Are there any rockstars who speak german?

2024.11.26 20:40 IEnjoyMusiceveryday Are there any rockstars who speak german?

I just wanted to know that
submitted by IEnjoyMusiceveryday to rock [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:40 omega5959 Help! Recently Purchased smells like stale smoke and some stains on body looks dirty. Best way to clean please. Yikes! Thank you.

submitted by omega5959 to VintageToys [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:40 lss_web_1444 Image post title 181

Image post title 181 submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:40 sozer-ali Buca Electrolux Servisi

submitted by sozer-ali to trservisler [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:40 deuce-tatum blursed_femboy cake

blursed_femboy cake submitted by deuce-tatum to blursedimages [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:40 _just_a_frog_ People who have older/younger siblings - would this be weird to you?

Hi all.
I am in my early 20s and I have a brother few years younger than me. Lately he's told me about this girl he's seeing and it's all pretty fresh still, he did mention they might be spending some time together at her place (she lives alone and you know what could probably happen lol, if not sooner).
Now, I am his older sister, years ago we lost our older brother and our father doesn't live with us, we speak with him but I don't think he knows anything about this girl or much about any of that. I think this could be my brother's first girlfriend, and I'm pretty sure no one explained sexual stuff to him before - NOW I KNOW, internet exists and he does have guy friends, it's not like he doesn't know anything about how sex works.
I just know he didn't have the opportunity to discuss this with his older brother or our father, as they left in one way or another when he was just a kid. Would it be too weird to ask him if needs any advice, or if he even knows how condoms work exactly? I know he can find everything online, he has friends I'm just not very familiar with them and my brother is a bit reserved, quiet type I guess.
I wouldn't reach out to my father about this, or my mom really since they don't even know yet and I completely understand why since they're a bit conservative people. So should I say anything, or just let him figure it out? He wouldn't ask anyone on his own though, I'm sure. Would he be weirded out, idk? I'm pretty open about stuff and we're close, but I don't remember talking much to anyone about it when I was younger (my mom didn't really like any sort of sexual topics, so I just read about it until it happened, didn't really help irl).
submitted by _just_a_frog_ to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:40 AutoNewspaperAdmin [World] - US says drones spotted near its military bases in England | Al Jazeera

[World] - US says drones spotted near its military bases in England | Al Jazeera submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:40 pigeon_in_disguises My DS Lite won't power on with eXtremeRate Pokedex Shell because the power button won't slide enough to trigger booting on

My DS Lite won't power on with eXtremeRate Pokedex Shell because the power button won't slide enough to trigger booting on submitted by pigeon_in_disguises to nds [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:40 justus0203 What are some of the best and worst gifts to get teachers for the end of year gift?

submitted by justus0203 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:40 Theprick98 Euphorbia snowflake

Euphorbia snowflake 1 and 2 30$ - 3,4,7 25$ all plus shipping
submitted by Theprick98 to cactiexchange [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:40 Chaz_Bat Dialga 1949 6378 8333

Starts asap
submitted by Chaz_Bat to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:40 Regular_Quit2005 Laura Vandevoort vs Natalie Dormer

Laura Vandevoort vs Natalie Dormer submitted by Regular_Quit2005 to CelebBattles [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:40 AutoModerator GTA Online Modded Accounts for PC, XBOX, and PLAYSTATION (Old and New Gen) Tired of the grind?

GTA Online Modded Accounts for PC, XBOX, and PLAYSTATION (Old and New Gen) Tired of the grind?
Contact u/LeviAckermanGTA or join my discord if you want to get one like this. 💕 Discord: submitted by AutoModerator to LeviAckermanGTAMods [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:40 deemac1208 Welcome, Millie!

Welcome, Millie! We rescued this sweet girl last month. I know she's not pure Labrador, but her personality sure is.
submitted by deemac1208 to labrador [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:40 glassbarn Looking to finish these sets 1:1

Looking to finish these sets 1:1 Let me know what you have or need. Prefer to finish set 4 and 5 first since those are closer
submitted by glassbarn to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:40 theAntidepresser How can I fix this? She slides in and stops but is very loose.

How can I fix this? She slides in and stops but is very loose. submitted by theAntidepresser to milsurp [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:40 AutoModerator GTA Online Modded Accounts for PC, XBOX, and PLAYSTATION (Old and New Gen) Tired of the grind?

GTA Online Modded Accounts for PC, XBOX, and PLAYSTATION (Old and New Gen) Tired of the grind?
Contact u/LeviAckermanGTA or join my discord if you want to get one like this. 💕 Discord: submitted by AutoModerator to LeviAckermanGTAMods [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:40 New-Chard434 Nice pic from my AZ trip 🌄

submitted by New-Chard434 to Crosstrek [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:40 Waste-Awareness7394 Winterspaziergang am 1.12. um 17:00

Winterspaziergang am 1.12. um 17:00 Hallo liebe Graz-Community! Vielleicht können sich ein paar von euch noch an unsere Veranstaltungsreihe letzten Sommer erinnern, bei der wir uns jeden Mittwoch im Stadtpark getroffen haben, um gemeinsam (Brett-)Spiele zu spielen und uns auszutauschen.
Wir sind "Miteinander - Verein für Soziale Interaktion" und wir organisieren in Graz verschiedene Veranstaltungen und Aktivitäten, die für ALLE Menschen zugänglich sind.
In Einstimmung auf die Winterzeit werden wir uns diesen Sonntag (dem 1.12.) um 17:00 beim Eisernen Tor treffen und gemeinsam durch die beleuchtete Innenstadt spazieren. Anschließend laden wir euch auf ein wärmendes Getränk ein.
Wir würden uns sehr freuen, wenn einige von euch Zeit & Lust haben den Sonntagabend mit uns zu verbringen und in entspannter Atmosphäre ein paar neue Leute kennenzulernen! Weitere Infos findet ihr auf unserer Webseite :)
submitted by Waste-Awareness7394 to graz [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:40 ShanksAkagami007 $160 for a $35 figure thats easy to find is actually wild

$160 for a $35 figure thats easy to find is actually wild submitted by ShanksAkagami007 to SHFiguarts [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:40 Intelligent_Hat_2663 مين الي اعمارهم اقل من ٢٥ وماعندهم سناب؟

بليز الي ماعندهم سناب يكلموني عن تجربتهم وكيف تواصلهم يكون مع اصدقائهم واهلهم بغير السناب
السناب هذا مسبب لي ضغط نفسي، اشوفه تافه كله مشاركة يوميات ما استفيد منها شي ولا اقدر ابحث فيه حتى زي مثلا التويتر وريديت، وخاصة بعض الناس الي ماشفتهم من سنوات ولا سولفنا او تكلمنا مع بعض بس اعرف وين سافروا ووين طلعوا اليوم وبعد احسه يوهم الناس انهم قريبين من بعض من خلال مشاركة مثلا صور الكشخه بالعزايم او أعياد الميلاد وتفاصيل السفر والطلعات والاخبار زي الوظيفة والحمل والولادة والزواج وبنفس الوقت ما يعرفون اخبار بعض الحقيقه زي مثلا هل هذا الشخص بخير او لا وكذا
انا عندي انستقرام وتويتر واتفاعل فيها بس اغلب تفاعل محيطي بالسناب، ومره ومره ابغى احذفه صدق احسه خانقني بس المشكلة فيه اشياء ما أعرفها الا منه يعني مثلا زميلة لي ولدت او وحده صار لها شي لازم ارسل لهم ورد وكذا، وبنفس الوقت اقول اذا الشخص هذا ما بعرف اخباره الا من ستوري السناب؟ اجل هو غير مقرب مني اصلا وش رايكم؟ لأني فعلا طفشت منه مع ان ماعندي فيه الا الناس الي اعتبرهم مقربين وهم اقل من ٢٠ شخص وبنفس الوقت احس ضيييييييقه
submitted by Intelligent_Hat_2663 to SaudiForSaudis [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:40 lss_str_01 Video creation test

Video creation test submitted by lss_str_01 to VideoAutomatedTest [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:40 No-Establishment8267 Previous post

My previous post was deleted because it wasn't a picture of a characters asshole But the game is dead after kp2 We will not be silenced !
submitted by No-Establishment8267 to MortalKombat [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:40 Illustrious-Toe-4249 (QC) Christmas Haul

(QC) Christmas Haul submitted by Illustrious-Toe-4249 to AllChinabuy [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:40 AutoModerator GTA Online Modded Accounts for PC, XBOX, and PLAYSTATION (Old and New Gen) Tired of the grind?

GTA Online Modded Accounts for PC, XBOX, and PLAYSTATION (Old and New Gen) Tired of the grind?
Contact u/LeviAckermanGTA or join my discord if you want to get one like this. 💕 Discord: submitted by AutoModerator to LeviAckermanGTAMods [link] [comments]