose parent has a 100% VA rating could request to be exempt from deploying to a combat zone? I’ve never heard of anyone requesting this, but I also don’t think it’s widely known. Does the Army even keep track of which soldiers would be eligible to request this?
submitted by IntelWarrior to army [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:50 FartbreathMcDickFace Not my Primarch.

Not my Primarch. Lupercal!
submitted by FartbreathMcDickFace to Grimdank [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:50 No-Anchovies From Big Tech to Hospitality?

Tldr: large hotel groups to apply for digital marketing exec/director roles in southeast Asia and Dubai?
I recently left big tech after a 10+y tenure and want to pair this change with a fresh start (relocation). My speciality is Ads and after doing the rounds with applications to Australia, Dubai etc I feel sponsored visas and expat applications are more welcome within the Hotel/Hospitality industry, and fortunately my Ecommerce experience is very closely aligned with some roles I found.
Digital marketing executive/director roles in Southeast Asia (i.e Thailand) or Dubai, which large Hotel groups would you recommend applying to?
Salary is not a priority as long as it allows a comfortable setup (single, 30s). WLB and impactful work is the goal 👍
submitted by No-Anchovies to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:50 Used-Juggernaut-7675 [wtb] ambi charging handle

$50 too low?
Want a good one
submitted by Used-Juggernaut-7675 to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:50 pxbianx ran into this cutie while doing some deliveries

ran into this cutie while doing some deliveries submitted by pxbianx to OneOrangeBraincell [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:50 Digiral Miku and Spring Onion Smacking

Miku and Spring Onion Smacking submitted by Digiral to hatsunemiku [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:50 rqwedr ONC has apparently lost ~400 Patreons during the spin-off period.

ONC has apparently lost ~400 Patreons during the spin-off period. submitted by rqwedr to DisventureCamp [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:50 Extreme_Coat3006 Cumming in school hits different

submitted by Extreme_Coat3006 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:50 Fantastic_Tower_2109 pseudopotential for GGA, BLYP, SIESTA calculations

pseudopotential for GGA, BLYP, SIESTA calculations submitted by Fantastic_Tower_2109 to comp_chem [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:50 AutoNewspaperAdmin [ZA] - Don’t Look Away: Police officer arrested for shooting and killing fiancée | IOL

[ZA] - Don’t Look Away: Police officer arrested for shooting and killing fiancée | IOL submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:49 MammothBattle33 Pantera Capital Predicts Bitcoin to Reach $740,000 by 2028

🚨 Crypto News: Pantera Capital is making some bold waves in the Bitcoin ocean, forecasting a jaw-dropping $740,000 price tag on $BTC by April 2028. For those keeping count, that’s over a 10x jump from today’s value. The firm recently celebrated a historic milestone for its Bitcoin Fund, achieving a mind-blowing 1,000x return since its inception in 2013 when Bitcoin was priced at just $74.
With a lifetime performance of 131,165%, Pantera’s early bet on $BTC has paid off beyond anyone’s wildest dreams. They snagged 2% of Bitcoin’s global supply back then, and as BTC recently touched $99,000, the fund's gains are, quite literally, legendary.
Despite Bitcoin slipping 6% in recent days, Pantera stays bullish. Their previous forecast of $117,000 by 2025 already has investors buzzing, but the $740K prediction takes it to a whole new level. While short-term volatility shakes the market, institutional adoption and long-term investor confidence keep fueling Bitcoin’s bright future.
Pantera is also branching into other blockchain ventures, eyeing private tokens and expanding its portfolio with assets like Solana and Toncoin. As the crypto ecosystem evolves, it’s clear that Pantera is diversifying while keeping $BTC at the heart of its strategy.
Strap in, crypto fam. The road may be bumpy, but the destination looks historic. #Bitcoin #CryptoFuture #BTCPrice
submitted by MammothBattle33 to Blockmandev [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:49 randoaccount518 Tattoo blowout/leaching?

Tattoo blowout/leaching? Hello everyone,
Just had a tattoo done 2 weeks ago and I am wondering if some parts of the tattoo has 'leeched' under the skin beyond the needle size? E.g. the area circled blue is thicker than the area in orange. Only one needle size was used (3 - if that's any help). Fyi, not expecting it to be professional as the guy wasn't a pro and I don't mind it being like this but just curious as I can see a thinner line on top of the 'leeched' area. In the third pic you can see what I mean by the thin needle line on top of the thicker line in the skin.
Tattoo area is inner ankle.
submitted by randoaccount518 to tattooadvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:49 sadboimadlad YMMV but my Target stocked the $20 ETBs this morning. In store only. Mine had no limit.

YMMV but my Target stocked the $20 ETBs this morning. In store only. Mine had no limit. Didn’t clear them out but got enough to chase Tina haha.
submitted by sadboimadlad to PokemonTCG [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:49 Comfortable-Gate-448 Nice castle. Now duel or die. Also, do you want to hear some stories?

Nice castle. Now duel or die. Also, do you want to hear some stories? submitted by Comfortable-Gate-448 to TheOdysseyHadAPurpose [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:49 Alone-Policy6838 Codes

submitted by Alone-Policy6838 to Goatapp [link] [comments]