2024.11.26 17:21 AdhesivenessLoud3900 From LY to GDM on KDE arch?
Hello. I recently wanted to switch my greeter from LY to GDM but i use KDE plasma is it possible and can i do it?
i just cant manage to figure out the stuff not even the **damn** manual isn`t helping. Any feedback or help whould be appriciated.
submitted by AdhesivenessLoud3900 to linuxquestions [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 17:21 x3petz Bimbo Bunny
submitted by x3petz to OnlyBimbos [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 17:21 Strangest-nerd Sleepy kitty
submitted by Strangest-nerd to cats [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 17:21 Inquisitive_puzzle Bridging settings for Bambu
Hey all I have been working on alot more projects with magnets lately to varying degrees of success. My main issue is when it comes to layer over the magnet the filament doesn't lay down nicely and begins to clump. I have tweaked a few things in my designs that have helped but was not sure where to start in the slicer.
I have looked for information but have not been able to find any. All help would be appreciated.
One thought I did have, the magnet is not heated, but would using gluestick help with adhesion? Has anyone tried this?
Thanks in advance and happy holidays.
submitted by Inquisitive_puzzle to 3Dprinting [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 17:21 Legitimate_Fact3351 5062 5968 4876 WB PALKIA
Starting ASAP yellow gym
submitted by Legitimate_Fact3351 to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 17:21 Next-Associate6543 What is this?
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submitted by Next-Associate6543 to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 17:21 Java131 Another wonder seen IRL off the list! (3/53)
A bit of a trip to the past, but I did visit and document the Eiffel Tower! submitted by Java131 to civ [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 17:21 LordDarkQuad (Sound up) My silver band is wiggling in the black round part of the headphones, lower. (Is this normal for beats solo 4? I have only had them for 2 days.
submitted by LordDarkQuad to beatsbydre [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 17:21 Beloiga What is this?
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submitted by Beloiga to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 17:21 mrbreast99 Is there a chance PVE will ever come back?
I know they cancelled it months ago but its just such a waste of potential. Story mode in overwatch always felt like a natural step foward for the series. Hell, it was the whole point for the creation of a sequel! As much as people may say this, overwatch isn't dying any time soon. Its still a great game, it just lost its reputation due to all the controversy surrounding blizzard and the shitty uptades the game used to recieve. But nowdays, i feel like overwatch is finally getting stable again, the updates are constant, every year there is a new seasonal game mode and the blizzard lawsuit is finally settled (i think). So with all that in mind, do you think theres still hope for the PVE to come back?
submitted by mrbreast99 to overwatch2 [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 17:21 Zacocu14 [Indie/Alternative] That exact summer vibe
submitted by Zacocu14 to SpotifyPlaylistShare [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 17:21 FitInspector4924 Je cherche à retrouver une musique sinon je ne vais pas dormir 😵💫
Bonjour Reddit ! Je cherche à retrouver précisément et absolument la musique dont on entend l'extrait sur ce réel : https://www.instagram.com/reel/DChUa0LPBTK/?igsh=MXFzMmlscDU0NjRqcA==
Aidez-moi, ça me madeleine de proust fort mais je n'arrive pas à savoir ce que c'est. Ça m'évoque un vieux Harry Potter que GBA mais aussi Titi et Grosminet sur GBC. Je devienne fous.
Merci !
submitted by FitInspector4924 to musique [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 17:21 jason9t8 LSG would like to weigh in with...
submitted by jason9t8 to CricketShitpost [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 17:21 Aggressive-Ice-9623 Cant find anyone for prison break heist and need help
Why does no one want to join and are anyone of u interested?
submitted by Aggressive-Ice-9623 to HeistTeams [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 17:21 Monnaaahh What’s something you would say to a long lost ex, and why?
submitted by Monnaaahh to AskReddit [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 17:21 DiaperGirlCindy You know it's true 😉
submitted by DiaperGirlCindy to diapercucks [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 17:21 foxtrotandninetails Cool as this OC is, it's not mine. My GL2 bugged out and gave me someone else's character. So whoever got mine, I'm so sorry
submitted by foxtrotandninetails to GachaClub [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 17:21 Bulky-Republic8684 Fixing a Mac 10 mag
Hi there peeps just recently got a Well Mac 10 and extra mag but one of them is leaking and does any know how to fix it please and thank you.
submitted by Bulky-Republic8684 to airsoft [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 17:21 Awkward_Constant_674 AH add a cape for the children
Asking for a smaller child-sized cape to honor the children of Vernen Wells as well as the children who lost their parents to the Helldiver warfront. That is all.
submitted by Awkward_Constant_674 to helldivers2 [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 17:21 razabbb Gehäuselüfter 120x120x20mm?
Hi! Vor kurzem ist einer meiner Gehäuselüfter kaputt gegangen. Wollte mir dann einen neuen kaufen, um ihn zu ersetzen.
Problem: Für mein Gehäuse benötige ich einen Lüfter mit Maßen 120x120x20mm und ich finde echt im ganzen Netz so gut wie keinen einzigen dieser Art. Das Problem ist hier die Tiefe von 20mm. Standardmäßig scheint man überall 25mm zu bekommen. Hab auch welche mit 15mm gefunden aber das ist wieder zu klein.
Kann da irgendwer ein Produkt empfehlen oder vielleicht einen Händler, der so was in seinem Sortiment hat? Hab natürlich schon Amazon gecheckt und ebenfalls Mindfactory aber bisher ohne Erfolg. (Hab bei Amazon einen einzigen gefunden aber der käme dann aus dem Ausland. Würde im Notfall gehen aber vielleicht weiß zufällig jemand ne einfachere Variante.)
Hier noch einige Daten:
Mein Gehäuse: Sharkoon VG5-W; Lüfter soll vorne angebracht werden (er wird von außen an das Gehäuse geschraubt; dann wird eine Frontverkleidung darüber angebracht)
Out-of-the-Box waren dort Lüfter vom Typ "Sharkoon, Brushless DC Fan, SF1220L" dabei und einen dieser Lüfter will ich nun ersetzen. Die genannten Sharkoon Lüfter konnte ich als Einzelstück nirgendwo finden. (Nur einen gebrauchten bei ebay aber will auf jeden Fall einen neuen.)
Hab auch schon versucht, einen Lüfter mit 25mm Tiefe anzubringen. Problem ist, dass ich dafür keine passenden Schrauben habe (Hersteller hat keine mitgeliefert). Da ich auch nicht weiß, welche genauen Schrauben ich dafür bräuchte und ob das ganze dann überhaupt passen würde, will ich lieber einen passenden, 20mm-Tiefe Lüfter einbauen.
Schon mal vielen Dank für eventuelle Tipps!
submitted by razabbb to PCBaumeister [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 17:21 gowtham_ias Finally defeated the ender dragon
Didn't took the screenshot of killing the dragon but trust me we did 😭 Ekkada share cheskovalo theliledhu bondhas andhuke meetho share cheskuntunna submitted by gowtham_ias to Ni_Bondha [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 17:21 Necessary_Badger3826 new addition :)
my boyfriend got me one of the lockers! it’s so cute and it’s going to make such a cute addition to my monster high shelf :) submitted by Necessary_Badger3826 to MonsterHighDolls [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 17:21 Mattdoss Beast Gohan by horang4628
submitted by Mattdoss to ImaginaryDragonBall [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 17:21 DotMasterSea Does anyone else experience this?
My (44f) face feels heavy/tight/frozen during a “flare.” If I pull on my lip and/or jowls, it kinda gets stuck. I can move it back in place on its own but it’s still not a fun feeling! Lol
Other symptoms as well, obviously, but this is the weirdest one to me. Also exploring a potential autoimmune disorder (low + ANA and RNP last Nov/negative in August).
Newly dx’d with hEDS and POTS (and likely MCAS).
And just for clarification, these pics were taken maybe a couple weeks apart: Left: flare Right: normal
Thanks in advance! Lmk if you want any clarification ☺️
submitted by DotMasterSea to POTS [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 17:21 UnityAssets_new_bot Beach Girls : 🔥 Beach Girls3D models of cute girls in swimsuits with many customization options! Rigged to Humanoid Skeleton with additional bones, Apple blendshapes. Completely modular, body without clothes is included.👑 Key Features🌟 Low-poly🌟 Fully Rigged🌟
submitted by UnityAssets_new_bot to UnityAssets [link] [comments]