Dee Devlin

2024.11.26 22:39 Creative_Network2061 Dee Devlin

Dee Devlin What are we thinking of Dee Devlin’s post following McGregor being found liable in civil court.
submitted by Creative_Network2061 to MMA [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:39 luism6n [Capitão Augusto] PL 1761/2024 (23): Dispõe sobre a proibição do fornecimento de cobre por produtores brasileiros a empresas que não estejam em conformidade com o Programa Setorial de Qualidade de Fios e Cabos, e dá outras providências.

submitted by luism6n to BoletimDaCamara [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:39 Ordinary-Cupcake2399 Don’t know why I’m doing this but giving up pics of my wife, be descriptive on what you’d do.

submitted by Ordinary-Cupcake2399 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:39 Interesting_Version7 Looking for a new credit card . 20 yr old university student with 815 credit score. Mostly spend money on fast food.

I've had the basic RBC avion for a while and barely get any points from it. I mostly spend money at tims, a&w, McDonald's, etc. I don't mind paying a monthly fee or annually. I am looking for the best option in rewards and cash back as well. Any suggestions are welcome 🤗
submitted by Interesting_Version7 to PersonalFinanceCanada [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:39 throwaway490215 But have you tried | || || |_ ?

But have you tried | || || |_ ? submitted by throwaway490215 to NonCredibleDiplomacy [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:39 SparkleStorm486 What is your best everyday routine? The 1 thing that you do everyday to make your life better?

submitted by SparkleStorm486 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:39 PopsicleIncorporated Why the hell did Obi-Wan start talking openly about the Force and being a Jedi in front of Han and Chewbacca?

I can’t wrap my mind around why he thought this was a good idea. Just by virtue of being a Jedi, he is desperately wanted by the law. He’s been keeping it secret for 19 years. And now he’s just met these two guys. What guarantee does he have that Han won’t double-cross him if they run into any Imperials? That’s basically what ended up happening anyhow, and Han ultimately didn’t try to sell them out to save his own ass, but could Obi-Wan have really been able to tell in advance that Han wouldn’t have done this?
That’s not even getting into flashing his lightsaber and cutting someone’s arm off in the cantina, but at least there he could’ve been some guy who happened to own a lightsaber and not actually a Jedi Knight.
submitted by PopsicleIncorporated to MawInstallation [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:39 EducationalShower644 They hate me

They hate me submitted by EducationalShower644 to 691 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:39 Nikky106y Trading some toy items!! ^^

Froggie Set - Valk boots, dress, and helm - angelic set - nature fairy dress - dark fairy set (charmed hesrt and vamperess) - prom queen dress, and ice fairy dress.
Nyp or offer!! :)
submitted by Nikky106y to RoyaleHighTrading [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:39 nogoldberg LATimes request: Bar Stella incident last night

Hi all,
I'm a reporter for the Los Angeles Times.
I am hearing whispers about an incident that occurred at Bar Stella last night... If you have any info about it or were there for it, please reach out to me via message, or email me at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])
submitted by nogoldberg to FoodLosAngeles [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:39 Brief_Character_9024 Exam Scripts Error

Every time I try to submit my application for my scripts, it’s coming up ‘unknown error’, anyone else having the same problem?
submitted by Brief_Character_9024 to FE1_Exams [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:39 luism6n [Nely Aquino] PL 1694/2024 (29): Altera a Lei nº 13.693, de 10 de julho de 2018, para instituir o uso do cordão de fita com caricatura de mãos retratadas em aspecto multicolorido, como símbolo nacional de identificação de pessoas com doenças raras.

submitted by luism6n to BoletimDaCamara [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:39 Iotez Ironman ready or not

Is there a way to cheat in permamode? I heard you can exit before the prompt shows up, which would avoid having to restart. Does anyone have a method? I'm trying to get the watch.
submitted by Iotez to ReadyOrNotGame [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:39 Kingcoreythefirst DAY 11 of BCH uptrend against BTC.

DAY 11 of BCH uptrend against BTC. Day 11: BCH showing significant strength against BTC & the crypto market as an overall. Signaling strong conviction among HODLERS. We aren’t overhyped or overpriced. We are still severely undervalued. This is the time to pay attention.
submitted by Kingcoreythefirst to btc [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:39 TheLongestTime_ Alright who’s selling their Satsuma rally spec.

Alright who’s selling their Satsuma rally spec. submitted by TheLongestTime_ to MySummerCar [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:39 ZornWolf Is it just me or is anyone else watching S9 Ep 9 online & hearing a Siri voice playing the background?

submitted by ZornWolf to SupermanAndLois [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:39 Gluubsterboi The fact that both Dandy’s world subs are here-

The fact that both Dandy’s world subs are here- I am obsessed-
submitted by Gluubsterboi to DandysWorld_ [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:39 Methanatos Etude no. 19

Sam is short for Samantha, Which is short for Samanthanatarajan, Which is short for Samanthanatarajanapadarumanalitata, Cat is short for catacggcatataggcgtactacgtttgaatcgaa…{2.47 gigabases not shown),
Oat milk, goat milk, stoat milk,
Now turn to the person next to you and strangle them,
Oat milk, goat milk, stoat milk,
2B|~2B=? Shakespeare coded
The red-tailed dork, the bluenerd, The black-eyed junkie, the wooden pecker, But the presidential library will be held together with hairspray?
Oat milk, goat milk, stoat milk.
submitted by Methanatos to ShittyPoetry [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:39 pesce_salmone Oh mio dio pensavo che questo sub nn finiva come è finito TankChat. Meno male che la politica nn ci doveva stare

In questo giorni sto leggendo solo post di "politica " vabbè no di politica ma ogni tanto mi arriva la notifica di reddit e vedo boh con una divisa fascista tipo ✨meraviglioso✨ ma lasciamo perdere poi leggo che c'è una guerra contro gli umani, boh che conquista san Marino, nn so chi uccello ha conquistato il mondo intero ah poi c'è la guerra contro gli umani... È tipo TankChat due sto coso
submitted by pesce_salmone to BirdChat [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:39 PromptSwimming3767 Aircrew officer observer

Hello, are there any observers on here that I can possibly pick their brains? Recently changed my role - but getting very little assistance in terms of training information from my recruiter so would appreciate someone who has done it (somewhat recently) giving me a bit of information!
Thank you
P.S. I have messaged my recruiter and looked online, just not found sufficient information!
submitted by PromptSwimming3767 to RoyalNavy [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:39 Julesworld21 Ive made big decisions based on my OCD

Today.. i had this realization that.. ive made super important descision (like college degree, breaking up.. etc) all based on my OCD. And it depressed me a lot.
Its not the first time i get this realization. U get it time to time.. very rarely tho. Because i get too much into my obsessions that i forget that i am living based on them. Even making big descisions. I just try to so whatwver is best for my ocd and forget everything else. And when i have the realization i get depressed again, but them i forget again, its almost like a coping mechanism that i go back to OCD rathwr than dealinf w the fact that it has ruined most of my life. And ive lost my identity cz of it. I have strong identity crisis cz of living with OCD. Idk who or where i would've been without it.
On time i hit rock bottom and did smth.. cz of that.
Does anyone else experiences this?
submitted by Julesworld21 to OCD [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:39 calonsoesco Kodak

Kodak “IM IN THE!”
This has slowly become one of my favorites off the album.
submitted by calonsoesco to sahbabii [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:39 Full-Discussion3745 AI and Copyright: Humanity's "Greatest Theft"

AI and Copyright: Humanity's submitted by Full-Discussion3745 to EU_Economics [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:39 luism6n [Nitinho] PL 1352/2024 (22): Altera a Lei nº 14.062, de 23 de setembro de 2020, para dispor sobre a Semana de Conscientização sobre a Atrofia Muscular Espinhal.

submitted by luism6n to BoletimDaCamara [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:39 BeastMode2924 How to finish train + which skill to short?

How to finish train + which skill to short? Just pulled him from a regular sig pack today, so happy Took him out of my lineup to show base stats
submitted by BeastMode2924 to MLB_9Innings [link] [comments]