When do the bots slow down?

2024.11.26 19:50 -Niio When do the bots slow down?

I just came back to HS after a 6-year break.
I went on a 25-win streak, lost a game, and now I'm back to a 30-game win streak.
I'm not sure if I have played more than 3 actual players. Current rank is diamond 8.
Do things get better at Legend?
submitted by -Niio to hearthstone [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 tikibot2 “Guest/Author Nana Visitor, with ‘Open A Channel: Women of Star Trek” | Trekland Tuesdays #376

“Guest/Author Nana Visitor, with ‘Open A Channel: Women of Star Trek” | Trekland Tuesdays #376 submitted by tikibot2 to StarTrekBookClub [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 Yoostink Hooters Lucina (commission by Iaurencin on Twitter)

submitted by Yoostink to FireEmblemHeroes [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 StardustOasis GBBO 2024 Live Discussion - Week 10: The Grand Final

Hello, and welcome to the CasualUK Bake Off live thread. It's grand final week, and it's time to see what the bakers families and loved ones think of them.
Three bakers remain, and it could go to any of them. Who do we want to win? What acct do you think Christiaan will use this week?

Name Observations Hollywood Handshakes 🫲 Technical Challenge Wins🏅 Star Baker Crowns👑 Week Eliminated
Andy Got tintinitus 5
Christisaan Can't decided on an accent 🫲 👑
Dylan Autumn Grinch 🫲🫲 🏅🏅🏅 👑👑
Georgie Thinks baking is a massive faff 🏅🏅 👑👑
Gill Very accomodating husband 👑 9
Hazel Didn't give Punch a big truncheon 2
Illiyin Quietly nice 🫲 🏅 8
Jeff Nice and smooth 2
John Cries over bagels 👑 3
Mike Always cries 🏅 4
Nelly Not from Lithuania 🏅 6
Sumayah Likes swans 🏅 👑👑 7
On your marks. Get set. Bake.
submitted by StardustOasis to CasualUK [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 Equivalent-Poet998 This game sucks

This game sucks How won't it let me give all 6 candy bars to her? This game sucks I'm never playing it again
submitted by Equivalent-Poet998 to TheWalkingDeadGame [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 MaxDesignProREAL It's Edd... edited. (Credits to who made the original post, sorry I forgot your name)

It's Edd... edited. (Credits to who made the original post, sorry I forgot your name) submitted by MaxDesignProREAL to Eddsworld [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 yxzyxx Generating leads for criminal defense attorney

Hey everyone, I got a side gig working for a struggling criminal defense attorney. He's very worried about paying money into Facebook ads and not getting much in return. I am familiar with generating leads through form ads on Facebook. He told me he would like Google ads ran as well. I told him I'd start off with social media ads and see what that brings in. Is there anybody in this subreddit that has experience running ads in the criminal defense, family law industry? Is my plan with using Meta ads viable? Thanks in advance for your reply.
submitted by yxzyxx to DigitalMarketing [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 Howard690 Ruido en corolla

Simple. Tengo un Corolla 2016 xei. Lo compré usado, lo hice revisar por un mecánico, tiene 80.000 km y está todo bien por donde lo mire. Me tiré abajo, levanté el capot, no veo nada extraño. Pero hay un golpeteo cuando agarro las uniones de las calles. En calles de hormigón, que tienen juntas entre las losas, hace el ruido. O saltitos chicos. En badenes, lomos de burro, esquinas, ruta, absolutamente nada. Perfecto. La dirección también. Lavándolo, noté que se mueve el plástico del paragolpes delantero y el "guardabarros" plástico del lado del conductor. Otra cosa no encuentro. Podrá ser el paragolpes? A alguien le pasó?
submitted by Howard690 to ArAutos [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 Existing_Bad_5436 My feed is filled with liberal shit

How can I stop my feed from showing me liberal material, I’m tired of seeing that shit. It ruins my day 😂
submitted by Existing_Bad_5436 to LibtardLogic [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 Pvt_Phantom1314 Wanting to play

Hi all, recently stumbled upon this amazing mod and wanted to do a play through with it but was disappointed to see it’s not available for 1.21.
Just curious as to how I would go about getting version 1.20.1 Minecraft and making a game on that. And how would my mods work then.
Would I need to delete the current mod folder and install 1.20 mod loader and create mod in the new mod folder?
Thanks for the help I’m not sure how modding and different versions work lol.
submitted by Pvt_Phantom1314 to CreateMod [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 Necessary_Sense924 generazione più fortunata, qual è?

Recentemente ho avuto una conversazione con mio padre (nato nel 1966) su quale sia la generazione più “fortunata” e prospera. La discussione è diventata un confronto tra punti di vista molto diversi, e mi ha fatto riflettere.
Io credo che la sua generazione abbia vissuto un periodo di maggiore prosperità economica e opportunità rispetto alla mia. Nonostante, secondo me, fossero mediamente più ignoranti (senza internet, meno accesso a informazioni globali, ecc.), avevano una qualità della vita migliore: case accessibili, lavori stabili, meno stress da competizione, e forse una maggiore serenità generale.
Lui, invece, sostiene che la mia generazione sia quella più ignorante, nonostante il facile accesso alla conoscenza. Dice che il nostro mondo “smartphone-centrico” ci rende dipendenti, disinformati e meno capaci di vivere realmente. Per lui, il nostro “progresso tecnologico” non compensa la mancanza di valori e semplicità che la sua generazione aveva.
Io resto dell’idea che, per quanto possa avere ragione su certi aspetti, la sua generazione abbia avuto il vantaggio di vivere in un contesto economico e sociale più favorevole. Noi giovani ci troviamo invece a combattere con precarietà, costi altissimi e un futuro incerto.
Voi cosa ne pensate? Chi ha ragione? Qual è, secondo voi, la generazione più “fortunata”?
submitted by Necessary_Sense924 to Italia [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 rrmdp 📢 BBC is hiring a Head of Propositions!

📢 BBC is hiring a Head of Propositions! Company: BBC
Location: UK 📍
Date Posted: November 23, 2024 📅
Apply & Description 👉 https://jobboardsearch.com/redirect?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=bot&utm_id=jobboarsearch&utm_term=4dayweek.io&rurl=aHR0cHM6Ly80ZGF5d2Vlay5pby9yZW1vdGUtam9iL2hlYWQtb2YtcHJvcG9zaXRpb25zLWx6eG5PLWJiYw==
submitted by rrmdp to jobboardsearch [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 itsCatFluff Drool Drop! I recently learned that Molly, who I adopted about 8 months ago, drools sometimes when she makes biscuits!

Drool Drop! I recently learned that Molly, who I adopted about 8 months ago, drools sometimes when she makes biscuits! submitted by itsCatFluff to OneOrangeBraincell [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 SellAffectionate9965 Licenciatura en Informática a distancia en la Facultad Siglo 21

¡Hola a todos!
Estoy comenzando la Licenciatura en Informática a distancia en la Facultad Siglo 21 y ya tengo algunas equivalencias. Mi objetivo es llegar al título intermedio en menos de tres meses, y tengo algunas dudas respecto al ritmo de la carrera y el tema de las correlatividades.

  1. Correlatividades: ¿Cómo funciona el tema de las correlatividades en esta modalidad? ¿Puedo ir inscribiéndome a las materias respetando las correlativas y el cuatrimestre en que se dicta la materia (par o impar), o tengo la flexibilidad de avanzar más rápido y saltear algunas de estas restricciones?
  2. Avanzar más rápido: ¿Tienen alguna recomendación para avanzar más rápido en la carrera? Tal vez hay estrategias o consejos sobre cómo aprovechar la modalidad a distancia o alguna forma de optimizar el tiempo.
Agradezco mucho cualquier información o experiencia que puedan compartir. ¡Gracias de antemano!
submitted by SellAffectionate9965 to Cordoba [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 ICEBLIGHT333 Women, what kind of pictures should us men use on dating apps?

I see stuff online all the time talking about that the dumbass pictures us men take that women don’t like. Absolutely nothing about what’s preferred / attractive. Tell us the secrets. Thanks.
submitted by ICEBLIGHT333 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 knightiety Deposit Photos Black Friday 2024 Coupon Codes

Visit this page for Deposit Photos Black Friday 2024 Coupon Codes. The website offers a wide selection of coupons, promo codes, and discount deals that are updated regularly, just visit the website to find the perfect one for you.
submitted by knightiety to ArticulateOffers [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 juudie Étudiant et chômeur

Salut, J'ai actuellement le droit à l'ARE en étant en master (j'ai dit que j'étais en formation partielle, puisque je n'ai pas cours toute la semaine). Le problème, c'est que je n'ai pas encore 26 ans donc on m'a rattaché à la mission locale. Et là-bas, on m'assure de tout faire pour me trouver un emploi (chose que je préférerais éviter car le master demande quand même beaucoup de temps), avec une entrevue tous les 15j pour savoir où j'en suis dans ma recherche d'emploi. Par ailleurs, je m'étais dit que ça ne me dérangeait peut-être pas trop de travailler le weekend en contrat étudiant mais finalement je gagnerai moins que l'ARE, en plus de perdre du temps. Je ne sais pas vraiment quoi faire, avez-vous une idée ou un témoignage ? Merci d'avance
submitted by juudie to AntiTaff [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 Jbohacek Should i buy Kola map?

I really like the Caucasus map; however, it feels outdated and relatively small for DCS. I already own the Syria map, which is fantastic, but much of it consists of desert terrain. The Kola map, on the other hand, offers a different vibe, with most of the area covered in forests, which I think would suit me better. That said, €50 is still a significant amount, and I could use it for something else.
I've heard the map is mostly flat and green, but I’m unsure if that’s still accurate after recent updates. It’s tricky to evaluate a DCS map because how do you really rate one? The central areas are usually packed with detail, but when you head to the edges, you often find flat deserts or just open ocean.
I primarily fly CAS planes and helicopters and prefer offline play, as I don’t enjoy multiplayer servers much.
Help me decide !
View Poll
submitted by Jbohacek to dcsworld [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 Morfalath i didnt attend ethics 101

i didnt attend ethics 101 submitted by Morfalath to PlayTheBazaar [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 ExactSolid8276 The boat you're on crash lands on an island...

You and a handful of strangers take a trip on a small boat, get stuck in inclimate weather and find shelter on a remote, undocumented island. Your boat is destroyed and only two of you survive. Your phones are lost at sea. Your companion is rather attractive. Time goes by, and there doesn't seem to be much hope of rescue. Over time, you start developing a relationship with each other.
Let's say you have a spouse back at home. How much time would go by before you consider having a romantic relationship with this person, assuming you would at all?
Assuming you do, what would you do if you were eventually rescued after a couple years? Would you return to your spouse or stay with your new partner?
submitted by ExactSolid8276 to hypotheticalsituation [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 unknown_wolf308 Trixy’s USW

Is there a version of the map that works for pocket edition?
submitted by unknown_wolf308 to Freeminecraftmaps_ [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 Prior_One_6515 What jacket is this?

I bought this from Tracksmith probably in 2018 or so and it never quite fit right so I'd like to sell it since it's like new. Anyone know what it is called?
submitted by Prior_One_6515 to Tracksmith [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 Imaginary-Charity-99 18m bi goonslut here for a nasty perv daddy! i’m so fucking addicted to my cute irls. i wanna get so nasty with you… corrupt me!;) session-05e3d9a96ff1498f2d4a8732206a0a2876a201a62fded1ac7639c1a30e0a163b15

submitted by Imaginary-Charity-99 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 rrmdp 📢 Digital Extremes is hiring a Game Designer Enemies & Bosses!

Company: Digital Extremes
Location: Worldwide 📍
Salary: 40K - 70K 💰
Date Posted: November 25, 2024 📅
Apply & Description 👉 https://jobboardsearch.com/redirect?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=bot&utm_id=jobboarsearch&utm_term=remoteOK.com&rurl=aHR0cHM6Ly9yZW1vdGVPSy5jb20vcmVtb3RlLWpvYnMvcmVtb3RlLWdhbWUtZGVzaWduZXItZW5lbWllcy1ib3NzZXMtZGlnaXRhbC1leHRyZW1lcy0xMDU2NTE3
submitted by rrmdp to jobboardsearch [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 scorpioseasoning Someone scouted our house to break-in last night; not sure what system to buy!

Our city is pretty safe but our block is shady. We have lived here almost 3 years now with no incidents, other than seeing a lot of petty crime happening around us. But last night at 3am, some guy walked past our tall fence, through the gate, onto our porch, and knocked softly (I assume to see if anyone was home).
We have two barky dogs who did their job, and he turned away and left. But it has me spooked. We vacation sometimes and if we hadn't been home, I wonder if we would have gotten robbed.
I would love something:
- Affordable, especially as far as monthly cost is concerned
- Visually deterrent. Just letting people know that we have a security system I think will help. These are not criminal masterminds.
- Has an alarm that will go off if the door is opened without our permission.
- With a front door camera
Don't really care about:
- 24/7 Monitoring
- Having cameras on every inch of my property
I have looked into Vivint and Ring, but am just kind of overwhelmed. We already have smartlocks on two of our external doors in the back, but not on the front door. Otherwise we have no security. Open to any suggestions
submitted by scorpioseasoning to homesecurity [link] [comments]
