[FOR HIRE] Open for commissions! - Character design, illustration and animation!

2024.11.26 23:30 naianeartwork [FOR HIRE] Open for commissions! - Character design, illustration and animation!

[FOR HIRE] Open for commissions! - Character design, illustration and animation! submitted by naianeartwork to gameDevClassifieds [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:30 SnooJokes7653 How can i adjust Clay's bass tone in Parallax? Can anyone help? 🙏🏻

How can I adjust Clay's bass tone in Parallax? Can anyone help?
submitted by SnooJokes7653 to NeuralDSP [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:30 primepufferfish lost my best friend

lost my best friend She was the best girl. She was fifteen and a half. I had her since I was eleven years old. She would drink from the faucet and sleep with me every night. She suddenly became paralyzed from saddle thrombus, and she was gone a couple hours later. I don't know how to cope with this, but I just wanted to share my best friend with people who I know love cats. I know she lived a good life, but she was so healthy otherwise. I thought I was going to have her until she was twenty. And this is three days after blood clots took my paternal uncle. Life just doesn't feel fair. I don't know how to continue without my best friend. Thanks for looking at her and reading, if you did.
submitted by primepufferfish to cats [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:30 SelhurstShark Team advice?

Team advice? Team is looking tidy, been trying to get Gullit but no luck… let me know what you think, rate if you want, and any questions or team/formation/player advice anyone needs, please feel free to comment, I will try and answer all in time 👍
submitted by SelhurstShark to FUTMobile [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:30 everybodysaysso Next steps for Rivian...

Past few weeks has brought in some good news for Rivian

Now that funding is not the bottleneck, I really hope ones the DOE deal is signed (hopefully before Jan 20), Rivian executive team follows it with a bumper announcement of expediting RAN expansion by spending 1B. Their charging network already has great uptime. If they are available everywhere, consumers will have one less thing to worry about. That will make them a true Tesla competitor. Thoughts?
submitted by everybodysaysso to Rivian [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:30 korykingston My wife disowned our son because he cheated on his wife

I want to first state that I don’t condone cheating. However what my wife is doing is extreme. Disowning your own child is beyond psychopathic. Everyone knows that cheating is morally wrong but it’s not illegal, she’s acting like he should be criminal or put an electrical chair over this and that’s where I have an issue
Some background information: my son married his high school sweetheart. They dated in high school and married at 18. I was against the marriage due to their age I just always knew it wasn’t going to work out because they were so young. They are married 4 years (still currently married). They are 22 years old now and they have 1 child together
My son cheated on his wife while she was pregnant. His wife forgave him for the cheating and they ended up working it out and they have been going to marriage counseling consistently for the past year and a half
So my wife is the only one that can’t forgive this. My son’s wife forgave him but my wife completely cut my son out of the picture, she doesn’t talk to him anymore, she doesn’t even see our grandchild anymore
My wife is strongly against cheating and she’s very religious so this upsets her a lot that our son did this. And I fully understand my son was an idiot for what he did however his own wife forgave him but my wife hasn’t spoken to our son since and on top of that she isn’t seeing our grandchild which is so ridiculous. She said she wants nothing to do with them
submitted by korykingston to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:30 jvc72 Buy Signal Avalanche USD - 26 Nov 2024 @ 18:27 -> USD42.46

Exchange: CRYPTO
Time: 26 Nov 2024 @ 18:27
Price: USD42.46
Link: https://getagraph.com/crypto-currencies/AVAXUSD/ENG
submitted by jvc72 to getagraph [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:30 cast_iron_cookie Need my Vanilla Sky Penelope Cruz

submitted by cast_iron_cookie to sixwordstories [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:30 NomadicAdventurer28 35M - Slow Night, Nothing To Do, Let's Chat!

I don't really have much going on tonight. I took a half day off work to get some errands done, and now I'm just relaxing and letting the lazy mood take over. Anyone in search of a new chat buddy too and want to get to know each other? I'm pretty open to age and location, just looking for someone great to get to know and hopefully make a new friend while we're at it. I also have discord if that's easier to chat on 😊
submitted by NomadicAdventurer28 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:30 jsilv0 I present the road map to the SEC having 1 team in the CFP

So it is extremely unlikely but theoretically possible the SEC only gets 1 teams in the CFP. It likely would take everything playing out just right but in theory. It's possible
1) Ohio State beats Michigan 2) Penn State beats Maryland 3) Indiana beats Purdue 4) Boise State beats Oregon State and wins the MW 5) Army beats UTSA and Navy and wins the American 6) Iowa State, Arizona State, or BYU win out. 7) Clemson beats South Carolina 8) Georgia loses to Georgia Tech and Texas 9) Auburn beats Alabama 10) Mississippi State beats Ole Miss 11) Vanderbilt beats Tennessee 12) Texas beats Texas A&M 13) Miami beats Syracuse 14) SMU beats Cal 15) SMU beats Miami in the ACC Championship 16) Notre Dame beats USC 17) Probably not necessary but Arkansas beats Missouri wouldn't hurt
In this scenario Texas, Oregon, Ohio State, Penn State, Indiana, Notre Dame, Boise State, Army, Miami, SMU, Clemson, and the Big 12 Champion are your 12 playoff teams
submitted by jsilv0 to CFB [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:30 MountainAssignment36 How can you guys not be bored of life?

Hello guys, I've been thinking for the last couple of days. I'm 22 years old, currently attending university for a Bachelors degree in germany as a dual study (meaning I'm employed in a full-time-job during my semester holidays) and for the last few years I've started to get disillusioned about what "life" really means.
Just as a disclaimer: I am NOT suicidal, FAR from it actually, I have a couple of very good friends that I can trust and spend time with and I too have a hobby that I enjoy and (more or less) regulary do: bouldering.
But still... I constantly have the feeling that I am bored, or that some kind of "thrill" and action is missing in my life. Nothing really makes me feel "alive", we live in a society where an average, middle-class person can go through life without really having to worry about any dangers, besides maybe some stupid drivers on the road, and I constantly feel like I have the need to survive, instead of simple live.
I try to supplement the feeling with realistic games like Escape From Tarkovs Hardcore Challenge or SCUM, which make you feel like something's actually at stake, but well.. This also is only an illusion, right?
I probably would go out into the wilderness just doing shit like camping, I LOVE to fish for example, and I'm a huge gun nut, so I'd love to shoot and mod some guns, but at the same time all those things are REALLY hard to do legally in Germany. Fishing sucks here because most lakes and rivers are private, so you'd have to pay for them (plus the fishing license, but I already have that), and guns are on a whole other level of "hard to obtain" here, so that's off the table. I also live in the middle of Germany, NRW, which is one of the most densly-populated regions, so there aren't any great places to get into the wilderness either.
Result: if I wanna get outside and actually get my hands dirty, I'd have to actively book a vacation at my employer and drive away further. I can't really do it "just quickly on one weekend".
Sometimes I was even thinking of enlisting in the military or something like that, just to have something going on in my life, but at the same time – there's a high chance I might die over there and I'm not so indoctrinated to the point of me wanting to take a bullet for my country, so no.
Any advice on how to deal with that feeling?
submitted by MountainAssignment36 to AskMenAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:30 GreenAndYellow12 On-Ca❌pus Watch Party

My fa❌ily is planning on co❌ing down for the weekend to see the lights at the zoo and then watch the ga❌e so❌ewhere on ca❌pus. ❌y dad had talked about ❌aybe a student union having one but wasn't sure if that would be a public option. Anybody know of an indoor spot that'll be open to the public for us to watch at (although I'❌ sure any TV in the city will have it on)?
Any help is greatly appreciated and ❌uck Fichigan
submitted by GreenAndYellow12 to OhioStateFootball [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:30 luna_moonsilver Streak 1125 - Nueva silla

El jueves compré una nueva silla de oficina en eBay y esperaba que llegara hoy. Sin embargo, recibí una notificación de que llegará el miércoles. Estoy desilusionada porque mi silla de oficina está rota y no es muy cómoda. El miércoles no tengo mucho tiempo libre también. Tengo que trabajar y después de eso iré en la ciudad y pasaré tiempo con mis amigos. No sé cuándo montaré la silla.
submitted by luna_moonsilver to WriteStreakES [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:30 Striking_Climate2900 21F I just experienced an assassination attempt on me!

So things were going pretty normal for me in the morning, picked out my outfit, grabbed one of my favorite bras(This part is important) brushed my hair, showered and then after drying my hair I went to get dressed. That's when the attack happened, as I put the bra own I felt a stabbing pain on the left side of my chest and I realized the underwire of my bra had come out. I can't believe that a bra I trusted so dearly and that has supported me countless times in the past during both good and bad times has betrayed me so. It's with a heavy heart that I need to say good bye to my old friend.
For real though I'm studying today but I need other stuff to do so I don't lose my mind. So if anyone feels like talking to someone who was once described as "Very pretty so why don't you have a boyfriend." by her mother than I am your girl! If that hasn't sold you yet than here's a bit more about me, my name is Sam which of course is short for Samasaurus Rex, I'm a tall girl at 6'1 and I enjoy walks, swimming, video games, napping and watching Netflix.
submitted by Striking_Climate2900 to chat [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:30 Cluelessaf22 I’ve seen Wicked in all 4 premium formats. My thoughts…

HOWEVER, during “Defying Gravity”, the theater filled up with fog, lights strike like lightening and it was… transformative.
Then I saw it in RPX: This showing included the Butt Kicker in the seats, Dolby Atmos, laser projection. By far the best sound of all the showings, and it’s not even close. I felt in general all the other showing were also quieter than this one, and anytime the bass hit (which was only maybe 5 or so times) it really shakes you to the core. Loved it. Good image quality.
IMAX: So I saw this at Edward’s Marquee in Houston Tx so can only speak to this location but this was by far the most disappointing viewing. There was terrible vignetting on the sides, and at times it seemed out of focus and very greyed out. The sound was also nothing to write about but they did have the comfiest chairs.
SCREEN X: Honestly I just “popped” my head in for 20 mins or so to get a vibe. The screen was big and quality was great, however the 270 degree viewing angle promised never happened while I was there so can’t speak to if it’s worth it (apparently it’s only select scenes, idk never done Screen X before)
Final thoughts: My favorite was 4d, then RPX, then ScreenX then IMAX.
submitted by Cluelessaf22 to RegalUnlimited [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:30 ForestSpiritWeaving A newly woven Czech bead bracelet with a puppy theme.

A newly woven Czech bead bracelet with a puppy theme. submitted by ForestSpiritWeaving to Awww [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:30 Nerdcuddles How ningens look at you when you say that the fan favorite step-incest ship is god awful

How ningens look at you when you say that the fan favorite step-incest ship is god awful submitted by Nerdcuddles to okbuddybaka [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:30 maximm_ Fuck server maintenance

Whoever decided that doing server maintenance end of afternoon/early evening is stupid. Wasted an hour and a half of my life, was about to win the overtime and the match got cancelled. Fuck this! Why choosing this time when they could have done it at 5am instead?!
submitted by maximm_ to csgo [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:30 anonfool72 [Recipe] - Easy Keto Pound Cake

[Recipe] - Easy Keto Pound Cake submitted by anonfool72 to ketodietapp [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:30 Ill-Recognition-6580 What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Ill-Recognition-6580 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:30 Silvermoon424 People are really out here trying to turn science into religious dogma because they refuse to accept that trans people exist 💀

People are really out here trying to turn science into religious dogma because they refuse to accept that trans people exist 💀 submitted by Silvermoon424 to CuratedTumblr [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:30 Silent_Pumpkin_3915 Maiev

So I am a 70lvl player that only plays with bruisers and tyrael
But recently i started to playing with maiev against AI and im loving it and playing good even against elite, someone here have some tips to play with her? And is it a good hero for future ranked games? And in which maps?
Another question: how is the game in your region? In Brazil (americas server) i dont see so many players online
submitted by Silent_Pumpkin_3915 to heroesofthestorm [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:30 Covozi ドンキ「動けるこたつウェア」、2024年版は“すっぽり”に進化

ドンキ「動けるこたつウェア」、2024年版は“すっぽり”に進化 submitted by Covozi to newsokunomoral [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:30 Smooth_Ant_3489 Riu Republica

Going to Riu Republica Punta Cana January 16-21st.
submitted by Smooth_Ant_3489 to PuntaCana [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:30 erer1243 Currently, it's November 26, 2024 at 06:30PM

Currently, it's November 26, 2024 at 06:30PM
submitted by erer1243 to every15min [link] [comments]
