Goodbye, until are paths meet again

2024.11.27 00:30 BlitzKrieg340 Goodbye, until are paths meet again

submitted by BlitzKrieg340 to sixwordstories [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:30 Great-Improvement-43 Omron PLC Training Course - Omron Basic Instruction - SET, RSET & KEEP Instructions

Omron PLC Training Course - Omron Basic Instruction - SET, RSET & KEEP Instructions submitted by Great-Improvement-43 to plcsoftware [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:30 Artistic-Mechanic-69 eu_env

eu_env submitted by Artistic-Mechanic-69 to eu_nvr [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:30 Infamous-Solution572 How did you learn to trust your birth control pill?

Hi everyone, I’ve been on the combo pill for about 3 years but it was because of suspected PCOS and had nothing to do with sex.
Long story short I’ve been with my boyfriend for almost 2 years so there’s been an extra advantage to being on the pill. I know how effective the pill is and I’ve done a lot of research on it when it comes to protection once I became sexually active.
Despite knowing how effective the pill is me and my boyfriend still use condoms. I know it isnt a bad thing to have extra protection but I feel silly letting my fears of getting pregnant overtake the science of how effective the pill is.
Me and my boyfriend have talked about this and he’s been great and really understanding. My boyfriend is fine with whatever makes me comfortable but I want to learn to trust the pill for myself and not be anxious anymore.
So how did you guys get over your fears/anxieties and learned to trust your pill?
submitted by Infamous-Solution572 to birthcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:30 interestingfactoid Trudeau Comes Running To Trump Immediately Following Tariff Threat

Trudeau Comes Running To Trump Immediately Following Tariff Threat submitted by interestingfactoid to NewRepublicans [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:30 nip-slurper Breakfast food is all I need. Just a regular fried rice and eggs with veggie mix and oyster sauce 💅

submitted by nip-slurper to filipinofood [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:30 Illustrious_Earth402 Does anyone knows the song that plays in this video?

It starts at 0:31, and it goes on for a while, it's so good, if anyone here has any idea, please help!
submitted by Illustrious_Earth402 to Kitboga [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:30 JB92103 Whenever you saw and heard this back in the early 90s, it meant the weekend was almost over...

submitted by JB92103 to Xennials [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:30 Professional-Pear228 175642563782 palkia

submitted by Professional-Pear228 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:30 Plus_Ad_9588 Who can do this trade?

Who can do this trade? submitted by Plus_Ad_9588 to bloxfruits [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:30 wewdwtnizrub Black Friday 2024 Promo Code

Catch the Black Friday 2024 Promo Code
Save 40% with hand-tested discount codes in November 2024.
submitted by wewdwtnizrub to YoursCoupea [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:30 SpookySquid19 Is there a way to add a link to an image's properties or something similar?

So I download a lot of art, and I thought it might be good if I could put the link to the original somewhere in the image. I had thought about putting the link in the metadata on my laptop, but I can't find any way of seeing the metadata once it's on my phone. So I'm just looking for any potential ways I could do this.
submitted by SpookySquid19 to AndroidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:30 CLT_Slavee Galera como posso deixar de tentar ser comunicativo?

Gosto de conversar e tentar ser legal e tals mais não levo jeito pra conversar ou me comunicar (passar o que vejo em palavras). Bom, eu não era assim, sempre fui na minha, calado, mas tive muitos traumas na infância e sempre gostei de ficar isolado, infelizmente nos temos que nos comunicar pra sermos menos "estranhos" só que me sinto ainda mais estranho me comunicando/conversando com os outros e hoje em dia vejo que essa adaptação de tentar me "enturmar" só me atrapalha hoje em dia. Peço humildemente dicas e ajuda pra ser menos comunicativo, hoje em dia isso é um tic automático que desenvolvi por conta de traumas.
Vale ressaltar que me comunicar com outros e extremamente cansativo e estressante, quero voltar a ser mais objetivo nas situações e parar de tentar me enturmar de forma automática.
PS: Tenho acompanhamento psicológico e tals, fora problemas de ansiedade e o pacote todo depressivo... ksksks Mas sei lidar com isso. O problema mesmo é que tô cansado de toda essa conversa com outros, seja no trabalho ou amizades mesmo. Só pra constar e conversa de fala mesmo e não via chat/Internet.
submitted by CLT_Slavee to conversas [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:30 Cowboypunkstarcactus Should I read this or gouge my eyes out?

submitted by Cowboypunkstarcactus to badadvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:30 Garwald Swagbucks Daily Trivia tonight at 5pm PT/8pm ET (30 minutes from when this was posted)

Game starts in 30 minutes from when this was posted. 5pm PT/8pm ET.
Join the Swagbucks Trivia Reddit Chat to work together to help each other answer all of the questions correctly in Swagbucks Daily Trivia!
Install the Swagbucks Daily Trivia app: Earn SB by playing daily trivia
Hints and tips
If anyone has any additional info regarding Swagbucks trivia I missed and should include, please let me know!
submitted by Garwald to SwagBucks [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:30 koolratrat Looking for a leather paddle holster for my 4.25 commander 1911.

Any recommendations?
submitted by koolratrat to 1911 [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:30 FantasticSquash8970 Finite grammar?

Hi all.
Is there light at the tunnel, even if only in 1-2 years? When I’m done with Athenaze II, will I essentially have learned all there is to Ancient Greek grammar? Except for the dual and a few extras?
It appears to me that the forms of grammar are many, but I can see the point when I would have mastered them. Vocabulary seems like a different matter entirely. What will I know by the end of Athenaze (English edition)? 1,000 or maybe 2,000 words? Versus tens of thousands out there?
What do you think?
Thanks, Markus
submitted by FantasticSquash8970 to AncientGreek [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:30 Creative_Suit_2693 N^L GRPPPP SEND A%SL

submitted by Creative_Suit_2693 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:30 TheseCalligrapher295 Help with Glow (or just paranoid?)

Hello! Well my issue is pretty simple, I got this new monitor a couple days ago (ASUS TUF Gaming VG259Q3A 25in.) and while playing I noticed this weird glow when in dark places/zones. I compared to my wife’s tv and I can clearly see how it shines. I have read online that IPS screen have that glow but I never noticed how intense it is. I can see on my monitor that special glare u get in dark places (it remind me of the glare we used to get on screens years ago when we saw them from the side, do I make sense? lol). So yeah any opinions help. I might be just paranoid and if that’s the case let me know too haha thanks for your time. (Btw besides that the monitor works awesome I love how detailed every color looks)
submitted by TheseCalligrapher295 to buildapc [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:30 InevitableSea8458 What is the barbell row tempo?

Today, i was at the gym, doing the barbell rows the starting strength/pendlay way. doing them explosively, and trying to control the eccentric, just because i don't like to slam weights. of course if you do this row with a challenging weight you can't not slam the weights. so my gym teacher said to me that this would not build size and strength that way because i did not have a controlled pattern of movement, and i was just making strength at the bottom because of the explosiveness and that i would have to do it in a more controlled way.
so, what is the ideal tempo of the barbell row. should i low the weight and control the eccentric for more size and strength gains?
submitted by InevitableSea8458 to StartingStrength [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:30 LearnEntry Fruits Names in Irish and English

Fruits Names in Irish and English submitted by LearnEntry to learnentry [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:30 HumorAccomplished397 the roles were reversed

the roles were reversed submitted by HumorAccomplished397 to CultOfTheLamb [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:30 ForsakenRoom Faulty GPU or PSU Thoughts

Hi all. Helping a friend who has an issue with a PC I built for them, been running fine for about 4 years. It now has an issue where after an hour or so of gaming it'll just crash to a black screen. Fans continue running and audio etc. continues, which suggests a GPU crash to me.
Once this has happened for the first time, it'll then happen again after a reset much more quickly, within a couple of minutes. Even if I interrupt the boot sequence and sit in the UEFI menu, it'll still black screen even there.
The more rapid crashing continues to be the case unless it's left for a few hours, then it'll run for an hour or so again before black screening once more.
Am I more likely to be looking at a GPU or PSU fault here? The fact it does it even when under basically zero load in a UEFI screen is interesting to me, but I'm not sure if it points me in one direction in particular.
submitted by ForsakenRoom to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:30 midnightwolf12345 fate mordred

i have a question bout Mordred idk if i already made this post and couldn't find it anywhere on here but oh well is Mordred bi sexual straight or a lesbian cuz i don't remember her blushing or showing sexual attraction towards women or men but what do y'all think no head cannons just canon and facts please and tell me the scene or manga or game its in
submitted by midnightwolf12345 to fatestaynight [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:30 AutoModerator (Thread) Discusión del programa del MARTES

-Se autopublica 21.30 hs antes de q empiece el programa
submitted by AutoModerator to BakeOffArgentina [link] [comments]