Link post title 971

Slovenská pošta offers postal services, package tracking, and customer support within Slovakia and internationally. Rýchle a dôveryhodné správy zo Slovenska, sveta i Vášho regiónu. Prihlásenie do Tipy na pôst – čo piť a „jesť“ Pri 3 – 4 dňovom postení sa sústreďte na príjem tekutín, vitamínov a solí.Povolené sú bylinkové čaje a zeleninové vývary.Skúsení milovníci postenia odporúčajú piť čaj z prasličky roľnej a repíka lekárskeho.V rámci vývarov je vhodný napríklad zeler.Ten však musíte po vyvarení scediť a konzumovať bez zeleniny alebo ... Mobilná verzia. © 2024 Slovenská pošta. Všetky práva vyhradené. Posting documents you can find in the section "Forms" (Tlačivá) or at every post-office. All categories of envelopes offer you the POSTshop - the shop at the post-office. Prices for parcel back. You can find prices for parcel here. Documents Prihlásenie Prihlásenie bez hesla. Na váš e-mail vám pošleme odkaz, cez ktorý sa prihlásite bez zadania hesla. Odoslaním vyplneného formulára udeľujem v súlade so zákonom č.122/2013 Z.z. o ochrane osobných údajov a o zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov spoločnosti Slovenská pošta, a.s., IČO 36 631 124, Partizánska cesta 9, 975 99 Banská Bystrica súhlas na spracúvanie mojich osobných údajov v rozsahu uvedenom v tomto formulári na účely poskytnutia informácií o produktoch a ... Zaškrtnutím voľby "Trvalé prihlásenie" si váš prehliadač zapamätá prihlasovacie údaje a pri ďalšej návšteve e-mailovej služby budete automaticky prihlásení. Trvalé prihlásenie vyprší, ak e-mailovú schránku nenavštívite po dobu 14 dní, ak vymažete súbory cookies, alebo ak sa sami odhlásite zo schránky. Adresa: Pošta Strečno Cintorínska 251/1 013 24 Strečno. Ďalšie informácie. Telefón: 041 / 569 73 51: E-mail: [email protected] V kresťanstve má pôst význam pokánia a vnútorného očisťovania, ale aj význam prípravy a očakávania. Z tohto dôvodu sa kresťania postia pred významnými sviatkami (napríklad pred Veľkou nocou, Narodením Pána), ale aj pred prijímaním eucharistie (tzv. eucharistický pôst). Pôstna disciplína v jednotlivých cirkvách sa značne líši.

2024.11.26 17:40 lss_web_1444 Link post title 971

Link post title 971 submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:40 Ok_Goal5518 Helen park (nithes)

Helen park (nithes) submitted by Ok_Goal5518 to SFW_Rule34 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:40 SupermarketOk6829 Night out places to explore

Bhai, koi night out ki jagah hai kya Delhi me jo public place ho ya cheap ho?
submitted by SupermarketOk6829 to delhi [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:40 HeiferHustler Quick question about rescheduling an appointment with VES.

Hi all,
Got a claim in for increase and they are in the evidence gathering stage. They went ahead and scheduled an in person appointment for multiple things on the 3rd of Dec, unfortunately I had to be at work that day and I asked for a reschedule. They said they would send this over to rescheduling and that it was fine.
So here’s my question, I have a trip for work that I really can’t miss from the 3rd to the 11th of December. Do I just call VES and discuss this with them to make sure it gets scheduled on a day that I can make it?
submitted by HeiferHustler to VeteransBenefits [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:40 blessedbythepotter I don’t understand % on assignments .

Is there a table that shows what grades as equivalent to what . I’m a mature student so I’m old school , I think in ‘A,B,C’ etc with grades . I received my assignment back with 86% but don’t know what that’s equivalent too by the old metric . I’d like a 2:1 or 1st in my degree ( it’s my final year , I did my first 2 years at a brick and mortar 9 years ago).
submitted by blessedbythepotter to OpenUniversity [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:40 No_Potential_7867 What are your favorite all-day wear shoes that aren’t sneakers?

The title summarizes my question, but I am looking for some shoes that will last a long time (leather?) and are comfortable to wear and walk in all day. I appricate sneakers but personally just don’t feel ‘cute’ in a dress with them, so some more stylish options would be great!
submitted by No_Potential_7867 to Shoes [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:40 Meanderingmermaid11 Beach Finds

Beach Finds submitted by Meanderingmermaid11 to knolling [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:40 AnyAudience314 What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by AnyAudience314 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:40 DoremusJessup Trump's legal team will likely weaponize Jack Smith's latest filing against Fani Willis

Trump's legal team will likely weaponize Jack Smith's latest filing against Fani Willis submitted by DoremusJessup to law [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:40 OkProfessor8854 Searching for a CodeMate

I'm 2nd yr CSE student searching for partner or frnds with whom I can code and participate in competitions and hackathons .I basically code in C++ but I am also proficient in Java C Javascript . I have almost done DSA (except some topics like Dynamic Programming & AVL trees etc). I have just step my hands in Web dev and get my hands on HTML CSS GSAP BootStrap .
In future I will be focusing on Backend (Express js ,Node js) , DataBases(mostly Postgres ) along with solving problems on leetcode and similar platforms
Leetcode profile -> https://leetcode.comPranavKok15/
GeekforGekk profile ->
CodingNinjas profile ->
You can see some of my mini-shits on Github ->
You can follow me on X (I am new to X) , I'm going to start 100DaysOfCode over there so you can join me .
X profile ->
submitted by OkProfessor8854 to compsci [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:40 Sunshine_Cosmos My little boy is FeLV free!!

My little boy is FeLV free!! Pumpkin got his recheck and it turns out his infection was transient! He was able to fight it off before it took hold!
submitted by Sunshine_Cosmos to CatsBeingCats [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:40 Ok_Pipe_3851 The one who gets kills and your team doesn’t💀💀

The one who gets kills and your team doesn’t💀💀 Bro WTF is this goofy a$$ team💀
submitted by Ok_Pipe_3851 to MobileLegendsGame [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:40 dream_in_dream Coil whine in zenbook Q425 models

Just a quick question, how widespread is this issue? I'm about to buy one 🥲
submitted by dream_in_dream to ASUS [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:40 kleep The new Plant Event

Hi all,
New player. I see the update yesterday. Got the quest, went the plant zone. Very confused.
The plant infection had already spread big time in the wilderness zone I went to. I cleared out 9 of those egg things and got 9 seeds but it was spread way too far.
Is the idea to go back to this zone and keep clearing it till it goes away? What do I do with the seeds?
I know I brought back a flower to the NPC but he hadn't finished looking at it.
I guess I could wait HAH
Just looking for tips.
submitted by kleep to DoorsofTrithius [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:40 methodic_traveller Action Comics #1082 Cover by Gleb Melnikov

Action Comics #1082 Cover by Gleb Melnikov submitted by methodic_traveller to superman [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:40 jules0666 HM Sussur Bloom issue

Why is this happening. So I picked up the Sussur Bloom flowers from the tree and mage tower in the underdark.
I've sent them to the camp chest immediately apart from one which I used on the elevator in the mage tower.
Now, I want to take one to Blighted Village to build that weapon with the forge.
The problem I have is, when I take a Sussur Flower from the campe chest, it immediately turns to Sussur Bloom, and I can't use that to build the weapon.
Anyone knows what's going on?
submitted by jules0666 to BaldursGate3 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:40 TimmyBurchh I’m actually lost

Hey everyone, i’m taking music for GCSE this year, im in year 11, i’ve got my first of two rounds of mocks next week and to be brutally honest, i think i’m gonna fail and i’m really scared. I’ve been playing drums for 3 years now and am not good at sight reading and usually play by ear. I am absolutely god awful at theory, i don’t learn anything, nothing goes in, for composition im okay but not the best really, my strong point is performance, really. I got my predicted grade today and it was a 4. You may all say it’s good and at least it’s a pass but for me, i genuinely can’t believe it. All i want to do is music, my aim is to go to college on a music performance course, i’ve had that planned since last year i don’t want to do anything else. My worry is, i’ll come out of the final exam failing or just barely scraping a pass and everyone around me thinks that because i am great at performance, i’ll get a really high grade, but they don’t get it. and i am very scared and don’t know what else to do to improve my grade, i’ve done some circle of fifths revison and that helped a bit but i don’t even know most basics, i really need some help. I cant fail the only thing i’m passionate about, i don’t know where else to turn.
submitted by TimmyBurchh to GCSE [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:40 F0regn_Lawns How should I (38f) move forward my bf (50m) after he was lied to me several times about his relationship with his wife (separated, 50f)?

I (F38) have been with my bf (M50) “Tom” since March. We were out for St. Patrick’s day and ran into each other in the street, had a great night together and have been together ever since, seeing each other nearly every day. The night we met, he told me he was separated from his wife (F50), “Karen,” and they were soon getting divorced. At the time and for months afterward, they were not even on speaking terms. Tom and I made plans to go on extended vacations to the Caribbean, spent nearly every night at one or the other’s place, having meals together, etc.
Sometime in July, Tom told me he was going to visit his family about an hour away. That night, he told me he actually went to meet with Karen. I was upset that he lied about it, but he said he wanted to tell her it was officially over and they needed to get the divorce completed. I believed him, and was ok with it. I even went to the courthouse with him in August to pick up the divorce paper packet. Since that meeting though, they have been speaking every day, on the phone (calls and texts) and on multiple social media platforms (Snapchat, instagram, tiktok and email). In September, on the day which would have been our 6 months together celebration, we had planned to go to lunch and to a street market in the town we met. Karen texted him that she needed her oil changed and work done to her car, and he jumped up first thing in the morning and ran over to her house to work on her car. He stayed most of the day and they went to lunch together.
I asked him to be honest with me about his intentions, and he is adamant he doesn’t want to get back with her, but recently I saw on his texts (I glanced at his phone while he was showing me something, I wasn’t looking for anything) in a conversation between them the last message was “wish you were here.” Tom told me Karen wants to reconcile now, and has been trying to get back with him. It made me really upset that he wasn’t up front with their communications, and that he goes over to her house and does odd jobs for her at her beck and call. We had a conversation about how uncomfortable it makes me feel, and he told me that he told his friend “I wish we could just be mormon so I could keep them both.” He said it was a joke, but I didn’t find it funny, and if he hadn’t actually thought that way he never would have said it.
He sold his home, and there was a two-week gap in the time that he was to move into his new place. He came to stay with me at that time, but there was a horrible roof leak in my apartment, and he said, “Well, Karen, can we stay with you…?” He meant it to be funny, but it totally wasn’t. I then said, “if she didn’t live so far from your job would you have rather stayed with her?” This made him really mad. Even though he brought her up, and he knows it is a sensitive topic for me, he was mad at me for being upset with him. That night, while he was sleeping on the couch, I laid it all out in a long text message, reiterating that I was uncomfortable with the situation and that night was my last straw with him. I told him we could still be friends and he could stay until he got his place but we were over. We had a long talk over the next day and somewhat patched things up. I was still keeping my distance though.
The next day he wakes up at my place, takes his guitar and tells me he is going to visit his parents about an hour away. He was gone all afternoon, and he was at my place when I got off work around midnight. I asked him what he did that day and he said nothing much, just visited the family and that was it. The next day we were going to his new place, and there was a new sticker on his to-go cup. I asked what it was, and he said it was a place in the town Karen lives, an hour in the opposite direction of his parents house. After bearing my soul to him two days prior about how this bothers me, he lied about going to her house to see her and hung out all afternoon again. He said he didn’t tell me “because he didn’t want to hear it,” and “he’s just trying to be nice.” I got out of the car and told him to get the rest of his stuff, and leave me alone. He desperately tried to get me to reconsider ending things, but I can’t trust him at all anymore. He has lied numerous times about going to see her and hanging out all day. It makes me sick to think he slept in my bed that night and ran over to her house first thing in the morning. He keeps calling, texting and wanting to talk, and said he is filing the divorce papers Monday. At this point, I think the damage is done. I feel totally taken advantage of and not taken seriously. He wants to talk things through and try to fix things and admits what he has done is wrong, but I think it’s too little too late.
Am I over-reacting right now, should I take some time to process things, or should I contact him tonight and hear what he has to say?
submitted by F0regn_Lawns to TwoXChromosomes [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:40 yetanotherpenguin Tower, from my sketchbook.

Tower, from my sketchbook. submitted by yetanotherpenguin to cassettefuturism [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:40 odaal So turns out EWC is giving out the prizes...

submitted by odaal to DotA2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:40 kayahalit Bu saat markası hakkında bilgisi olan var mı ?

Bu saat markası hakkında bilgisi olan var mı ? Saatler hakkında çok bilgim yok belli başlı markaları biliyorum. Bu şekilde ucuza satılan mekanik saatler sizce ne kadar güvenilir kalite olarak. Kullanmış veya bilgisi olan cevap verirse sevinirim.
submitted by kayahalit to trsaat [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:40 Diligent_Cream_1282 Palkia raid adding 10 302050150352

submitted by Diligent_Cream_1282 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:40 Historical_Lock_2942 Oil Leak

Oil Leak 950 about a month ago change all that three weeks ago and now I have the small oil leak runs and sounds fine and there seems to be no drastic change in oil level. Any tips on what might be causing it and how to resolve TIA
submitted by Historical_Lock_2942 to vstar [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:40 renditecloud Krypto Hardware Wallet mit bis zu 50% Rabatt von SecuX

Krypto Hardware Wallet mit bis zu 50% Rabatt von SecuX submitted by renditecloud to dieboerse [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:40 Brilliant_Ice_843 Entry-Level Question about 1:76 RC Car Laser Tag

Not sure where to ask; suggest other subreddits if they sound better. (I was redirected to this subreddit before)
I have 1:76 scale RC Cars (the size of Hotwheels cars), and I'd like to build a mini laser tag system for them. Since I'd need the components to be tiny, perhaps I could connect a receiver and a transmitter and then something to send the information to a device, that'll run any code/calculation necessary for the game.
I'd love to get into building small electronic toys like that, but it's been tricky finding resources online, where would you guys suggest I go to learn these small things?
submitted by Brilliant_Ice_843 to rccars [link] [comments]