Who did it better? (swipe)

2024.11.26 20:16 RedditServiceUK Who did it better? (swipe)

submitted by RedditServiceUK to miniminter [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:16 InitialTraining299 Am I cooked cooked? Like fried liver?

Am I cooked cooked? Like fried liver? submitted by InitialTraining299 to AmazonFC [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:16 DeGroete2 Playing the older games

I have so far only played (and loved) Far Cry 6. I've been wanting to go back and play the older games.
Just picked up Far Cry 3, 4, 5, Primal and New Dawn in a nice Black Friday deal.
In what order do you guys recommend i play through the games?
submitted by DeGroete2 to farcry [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:16 Pomsky_Mom Cuties

submitted by Pomsky_Mom to PomskyLife [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:16 Noktis_Lucis_Caelum I Had an idea

Hello everyone,
After i played "shantae and the 7 sirens" i Had an Idea. Why Not a Game, in which risky Boots IS completly innocent. Like Something Happens and shantae Breaks into riskys Ship and find an completly innocent risky...Like risky has an cold/influenza and was unable to do anything.
submitted by Noktis_Lucis_Caelum to Shantae [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:16 x3a6a The PG32UCDM and PS5 Pro boxes design match perfectly

submitted by x3a6a to playstation [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:16 thislifedoesntcount Found at an estate sale

Found at an estate sale submitted by thislifedoesntcount to GrandmasPantry [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:16 New-Description-3925 Sextortion

What are the chances of getting leaked if you don't send money?
submitted by New-Description-3925 to Sextortion [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:16 ConsequenceOk3058 why are HCI doors so heavy?

submitted by ConsequenceOk3058 to ethz [link] [comments]


No recuerdo bien si era comic o manhwa OKEY LA TRAMA ES ESTA Hay 2 principes que se muestran al comienzo el mayor es muy flojo y la gente lo apoda el príncipe aburrido y el menor que se esfuerza se llama Leonard.El príncipe aburrido es así porque su padre dijo que el debe de cuidar el reino y si ve alguna característica buena en algún hombre para que ayude al reino debe ayudarlo por eso el le da el paso a Leonar pero después nos presentan a varios príncipes más del reino (mediohermanos) y ellos están dispuestos a matar incluso a sus hermanos para quedarse con el trono. El Prota(príncipe aburrido)no es débil sino que finge,y tiene una identidad secreta llamada Silver en el gremio de aventureros el único que lo sabe es su mayordomo que lo acompaña a el desde que nació. El prota tiene una "amiga" de pelo rubio (el comic es blanco y negro pero en una página se presento a color y de ahí sé) ella no quiere que ande de vago y prácticamente la anda obligando a qué se esfuerse más para que se convierta en rey y ella si lo ve débil porque el prota es fuerte pero en magia antigua no es fuerte en físico ni en combate a espadas. Luego el prota conoce a una mediante su identidad de sylver chica que es hija de un duque el cual por un tratado creo termina acompañándolo a él para que sea como su sirvienta Capítulos después ella entra a su cuarto del prota y justo ahí el prota se teletransporta a su casa vestido de sylver se saca la máscara y la chica lo descubre el la asusta con matarla para que no salga a la luz su identidad pero a ella le vale vrg entonces no le queda de otra al prota que contarle la verdad a ella porque tmb ya se había encariñado De ahí hay pura batalla que navegan por el mar lo ataca el Leviatán (creo nose) el prota se hace pasar por el príncipe Leonard porque este andaba re mareado y haci llegan a una isla en la que hiban a comerciar pero por salvar a su gente de de esa isla botan la mercancía (y si el Leviatán atacó al barco de los de esa isla porque andaban haciendo "guardia") y más relleno que lo único relevante es que la chica rubia su "amiga" del prota descubre que Silver y el prota tienen una conexión de amigos y ya Espero que me ayuden a encontrarlo quiero seguir leendolo y solo para aclarar no es de webtton
submitted by Ok-Act5682 to Argnime [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:16 DarkSoulser86 Daily Reminder

Daily Reminder to NEVER give thanks to any Starmie/Misty, Pikachu, or Mewtwo/Gardevoir deck users.
P.S. if you use any meta decks, no one loves you :)
submitted by DarkSoulser86 to PTCGP [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:16 Dense_Emu4550 1bed/1bath sublease August 2025-July 2026 | $875/month

I have a sublease available from River Manor Apartments through Weida. It's a 1 bed 1 bath $875/month. Unfurnished. Internet/utilities are about $60/month. Recently renovated too.
The unit is about 20 min walk from Engineering Fountain and PMU. There is a bus stand right next to the building.
Super cheap for a 1bed 1 bath and walkable to campus! DM for more details.
submitted by Dense_Emu4550 to PurdueHousing [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:16 Living-Ad-79 wtf

submitted by Living-Ad-79 to TeenIndia [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:16 gracecx why does my oranda have white stuff on its wen?

could it have been due to an amonia spike? (I recently did have one) I rubbed his wen a little with my finger but the white stuff doesn’t rub off should I be concerned..? (I didn’t think it was wen growth cause the pictures I’ve seen online of wen growth look like white dots on the wen but this doesn’t) I’m adding before & after pics of what he used to look like & what he looks like now. help please & ty🥲
submitted by gracecx to Goldfish [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:16 VastTechnician7354 Gumu Gumu no goober

submitted by VastTechnician7354 to OnePiece [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:16 Feeling-Educator3019 Selling Ticket

Hey guys, I’m trying to sell a ticket for the concert on December 3 at UBS Arena. Sec 111 Row 4 Seat 1!!
submitted by Feeling-Educator3019 to jheneaiko [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:16 Fit_Distance_1607 Ab wann ein iPhone fürs eigene Kind? Wie macht ihr das?

Ich überlege, ab wann es sinnvoll ist, meinen Kindern ein iPhone zu kaufen. Bei mir war es damals ab dem Gymnasium der Fall, weil ich es für die Schule und meine Freunde gebraucht habe. Jetzt frage ich mich, wie ich das bei meinen Kindern handhaben soll.Falls er eins bekommt, werde ich keine Kontrolle ausüben. Es gibt zwar Apps dafür, aber ich halte das für den falschen Weg. Vertrauen und der richtige Umgang mit dem Gerät sind mir wichtiger, und ich möchte, dass er lernt, selbst Verantwortung zu übernehmen. Wie habt ihr das bei euren Kindern geregelt? Gibt es ein bestimmtes Alter oder einen Zeitpunkt, an dem ihr sagt: „Jetzt ist es okay“? In der heutigen Generation mit Tiktok sollte man ja zweimal überlegen wann es wirklich sinnvoll ist.
submitted by Fit_Distance_1607 to Ratschlag [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:16 burnettdown13 Hatch timing?

I’m in east Tn and I was wondering if there was a rough guideline to different hatches that happen? Is there a good website or app that I could use to keep track of them? I’m new to all of this so any advice is appreciated. Also I’ll be fishing for bass and panfish
submitted by burnettdown13 to flyfishing [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:16 flixterlks HR

Why would HR be calling me? I started working in the cafe about a month ago now and they just tried to call today. Just wanted to see why they would call before calling back
submitted by flixterlks to Barnesandnoble [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:16 thegentDudley Thunder Rosa looking hot AF in black

submitted by thegentDudley to AllSexyWomenWrestlin2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:16 Syaaaakesan What's your favorite cliché or overrused trope in worldbuilding?

I am personally a big fan of flying whales in the sky, and Hell is good and Heaven is bad, lmao.
submitted by Syaaaakesan to worldbuilding [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:16 Live-Cartographer116 Ebay selling help

Ebay Selling Help
I recently sold a item on eBay, a iPhone 16 pro max and I sent the item Royal Mail First Class signed for, I recorded myself packing the item showing how the box was sealed and also have receipt proof of sending the item. The buyer put a claim in saying how the iPhone box was empty, however when I sent the phone out the box was sealed which is shown in recording. Buyer put a claim through eBay saying how it was empty and I won the claim, they then appealed and they won the claim, I contacted eBay saying how it was wrong and they shouldn’t win however because the buyer provided a action fraud reference number they automatically win. Now the buyers funds have been refunded to them but deducted from my eBay account however the funds were released to me. What do I do in this situation, I don’t know who has the phone whether the person who bought the phone has it or a person from Royal Mail. Now do I just lose £1299 and pay eBay or shall I just not put the money in my ebay balance, what will happen? Any help please
submitted by Live-Cartographer116 to EbayWTF [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:16 No-Ant-5715 Scholars programs question

I’ve already been accepted into OU’s business school for next fall, and I was invited to apply for the 1804 Scholars Program, Cutler Scholars Program, Templeton Scholars Program, and the Copeland Scholars Honours Program. I was reading up on information about each program, and I had a couple of questions, but any other information outside of my questions would be greatly appreciated as well!

  1. The 1804 Scholars Program and the Copeland Scholars Honours Program mention nothing about scholarships. Is that correct or did they just not put that in the description? Also, if there aren’t any scholarships, would you still recommend applying for the program?
  2. How much additional work is involved? I don’t want to overload myself with an unbearable amount of work, but a little bit of an extra challenge is always welcomed in my life.
submitted by No-Ant-5715 to ohiouniversity [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:16 Fantastic_Tourist463 No sugar diet

So today I started this diet solely for weightloss and FULLY jumped straight in (considering last night I thought it would be smart to have leftover birthday cake to celebrate the start of this) Today I ate porridge (no sugar and only a splash of low fat and no sugar almond milk) With a small dollop of 100 percent peanut no sugar peanut better, then wholeweat noodles with no sauce, just a vegetable stir fry with chicken for the flavour, tbh ive had no headaches n craving but I just wanna know if im on the right track and eating correct stuff, my mum says I can venture out and eat sweet potatoes and no sugar bars, but i dont want to find alternatives to chocolate etc etc bcs i think it might ruin my flow, also when does the weightloss kick in? Thanks for the help if anyone replies to this lol, im a teenager btw who is VERY overweight so keep that in mind
submitted by Fantastic_Tourist463 to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:16 Big-Promise-5255 Adguard for safari

Hi, i try adguard for safari. But doesn’t block so much pop ups ads. Why?
submitted by Big-Promise-5255 to Adguard [link] [comments]
