$LUNR The market isn’t for flat landers!

2024.11.27 00:40 PradaJay777 $LUNR The market isn’t for flat landers!

$LUNR The market isn’t for flat landers! We can’t have mountains if we don’t have valleys. Even with the dips, we will continue our trend upwards my friends!
submitted by PradaJay777 to IntuitiveMachines [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:40 AromaticLadder3 Finally a place for that third straw

Finally a place for that third straw submitted by AromaticLadder3 to theregulationpod [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:40 OldandBlue Bélmez Faces - Wikipedia

Bélmez Faces - Wikipedia The Bélmez Faces or the Faces of Bélmez (Spanish: caras de Bélmez, [ˈbel.meθ]) is an alleged paranormal phenomenon in a private house in Spain. The phenomenon started in 1971 when residents claimed images of extremely unsettling faces appeared in the concrete floor of the house.
submitted by OldandBlue to wikipedia [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:40 Public_Elderberry986 16yo, 182cm, 65kg, 1Year difference

16yo, 182cm, 65kg, 1Year difference submitted by Public_Elderberry986 to GregDoucette [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:40 TheRedditDesigner Pep Guardiola's Interviews/Press Conferences

Is it just me or has anyone else noticed that Pep has become more and more difficult to understand in his recent interviews/press conferences? His accent and rate of speech seems to have increased by x10 and I can't make out a word he is saying. I'm starting to think it's mind games to avoid having to answer questions in full detail and to leave the media a bit short changed with content or just overall confused, it wouldn't surprise me.
submitted by TheRedditDesigner to championsleague [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:40 Radiant_Tomato3593 SHOCK VIDEO: Kamala comes out of hiding with bizarre 29 second video in which she appears to be HAMMERED, and seems to be subtly encouraging an INSURRECTION

submitted by Radiant_Tomato3593 to The_Chocker [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:40 SpecialistDivide1161 I need someone to finish my song

Actually, i have composed a song and i have a faith on this song that people will like it (i have got good reaction from few of my friends). I have this love song which I have composed it with guitar and lyrics. I just need someone to mix and master this song for me at a minimum cost (less than 5k, I’m low on a budget). As it is a soothing song, I need some peaceful instrument in the song. Please help me if you guys know anybody.
submitted by SpecialistDivide1161 to Music [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:40 spikeshinizle Synthwave song ft Sam Harris

submitted by spikeshinizle to samharris [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:40 Da_Tourist 2022 CPO CX-5 Fair Price?

My Mazda dealership is quoting $20,500 for a certified pre-owned 2022 CX-5 AWD with 2.5 S Select Package. It has 71k miles on it. Is it a fair price?
submitted by Da_Tourist to UsedCars [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:40 Danpool13 I know my math skills aren't great, but...

I know my math skills aren't great, but... Bruh.
submitted by Danpool13 to PTCGP [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:40 colossalchris94 How do you organize your binders?

I'm having some OCD over my bindebinders. I only have 9 pocket pages in my binder and I like to store my useful cards which can have full playsets. I don't know if I like arranging them straight across to the other page or just 3 on the top and then start the next row underneath 1 with 1. I know there are 12 pocket binders, but right now this is all I have. Would like to hear everyones preferences and ideas.
Also how does everyone store their bulk cards. I try to organize by rarity and then alphabetize and keep the rotation stuff away from the out of rotation cards.
submitted by colossalchris94 to pkmntcg [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:40 _Iteza Time to pose the boys!

Yes it’s an addiction, I’ve come to peace with that. It won’t stop:)
submitted by _Iteza to ActionFigures [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:40 cell-NK Cuida a tus hijos

Escribo esto para que mi testimonio quede grabado en alguna parte
Cuando tenia 5-6 años, fui abusada por mi primo de 13-14 años. Por mucho tiempo me quedé callada porque nadie me explicó que estaba mal, yo solo sabia que me hacia senir muy mal. Cuando mi mamá se dio cuenta, me dijo "si eso vuelve a pasar, tendré que decirle a tu papá", justo lo que me decía cuando me portaba mal.
Durante años crecí pensando que era mi culpa. Cuando tenia unos 9-10 años, un papá de una amiga mía también abusó de mí. Obviamente no dije nada, no quería meterme en problemas.
A los 18 años dejé de vivir con mi madre y fui a casa de mi papá. Ahí fue cuando muchos recuerdos llegaron a mí, cuando no dejaba de pensar "¿por qué mi mamá no hizo nada?". Cuando ella se enteró, las cosas siguieron como si nada. Él nunca dejo de visitarnos cuando quisiese, yo nunca dejé de ir a su casa, yo siempre tenia que respetarlo como mi primo mayor y obedecerlo, por supuesto.
En cuanto empecé a vivir con mi papá dejé de ir a casa de mis abuelos y a convivir con ella y su familia. Un día, a mis 20, decidí preguntarle por qué, quería saber por qué ignoró todo. Y mi madre simplemente dijo que de todos modos, nunca me penetró, así que no había pasado nada.
A día de hoy mi primo tiene 3 hijas, en algún momento me armé de valor y le dije a su esposa lo que él me hizo en su adolescencia. No me creyó, para ella el hecho de que fuese yo quien se alejó de todos dejó claro que solo era alguien problemática.
Hoy tengo 26 años, por mi profesión convivo con gente de todas las edades, incluyendo niños. Algunos padres, cuando les doy folletos de prevención de abusó infantil, se sienten insultado, creen que los estoy acusando de abusar de sus hijos o de no cuidarlos bien. Entiendo que es algo sobre lo que nadie quiere escuchar, nadie quiere pensar que su hijo puede pasar por eso, pero no podemos ignorar las cosas, el mundo en el que vivimos alberga gente muy mala.
No hay que quedarnos callados, si eres padre, cuída a tus niños, incluso de otros niños.
submitted by cell-NK to Desahogo [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:40 Bluefin34 Mega Altaria 462138365458

submitted by Bluefin34 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:40 GotABigDeck You think I'm buying DeWalt, Milwaukee or Knipex?

HA! I might as well flush my money down the toilet!
submitted by GotABigDeck to Tools [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:40 Sure_Relation9764 About Sunday and Summoners

What do you guys thinking about Sunday? He'll be able to make Topaz (and other characters with summons) viable as hyper carries? Saw someone playing Topaz Sunday and Robin on new moc but the guy had e1 and s1 on everyone so it was not very convincing, anyhow, his Topaz was dealing 300k damage (550k with Numby follow up), for me it looked pretty good damage...
submitted by Sure_Relation9764 to TopazMainsHSR [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:40 Important-Document90 Give this femboy tasks to do in public/around town. I have a car, panties and can dress up…05ec264e9ac45f3a702e8647503f32e82366b023bb61c11a30bd04175f32acce4e

submitted by Important-Document90 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:40 itsover9000dollars Why is the answer 4,000 & not 3,000?

Why is the answer 4,000 & not 3,000? https://preview.redd.it/t2iwn5zmbc3e1.png?width=757&format=png&auto=webp&s=c55a9ae8159dea984fa70f030563ce1101745765
submitted by itsover9000dollars to CPA [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:40 bot_olini La fórmula Salinas: el libro que expone a las redes del poder en México

submitted by bot_olini to Mexico_News [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:40 OftenXilonen What happened to the MAG241C?

144hz, 1ms, 24inch. For its price, it's one of the best monitors MSI have released, in my opinion. You get 2 usb slots for peripherals, and options for hdmi and dp. Now that I'm looking for one to match my other two mag241Cs, I cant find a single one, even a 2nd hand.
submitted by OftenXilonen to MSI_Gaming [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:40 Worldly-Ad-7118 soon our lord will be here, and I might lose my 50/50..

I pulled for aventurine and got him, and his lc without losing a 50/50. I haven't lost a single one since I started playing in May, and I feel like Sunday's banner will be the first I lose on😞 pray for me, brothers and sisters, and I manifest we will all get Sunday within our first 20 pulls🙏
submitted by Worldly-Ad-7118 to SundayMainsHSR [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:40 toaster-bath404 Songs played on loop as psychological torture in movies and tv shows

Songs played on loop as psychological torture in movies and tv shows submitted by toaster-bath404 to weirdspotifyplaylists [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:40 katotoy Maya Service Fee when purchasing load

Tagal ko ng ginagamit Maya ko kapag kailangan ko mag-load (balance) given na parehas naman sila owned ng Smart. Today, napansin ko may service fee na sila, sa 100.. 2 pesos ang service fee.. oo 2 pesos lang pero yung mga pati 2 pesos ayaw patawarin ng Maya.
submitted by katotoy to DigitalbanksPh [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:40 incognithoughts Cats of BGC

Saw this cutie sa loob ng 7/11 sa may One World Square. Nakakatuwa kasi he seems well fed and loved, tapos nakita din naman na neutered na siya. La lang, kudos! 🐱
submitted by incognithoughts to catsofrph [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:40 Whatda-duckdoin Need help choosing bravo pack token

I need help choosing what to get from the bravo pack. I just reached level one hundred and I'm thinking of getting a black ice for a pistol. Thoughts?
submitted by Whatda-duckdoin to Rainbow6 [link] [comments]
