Im so hrny for my classmate omg

2024.11.26 17:45 IronEnvironmental753 Im so hrny for my classmate omg

submitted by IronEnvironmental753 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:45 GeeorgeC My turn who's babysitting?

submitted by GeeorgeC to thewalkingdead [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:45 Brilliant_Regular261 ALL BULLS IN SUB ARE FAKESSSS DONT CHECK MY POSTS

submitted by Brilliant_Regular261 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:45 DethSlayerObituary Please add me for eggs event tommorow.

Please add me for the new event and don't send eggs until tommorow afternoon please. I have space for a couple of more people. Thank you to everyone.
submitted by DethSlayerObituary to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:45 adelineahr looking for high dice partners!

looking for high dice partners! please show dice, i’m 1 sticker from finishing so really hoping for the wild!
submitted by adelineahr to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:45 TNEPengu Car start issue

Hello. I have a 2013 Hyundai Elantra 1.8L 4 cylinder. I had trouble starting my car due to bad battery (it was old) so I bought a new one one and everything worked fine for about a week or so. I went to start my car and the lights and everything came on but the engine clicked only once and then nothing. I tried a few times more and it finally randomly came on while I was turning the key for about 20 seconds. Anyone know what it could be?
submitted by TNEPengu to MechanicAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:45 Kassi-opeia Looking For a Reliable Gaming Laptop

I've found this one on sale at BestBuy right now:
I looked into its specs and all but I'm not good at telling the difference between a bad laptop and a good one. This would be my first time buying a laptop at all, and I'd like to be able to game on it.
I was wondering if someone could please look into it and tell me if it would be able to run the following games I'm interested in well? Thank you, I didn't want to have to ask others to look at it for me but I am terribly illiterate when it comes to technological things!

Thank yall!
submitted by Kassi-opeia to GamingLaptops [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:45 Good_Basket64 Zamana Jali (underrated)

Zamana Jali (underrated) Checkout
submitted by Good_Basket64 to IndianHipHopHeads [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:45 IL1511 Alien: Romulus (2024) I just became an Alien fan! I loved Rain and Andy's relationship. Romulus effectively handled the Prometheus and Covenant lore, but the movie took a bit of a dip once they got to the underbelly of the laboratory.

Alien: Romulus (2024) I just became an Alien fan! I loved Rain and Andy's relationship. Romulus effectively handled the Prometheus and Covenant lore, but the movie took a bit of a dip once they got to the underbelly of the laboratory. submitted by IL1511 to moviecritic [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:45 JVSP1873 Adventure 01 Reverse Crest Evolution: Champion (CREDIT: DoodlerSand on Twitter)

Adventure 01 Reverse Crest Evolution: Champion (CREDIT: DoodlerSand on Twitter) submitted by JVSP1873 to digimon [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:45 feross A Framework for Evaluating Browser Support

A Framework for Evaluating Browser Support submitted by feross to webdev [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:45 TrueDonut1 LTB an Omaggio on plates (no yanktons pls)

LTB an Omaggio on plates (no yanktons pls) Pounders, Panic, LSCM, LC, or LV Please
submitted by TrueDonut1 to GTACarMeetMarket [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:45 crowcanyonsoftware Transforming challenges into solutions with Crow Canyon Software!

Transforming challenges into solutions with Crow Canyon Software! submitted by crowcanyonsoftware to NITROstudio [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:45 No_Wolf2867 Coolant

Coolant Today before i drive home from work, i looked at coolant, and it was bare at minimum, refilled with tap water, all i had at work.
So now its between minimum and max, is there anything to worry about since i refilled with tap water?
Audi a5 b8.5 2015
submitted by No_Wolf2867 to Audi [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:45 corruptum I am the meme machine

submitted by corruptum to recap [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:45 GlGGLE does anyone have projector recommendations to watch youtube & netflix on their wall?

i’m looking for a projector that i can connect to my laptop and stream whatever is on my laptop through the projector onto the wall
$100 or less is ideal
submitted by GlGGLE to TheGirlSurvivalGuide [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:45 Resident-Fun8071 Guys! Im not able to open official XAT mock on laptop, any idea how i can open this?

Guys! Im not able to open official XAT mock on laptop, any idea how i can open this? submitted by Resident-Fun8071 to CATpreparation [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:45 JrD0726 Gizem Budak

Gizem Budak submitted by JrD0726 to turkish_celeb [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:45 anon_sir Are we still taking over other subs with ITYSL references? Link in comments

Are we still taking over other subs with ITYSL references? Link in comments submitted by anon_sir to IThinkYouShouldLeave [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:45 Constant_Leg6038 Sinceramente necesito ayuda con esto. Alguien puede darme una mano?

Necesito ayuda sinceramente...
Hace 6 meses comencé una relación a distancia con una chica que vive a 450 Km de mi ciudad vive en Alta Gracia, Córdoba). Ella tiene 20 años y yo 19. El asunto es que no puedo dejar de sobrepensar Dios mio! Cuando llevábamos un mes ella me contó que muy de vez en cuando (2 veces al año aprox) salia al boliche (o discoteca como se lo conoce normalmente), y eso me generó ciertos celos, ya que muchos hombres la verán bailar en ese antro. Ella me dijo que su única intención para ir a esos lugares es para bailar o divertirse con sus amigas, y que no le da pie a nadie para hacer nada. Me dijo que así me guste o no me guste, ella no lo iba a dejar de hacer porque esperó toda su adolescencia para hacer eso, y que es su manera de "disfrutar su libertad". Hace un par de dias le pregunte por curiosidad que le gustaba bailar cuando iba ahí, y me dijo que por temas de respeto (no entiendo en que me faltaria el respeto) no me habia comentado antes el hecho de que por ahí le gusta hacer bailecitos "sensuales" (ya saben, reggaeton y todas esas mierdas... mover el culo). También en un par de ocasiones me mostró fotos de como habia ido vestida la ultima vez que salió, y si bien se viste mas decente que la mayoría, no deja de ser ropa de boliche (esa ropa que marca el culo y las tetas).
Por mi parte tengo que comentar que personalmente siempre odié los boliches o discotecas, sobre todo por su connotación sexual en todo lo que lo rodea. Odio estos lugares incluso mucho antes de conocerla a ella...
Yo sé y tengo mucha fe y confianza en que ella es incapaz de darle pie a un hombre hasta para inclusive bailar, y se que es capaz de ser infiel conmigo... Esto lo digo porque se como fue criada, como son sus padres, y en que ambiente y con que enseñanzas morales se educó.
Pero por favor. Aunque yo asimilo todo lo anterior, no puedo dejar de sobrepensar... incluso cuando no quiero hacerlo, mi cerebro me lo recuerda, y es algo que yo siento muy desgastante, que me hace mal, y lo peor es que no lo puedo controlar... Tampoco quiero ser alguien controlador ni muy toxico con ella....
Les pido por favor encarecidamente su ayuda para dejar este maldito habito. También recibo de muy buena manera sus opiniones acerca del asunto. Muchas Gracias!
submitted by Constant_Leg6038 to RedditPregunta [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:45 Hot_Possibility79 Amber 057060f05414533a04b91abb2ba0f80555375bf4b694271073cf3763fbc99a8550

Amber 057060f05414533a04b91abb2ba0f80555375bf4b694271073cf3763fbc99a8550 057060f05414533a04b91abb2ba0f80555375bf4b694271073cf3763fbc99a8550
submitted by Hot_Possibility79 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:45 armpitslovers Ruhi Singh

Ruhi Singh submitted by armpitslovers to bollyarm [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:45 rrmdp 📢 York Region District School Board is hiring a Secondary Long Term Occasional (LTO) 100% Grade 9 and 11 University Math!

📢 York Region District School Board is hiring a Secondary Long Term Occasional (LTO) 100% Grade 9 and 11 University Math! Company: York Region District School Board
Location: Aurora, Ontario, Canada 📍
Date Posted: November 26, 2024 📅
Apply & Description 👉
submitted by rrmdp to jobboardsearch [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:45 sgtkarotte Kosten Fliesen Neubau

Hallo Zusammen,
wir planen einen Neubau und haben bzgl. Fliesen folgendes Angebot vom GU vorliegen:
Fliesen legen Diele, Abstellraum und Haustechnik (24,17qm) in den Maßen 30x60 in Kreuzfugen inkl. Sockel aus den Fliesen geschnitten für 4340€ bis zu 35€ Materialwert
Das würde ca 179€/qm inkl. Material entsprechen.
Ist das realistisch? Ich werde hier noch bei einem lokalen Fliesenleger nach Preisen fragen, ich bin da nur gerade darüber gestolpert und habe mich sehr gewundert.
submitted by sgtkarotte to Handwerker [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:45 drysra Make me feel good :)

Make me feel good :) https://www.reddit.comdrysra/s/3UtlgDGz3s suprise :) hmu!
submitted by drysra to MakeMeFeelGood [link] [comments]