Chances of getting an interview/offer

Did you come here specifically to check your odds of winning a bet or hitting the jackpot? Our odds calculator and lottery calculator will assist you! Calculating Odds from Probability. If you have a ratio describing probability, i.e. 33% or 1:2, calculate the odds by dividing the outcome you want over all possible outcomes (1/ (1+2) = 1/3), then use the formula Odds = P / (1 - P), in this example O = .33 / (1 - .33) = .5. Part 1. Calculating Basic Odds. Download Article. 1. Welcome to our probability calculator, where you can determine the chance of different types of outcomes possible based on the probabilities of two independent events. You can also find an event's probability when you repeat the trial multiple times. You can use this Probability Calculator to determine the probability of single and multiple events. Enter your values in the form and click the "Calculate" button to see the results. Single Event Probability Calculator. Number of events occurred, n (E): Number of possible outcomes, n (T): Probability Formulas. Chances are (pun intended) you've encountered probability by now, but what exactly is probability, and how do you calculate it? Probability is the likelihood of a specific event happening, like winning the lottery or rolling a 6 on a die. Chances are almost always expressed as a percentage; you can think of them as probabilities expressed in a scale “by the hundred”. In other words, the measurement scale for chances and probabilities is different. For example, if the probability of an event happening is 1/4, then the chance of the event happening is 25% (1/4 times 100 percent). The odds for an event, of an event, or in favor of an event are OF = p/(1−p), and the odds against the event are OA = (1−p)/p. You can see that OA = 1/OF and OF = 1/OA. Let’s say that the probability of an event is p, for instance a 20% chance of precipitation tomorrow. The probability it won’t happen is 1 − p, 80%. The odds probability calculator can help you convert winning odds to winning probability and odds for winning to their lowest ratio. It will reduce the odds against winning to their lowest ratio and convert the odds against to the probability of losing. Calculate odds for winning or odds against winning as a percent. Convert A to B odds for winning or losing to probability percentage values for winning and losing. In simple terms, probability is defined as the chance of getting a possible outcome. Consider that you have a dice and you have to determine the chance of getting 1 as the result. The probability of getting 1 would be 1/6. This is because the total outcomes are 6 and one side of the dice has 1 as the value.

2024.11.26 18:41 Zealousideal-Meal415 Chances of getting an interview/offer

Do you think I will get an interview/offer for dentistry ? I've applied to Newcastle through the Partners scheme, Sheffield University , Cardiff University, Dundee University. I have been accepted into Newcastle's partners program so I'm just waiting to see if I get an interview hopefully.
predicited grades - AAB in chemistry and I do core maths as well (like an AS level), UCAT - 2440, GCSES - 888877766
submitted by Zealousideal-Meal415 to DentalSchoolUK [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:41 lqual Reset Bots

So, this isn't related to the Harry Potter scandal, lmao.
I need a way to reset the bots learned features. They can't remember basic plot points from even the last message, but the start using certain words in every sentence and it's really annoying. Like I had one that put "surprisingly" before every verb. And I have now fought with 2 that every sentence was just "He hated... he hated." Or they just repeat themselves and don't continue the plot at all.
Have also had some jumping straight over any plot and goes straight to stuff that it filters itself--like I'm just trying to have a conversation and it's going straight there.
Is there any way for me or the devs to fix either of these issues? I have tried starting a new chat with the same bot in hopes of resetting it, but it says there are too many messages to duplicate. I can't get more than a few hours into one bot at this point without the first issue, and the second shows up on most new bots less than 5 messages in!
submitted by lqual to CharacterAI [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:41 Better-Ad-342 Figeac Aero recrute lance une Campagne de Recrutement (12 Postes)

Figeac Aero recrute lance une Campagne de Recrutement (12 Postes) submitted by Better-Ad-342 to alwadifamaroc [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:41 Comprehensive-Mud-31 Is there a way to make it so they link their YT and or TikTok account, and if they are subscribed to me they get a role?

I wanna make it so if they are following me they get a cosmetic role to differentiate who is subscribed in what way, just so I know is all!
submitted by Comprehensive-Mud-31 to discordapp [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:41 phantom_aa_111 Thick of it in my college computer😭

Thick of it in my college computer😭 I randomly found this in my college computer in India
submitted by phantom_aa_111 to miniminter [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:41 vivid-donkeybutt Day 2 of posting my many EPIC sketches that I sketch because why the heck not?

Day 2 of posting my many EPIC sketches that I sketch because why the heck not? Zooming in on each vision will show you the lyrics, top left is obvious, bottom left is the lair of Scylla, top right is Zeus with Odysseus and bottom right is also obvious
submitted by vivid-donkeybutt to Epicthemusical [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:41 ThrowRACharmingStay How to go about asking for time off?

I just started working for the DOE. I want to take time off for ten days in January for vacation. I was told I don’t get vacation days as part of my position and that I only get one personal day throughout the whole year. What’s the best way to go about asking for the time off, especially since I’m still very new?
submitted by ThrowRACharmingStay to NYCDOETeachers [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:41 Alaric_Darconville iPhone 15 PM

iPhone 15 PM submitted by Alaric_Darconville to iPhoneography [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:41 richardsmichard Spiders have opinions [OC]

submitted by richardsmichard to comics [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:41 levi_ackerman010 Outlier

Can we copy paste in nexus generation assessment task ?
submitted by levi_ackerman010 to outlier_ai [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:41 Hesh_Sabot56 Why is there such an obsession with Krimiserien in German television

It seems that at any time you turn the TV on there will be at least one detective/police series running usually with 2nd class actors. I looked on Wiki to see if there is a list and found one fRom 2000 that lists over 100. Why are Germans so obsessed with this type of television?
submitted by Hesh_Sabot56 to AskAGerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:41 janneyjj Profitable day traders, how many red days do you have a month?

Question to those who are overall profitable and disciplined; red days are inevitable, but how do you react to them? How many of them do you have a month, compared to your overall wins?
submitted by janneyjj to Daytrading [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:41 Nighthawkgamingyt $50 gift card giveaway

$50 gift card giveaway Followed and @asian.cheeze on insta for a chance to win $50 giftcard. All you gotta do is follow both accounts and send the best knife in your collection to @asian.cheeze on insta. Winner will be picked December 9th.
submitted by Nighthawkgamingyt to Twitch_Startup [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:41 lastspartan131 Anyone looking for a new place?

Leave my home to help my great grandmother. I’m trying to help my landlord rent out the place. If anyone is interested here is the link.
submitted by lastspartan131 to Columbus [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:41 Holiary Catedraticos Prepotentes

Este trimestre me tocaron llevar dos clases de la carrera (Derecho) y han sido una pije decepción las profesoras.
Una de ellas pues es bien pedante y en mi opinion no sabe mucho del tema que imparte. Ella da la clase de Introducción al estudio del derecho y ya le escuche decir informacion equivocada durante la clase y hasta en los examenes. Mi madre es abogada con mas de 30 años de experiencia, ha sido juez y da capacitaciones en el colegio de abogados, y pues ella me ha ayudado con ciertas tareas, que termino sacando malas porque la profesora tiene la información equivocaba. Por ejemplo, la profesora dice que el Derecho de la Familia es derecho privado cuando en realidad es Derecho Publico.
La otra profesora, me da clase de Derecho Romano. Ella no explica bien las tareas, uno tiene que hacerlas practicamente adivinando lo que esta pidiendo. Hoy tuve una presentación y la maje solo habia dicho que teniamos que presentar un tema que estaba en la plataforma online. Resulta que queria que presentaramos un informe, un mapa conceptual, una presentacion y una guia de preguntas. Cuando le dijimos que solo teniamos la presentación, porque fue lo unico que nos habia dicho que teniamos que hacer, dijo que ella habia enviado un documento por WhatsApp con las instrucciones, lo que no era cierto. Cuando yo le quise decir que pues no lo habia enviado me respondio en tono bien prepotente diciendome que si lo habia enviado. Despues como que vio que no lo habia hecho y casi con pena nos dice que presentemos lo que nos falta para la proxima clase. Hubieron tambien momentos en donde la maje a la ultima hora cambiaba la forma de entrega de trabajos.
La universidad es privada y pues que mierda andar pagando para recibir una educacion un tanto mediocre. Queria estar en la UNAH pero por los horarios y por otros motivos no podia estar ahi.
Pero bueno, la verdad que si me ha bajado la moral ver a ese tipo de profesores. Yo estoy intentando graduarme con honores, es una meta personal ya que siempre he sentido que puedo dar mas pero no lo daba por pereza y bueno esos profesores son frustrantes cuando uno esta intentando dar el maximo porque limitan al estudiante.
submitted by Holiary to Honduras [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:41 dickcheddar2 SkyWatcher Heritage 130p for £100 - or is 150p worth the £150 more?

Hi there, I've been in the market for a used SkyWatcher Heritage 150p, looking to get one in the range of around £150-£200 (they sell new for £250). I've been looking for 2 months and so far I have had no luck, with all listings I could find either being too far away and not offering delivery, or selling before I could get them. I just found a Heritage 130p selling for £100 however, and am very tempted to buy it so I can just finally get stuck in and start using a scope! Whilst I know the 150p is ofc the better and more futureproof option, is it worth £150 more than the 130p?
submitted by dickcheddar2 to telescopes [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:41 Off_Brand_BatMan Won the stock market game! What do I do now?

Long story short, I start investing with only $100 back in 2020. With some luck, and patience and knowledge of-course, I have made over $30 in the last 4 years and barley did anything but waited. My trading account is now at $130. Any ideas?
submitted by Off_Brand_BatMan to Rich [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:41 Sea-Highway4576 How do you describe programming languages/libraries on a CV?

If you're a long-time coder, how do you put the programming languages/libraries you know on your CV?
There are two components:
* I've made projects with loads of libraries in Python. But 90% of the time use 1 or 2. Does it make sense to put all or many of the other libraries as skills if it's been some time?
* Software versions themselves get old, and maybe libraries out there stopped updating at an older version of a language; would it make sense to put things that may not be in date on the CV?
submitted by Sea-Highway4576 to learnprogramming [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:41 BeeseOnTheChurger What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by BeeseOnTheChurger to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:41 jamilghgfyfh776 I'm the goat(play as arthur)

(The game system kill me not the npcs
submitted by jamilghgfyfh776 to RDR2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:41 Art-Afloat Bottle It Up, Captain - Levi art I did yesterday! (CW: Blood)

submitted by Art-Afloat to LeviCult [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:41 Nailys_boyfriend What song are you playing?

What song are you playing? submitted by Nailys_boyfriend to Kanye [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:41 MauLanaDelRay why do you like/love life?

submitted by MauLanaDelRay to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:41 Delicious_Essay_8912 Anyone whos got an A* in chem how!

Idk why chem is my hardest a level. I do AQA and any help on how you’ve achieved an A* would be great!! Study wise and how you prepare for exams and remember content since that’s really hard for me..
submitted by Delicious_Essay_8912 to sixthform [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:41 Many-Researcher-3629 How to switch between Cloud streaming and Connecting to PS5?

I can’t figure out how to switch between cloud streaming and remote playing on the PS5 without having to restart the portal or toggling the cloud streaming beta option under settings. Anyone figure it out?
submitted by Many-Researcher-3629 to PlaystationPortal [link] [comments]