Clinical Trial Finds Combination THC and Acetazolamide Reduces Obstructive Sleep Apnea Severity

2024.11.26 22:19 YesFlyZone420 Clinical Trial Finds Combination THC and Acetazolamide Reduces Obstructive Sleep Apnea Severity

Clinical Trial Finds Combination THC and Acetazolamide Reduces Obstructive Sleep Apnea Severity submitted by YesFlyZone420 to EverythingScience [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:19 obamas_llamas Eight string fret wraps?

Hey, I have a Harley Benton MultiScale fanned fret and in my area its crazy difficult to get XL fret wraps - does anyone know if the gruvgear Large is alright for it? its not cheap so I wanna make sure it fits beforehand, thanks to anyone who can help :)
submitted by obamas_llamas to Guitar [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:19 housecatdreams Popular NC State professor Marshall Brain dies, alleges retaliation for ethics complaints

Popular NC State professor Marshall Brain dies, alleges retaliation for ethics complaints submitted by housecatdreams to MarshallBrain [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:19 momer_gg SİHİRLİ DOLAP ŞAKASI - 2 | SS13

SİHİRLİ DOLAP ŞAKASI - 2 | SS13 submitted by momer_gg to wiredpeople [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:19 DegreePrestigious Hercules Panhellenios

Hercules Panhellenios Where the hell is Hercules at? He is my favorite avenger
submitted by DegreePrestigious to MarvelFuture_Fight [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:19 TitleComprehensive96 I invited a friend to my steam family, and he got hit with this. Any ideas what to do? Been too long since I messed with family stuff.

I invited a friend to my steam family, and he got hit with this. Any ideas what to do? Been too long since I messed with family stuff. submitted by TitleComprehensive96 to Steam [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:19 SHLBYHCH Caught red-pawed!

Caught red-pawed! thought this goober was taking a nap but she was in fact quietly redecorating our house with shoes. look at that little guilty face!!
submitted by SHLBYHCH to dogpictures [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:19 Meriog Beating Spopovich before Supreme Kai stops the match

In Gohan's story mode, there's an optional fight against Spopovich during his match against Videl. You can choose to stop the match and fight him. This fight is programmed for Supreme Kai to stop the match when Spopovich gets down to two and a half bars of hp.
I've discovered that, if you make sure you're in Max power mode at that moment, and fire off your ultimate as soon as you hear Supreme Kai shout "That's enough!" You'll be treated to a bonus scene of the tournament announcer shouting for everyone to run and then Gohan firing off his ultimate, destroying the arena and part of the crowd. I got an achievement for it but I bet most people already get that achievement from Majin Vegeta doing the same thing.
Looking online, I can't find anyone else who's done this and there are several people asking and being told that it's technically possible but that there probably isn't a bonus scene. Google AI even says that. Don't believe their lies. It is possible, and it is cool.
submitted by Meriog to SparkingZero [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:19 AffectionateAsk7414 H: glow uni + leaders W: TFJ

submitted by AffectionateAsk7414 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:19 Adam-carr-77777 Is there no Jonesy in chapter 6?

Is there no Jonesy in chapter 6? submitted by Adam-carr-77777 to FortNiteBR [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:19 Kusunoko Are conditioners any necessary ?

Firstly I only rinse-out with those things when my hair is at least longer than earlobe-length and typically within shampooing because of my gifted/cursed natural oily hair.
From the results, I wonder if they even have any basic essentiality or just for the sake of commerce, luxury, wtv. I hardly see any difference in other word besides the aforementioned greasy ends without shampooing
They aren't my regulars to give the ultimate review about, and I typically skip, but i am familiar with these things enough to give a fair personal experience. And I am not sure if I am not utilizing properly or is conditioning just useless.
As for the leave-in, I've never used it nor I think I want to. Am I missing something ?
submitted by Kusunoko to Haircare [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:19 lss_web_1444 Image post title 835

Image post title 835 submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:19 Vega_thepianocat708 Womp womp. Q is clearly better.

submitted by Vega_thepianocat708 to TheLetterQ [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:19 rdc2007 Anna

Anna submitted by rdc2007 to reactgirls [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:19 HorrorSolid7811 Gsxr 750 2010 price in Europe

Gsxr 750 2010 price in Europe Does anyone know what colour is this? And if it is the reason why the bike is so expensive?
Sorry if I missed any rule, this is my first post in Reddit.
submitted by HorrorSolid7811 to GSXR [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:19 Sita234 How do you answer these texts?

I’ve been dating online for the last three years. Every now and then I get a random “how you doing” text from a number I don’t recognize and I assume it was some guy I went on a date with and we didn’t click so I deleted his number. Usually I ignore but I got a polite one today that said “just saying hi and hope you’re well, you were on my mind”. So I responded with “sorry who is this?” And it was this guy I went on one date with and then we chatted about making more plans and the ball was in his court as he had said he would set something up and then he disappeared. He works like crazy and I wasn’t that into him besides him being rich and handsome. As in I wasn’t crazy about his personality. Anyway how would you respond to him after he identified himself? Do you (other women) answer these texts? If you’re a man how would you like a woman to respond if she’s not interested because you ghosted her? I kind of want to say you had your chance dude but I also don’t want to be rude.
Also why is it always the random guys you don’t care about that text you out of the blue? I’d give almost anything to hear from my last bf who I’m in love with but of course I never have.
submitted by Sita234 to datingoverfifty [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:19 ReasonableTable2359 Free LOTTO ticket $2 ! Powerball or Mega Millions Select Locations NEW USER Referral Free LOTTO ticket $2 !

Free LOTTO ticket $2 ! Powerball or Mega Millions Select Locations NEW USER Referral Free LOTTO ticket $2 ! You should also get a bonus for funding if you use code FREEBIE / Social after funding JACKPOCKET WITH any amount to buy a ticket.
Jackpocket is currently Available in Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Idaho, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Texas, Washington DC and West Virginia and Puerto Rico
PVP Betting Promotional code VEGAS10 ; BETS10 for $10 bonus credit. Might need to fund to be able to use.Here’s a $10 bonus! Sign up for Slips to claim. Terms apply.
submitted by ReasonableTable2359 to referralcodes [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:19 Marco-mcdewey Deer cam ghost

Deer cam ghost Got a alert last night from my dear Cam when I viewed it, I was shocked, literally shocked at what I found three deer sitting there eating peacefully. Then all of a sudden, this foggy misty creature emerges from behind one of the trees and quickly moves to the left. The deer, even popped their heads up to acknowledge its existence, but it is 100% transparent something is there not of this earth
submitted by Marco-mcdewey to GhostAdventures [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:19 Repulsive-Writer928 Appreciation post for the song in 3-1 in the room with the three Cerberuses (?)(cerberi?)

I genuinely LOVE it it's my fav part of the level just because of the song it's sooo good istg
submitted by Repulsive-Writer928 to Ultrakill [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:19 IAmReallyNotMilk Second time mums- are you planning to do anything different this time?

I’m curious to hear your reflections!
This could be during your pregnancy, for the birth or post partum. Here are a few of mine:
1) Not worry so much about weight gain. This stressed me out loads last time (I.e. was it too much?) For this pregnancy, I’m just going to give myself some grace.
2) Not stress so much about how I feed them. I tied myself up in knots trying to breastfeed, then exclusively pumping for 8 months. Now my daughter is 16 months and eating loads, it all seems a bit…unimportant? Not to say it won’t matter immensely for lots of folks! But for me, it wasn’t the be all and end all.
3) Try and enjoy the newborn phase more! Because actually, it was pretty short.
4) Accept literally every single bit of help I get offered 😂
submitted by IAmReallyNotMilk to BabyBumps [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:19 lss_web_1444 Text post title 101

Text post body
submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:19 Stock-Ingenuity5256 [no spoilers] Why is this song so popular?

[no spoilers] Why is this song so popular? submitted by Stock-Ingenuity5256 to arcane [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:19 marmar564 Ski season in Japan - Yuzawa!

Hi all! I live in Yuzawa, Japan and I have an apartment available for rent if anyone is interested in staying in Yuzawa for the 24/25 season.
It is mainly a monthly rental but if you need it for less time I can see if I can accomodate :)
It's located right at the bottom of Maiko Ski Resort - Fun mountain with Tree runs, a park with a variety of kickers, super long courses with lots of fun walls and mini jumps and mogules!
Here is the information and you can check out FB marketplace for pictures:
submitted by marmar564 to skiing [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:19 Agile-Campaign-2303 I am Lost

I am in the second year of my bachelors in data science and AI, and I have no idea what exactly I want to become.
I am interested in computer science and math (hence my degree), so when I first hear of quantitative finance, it really sounded like a fit. But now I more and more realise that I have been too much of an underachiever. I did not study until my final year of high school which consequently landed me in a non-target university in the Netherlands.
In my first semester I was really just scrapping by, primarily because I was lazy. Unfortunately, this is what screwed me. Now that I have given more of an effort, I am looking at a GPA of 7.5/10 which is around 3.5-3.7 US. I have come to accept that GPA will likely never be enough for a job as a quant. Of course I will not stop trying, but I just wanted to know what advice you guys could give me.
Is there still hope?
Are there some alternative career paths you would recommend that are less reliant on an outstanding GPA/target uni, and are similar to what a quant does, i.e., finance and math/CS?
Please also let me know if you think there is a better subreddit for this advice.
submitted by Agile-Campaign-2303 to quantfinance [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:19 heavymetalDM Discord server?

I have been trying to search for the discord server but I can't find it. Any help would be dope. Thanks.
submitted by heavymetalDM to KINGMAKERS [link] [comments]