MinMax games Black Friday Bundles

2024.11.26 18:50 woocoheed MinMax games Black Friday Bundles

submitted by woocoheed to PKMNTCGDeals [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:50 chri0tian SRAM Apex 1x12 XPLR chain gap

Anyone here with a SRAM Apex 1x12 XPLR?
I would be interested to know how big your chain gap is set.
SRAM says 13mm but then my shifting doesn't work properly.
submitted by chri0tian to bikewrench [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:50 Internal-Wash-5439 Alliance Lite Node - Newly Launched

Alliance Lite Node - Newly Launched Alliance Games offers decentralized infrastructure for community-owned gaming. They raised $8M backed by Animoca Brands
Go to: https://app.alliancegames.xyz?referral=7VRXL8
  1. Connect wallet to signin
  2. Download & install: https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/alliance-lite-node/koglnjmdddobhhpoomabcconjhaphjbo
  3. Connect your extension
  4. Go to quest to earn more PX
  5. Share your referral link
submitted by Internal-Wash-5439 to CryptoAirdropsHunters [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:50 Fit-Purchase-7159 Tell me about your age gap relationship. 051dce09b42da6a74efe81e99db2cd8697931c74cbb62346fc9f1cae3ecd40da18

submitted by Fit-Purchase-7159 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:50 Efficient_Split9559 BWC fucktribbing slim nude gfs on tele bwcmass 05acd6c8f383c0325fb52f0938dcfe383bce09e6fb8893440f6ccaabc0e0501001

submitted by Efficient_Split9559 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:50 mthsmelo [FOR HIRE] Character illustration commissions open!

[FOR HIRE] Character illustration commissions open! submitted by mthsmelo to artcommissions [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:50 bbush666 m40. Non-stop Nut November. I like to get 10-12 hours of stroking in between each nut though. Calling gooners and goonettes who want to get verbal and filthy with voice notes and porn and irls. Session: 05043ae427cb5d107ea32d8680b6cf473270ba5e5271401fc3940ac0446eeaab23 tg: N6UAF5R3Q

submitted by bbush666 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:50 justfineflamz2021 Harris Reed fails ;(

Seeing that this doll still available says a lot. I really loved her look, and the blouse was killer. However, after unboxing her today, my personal thoughts are less than positive, and I really feel she was rushed to production, and they will be holding inventory, and deep discounting at some point
First, the halo/hat headpiece has a built in comb to fit on the head. Problem is, that the teeth are not spaced right and it is positioned wrong, so getting it to stay on is almost impossible, which is ironic since it “is” her focal point.
Second, the elastic in the blouse sleeves isn’t tight enough, so neither sleeve will hang equally or up on the forearm to display.
Third, her huge heeled boots make her tower over any other issue, so she can’t be displayed on a similar height shelf, even without the halo
Lastly, they attached her hair with about 20 tiny plastic secure tags in the back, which is a nightmare, and her stand is the cheapest I have seen them use. Extremely lightweight and the waist band just slides down the pole at will.
For $40 outfit is unique and the doll is pretty. But $85? Hell to the no, and seeing the wonky eye screening on the creeproductions, and this months long still waiting on hocus pocus is more confirmation, that Mattel isn’t thinking of its collectors on this line right now.
submitted by justfineflamz2021 to MonsterHighDolls [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:50 Bachirris2 Adicciones

No busco consejo, pero puede que conocer lo que me sucedió le sirva a otras personas para buscar ayuda.
Durante pandemia ocurrieron cosas en mi familia que me obligaron a tener que recurrir ayuda psiquiátrica, ahí el psiquiatra me recetó antidepresivos y también medicamento para el TDAH, durante el tiempo que duró el tratamiento la verdad me sentí muy bien y mi vida comenzó a mejorar. Algo de tiempo después seguía asistiendo a la universidad, conseguí novia y tenía trabajo, ella es la primera relación significativa y real que tengo con una mujer en mi vida; ella está estudiando medicina y en mi país los estudiantes de medicina tienen que ir a un hospital a hacer practicas durante un año y es bien sabido entre médicos y estudiantes que si tienes pareja antes de estas practicas eventualmente van a terminar.
A unos meses de que comenzamos a estar juntos ella me comentó que quería hacer sus practicas fuera de nuestra ciudad, yo le dije que no tenía ni siquiera que comentarme porque no es una decisión en la que yo tuviera injerencia. Ella de verdad es muy especial para mi y no me ha hecho nada malo en todo este tiempo que tenemos juntos pero en cuanto me comentó eso sentí como si me estuviera diciendo que fuera lo que fuera a intentar lo nuestro va a acabar, ella además comenzó a hacer bromas (sin mala intención) sobre las infidelidades y parejas que terminan durante sus prácticas.
No le quise decir nada por temor a sonar exagerado y lo acumulé dentro de mi. En ese tiempo yo tenía un examen importante pero no podía concentrarme por más que lo intentase, así que recordé el medicamento para el TDAH que me habían recetado, hace poco me enteré que últimamente las farmacéuticas dan incentivos a los psiquiatras para recetar estos medicamentos, por lo que lo compré y de ahí se dio una espiral gigantesca de abusos.
En un principio solo consumía en momentos que consideraba eran importantes como exámenes o cosas del trabajo que requerían mi completa atención pero poco a poco comencé a abusar más y más, llegué a consumir hasta para relajar la más mínima tensión. Dejé a asistir a clases e intentaba pasar el mayor tiempo con mi novia para aprovechar el poco tiempo que sentía que teníamos juntos. Una tarde consumí en el baño antes de salir del trabajo y noté lo dependiente que me hice, por lo que decidí dejarlo. En cuanto se me acabaron las pastillas ya no volví a comprar y desde entonces (casi un año) ya no he vuelto a tomar esas pastillas.
Dejar esto me provocó una tristeza tan profunda que deje de ir a clases por completo, apenas salía del trabajo llegaba a casa a dormir, y a esto se le sumó un insomnio terrible que acompañado de pensamientos de autodesprecio no me dejaban en paz, todas las noches pensaba una y otra vez “me voy a volver loco, me voy a volver completamente loco”. Fingí ante mi familia que seguía yendo a clases pero tan solo vagaba por las calles o asistía a una o un par de clases. La solución que encontré para callar todo esto fue comenzar a beber alcohol.
Al inicio solo me compraba una o dos latas de cerveza para lograr conciliar el sueño pero poco a poco bebí más y más, ya no solo cerveza sino licor y lo hacía cada tercer día hasta llegar a hacerlo diario por las noches, debido a la cruda al despertar dejé de ir al trabajo pero nadie lo notó mucho en realidad hasta mucho después. Como me sentía estresado por haber descuidado tanto el trabajo y la escuela seguía teniendo que embriagarme para poder estar tranquilo durante el día. Dejé de hacer las cosas que me gustaban, dejé de ver a mis amigos y solo estaba con ellos si había alcohol de por medio. Obviamente mis ahorros también se terminaron y no solo en alcohol sino en estupideces que compré estando ebrio.
Hace unos dos meses estaba en la biblioteca y ojeando por los libros encontré “indigno de ser humano” de Ozamu Dazai. Al leerlo ví que ya había habido otra persona que cayó en un abismo terrible por problemas de adicciones y al terminar el libro decidí que yo no iba a querer eso para mi vida y aunque ya sufro las consecuencias de mis decisiones aún tengo la opción de cambiar. Desde ese momento también dejé el alcohol, aunque la verdad me está costando muchísimo.
De nuevo no pude aprobar ninguna de mis materias, puede que no tenga trabajo al inicio de año y aunque sigo con mi novia ella cumplirá con sus practicas el siguiente año y aunque esa sea mi realidad estoy dispuesto a enfrentar las consecuencias de mis actos y volver a poner rumbo a mi vida.
Si tu estas pasando por algo similar de verdad busca ayuda y por más torcida que sientas que esta tu vida aún tienes tiempo de cambiar.
submitted by Bachirris2 to NecesitoDesahogarme [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:50 Ninja7gamer1YT Packet 65 not handled

Polis brawl gives me an error saying pack 65 is not handled and ingame its stuck on connecting to server
submitted by Ninja7gamer1YT to brawlstarsmodding [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:50 crumpledpapersheets Zine on my current depression (I don't want to move)

Zine on my current depression (I don't want to move) submitted by crumpledpapersheets to zines [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:50 leshelbs My (23F) boyfriend (28M) wants a break/space. I don’t want to lose him.

My(23F) boyfriend Levi(28M) wants a break/space. He told me yesterday that he has been feeling this way since Saturday night. Friday night I picked him up from his friends because he had been drinking. As we were sitting in my car in front of Levi’s house he told me he was taking a break (from a drug we both do) in January for that month. I had exploded and argued with him why doesn’t he take a break longer, referring to him having an addiction and that I didn’t want this ruin it our relationship. I made him promise me not to do anything with out anyone cause he told me it was a social drug ONLY. Saturday evening comes and we are getting readying to hang out with my friends. On Saturday he got 2 bags one for us and one for them. He got my friends a bag because I asked he get them one (he did not pay for it). We are getting ready to leave he asks if he can ask my friends for their bag. My friends don’t do the drug so naturally when someone is lying they try to lie further. That is what I did and Levi begin the smart man he is said that wasn’t making sense. I got tired of lying to Levi because he had been honest with me before and I just continue to lie. So I told him that bag was for me and that I’ve been doing it since Wednesday. He immediately referred to Friday night how I was projecting and I was. We ended hanging out with my friends. I unfortunately do not remember anything significant Sunday but we slept together and hung out the entire day until Sunday night well I ended up going home. Monday I had called in sick and Levi was actually going to be fixing his computer. He also mentioned this when we were talking. He said his computer fan came in and I completely ignored his text and responded with “Hi I woke up baby Can you pick me up? :D” “I have a lot of things out rn ” I then respond with this emoji:🥺. Levi then said “I said I was going to be fixing my computer and because I just started I have it organized” I tell him to pick me up when he is done. Levi for the final time responses with “This is going to take me a while” and I finally end with “😕 JUST PICK ME UP WHEN YOU ARE DONE”. Levi did end up getting done with his computer and he did fix it. He did pick me up and hung out. By the end of the night I ended up wanting to stay the night and Levi didn’t understand why I had him pick me up and now Levi or my brother need to give me a ride home. I told him I would just drive back and he said that seemed a little excessive. I had a breakdown and that is how we began talking about all this. When I ended up leaving he told me he still loves me. But how? As I write this I see how my actions have hurt my loved one. I don’t want to lose him and unfortunately I understand why I may. Please share your honest thoughts…
I would like some advice in a apology. Not only of what I should possible say but I want actions to take. Thanks
submitted by leshelbs to relationshipadvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:50 jckiefer New Tesla Referral $2000 Discount

New to Tesla family as of August and loving it so far! If you’re shopping for one please feel free to use my referral code :)
Tesla is offering 0% APR on Model 3 and Model Y. And when you use my referral link, you can get up to $2,000 off as well
submitted by jckiefer to TeslaReferralsCode [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:50 UnBrewsual DPF Error - 3L V6

Yesterday I got the DPF error on my dash and the car went into limp mode. I then got on the freeway and drove 30 minutes to try to get the DPF to regen. The car wouldn't leave limp mode so I went home.This morning, I fired up the car, no limp mode, but DPF error still, So I drove it (hard accels) and after 5 miles, the DPF went away. YAY!Is this normal behavior? I am a little worried because I am road tripping this weekend.
submitted by UnBrewsual to tdi [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:50 thenewme47 Gearbox Issue

So I have an old thunderbird twinspark (2008) and sometimes when I shift gears it suddenly acts like I'm in neutral and revs up even when I'm clearly not in neutral. Anyone who can help me identify this issue?
submitted by thenewme47 to royalenfield [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:50 BigPapaTubes This 2021 electronic/vaporwave album, Millenialism by NYSE, uses a bunch of XTC samples, can anyone help me catch any I might have missed?

I've spotted the following: Summer's Cauldron Love on a Farmboy's Wages Earn Enough For Us Wake Up
The segments I am interested in identifying, suspecting they might be XTC are:
1:26-1:29 (long shot I know) 6:09-6:28 and 6:55-7:05 16:18-16:23
I suspect if these clips aren't XTC then they from are their contemporaries which would be cool to figure out.
submitted by BigPapaTubes to xtc [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:50 Josh_Mustord Was this on putpose or a mistake?

Was this on putpose or a mistake? So, just by curiosity, was this on puros or was it a mistake?
submitted by Josh_Mustord to StrikeItRich [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:50 AbbreviationsOne4578 Marlborough School Malaysia? :)

Hi all,
Any information on this school?
Thank you
submitted by AbbreviationsOne4578 to Internationalteachers [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:50 swarmywarmy describe the FVKD bar flavors you have tried

i want to get an idea of what all the FVKD strains taste like without having to buy and try them all. if you have tried any of them, i would appreciate if you would drop a description of the flavor in the comments. for example, was is gassy? sweet? artificial tasting? etc. i figure this post could be a good way for people to determine which FVKD they should get.
here’s my descriptions:
fruit punch (thc a rosin): sweet, not very gassy at all. tasted exactly like the rockstar fruit punch.
jelly roll (hypnotiq): sweet, slightly gassy. it tasted similar to other carts and disposables i have tried whose strains were “jelly” flavored.
submitted by swarmywarmy to delta8resellers [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:50 ReasonableSky6227 [PS4] H: Futuristic Globe, Pink and Teal Hazmat Suit Plans, Nuka Quantam/Dark/Twist/Cola/Grape Rockets, Alien Couch, Alien Table, Alien Target Practice Poster, more W: Leaders, Offers

submitted by ReasonableSky6227 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:50 GoldDeloreanDoors RIP KA

RIP KA Still grieving. One of the few real ones of current times.
submitted by GoldDeloreanDoors to HipHopCDs [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:50 Advanced-Bat-9192 Demolishment of Farish Hall

Hello, my name is Wendolee Garcia Martinez and I am the news assistant editor for The Cougar, I am currently writing and article about the demolition of Farish hall and would appreciate some input from education students. In 2025 Farish Hall will be demolished causing for Education majors to have to switch to online classes for at least the spring semester, this has caused an inconvenience for many students. If you are an education student and have something to add about this issue please answer the form below:
Thank you for your time. :)
submitted by Advanced-Bat-9192 to UniversityOfHouston [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:50 Mindless-Ad1118 whatever it is that makes your cock and mind go feral let's chat and get nasty 05c01550c982c9874a47e713d070a91b5747c4c12028d229ee08f01c17db551e38

submitted by Mindless-Ad1118 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:50 bmanden Hvad kalder man sukker som har været på gulvet?

submitted by bmanden to Fadervittigheder [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:50 lightsols Europcar Rent A Car Black Friday 2024 Coupon Codes

Check out the link for Europcar Rent A Car Black Friday 2024 Coupon Codes. Once on the website, you'll have access to a variety of coupons, promo codes, and discount deals that are updated regularly to help you save on your purchase.
submitted by lightsols to DiscountExpressive [link] [comments]
