
2024.11.26 19:50 burbur842 Yakalandım

Yakalandım submitted by burbur842 to vlandiya [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 Brilliant-Peace-9748 Vision of a funeral procession taking place

This was like 11 years ago but I had a vision of nuns and people bringing a casket in what look like a Middle Ages building. Sort of like an old chapel or castle.
I wonder what this vision meant. It was random and out of nowhere.
submitted by Brilliant-Peace-9748 to DreamInterpretation [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 Omensama The Many W's of Alucard (Castlevania)

The Many W's of Alucard (Castlevania) submitted by Omensama to DeathBattleMatchups [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 Spessmaren Welcome to the Tesla family! Up to $2000 off a new Tesla!

Enjoy up to $2000 off a new Tesla! https://www.tesla.com/referral/arnold535649
Thanks for looking!
Welcome to the Tesla family! 😎 submitted by Spessmaren to teslareferralcode [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 Ok_Presentation6252 Wtf fender control plate

Wtf fender control plate I've got a Susan tedeschi telecaster, in the past you could always just lengthen a couple of wires and reverse the plate.
But on this one the pot won't let the screw holes line up when reversed.
Never had this issue.... Thoughts? It's like the route isn't big enough.
submitted by Ok_Presentation6252 to Luthier [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 heavywinkles I miss him

I miss him I am the wolverine meme right now. Watching famous house 2.0 makes me remember and miss how wonderful famous house 2.0 was. I know he has kind of cracked and become a lolcow since, but I wish he was still on the show. I don't care if he wasn't a good guy or a cool guy, he made it entertaining.
And I miss the REAL Alex B.
Am I the only one? Am I crazy?
submitted by heavywinkles to fishtanklive [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 ap_org CPS/Law Investigation - Polygraph Question

submitted by ap_org to AntiPolygraph [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 SensitiveCranberry I built a package that lets you turn any Bluesky conversation into a comment feed for your blog using Svelte 5

I built a package that lets you turn any Bluesky conversation into a comment feed for your blog using Svelte 5 submitted by SensitiveCranberry to sveltejs [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 groundandflow KOSTENLOSE CLARITY-SESSION: Getrennt, aber nicht frei? Befreie dein Herz und deine Energie nach einer toxischen Beziehung.💔

Ich suche Frauen, die in toxischen Beziehungen waren und immer wieder von Gedankenchaos und Sehnsucht an ihren Ex-Partner:in überrollt werden, denen ich in einem vertraulichen Online-Interview ein paar Fragen stellen darf. 💔
Im Gegenzug biete ich dir eine kostenfreie Clarity-Session an, in der du herausfindest, warum du dich noch nicht von deinem:r Ex-Parnter:in loslösen konntest und welche Schritte es braucht. 🆘➡🧘
Erkennst du dich hier wieder?
🔗 Du hast dich von deinem:r Ex-Partner:in getrennt und keinen Kontakt mehr zu ihm:r. Trotzdem überrollen dich Fotos, Orte oder Gedanken an ihn/sie mit unkontrollierbarer Sehnsucht und Unruhe, in der du dich gefangen fühlst.
💭 Du machst dir ständig Gedanken darüber, ob die Trennung die richtige Entscheidung war und was du anders machen hättest können, um die Beziehung zu retten.
📱Freie Zeit alleine überfordert dich und du versuchst deinen Alltag mit Arbeit vollzupacken oder dich mit Social Media, Netflix & Co. abzulenken.
☁️ Dadurch ist dein Alltag wie von einer großen grauen Wolke überzogen und es fällt dir schwer, dich zu konzentrieren, Leistung zu erbringen und Lust am Leben zu haben.
🚫 Du weißt gar nicht mehr wirklich, wer du selber bist, was dir wichtig ist, was du willst und brauchst und wie du alleine weitermachen sollst.
🤐 In sozialen Situationen bist du oft unsicher und es fällt dir schwer dich zu öffnen aus Angst, negativ bewertet zu werden, doch eigentlich sehnst du dich nach Menschen die dich wirklich verstehen.
🌞 Du wünschst dir nichts mehr, als endlich deinen Kopf auszuschalten, das Leben wieder zu genießen und selbstbestimmt zu führen.
Ich entwickle gerade ein Programm, in dem ich mit meiner Expertise in der Yoga- und Ritualarbeit und meiner Selbsterfahrung in toxischen Beziehungen, Frauen dabei begleite, innere Stabilität aufzubauen und sich dem hinterbliebenen Schmerz auf sichere Weise zuzuwenden, anstatt ihn weiter zu verdrängen. Das schafft die Basis dafür, die toxische Erfahrung wirklich hinter dir zu lassen und dich in Verbindung mit Anderen zukünftig echt zu zeigen, um damit Menschen anzuziehen, bei denen du wirklich DU selbst sein kannst.
❤️ Als Dank dafür biete ich dir sehr gerne eine kostenfreie Clarity-Session an, in der du herausfindest, welche Schritte es braucht, um dich von deinem:r Ex-Parnter:in loszulösen.
🗓 Du erkennst dich oder einen Menschen aus deinem Umfeld wieder? Schreibe mir gerne eine E-Mail an: [email protected]
Ich freue mich sehr auf das Kennenlernen mit dir!
Alles Liebe,
Deine Lisa
submitted by groundandflow to LiebesKunstNetzwerk [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 Low-Promotion-1524 Hi, I need some advice

Hi, I need some advice Hi, I'm an independent artist and I'm going through a tough time in my life. I work part time in a kitchen and I need to buy a new PC because the one I had broke. I'm offering a referral link for 10% off for the purchase of high quality covers and lyrics videos! YOU CAN USE MY CODE "REAK" to activate the discount. If anyone is interested, you can go to the link and see if you like them. By the way, it would be helping me a lot to get my PC so I can keep producing! Thanks! And sorry for the inconvenience! https://grafiksbox.com?sca_ref=6315273.jFTogRTEug
submitted by Low-Promotion-1524 to indie [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 Mindful-Tank How do you grow your network like a beast outside your company? Share some effective ways or tips please.

I have always read that network = networth.
But HOW? And how do you develop with seniors/leaders who don't belong to your org.?
Kind folks, share what's worked well please!
submitted by Mindful-Tank to jobs [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 CGSeb I need help for a setup with external mic, what to choose?

I'm looking to buy a DT 770 pro closed back. I also have a mic Sennheiser MKE 600 that I use on my camera but I would like to use it on my PC.
I was looking at amps, since I would need one for at least the mic.
Do you guys have any recommendations about the amp I could use to power the mic and the headphones, please? I saw the Focusrite Scarlett 2i2, but I don't really know about amps. I'm looking for something around $150.
Also, what model of DT 770 pro would you recommend? 80, 250 Ohms?
submitted by CGSeb to BEYERDYNAMIC [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 Jaxamole0 Hard ?

Hard ? submitted by Jaxamole0 to jschlattsubmissions [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 Superberget2 Hey, i bought this cards in my lokal thrift. Anyone know What they are worth? Thanks!

Hey, i bought this cards in my lokal thrift. Anyone know What they are worth? Thanks! submitted by Superberget2 to hockeycardswap [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 derpsherder Silicone-covered Quartz

I got this broken candle holder at a thrift store. It looks like a homemade job. Quartz crystals embedded in bathtub silicone? The silicone is not coming off of the quartz crystals. Any ideas how I remove it?
submitted by derpsherder to CleaningTips [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 Shield_Nate Weird spots

Weird spots My Beardy got these marks recently and I'm not sure why or if it warrants some kind of Vet visit.
submitted by Shield_Nate to BeardedDragonCare [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 Midstream_on_Whatnot Merry Christmas to me... I Don't Know How I Managed to Get my Hands on This Display

Merry Christmas to me... I Don't Know How I Managed to Get my Hands on This Display submitted by Midstream_on_Whatnot to lego [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 darla412 Janell Holiday Giveaway ~ Win a Kimber Shoulder Bag, Ava Wristlet, and Bristol Clutch in Mulberry Leather {US} (12/02/2024)

Janell Holiday Giveaway ~ Win a Kimber Shoulder Bag, Ava Wristlet, and Bristol Clutch in Mulberry Leather {US} (12/02/2024) submitted by darla412 to giveaways [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 Ok_Celery_5321 Questions about TIPS

Sorry if this post is against this subreddit rules but it’s the best one I can find that can be the best source for TIPS information.
Let me start by saying that mom does not have cirrhosis. She has terminal pancreatic cancer and the tumor is impacting her liver in that it’s squeezing the portal vein. In the past two months, she’s had two massive upper GI bleeds due to esophageal varices. She was on blood thinners to treat the clotting in her liver but now the doctor thinks it’s too dangerous. Her ascites is getting worse after blood thinners have stopped. She’s also no longer on chemo.
What are your experiences with TIPS? We asked doctors at the hospital and they are telling us it’s a big procedure and that we need to consult our oncologist, not really giving us too many options. The oncologists only calls us about once every two weeks. We are located in Ontario Canada so I feel like there is a lot of things not communicated since her oncologist and the hospital she’s staying at is in two different networks. Right now she’s just being sent home with carveditol.
The tumor is non resectable and not responding to chemo so the intention of tips is just to improve her quality of life.
Thanks in advance for any advice.
submitted by Ok_Celery_5321 to Cirrhosis [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 sunflowerduckies up4up? thx guys

submitted by sunflowerduckies to commentkarma4u [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 Due-Ad6949 Nebula and Shuri. 2 of my top 5 MCU female characters. (Other 3 being She-Hulk, Peggy and Black Widow)

Nebula and Shuri. 2 of my top 5 MCU female characters. (Other 3 being She-Hulk, Peggy and Black Widow) submitted by Due-Ad6949 to Marvel [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 sassyxqueen Three of swords

Three of swords I asked my cards "why I didn't get a job offer from company X" and I pulled 3 of swords, 9 of wands and 4 of pentacles. By 4 of pents, I think that probably they didn't offer me the job because I was asking for too much money. 3 of swords probably shows my disappointment here but doesn't answer my question at all.. I pulled a clarification card - the knight of cups which confused me more 😁 I'd really like to know why I didn't receive a job offer and to learn from my mistakes but the cards seem a little bit confusing. I'd appreciate your thoughts. Thank you!
submitted by sassyxqueen to Tarotpractices [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 Snowystar122 [9x12] Small alchemist shop!

[9x12] Small alchemist shop! submitted by Snowystar122 to FantasyMaps [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 Meringue-Playful Uncanny Valley - Since she was released in Paragon. She just needs a rework on her face. We all know it.

Uncanny Valley - Since she was released in Paragon. She just needs a rework on her face. We all know it. submitted by Meringue-Playful to PredecessorGame [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 DJWassef Storm Drain Find!

Storm Drain Find! Hi all! I found this ring lodged in a storm drain and am looking for any info I can find on it. Stamped/engraved on the inside is a symbol then “833 MLJ”. Thanks in advance:)
submitted by DJWassef to JewelryIdentification [link] [comments]
