Professional shoes

2024.11.26 19:40 zaisha Professional shoes

I’m looking for some men’s minimalist shoes I can wear as a psychotherapist and academic professor. They don’t need to be super fancy, but something a step or two up from the athletic/athleisure style. I love my xero nexus knits, but they ain’t quite going to cut it. Any recommendations or favorites?
submitted by zaisha to barefootshoestalk [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:40 TexturePackReview test pls ignore thx

submitted by TexturePackReview to superleague [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:40 Kind_Guidance6215 Saving Money for new DLC

How much will you be saving up for the new upcoming DLC?
Personally: i will try to get around 30 mill, not sure if this is realistically possible for me. mindset is key right? 😂
submitted by Kind_Guidance6215 to gtaonline [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:40 Prothea Blending utility and ammunition: a chest rig story

Blending utility and ammunition: a chest rig story submitted by Prothea to QualityTacticalGear [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:40 Emiliolifts What type of colleges could i get in?

Im a sophomore for context, i could get into a mid tier college maybe?
submitted by Emiliolifts to highschool [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:40 M4ldarc the user that was making the biggest thaumonomicon has been absent from reddit from the past 2 months :C

im really interested on what he was doing :c
submitted by M4ldarc to Thaumcraft [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:40 AerikVon Valhalla, New York

Valhalla, New York submitted by AerikVon to photographybyaerikvon [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:40 abbysburrito What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by abbysburrito to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:40 JOJOTAELE Triple Your Earnings with GameBeef’s Play-to-Earn System!

Triple Your Earnings with GameBeef’s Play-to-Earn System! Sync your favorite game and Discord account on GameBeef, and watch your Play-to-Earn rewards TRIPLE! 🎮 Play top games like PUBG and Age of Empires. 💰 Earn for every kill, assist, and win. 🔗 Sync your accounts and unlock even greater rewards.
Join today and start earning from your gaming skills!
submitted by JOJOTAELE to gamebeef [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:40 Informal-Will5425 How does an examination ignore 20 years of records from the ARC and Easterseals

My son has been receiving therapy and respite care from Easterseals and the ARC since he was 6. 10 yrs of special education and consistent psychiatric care… because he’s disabled. Now at 26 apparently he’s no longer Autistic! It’s a miracle, thank you SSI for curing his autism by that voodoo you do so well…
submitted by Informal-Will5425 to SSDI [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:40 D12Unknown Any challengers?👹

Any challengers?👹 Im waiting…
submitted by D12Unknown to imvu [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:40 Wlo3kij "Siadaliśmy jak do telenoweli". Małysz i Szaranowicz wspominają sukcesy Orła z Wisły

submitted by Wlo3kij to Polska [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:40 MugShots Two Lincoln men arrested after troopers find 29 pounds of marijuana during traffic stop in western Nebraska

Two Lincoln men arrested after troopers find 29 pounds of marijuana during traffic stop in western Nebraska submitted by MugShots to ArrestStories [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:40 eschmid2 Flint 2 firmware 4.6 fw3 or fw4

I have the flint 2 and still at version 5.8 of the firmware. I have custom firewall rules that I use IP tables for. I am thinking about upgrading to the latest 4.6 version but wondering if the 4.6 version now uses FW4 where NP tables are required? Can anybody answer this question?
submitted by eschmid2 to GlInet [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:40 BLERDSTORY Where is the sun?

Haven’t finished the show yet (S3) and maybe this is net-picky/nerdy but how does night and day work in a dimension with no stars? In the Hugo winning (also on Netflix) 3-Body Problem, some aliens actually hide their world to side-step galactic war, not an unsound strategy, but they also have to cage in their suns. Even if we just say cuz-magic, it’s hard to imagine night and day just happening without any markers. How do they tell time?
submitted by BLERDSTORY to sheranetflix [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:40 Mysterious-Half-892 Post Partum Care

Please make sure you look after yourselves post partum ladies! I have not been as I took the quite natural view that baby is far more important than my need for recovery. I now have a blood clot in my leg (DVT). It is not fun and we're all now suffering. When you're told to rest, do it!!
submitted by Mysterious-Half-892 to BabyBumps [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:40 Lynchzor How to approach a senior developer that insists on using unsafe practices?

I'm a fairly experienced developer in the data science/cloud space and I've been having difficulties offering a different approach for processes. Existing processes make ample use of python formatted string exec() calls and large number of global variables, some of which are reassigned in certain functions, all in a single large script. I've tried announcing my concerns about security and readability of the code, but the senior developer has made many excuses to avoid having to modify the code. These are their reasoning's:

I get it that they may feel personally attacked at mentioning that the code has security flaws and me rewriting the code in the way I understand it, unprovoked, to be offensive. But, I had do the rewrite so that I could even understand how the code functions currently and to be able to add processes successfully. I did not commit code to overwrite the current process and instead created my own reworked pipeline.
As much as it would be vilifying to go to the security team to ask for guidance and potentially causing a ruckus, all I want to do is to write and use readable, maintainable, and (more) secure code. I was thinking of talking to a manager or lead developer, but they are even more distanced from the code and my quality concerns and likely their take would to be maintain status quo since the codebase is very house of cards-y. I feel like how the interaction will go down like the following: I share my concern, to which they will immediately bring in the senior on the call and the senior dev may view this as me trying to talk behind their back and attack them further or blame them (company is very blame focused.) ending up with them coming up with excuses to no end (above) to stonewall the situation with no resolution (company also has the tendency that if you stonewall enough, people will get exhausted and drop the concern.)
Maybe this is mostly me venting, but also seeing if anyone has ideas of how to approach this problem. I'd like to just go out there and switch jobs, but everyone knows the job market is horrible right now and like everyone, is questioning my companies value of employing me. I'm stuck in a rock and a hard place, I should be a senior developer but stuck in the lower ranks and have low respect as such. I'm neurodivergent as well so it makes it even more difficult to find and land a job.
I like my job otherwise, as long as I can continue to make well designed processes that make sense and are readable, my code is very successful and some functionality of mine has been picked up by other teams in the company, but my use of existing code is not as successful as the code is very esoteric and I have no idea how it's intended to work.
tl;dr: My senior uses python formatted string exec()s and large volume of non-static global variables and is unwilling to accept that there are better ways. Existing processes are likely to fail due to very specific criteria, I write more flexible/function code that gets dismissed. Advice on dealing with this interaction?
submitted by Lynchzor to cscareerquestions [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:40 no_longer_LW_2020 Sigh - Corpsecry--Angelfall

Sigh - Corpsecry--Angelfall submitted by no_longer_LW_2020 to RockTheSub [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:40 Zombotic69 Limited Edition Helldivers 2 Dualsense Controller Might Be Coming Soon

Limited Edition Helldivers 2 Dualsense Controller Might Be Coming Soon submitted by Zombotic69 to Controller [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:40 freakspore what was the point of it all

what was the point of telling me he's obsessed with me, that i'm the only one he wants, that he would get my name tattooed that he's my husband that he'll love me forever if now he's just dropped me? i don't fucking understand i can't wrap my mind around it was it a lie? what did he gain? we live together now and i can't stop loving him and it makes him miserable but he put us here in this situation and he told me he loved me but he doesn't and i can't take it anymore i'm so fucking beyond heartbroken i don't understand at all
submitted by freakspore to BPDlovedones [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:40 dortyborty Christine McGuinness

Christine McGuinness submitted by dortyborty to BritishCelebrityBabes [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:40 Crusty_Dingleberries Every time

Every time submitted by Crusty_Dingleberries to forhonor [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:40 Key_Tower3959 Pure Polyester in the 60s... so itchy, so scratchy. A bad tactile journey, that still emotes the 'icks' a half century later.

Pure Polyester in the 60s... so itchy, so scratchy. A bad tactile journey, that still emotes the 'icks' a half century later. submitted by Key_Tower3959 to GenerationJones [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:40 froginagirlsuit How to finish a patch for clothing

How to finish a patch for clothing It’s done now, I cut it out with a little bit of felt onto the edges, but can I cut the felt edge all the way down or what is the next steps to make the edge ready to sew on?
submitted by froginagirlsuit to Beading [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:40 PeterTaylor448 Cheque presentation

Cheque presentation Photograph from today's "Ye Corporation of Squaremen" cheque presentation for £1100 to Mr Grant Hutchison, Community Development Manager, Brechin Buccanneers, for all their good charitable work with those sadly affected by Storm Babet and the Brechin Floods last year - still over 50 people out of their homes more than one year on!
submitted by PeterTaylor448 to freemasonry [link] [comments]