Should I use hair straightener

2024.11.26 17:31 No-Many1745 Should I use hair straightener

I want to do middle part hairstyle but my left side of my hair keeps going up
For my right it’s fine as it’s
submitted by No-Many1745 to Haircare [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:31 rrachelbeann Build Your Own Reeses in NYC?!

Build Your Own Reeses in NYC?! submitted by rrachelbeann to DessertPorn [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:31 sayamortandire People who’ve been to one of the concerts, how early did you get to the venue?

submitted by sayamortandire to PaulMcCartney [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:31 Ok-Cod-856 F33d me bi N'_L perv stuff. UBGR9JCU8

submitted by Ok-Cod-856 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:31 Nameless_Mono My new robot oc, Alix.

submitted by Nameless_Mono to OriginalCharacter [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:31 Smooth_is_fast6173 Sleeping on face after treatment?

To you who've done ablative laser, how many days did it go until you could sleep on your face?
submitted by Smooth_is_fast6173 to AcneScars [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:31 Short_Algo $APRE Awaiting Buy Signal based off 12 signals $6,555 net profit 7.55 profit factor 83% win rate on a 15-min chart. Free trial at #trading #stocks #investing #money

$APRE Awaiting Buy Signal based off 12 signals $6,555 net profit 7.55 profit factor 83% win rate on a 15-min chart. Free trial at #trading #stocks #investing #money submitted by Short_Algo to StockTradingIdeas [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:31 karma736 meow meow pics with Macbeth memes

meow meow pics with Macbeth memes submitted by karma736 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:31 abstractls What ever happened to Silver Diner coming in the old Applebees spot

It was announced 4 years ago and then nothing happened
submitted by abstractls to Annapolis [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:31 northnorthhoho I'm hyped for mobile

I constantly see people saying that this game isn't meant for people in the west, and that it won't do well. I think it it will honestly do just fine. Younger generations are already used to playing on handheld consoles. Phones also aren't the only option to play, I have a few handheld android devices with built in controllers specifically made for gaming.
I work with a lot of gamers, and we often travel to remote camps and hotels. We have starlink, so internet isn't an issue, however I don't have room to bring a laptop and gaming accessories with me most of the time. Right now a lot of us play a fairly bit of runescape mobile / genshin ect.. but we prefer big mmos like ffxiv or wow.
I've spent hundreds of hours playing other mobile mmos, so the thought of an actual AAA MMO that I can play during down time at work and away from home is amazing.
I know mobile isn't everyone's cup of tea, but the market is HUGE, even in the west. Even Diablo immortal is a super fun Diablo game, the monetization just socks. If square can keep the monetization similar to what current ffxiv is, then I think this will be amazing.
submitted by northnorthhoho to ffxiv [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:31 Darkest-Walnut-TTV HMS Ark Royal, finally made a start on the painting

HMS Ark Royal, finally made a start on the painting Just finished my “paint to see”’stage. After doing the most basic layer, it lets me see what I can do with the model now. All that needs doing is the detail, weathering and general tidying up and it’ll be to a “gaming standard” Long way to go, but I’m happy with it so far
submitted by Darkest-Walnut-TTV to Airfix [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:31 Everblack_Deathmask My Discography Ranking for TBDM:

Here is my ranking of TBDM’s albums (I love all these albums so this was a very difficult ranking for me):

  1. Nocturnal
  2. Everblack
  3. Nightbringers
  4. Deflorate
  5. Miasma
  6. Unhallowed
  7. Ritual
  8. Abysmal
  9. Verminous
  10. Servitude
submitted by Everblack_Deathmask to TheBlackDahliaMurder [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:31 CamelReds73 Cooking with spirits, can you still be considered sober?

Hello all, I’ve been sober for two years and with all my free time now rather than be in bars, I’ve turned to cooking. Still pretty new to the culinary world and I’ve found myself wanting to try my hand at French dishes. The cookbook for beginners I look at seen to have a lot of the sauces and braising for recipes needing a red wine or other spirits. I’d like to make them as they seem delicious but I’m very hesitant to incorporate spirits into my new world of cooking. Just looking for some insights and suggestions about how to navigate this!
submitted by CamelReds73 to stopdrinking [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:31 client42 [WTS] Seiko SNZB 7S26 Custom Green Dial Mod Automatic READ - $90

[WTS] Seiko SNZB 7S26 Custom Green Dial Mod Automatic READ - $90 submitted by client42 to Watchexchange [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:31 OkHawk8788 Change Arrangement or Stay as is?!

I have a DIY sealed "bookshelf" speakers with Seas Excel drivers in TM arrangement hiding inside of a custom cabinet/media hutch which includes a 10" seas LRoy 10" centered subwoofer, about to add a 2nd sub and place one under each "bookshelf", TM bookshelfs have passive crossovers. So really trying to cram full size speakers into a hidden area. All use described is for stereo listening of music streamed from PC Tidal>Dirac AISO>DAC AISO>Pre>Amp. I've found at 8' spread I get the best of wide and strong center imaging, my listening spot is 12' away. I'm not concerned if people 5 to 10' away are getting good sound, only care about a few foot critical listening area my daughter and I sit to jam about every day. Room is somewhat relfective, very thick/absorptive/large floor rug and sofa, but the rest is highly reflective and there's some other furniture to break it up.
I used to have the same drivers but floor standing MTM w/out a sub, this arrangement had a 2nd matching 7" mid woofer, which I still own and am tempted to add back into a new enclosure or open baffle stuffed inside the media hutch. Subs are on a separate amp channel, located directly below each bookshelf, run with Minidsp for gain/crossovers L&R 80 hz and below. Amplification is Buckeye amps Hypex NCx500 chips per channel, also a modded Bottlehead Moreplay preamp. Listening room is 25'Wx24'Dx8.5"H. I'm using Dirac Live room correction to smooth FR and adjust phase/timing/impulse as I myself am not at the level of using all manual adjustments with REW. See pictures in link.
So the only way to get the 2nd 7" added back in is to do the woofers horizontally next to each other and the tweeter nestled at the top middle directly between them. A verticle arrangement wouldn't fit in the media hutch. I'd be planning on keeping them all as tight as possible. Is this considered MTM still? Not sure what I'm getting at or why I think I need the 2nd 7" midrange woofer added back to each side, I am in the process of adding the 2nd sub and am thinking additional mid drivers would be a better balance. They're currently around 8ohm and the amp can supply 700w at 4 ohm so why not? If I wasn't bound by the media hutch adding the 2nd mid range would be a no brainer IMO but with the unique/potentially problematic arrangement how am I to know if it's worth the effort? Make an easy open baffle and see what it sounds like, if lobing or room modes aren't a good match?
Is this at all advisable? Lack of manual correction a no go? For how many rules are already being broken it does sound pretty good but not sure if there's a cliff I'm about to drop off! ;)
submitted by OkHawk8788 to StereoAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:31 TehGadfly Shield Plus Options

Sorry for the (relatively) lengthy post for a pretty simple question, but:
I'm looking for my first EDC, and I'm hoping to get more into shooting as a hobby once I can afford to. For the moment, I'm just trying to get as much value out of my first purchase as possible. After weeks of watching video reviews and reading reviews and Reddit discussions, I've finally settled on the Shield Plus. I had initially been eyeing the Taurus g3c due to a very limited budget, but I've got a bit more to spend now.
I know the reaction it tends to get, but I DO want a manual safety. I'll most likely carry with the safety disengaged, but I intend to use it to teach my wife and my sister's children the basics. They'll be taught to keep away from the trigger until they're ready to shoot, of course, and they'll initially handle it unloaded. But even if the safety only mitigates the risk slightly, I'd rather avoid a momentary lapse turning into a tragedy.
As money is still relatively tight, I planned to just get a bare-bones Shield Plus until I realized that I'd probably end up spending twice as much upgrading and such. Now, I'm having a hard time deciding between the Carry Comp and the Red Dot bundle I've seen on several sites.
I've considering the Carry Comp because I'm in Illinois; for the moment, we still can't get pistols with threaded barrels, so if I won't have the option of adding a compensator later, if I decide I'd like to. While that restriction is probably on the way out once the case reaches SCOTUS, that will take some time.
The Red Dot Bundle simply seems to be the best value for the money, with the mags, it being OR, and coming with the tritium night sights, even if the CT dot isn't terribly well regarded. I can always get a better dot and send it into the PC for upgrades later, if I want.
I just want to see if one option is clearly better than the other, or if I should be looking at something else entirely.
Thanks for your time, I appreciate any guidance you folks might have to offer.
(posting in SmithAndWesson as well to increase my odds of getting a reply, please let me know if that is not allowed)
submitted by TehGadfly to Firearms [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:31 Square_Classic4324 Hey world, I went to Disney so I could grind about work.

submitted by Square_Classic4324 to LinkedInLunatics [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:31 OtherwiseBeginning50 Colorway Question

Hi all! I found these jeans online, but I need to find them in my size now. Is anyone able to identify what the name of this wash is? The keywords used by the seller are not really getting me good results when searching. Thanks in advance!
submitted by OtherwiseBeginning50 to VintageLevis [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:31 grainn-of-ssalt why... WHY!?

why... WHY!? submitted by grainn-of-ssalt to ZenlessZoneZero [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:31 omitb_lover_86 Please stop with these posts

But guys seriously stop with the, "you made 0 mistakes unlike in real life" posts. I know I might get downvoted but I've been scrolling through Duolingo and have found over five posts about the same thing. So I don't really mind if you keep posting the same things over and over, but I'm just saying.
submitted by omitb_lover_86 to duolingo [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:31 Hubi522 We may be screwed

The US's DOJ is currently suing Google for being a monopoly. It wants to force Google to sell Chrome and potentially Android, and stop paying Mozilla and Co to be the default search engine.
It may be unlikely that some company (or Elon Musk) quickly throws out $20 billion to buy a browser, but what if? What if someone buys it. They might think they have a great deal. They buy it, and notice that Chrome has an open source version, Chromium. "Why would we want that? We paid good money for this, now we want it for our own", they might say. They discontinue Chromium, and its Blink engine.
Hell breaks loose.
The browser space would collapse. Firefox will be dead without Google's funding, that'll probably happen anyway, outside our hypothetical scenario. Any browser based on Chromium will cease from existence.
Edge, not maintainable. Arc, not maintainable. Opera, not maintainable. Brave, not maintainable.
The Electron project would fall apart. And with it VSCode, Discord Desktop, MS Teams and a huge part of Microsoft's own Windows apps; of course many more. Disaster. There won't be an easy way to fix that; they'd probably all have rewritten their app in a native format.
The consequences would be disastrous and incredibly anticompetitive. Of course, this doesn't have to happen, but it might. The DOJ doesn't understand the gravity of its actions. We might be screwed.
submitted by Hubi522 to browsers [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:31 Ekua26 Hello, is there a way to export messages from Webex messaging into MS Teams?

submitted by Ekua26 to MicrosoftTeams [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:31 RoadKamilot As someone that really enjoys Zeri I wanna hear some opinions. :3

As someone that really enjoys Zeri I wanna hear some opinions. :3 I decided to make an anonymous form you can fill out about Zeri so I can see the consensus from all the Zeri mains.
submitted by RoadKamilot to ZeriMains [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:31 djrickey08 My Miles Morales Cosplay

My Miles Morales Cosplay my insta is @grand.cosplays and the suit was made by @eggsomnia on insta
submitted by djrickey08 to Spiderman [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:31 Long_Equivalent_3390 Mech Eng is tryna off me

Every-time i do an engineering question it takes almost 30m to 1hr.... and thats if I know what im doing, if im doing trial and error its much longer. Now the issue is im now in 3rd year and i literally cant take it anymore, i get headaches from trying to solve the questions. I once got so sick i was vomiting for a week. Now if i do decide to push forward studying in the case of exams usually it takes such a toll my my mental health, i lose weight, become so tired and depressed even after the exam is over. I once got good grades above 80% but now i dont want to put much effort as it makes me physically sick, tryna settle for 60%. Doesnt help that we got wack lecturers also. If you got any recommendations or advice help.
submitted by Long_Equivalent_3390 to EngineeringStudents [link] [comments]