blursed naruto

2024.11.26 19:50 CelebrationNo4286 blursed naruto

blursed naruto submitted by CelebrationNo4286 to blursed_videos [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 Dangerous-Address396 US based premium quality service with a free trial and it's only 35€ for 6 months and 59€ for 12 months

submitted by Dangerous-Address396 to findiptv [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 Jallentino4 JJ/Kyren for Henry/Pickens/Ridley

Thoughts on this trade? Redraft 12 man league, currently 10-2, CURRENT WRs JJ/Reed/Adams/mooney and RBs Kyren/JT/Chuba, this is the only reasonable trade I've got recently as most in the league avoid trading 😅 struggling to come to terms with letting JJ go, but Henry is a big appeal to me as well. What do you think of this deal?
submitted by Jallentino4 to fantasyfootballadvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 _GiornoGiovanna Useless Fact: Creep Spread stops rocks from decaying on Amygdala

Useless Fact: Creep Spread stops rocks from decaying on Amygdala
submitted by _GiornoGiovanna to starcraft [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 oostertoaster1 Which Eve switch to buy?

Hi all, I'm hoping someone can tell me the difference between the two Eve light switches currently available on Amazon. (Specifically this one and this one. I see that one has matter and one doesn't....but if I'm not using, do I need to care? Also, are these just different versions of the same hardware?
One other thing I'm conerned about: I currently have a non-matter Eve switch in use at my house. Will adding a Matter-version of the same switch mess anything up?
submitted by oostertoaster1 to HomeKit [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 ginevrababy Am I overreacting for finding this disgusting?

I always avoided volontourism and similar concepts while traveling to avoid harming local communities. I knew about Workaway but never gave it a chance before.
I live in a country with high unemployment and problematic wages, they remained low while the cost of life is increasing more and more (also taxes). Not a third world country but the job market is a joke here, many are leaving the country.
I am saying this because we are not a country like Australia, New Zealand or USA, i am against volunteering in your own country if done well.
I wanted to get more experience on site as I have some credentials to work as a English teacher and in the tourism industry. Having little experience is problematic and finding a decent job is not the best.
I tried to find an experience on workaway to check it out and I found an experience that seemed interesting. It was animal care, english teaching and childcare in a afterschool camp for three months from January to March.
They expected a minimum of 5 hours which was fine and the ad said they paid minimum wage. Other ads didn’t have this and just displayed cultural exchange. I didn’t mind low pay plus pocket money with food once a day and a bed so I tried. The specific position I asked for listed specifically minimum wage!
We set up an interview but she was 40 minutes late. She said I may be looking for a job but she only gives pocket money, work is 5-8 hrs a day and they wanted experience with children and horses.
She says she wants to review my cv and she is going to plan interviews.
Now I feel angry because it sounds like cheap labor exploitation in a country where people can’t afford to move out. She is also a foreigners depending on random people (using english speaker) for handy work, teaching, childcare, gardening, animal care. No pay and they put the effort in sustainable projects in Africa…
I feel disgusted to be honest. Other positions in the administration offered pocket money for 8 hrs of skilled work as a gardener and handy man.
I looked up the camp and they basically depend on volunteers work, i found people say they give you a shit bed, they are racist and lie about everything (I believe she told me the position is not paid because I am italian but she would not have otherwise…), they treat volunteers like slaves all day, 5 days a week or weekend too.
Most positive review are from foreign volunteers …
She is saving thousands a month by taking volunteers instead of paying locals who need jobs.
Childcare, experienced horse carers, teachers and gardeners require pay monthly…she expected skilled work too.
As an italian, this made my blood boil.
submitted by ginevrababy to workaway [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 Tomi_Stock Vorladung als Zeuge zur Fahrerflucht

Hi da mein Beitrag von gestern von den Admin gelöscht wird hier nochmal eine kurze Zusammenfassung und wie ich vorgehen werde: ich habe einen Brief von der Polizei bekommen mit folgendem Inhalt: im Ermittlungsverfahren wegen eines Verkehrsunfalls mit anschließendem unerlaubten Entfernens von der Unfallstelle zwischen Montag, 19:00 Uhr und Dienstag, 14:30 Uhr auf der Straße xxx ist beabsichtigt, Sie als Zeugen zu hören.
Hierzu habe ich mit einem ADAC Anwalt telefoniert (kostenlose erst Beratung als Mitglied). Er meinte ich muss als Zeuge aussagen. Aber sobald es zu der Stelle kommt wer gefahren ist soll ich die Aussage verweigern. Er meinte auch ich soll mit dem Fahrzeug hinfahren/vorstellen da wenn man nichts sieht dann die Ermittlungen gegen mich vielleicht auch so dann eingestellt werden.
submitted by Tomi_Stock to LegaladviceGerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 thesearlydays Ranked Play

I hopped on with some of my brothers in arms last night and got completely destroyed and humiliated! lol I was and remain completely at a loss. What the hell? I thought I was good but ranked is on a completely different level. Made me not want to go back.
submitted by thesearlydays to blackops6 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 Maleficent_Break_326 Soll ich Dell Verkaufen?

Soll ich Dell Verkaufen? Bin gerade 170€ im Minus und ich habe Angst das es bei den Earnings noch weiter runter geht! Was denkt Ihr? Wie waren die letzten Earnings und wie hat der Aktienkurs auf die Zahlen damals reagiert? Habe bei 140 € gekauft!
submitted by Maleficent_Break_326 to wallstreetbetsGER [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 MiscGuy2 Just got diagnosed

I originally went to a therapist for an ADHD assessment, as over the summer I had myself convinced I had it. After 4 months or so of talking it turns out that ADHD is not the problem, but instead social anxiety and perfectionism. I can’t really say I’m surprised, I’ve always considered myself a quiet person but the more I discussed it with my therapist the more I realized that this was a big issue, and it makes a ton of sense to me.
My therapist recommended starting therapy, which I think I want to continue doing, and also brought up medications but I don’t know how to feel about them right now. They also didn’t rule out ADHD, but said that I should try and resolve the social anxiety and perfectionism and see if the ADHD like symptoms reduced. What should I do now? I feel a little lost
submitted by MiscGuy2 to socialanxiety [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 Whey-Men FBI agent acquitted of attempted murder in 2020 train shooting is arrested on rape charges. Eduardo Valdivia was cleared of attempted murder for a shooting a man is now accused of sexually assaulting two women

submitted by Whey-Men to prisons [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 _DildoOfConsequences Car scanner

Which would be the best scanner to use for a Honda pilot 2023?
submitted by _DildoOfConsequences to Honda [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 o2drakefire UX/UI Designer

I've worked at this agency for 6 years now. I'm currently looking for another opportunity because the work environment doesn't feel the same anymore. A lot of negativity on the workfloor, a different vision for what I want to work on etc.
I wanted to know what would be a good estimate for my experience level. When comparing to others I think I'm currently not in a good spot, also had to deduct €400 from my gross salary in order to obtain a company car with fuel card (it wasn't sorted with VAA). I'm open for an agency spot as well as consultancy because I know the salaries can differ between the two.

submitted by o2drakefire to BESalary [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 oksccrlvr Group Pickup Reports

Has anyone found a good group pickup report for groups? I would like to be able to see pickup by day, along with revenue.
submitted by oksccrlvr to Hilton [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 irwtfa I want to hear from folks that took it easy

The vibe I get from this board is that Japan is something to consume, or like it's a list you need to check off. Like everyone needs to go to specific towns and see specific temples and shrines because the guide book said so. Go go go Spend spend spend
"2 days here, 3 days there - but we actually did 2 day trips while we were there, so pretty much one day there, then the golden route, do not miss the GolDeN Roooote!".
I see posts where people get practically attacked because they stay outside Tokyo and not right at Shibuya or some other major downtown core.
I see other posts where people say they went 2 blocks from a busy place or took one side trail and it was practically a ghost town there were so few tourists, which makes me wonder why more people don't do that.
So my question is..
If you are NOT one that cares about seeing the number 1 of everything, what DID you do that you loved?
How did you find the 3rd best of everthing. What were your favourite activities and neighborhoods in the greater Tokyo area?
I feel like I'm a black sheep for deciding that I'm going to do only 1-2 things a day at most. For focusing on free museums and activities. For picking a random beach town in Chiba as my main excursion.
My budget is shocking low per day compared with the numbers I see you guys posting about.
I do have a 3 day trip to Nagano planned too. But other than that I'd rather feel like I lived in the area for 3 weeks, not that I gobbled up every "must see" from every guide book.
There must be others like me?
submitted by irwtfa to JapanTravelTips [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 vanzi Can't adjust fan curves in MSI X670E GAMING bios

I've just finished replacing my CPU and motherboard with MSI X670E GAMING PLUS WIFI + 9800X3D.
Everything works fine, but I just can't adjust the fan curves, and the default setting for the back case fan makes it really loud.
I enter the MSI BIOS as usual, I click the "Hardware Monitor" to adjust the curves... and then my keyboard/mouse get disconnected. I can't change anything. Every time. And it only stops working in this menu, I can adjust the OC settings with kb/m normally.
Legacy USB option is enabled (by default). I tried clearing CMOS (and in general I didn't change any settings, I even tried without XMP). I have the most recent BIOS to make the 9800x3d work - E16v192(Beta version).
Did anyone experience a similar issue?
submitted by vanzi to MSI_Gaming [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 shadowF 20M — Bored. Anyone else? Could use a chat.

Name is Ariel. 20 years old. Super nerdy. Love comic books, movies, TV shows, and video games. Title says it all, really.
submitted by shadowF to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 PaleFlatworm7359 Sobre las apps para conocer gente

Buenas! Escribo para sacarme dudas sobre socializar en una app con otra mujer, quisiera saber si hice algo mal o no. Conocí hace un par de semanas a una chica por una app que vive en la misma ciudad que yo (lo cual me hacía ilusión) y al principio la conversación fluyó bien, era muy simpática. Después hablamos por wpp, pero a los dos días de haberla agregado me borró de sus contactos y no entendí por qué si la conversación no estaba mal. Es verdad igual que hablabamos de cosas como estudios, trabajo y eso (no sé si el tema la pudo aburrir?). Después estuve muy enferma y no quería hablarle estando tan mal como estaba, demoré unos días en responder y lo hice con la mejor onda, sin traerle mi problema a cuento. Pero no volvió a responder. Puedo entender que se haya aburrido de que hablemos de cosas como estudios, trabajo, series, música, pero entonces quisiera saber, de qué hablan las mujeres cuando recién se conocen y que sea "un tema entretenido"? Yo también soy mujer, pero siento que con otras mujeres se me hace difícil socializar y saber bien qué decir, porque cuando un tema no les interesa no sé qué hacer y generalmente me dejan en visto. Lo que quiero saber es eso, de qué hablarle a una mujer cuando recien la conozco, y que no sea "aburrido"? Ideas generales. Pd: Otra cosa que me sorprendió es que vi en twitter que dicen que cuando dan respuestas con más de una vocal como "holaaa", "siii", "daleee", etc. significa que están interesadas en esa conversación. Para ustedes, que tan cierto es, aplican eso? Y si hay algo más que debería saber de este estilo (sobre indirectas en la conversación) me pueden contar porque me interesa
submitted by PaleFlatworm7359 to rediturras [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 Spirit_mert Quin69 is going to design a unique item for PoE 2!

Quin69 is going to design a unique item for PoE 2! submitted by Spirit_mert to PathOfExile2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 MrBarato What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by MrBarato to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 Equivalent_Top_6978 Anytime know what the friends feature does?

submitted by Equivalent_Top_6978 to ZenlessZoneZero [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 PyroFarms Perfect gift for plant and ocean lovers. This bioluminescent micro aquarium is a great conversation starter and brings a little ocean magic to any space.

submitted by PyroFarms to GiftIdeas [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 Smart-Layer-7245 Where else should I try?

I’ve stumbled upon hard jewelry around last month and was so excited to get some pieces that were cool and didn’t cost a fortune. But unfortunately I haven’t heard anything good about them and that their quality has drastically changed. Do you guys happen to know any brands that have pieces like theirs that also don’t cost a lot.
submitted by Smart-Layer-7245 to hardjewelry [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 GorldtheGorkin Why is there unrest?

Apparently the country is revolting, I have no idea why. if some one could tell me maybe where I went wrong it would be appreciated.
Ive expanded welfare, reformed constitution, good economy, Full privatization, abolished special zone, did NOT trial Soll, expanded women's rights, declined Marcel Deal, refused cooperation with oligarchs
submitted by GorldtheGorkin to suzerain [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 Prestigious-Guide-61 Need guidance for update my iphone

Currently iam on ios 17.4.1 , and i wanted to completely reset my phone then to install iOS 18 ,correct me if iam wrong here: -backup data -charge & cool down the iphone -download & install the update -iOS 18 installed -removing iCloud account -complete erase the iPhone -a fresh start .
submitted by Prestigious-Guide-61 to iPhone13 [link] [comments]