2024.11.26 21:40 Drivetrou Some people are just correctly getting all the reads possible.
What can I actually do? Whenever I play this game, I stumble upon people that never fall for any feints and perfectly parry heavies. Is there something I should try to become/beat them? It just feels like the only damage I can get is from dubble lights after a parry and occasionally a top heavy from a parried light. Keep in mind that I'm playing as Warden which means I have alot of unblockables. I don't think I'm predictable yet noone ever falls for these feints.
submitted by Drivetrou to forhonor [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 21:40 bruzie Bus and train fares may surge by up to 70% to meet NZTA targets
submitted by bruzie to newzealand [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 21:40 bfdc16 For sale: Ligne 2 Gatsby
S.T. Dupont Ligne 2 Gatsby Black Lacquer Lighter Condition: Good, with minimal signs of wear. Fully functional. Price: €300 Shipping: Free worldwide insured shipping from Portugal. Tracking number included. Note: Original box not included submitted by bfdc16 to STDupont [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 21:40 grazhdanin_kosmosa Довоевались… Детей в России начали массово готовить к ракетным ударам Украины
В российских детских садах, школах и техникумах начали проводить учения на случай ракетных ударов со стороны Украины. Подобные мероприятия прошли как минимум в 16 регионах страны, подсчитало «Агентство», изучив группы образовательных учреждений во «ВКонтакте».
В частности, занятия по ракетной опасности прошли в приграничных с Украиной Брянской, Белгородской, Курской и Воронежской областях. В школах Брянска учителя объяснили детям, что делать в случае ракетной угрозы, и отрепетировали эвакуацию в безопасные места после удара ракет ATACMS по Карачаеву. Такие же занятия прошли в городе Клинцы и других населенных пунктах региона.
В Белгородской области подобные учения стали проводить после ракетного обстрела Белгорода в феврале этого года, в результате которого 7 человек погибли, а 20 получили ранения. С этого времени детсады, школы и техникумы отчитались во «ВКонтакте» о 39 такого рода занятиях.
В Курской области соответствующие уроки проводятся с марта. До этого жители региона жаловались, что в школах не отработаны алгоритмы действий на случай ракетной опасности, а занятия порой не прерывают во время реальной тревоги. К концу ноября в области прошло уже не менее 21 занятия по ракетной опасности.
При этом не везде родители довольны тем, как детей учат реагировать на тревогу. Мать ученицы младших классов из Орловской области рассказала «Агентству», что ее дочь довели до истерики неожиданной тренировкой в детской школе искусств. Согласно фотоотчету, детей усаживали под парты и эвакуировали через окно первого этажа.
«Когда я вошла в класс за ребенком, ее успокаивали и дети, и учитель. Она впечатлительная, и на нее это произвело крайне неблагоприятное впечатление. Пришлось рассказывать, что это снимали кино, и она стала актером. Только тогда немного успокоилась», — отметила женщина.
17 ноября президент США Джо Байден разрешил Украине бить вглубь России американскими дальнобойными ракетами ATACMS. Это решение стало ответом на появление северокорейских военных в зоне боевых действий в Курской области. После этого аналогичные разрешение Украина получила от Великобритании и Франции, которые предоставили ВСУ дальнобойные ракеты Storm Shadow и SCALP.
Президент РФ Владимир Путин 21 ноября заявил, что Украина атаковала западными дальнобойными ракетами Брянскую и Курскую области. Под удар попал один из командных пунктов группировки «Север», в результате, по его словам, погибли и получили ранения сотрудники охраны и обслуживающий персонал. В ответ на это Россия ударила по украинскому оборонному предприятию «Южмаш» в Днепре баллистической гиперзвуковой ракетой средней дальности в безъядерном оснащении «Орешник».
submitted by grazhdanin_kosmosa to tjournal_refugees [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 21:40 Effective-Impact-787 $SAPI 2nd poll results are in! AI with Democratic project governance has let the people choose Static NFTs! Working with $CENTS an AI with 20x its MC. At bottom of range here for a great entry🧠
This ever developing AI agent plans to optimize humanity away from our current governance model and into an optimized abundant utopia. Generates beautiful art and has speaking ability and now NFTs coming soon 😎 watch for dev to start burning too 👀 At the bottom of its range right now, for a great entry. Be sure to click through the images for more Tons of info about this AI agent on the wiki page https://sapienix.fandom.com/wiki/Sapienix_Wiki X-🌐 @SapienixState CA 📌 Dn7yAzwURGMBw4CyHK319GKwT3cULmfdqPtHiFxnpump submitted by Effective-Impact-787 to memecoins [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 21:40 zoboblondebabe DIALGA on me, adding 10, be quick and let's get this shiny! 696344911570
submitted by zoboblondebabe to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 21:40 Hotel-Man12 Decanon
submitted by Hotel-Man12 to BlackClover [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 21:40 BeardOfWonder20 Arenado available? Imagine that infield with the way Rocchio came alive in the playoffs...
Link to theScore article https://thescore.com/mlb/news/3140857 Who would we have to package with Josh? submitted by BeardOfWonder20 to ClevelandGuardians [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 21:40 lattimershotgun Cache drive not being used
I just wanted to say thank you for the help up front. I have ran an Unraid server for a long time but never messed with the cache. I now want to use my 1tb cache drive and have followed the proper steps I believe. I have the shares set to 1st drive cache 2nd drive array then mover is cache --> array. I also set the minimum share to 50GB and the cache drive to 100GB. So even large 4k movies should be fine for the most part moving to the cache and then the array. No matter what, I have no activation on the cache drive and only see one of my array drives writing during the file transfers.
submitted by lattimershotgun to unRAID [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 21:40 Scotcash Trans-owned Ranch B&B High Desert.
Hello, not sure if this is the right group for this but let's see. I'm a photographer, a few years back I was chatting with a transwoman who runs a B&B I believe somewhere in the High Desert, of my memory served "Ranch" was somewhere in the name.
We were discussing doing a photo spread to highlight her hotel and being a trans business owner, but we've lost touch.
I'm hoping someone familiar with the owner or property can get me back in touch. Thank you!
submitted by Scotcash to InlandEmpire [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 21:40 mattnlynn Should I be using VATS?
Should I be using VATS...because I am not. I use controller and I find it hard to press the left trigger and then the left button with the same finger (not to mention the other finger)
Most videos I watch it is like 100% VATS, but I never used it in Fo4, and so that just carried over, but now with me needing to maintain better stash mgmt, I am wondering if I am burning thru ammo, when I could be getting quicker kills with less ammo.
If it is better to use it, any thoughts from controller players on a better layout?
submitted by mattnlynn to fo76 [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 21:40 Amigurumi-gaga-4608 MTaS little hat : Letter X
Only two left I can do it !
submitted by Amigurumi-gaga-4608 to MyTimeAtSandrock [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 21:40 beothy The Eternal Quest - A Retrowave Loop
submitted by beothy to blender [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 21:40 RH9494 Selling Taylor Swift Merch on FB Marketplace
Has anyone had success flipping TS merch on marketplace or am I better off on Mercari/Ebay? The reason I ask is because I think one of these swifties posted my name in their little merch groups and accused me of price gouging and now I’m getting 50 lowball offers and insults a day. Like, offering $1 for something I paid $80 for lol and calling me all sorts of names. It honestly doesn’t bother me because that fandom is absolutely insane and I actually think it’s kind of funny. Most of them are young so I mainly just feel some secondhand embarrassment for them lol. Does anyone know if reporting a lowball offer actually does anything? Im new to this so I just ignore and block but I’m wondering if EBay is any better. Thanks!
submitted by RH9494 to Flipping [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 21:40 FoodiePanda90 Manasa Varanasi
submitted by FoodiePanda90 to BeautiesAddicts [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 21:40 hairy_ass_eater What could possibly be causing this?
My saw's chain came loose very fast while cutting, barely made one cut before it started throwing sparks, getting super hot and getting loose. I cleaned everything to make sure it was getting oil and the chain was for sure oily to the touch but the same thing happened again, any tips?
submitted by hairy_ass_eater to Chainsaw [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 21:40 Thick_Pen8599 Thumbnail made with flux pro ultra 1.1
submitted by Thick_Pen8599 to JanitorAI_Official [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 21:40 HelenSneige Honey
submitted by HelenSneige to SDXLArtworks [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 21:40 lord-submissive 20m looking for people(friends) have nothing going on in there lives💀
20m looking for people(friends) have nothing going on in there lives💀 Those probably are better online communicators, so bring the gossip and tea about other peoples lives so we can laugh and feel better about our lives. So of course any and all are welcome, you can share your achievements and stresses. I admit at times I may be a slow replyer but currently unemployed so I'm online most of the time... so as you can tell I'm fruity, so straights who don't fck with that, my humble request is to stay as far away from my profile as possible... even block me if you must. What else? Ran out of stuff to say, you can ask, but before stalk my profile to see if we'll get along and yeah hi and welcome bestie!
submitted by lord-submissive to chat [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 21:40 notyoursbitchh RAJAT AND SALMAN SAME SAME??
Don't you guys think salman and rajat are kindof similar
hitting someone with car going jail numerous times dono kisi ki ni sunte
submitted by notyoursbitchh to biggboss [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 21:40 Wildlight622 Lovejoy Daily Pic: Day 15
submitted by Wildlight622 to lvjy [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 21:40 ZWeinstein15 Looks like I found a Cardinals hot box.
First time finding a Stadium Club blaster in two years, looks like the one I picked was meant for a Cardinals fan. I also upped my streak to two on pulling a random Brewers autograph in a blaster as well. submitted by ZWeinstein15 to baseballcards [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 21:40 No-Judge1591 Sir please don't look at me like that, I fall in love easily
submitted by No-Judge1591 to zayn [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 21:40 sophiabarbiex meet my friend maya
submitted by sophiabarbiex to aww [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 21:40 sharktuna Raidian 🕊️
submitted by sharktuna to arknights [link] [comments] |