2024.11.26 23:40 CheetoDarling PROPERTY RECHECK

Failed property & considering getting it rechecked. Will it be the same examiner rechecking ?
submitted by CheetoDarling to FE1_Exams [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:40 Wild_splendrefic Saying racist things should not be illegal

Although im not racist, I still believe that other peoples opinions should be protected no matter how radical or uncivilized they are. After all how are you going to change the opinion of someone if you outlaw their ability to say it. Silencing others also damages the whole concept of free speech and may lead to bans of other forms of speech.
submitted by Wild_splendrefic to ControversialOpinions [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:40 MaterialOk8922 I wish they would make more fun ric exclusives

I wish they would make more fun ric exclusives For example, the little Xilien that comes with the Daikaiju 1965. Goes well with literally every godzilla😆
submitted by MaterialOk8922 to XPlusGodzilla [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:40 Beautiful-Visual2314 awful platform!

Absolutely terrible experience with TicketSwap and your support team! You’re not doing your job properly, and I can’t recommend your service. Someone used my ticket and attended the concert for free, while your support team has done nothing to resolve the issue. I demand a refund since your platform allowed my ticket to be taken and used without compensation.
submitted by Beautiful-Visual2314 to TicketSwap [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:40 Individual-Media6704 Spud, Mickey, Jay, Ezekiel, and Devin were eliminated! Comment the names of 5 characters you want to eliminate!

submitted by Individual-Media6704 to TDEliminationTierList [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:40 ResponsibleIce3697 So who wants to call 911 and get Tyler in trouble for threatening a higher hitman‘s

So who wants to call 911 and get Tyler in trouble for threatening a higher hitman‘s submitted by ResponsibleIce3697 to CountryBoyTyler [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:40 Ahsoka1509 I'm like the ginger version of the onryō from the ring✨

I'm like the ginger version of the onryō from the ring✨ submitted by Ahsoka1509 to femboy [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:40 Own-Blacksmith3598 Anyone else into feet

submitted by Own-Blacksmith3598 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:40 Benchwarmer3 Dialga 318845719623

submitted by Benchwarmer3 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:40 SixOneThreebert What do you think the ‘best’ session player NI has is so far?

submitted by SixOneThreebert to NativeInstruments [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:40 GrantPark-GAFS Golden hour double stamp goodness

Golden hour double stamp goodness submitted by GrantPark-GAFS to NFA [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:40 Full_Trouble_2373 Hey bin weiblich jung und wurde fett gemästet. Wer mÜchte kann dm snap: naomiovd Tele: williaqueen

submitted by Full_Trouble_2373 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:40 Turn-Dizzy Sororitas Dlc on playstation is on offer

Just thought id drop this in, as I've seen some coments of it its worth it. Now is your chance to buy it for the price of nothing practically
submitted by Turn-Dizzy to 40kinquisitor [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:40 TinMarx11 How to spot as F. Sherman?

I just bought F. Sherman and i already love to play it. Only problem is when I'm only DD or only DD on that side of map... How can I spot without getting destroyed in second by radar cruisers/destroyers?
submitted by TinMarx11 to WorldOfWarships [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:40 ScrioteMyRewquards Getting old is playing UT2004 at 60Hz V-Synced and enjoying it

At 19 I would have found the idea of playing UT2004 at 60Hz with V-Sync absolutely inconceivable. That latency! I could never stand tearing, but I would compensate for V-Sync's lag by running high refresh rates on my CRT. At 35 I'm playing the game V-Synced on a 60Hz LCD and it doesn't even feel that bad. Lord, help me, my brain must be in decay. Are my reflexes really that diminished? This must be what it is to be getting old.
submitted by ScrioteMyRewquards to unrealtournament [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:40 Sandraptor Final thoughts on my build?

Build: - 78700x3d is placeholder for 9800x3d not being on the partpicker. Just $20 more, gonna try to find one.
but otherwise I'm feeling pretty good about this build. What do you guys think? Is this an efficient build? Any bottlenecks?

I'm not sure which B650 motherboard to get. I just want a standard b650 with Wifi, normal amount of USB slots, not super picky but I do like a nice built in I/O shield like these have. Any other similar priced/black friday deal Mobo that you'd recommend for this build?
submitted by Sandraptor to buildapc [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:40 Tough_Valuable_2801 Varicocele still here after embo and very solid

I had a sclero embo just over 2 weeks ago and my varicocele has shrunk a tiny bit but it also very solid and a bit tender to touch. Is this normal? How long until the varicocele will completely go/shrink?
submitted by Tough_Valuable_2801 to varicocele [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:40 GalaxiGazer I want to say a "THANK YOU" to an old friend ...

Even if you're not reading this, A, I still want to thank you.
The date was 11/25/2020 and I just came back home. I was drunk and openly flirting with you on the phone, yet I had my head screwed on straight enough to tell you that I was considering going to my mom's house the next day for Thanksgiving. You encouraged me to go.
I listened to you. My brother picked me up. I never went back home. I had been overworked, exhausted, used and abused by my husband for the very last time.
I'm looking at the life that I have now. I could not have imagined this 4 years ago.
If you don't know by now, I'm very thankful that you told me to go. I'm even more thankful that you reaffirmed my decision to leave him when you sent me the text, "I'm drinking champagne, and I'm raising my glass to you."
Thank you SO MUCH for having encouraged me to go, A! I had no idea that a simple Thanksgiving dinner would forever change the remaining course of my life and position me to chase a better future.
Thank you!
~ K
submitted by GalaxiGazer to LettersAnswered [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:40 Sophie_Studies My 2022 ver. racing Miku cosplay!

My 2022 ver. racing Miku cosplay! I wore this to Dutch comic con instead of my catch the wave Miku because I thought that would be a but too cold to wear outside. Also I met a fairy (I forgot which year) racing Miku so that was super fun!✨
submitted by Sophie_Studies to Vocaloid [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:40 ZealousidealLand1796 Insurance VA

Hi there!
I'm looking for work!
I'm a VA based in the Philippines.
I have over 10 years experience as a customer service representative and have 3 years experience in the insurance industry.
I have used EzLynx, NowCerts and Hawksoft as a management system. Quoted using PL Rater, Progressive, Travelers, Safeco, Tower Hill, American Modern and others.
I am an expert in handling calls, emails and chats. I've assistrd clients with endorsements, billing and document request.
Happy to hop on a call to discuss my qualifications further.
Thank you all
submitted by ZealousidealLand1796 to InsuranceAgent [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:40 ViperXE Linux or MacOS

Hi, so I have this old Macbook that I've been using for years since 2014, and by now, the operating system has been going a little dodgy, such as safari not opening up and system preferences not allowing me to change certain settings, to the point that it would not allow me to download anything.
I was planning to replace it Linux, so I wanted to ask what are people's thoughts, especially those who have done this before, and if they regretted it or not.
Thanks, and sorry if this is in the wrong subreddit (please lmk which one I should be going to ask)
submitted by ViperXE to linux [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:40 Loud-Common-6862 Confused/ married

In my relationship for 4 years married for 1, I'm female, sex is no issue, but my husband says he doesn't like the way lady parts look and doesn't like to give oral however he says he likes the thought of doing it to a man and likes the way mens genitalia looks, im really confused, it's making me think he is gay, although he seems to love every other part of me and is aroused when we are together? Please help I'm really confused and it is ruining things
submitted by Loud-Common-6862 to lgbt [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:40 MagicTom22 New headset leaked?

New headset leaked? Just opened the Meta app and was greeted with this screen for some reason. I don't have a new headset to pair, so I don't know why I was prompted for that. It looks like a prototype or unreleased headset. Did anyone get this screen?
submitted by MagicTom22 to OculusQuest [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:40 Unlucky_Succotash_24 Profile Review

Demographic: 30M Indian
Education: B.TECH from a top 5 Engineering School(IIT)
Test Score: 705( GMAT FE)
Work Experience: 7+ years of experience in Tech consulting. All in a single Big 4 Firm. Standout being international experience with having travelled to multiple countries with varied durations ( Mexico, Bangladesh, Singapore, Kenya) along with relocation to the US last year. My work has involved working with stakeholders from over 30 countries with geographical diversity. Because of the international move I dont have much promotions, but have excellent performance reviews throughout the years.
Extra Curricular:
Few during undergrad including multiple volunteering gigs, social internship with an NGO for 3 months, college clubs and medals in competition within the school. I don't have anything major to show since then.
Target Schools:
Wharton, Kellog, Columbia, Tuck, Fuqua, Ross
Please help evaluate realistic chances to these schools and should I add more schools both reach and safety schools.
submitted by Unlucky_Succotash_24 to MBA [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:40 Skelaup ITAP of a Fall stream

ITAP of a Fall stream submitted by Skelaup to itookapicture [link] [comments]