Trying to get better at form, can I have some advice on these?

2024.11.26 17:38 AdvertisingCreepy639 Trying to get better at form, can I have some advice on these?

Trying to get better at form, can I have some advice on these? How may I have some practice methods to get effective progress? I studied some spheres from this reference
submitted by AdvertisingCreepy639 to learntodraw [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:38 gilsonvilain What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by gilsonvilain to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:38 GramTheGreat88 Savage Lee

I've been farming Savage Lee for a Harold and he has yet to drop ANYTHING, is it broken? Am I not doing something right?
submitted by GramTheGreat88 to Borderlands2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:38 NeverAgainHomeschool Found her in a thrift store and made her an integral part of my accent wall!

Found her in a thrift store and made her an integral part of my accent wall! submitted by NeverAgainHomeschool to interiordecorating [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:38 Dame2Miami Got a BTA nem (a bit too early but the deal was too good) and some macroalgae. Some questions…

I wanted to wait another month or two to let my tank mature just a bit more before getting a nem but it was $200 shipped from a reputable seller and I thought the deal was too good since these BTAs are listed for $450-$700 most other places. It’s hauling ass around this rock looking for a spot to settle so I had to move my fuzzy shrooms out of the way for now.
I also got this red broccoli macroalgae (hard to see in the back corner of the photo).
Question: will the macroalgae in my display be able to replace the phosphate control I currently get from GFO packets? This is basically an in-tank refugium now right?
I wouldn’t mind letting the macroalgae take over my sand bed since it grows in neat little balls. I guess I’d just have to make sure to feed my corals a bit more to avoid nitrates bottoming out right? Nitrates currently at 8-10, phosphates at 0.05.
submitted by Dame2Miami to ReefTank [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:38 callowyn The Mod Team is Out Of Control

This team and the way that communication is handled is wrong and needs to be addressed. There is no way to have a civil conversation without being compartmentalized and then shut down. It is worthless to post anything there unless they are praises because they do not want to hear it.
Why even use their Discord for anything since you cannot have any meaningful type of discussion there.
submitted by callowyn to MarvelSnap [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:38 Proud_Hand_8839 Ci guadagno o ci perdo? Sono milanista quindi non riesco ad essere oggettivo su Barella

Ci guadagno o ci perdo? Sono milanista quindi non riesco ad essere oggettivo su Barella Io sono quello che si disfa (si scherza eh) delle merde interiste. La mia idea è che siano buonissimi giocatori ma non fantacalcistici.
submitted by Proud_Hand_8839 to fantacalcio_IT [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:38 CoreReaper New Creative Upload On Ad Being Forced With Shopify Adset Carousel Creative Already In Place

I am having issues with making a Shopify catalog adset work, with the new creative upload menu on the ad itself (form fill leads campaign) The Shopify catalog carousel is a breeze to set up in the ad set, but it seems like when building the actual ad, Meta doesn’t recognize that the creative is being pulled from the Shopify catalog and it wants me to upload creative, when that isn’t what I’m trying to do. Has anyone else had this problem with Shopify catalog ad sets/ads?
Thanks in advance Signed a frustrated Marketing guy…
submitted by CoreReaper to FacebookAds [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:38 InevitableData3627 Was soll ich gegen meine schwester machen ? Sie postest immer ihren booty die hure ? Dm mich

submitted by InevitableData3627 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:38 Corundex Lizzo leaves fans shocked after revealing incredible weight loss in latest post

Lizzo leaves fans shocked after revealing incredible weight loss in latest post submitted by Corundex to iGoalPro [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:38 mirbulus Best Budget handheld for Genshin?

I ordered an RP5 for myself, but my girlfriend mentioned wanting to get a handheld for genshin impact. I know the RP4 pro can run it well and I am leaning towards that as of now, but I wanted to know if anyone has any experience with any cheaper devices? She would pretty much only play genshin off the play store and I dont think she can tell the difference between 30 and 60fps.
Doesnt have to be retroid, Im new to handhelds in general so any advice is appreciated. Thanks!
(She mentioned getting a switch lite once it releases on that)
submitted by mirbulus to retroid [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:38 S4ndwichGurk3 Feedback and advise for our sight-seeing app

we've invested lots of time and released our app. Can someone give concrete advise on how to grow and find the right product market fit for ?
Very much appreciated :)
submitted by S4ndwichGurk3 to growmybusiness [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:38 Virtual-Bit-6973 What's the most random, weird thing a stranger has said to you?

Maybe while standing in line or while shopping. What is the all-time weirdest thing a total stranger has said to you?
submitted by Virtual-Bit-6973 to AskIndia [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:38 Spencie13 Ticketmaster issues

Hey, folks, This isn't necessarily an Ottawa issue, but I just need other people's thoughts on this... I am having trouble transferring tickets for the BlackBears to a couple of friends who will be arriving a bit later to the game. I keep getting an error message, with a button to "retry" and it keeps "authenticating" my account. I have tried chatting with their customer service technicians, who weren't very helpful at all. I have tried uninstalling the app, and reinstalling it, but that doesn't work... Any advice or thoughts would be helpful. I wish they would at least let us print the damn tickets out. Technology sometimes fails us, and we can't always use it. There needs to be a better way. Thanks for reading. I appreciate your help, hive mind.
submitted by Spencie13 to ottawa [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:38 tiny_tamago maple !!!

maple !!! her markings are so pretty
submitted by tiny_tamago to nekoatsume [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:38 Appropriate_Two8169 Coparenting w them is awful. I'm blue texts

Coparenting w them is awful. I'm blue texts submitted by Appropriate_Two8169 to NarcissisticSpouses [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:38 Other-Educator-9399 Rejected time sheets cost the department?

I made a minor error when submitting my time sheet via DocuSign. My boss gave me a 10 minute lecture about it and claimed that "the department has to pay" every time a time sheet is rejected. Does anyone know if this is true, other than "staff time wasted"?
submitted by Other-Educator-9399 to CAStateWorkers [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:38 Immediate_Tree7918 Bring Back the Princess Vanilla Cake Pods for VL

I can't be the only one that LOVED the PVC for the VL. I know they did a vote on bringing back PVC or the Hermes one, The Hermes one won. SO SAD
submitted by Immediate_Tree7918 to nespresso [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:38 edijwal bffr

bffr you guys on here do not know what a sad song is clearly
submitted by edijwal to Soundmap [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:38 Illustrious-Fig4645 I’m not sure how to fix this is there anything I could do?

I’m not sure how to fix this is there anything I could do? submitted by Illustrious-Fig4645 to laptops [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:38 Shafqatbabloo Two of our favorite gaming desks are massively discounted for Black Friday and I've never been more tempted to make a huge change to my setup

Two of our favorite gaming desks are massively discounted for Black Friday and I've never been more tempted to make a huge change to my setup submitted by Shafqatbabloo to infoprovider [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:38 Striking-Variety-645 Ai gresit buzunarul , baiatul meu!

Ai gresit buzunarul , baiatul meu! submitted by Striking-Variety-645 to Romania [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:38 Objective_Proof1225 D4 Bad, just get POE 2 1000x better

Don't need to say more. D4 is horrible
submitted by Objective_Proof1225 to diablo4 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:38 SubstantialMetal3285 [WTS] 1928 MS 62 St. Gaudens, 1.5 oz Canadian Predators, RP Maples, and 80% Canada Dollars

Lots of fun stuff for you to see today. Looking to move it all!\
Respond here and then CHAT ONLY PLEASE.
Scammers? Don't bother. I'm new, not stupid - 2FA is on and passwords are secret.
Don’t like my prices? Send me an offer! If you save me a trip to the post office, I’ll consider it.
Let’s make my stuff your stuff!
1928 PCGS MS62 $20 St. Gaudens $20 Double Eagle - $2725
8x Canadian Predators 1.5 ozt 9999 - $47 each
3x 2017 Reverse Proof Canadian Maple with 50th Anniversary Privy - $40 each
25x 80% Canada Dollars (0.6 ozt ASW each) - $19 each\ Whale deal: buy all 25 for $465
Ordering Details
Payment Methods Accepted: Zelle, PPFF, VenmoFF, CashApp, PPGS (+3.5%), VenmoGS (+3.5%). Absolutely no notes. Absolutely no mention of bullion, money, etc. Nondescript emoji if necessary. Payments not adhering to this will be reversed.
Preferred minimum order $50. Exceptions considered on case-by-case basis
Shipping: $5 for GA (up to 8 oz), $10 for SFRB. Insurance, Signature Confirmation, and/or Registered Mail are available at your request and at cost.
Free shipping via GA or SFRB (my choice) for all orders over $100. (The St. Gaudens will be shipped either Priority or UPS 2-day air)
Prior to shipping I will verify the address with you. I will hand deliver to the post office and send you a photo of the receipt. However, once I hand the package to the USPS, my responsibility ends.
Happy buying and thanks for looking!
submitted by SubstantialMetal3285 to CoinSales [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:38 I_thght_he_was_wth_u Apple’s latest AirPods Pro are cheaper than the AirPods 4 right now

Apple’s latest AirPods Pro are cheaper than the AirPods 4 right now submitted by I_thght_he_was_wth_u to Techfeed [link] [comments]