Morte cada dia mais próxima

2024.11.27 00:43 umserqualquer123 Morte cada dia mais próxima

É isso aí que tá no título, tudo indica que vou tirar minha vida, já busquei ajuda com o psiquiatra, a suspeita que tenho autismo com as comorbidade: tdah, ansiedade, fobia social e depressão.
Estou fazendo tratamento com antidepressivo e ritalina la, mas não está adiantando. Sabe de uma coisa ? Não estou aguentando mais, não sei quanto tempo vou aguentar, nunca cheguei nesse nível em toda minha vida, tenho 22 anos, primeira vez que chego nesse poço até eu estou com medo.
Os argumentos que pode parecer é pra lembrar de sua família que vai sofrer, eu não me importo, é louco né ? Não sei se isso é por causa do autismo, não sinto muita importância com isso. Estou planejando a forma como vai acontecer isso, vou evitar detalhes, mas quem sabe mudo de ideia ? Mas está parecendo inevitável.
submitted by umserqualquer123 to desabafos [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:43 Sithoid [s2 spoilers] Finale in a nutshell. Get in the chemtank, Jayce

submitted by Sithoid to arcane [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:43 Hey_Its_Austypoo PPG players, how do yall get around the hard nerfs towards this character now?

I was Diamond with them and was putting a lot of time into them and then they kinda got like nerfed to the dirt and now they’re boring bcuz their combos suck. Haven’t seen anyone do anything crazy with them in ranked yet, yall got any tips? I like to use the Extra Ingredient perk a lot bcuz its not boring like rolling one or whatever but I’m open to any ideas. I primarily play 2s
submitted by Hey_Its_Austypoo to MultiVersus [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:43 BowlerMiserable3466 Dunno if this card is that correct PSCT?

If this card is sent from the hand to the GY: You can apply these effects in sequence. ●Target 1 face-up monster on the field; negate its effects (until the End Phase), also inflict damage to your opponent equal to its original ATK. ●Take control of 1 face-up negated monster on the field while that monster is negated. If a card or effect was activated as Chain-Link 6 or higher: You can add this card and a Spell/Trap from your GY and/or banishment to your hand. You can only use each effect of "(Insert Card Name)" once per turn.
Dunno if the 2nd bullet effect is worded correct. Basically what it dose is take control of a monster on the effect with their effects negated and as long as that monster is negated, you get to keep it, but if it is no longer negated the opponent gets that monster back.
submitted by BowlerMiserable3466 to customyugioh [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:43 HallofFameguy Sixth batch of WWE ID names

Kylie Rae, Aaron Roberts, Zoe Sager, Jordan Oasis and Freedom Ramsay has been revealed to be ID by WWE ID
submitted by HallofFameguy to Wreddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:43 QuickMight260 Any in new zealand

Is anyone here from new Zealand or mostly us/eu
submitted by QuickMight260 to DMT [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:43 Rodam23 THT time

THT time submitted by Rodam23 to chicagobulls [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:43 Cellugizer Boost. Build. Conquer.

Workout Tip for Women: Build Strength and Confidence
Strength training is one of the most effective ways for women to achieve a toned, healthy, and powerful physique. It’s a myth that lifting weights will make you bulky—in reality, it helps sculpt lean muscle, boost your metabolism, and improve overall health. Incorporating strength training into your workout routine just 2-3 times a week can make a significant difference.
Start with compound exercises like squats, deadlifts, and push-ups, which target multiple muscle groups and burn more calories. Focus on proper form rather than heavy weights to avoid injury and maximize results. Once you're comfortable, gradually increase the weight to challenge your muscles and encourage growth. Pair strength training with cardio for a well-rounded routine.
Remember, recovery is just as important as the workout itself. Your muscles need time to repair and grow, so prioritize rest days and ensure you're fueling your body with adequate protein and nutrients. A whey protein shake after your workout can jumpstart recovery and support muscle repair.
Finally, consistency is key. Celebrate small victories, stay patient, and focus on progress over perfection. Fitness is a journey, and building strength will not only transform your body but also boost your confidence and mental well-being.
submitted by Cellugizer to beginnerfitness [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:43 61114311536123511 ich iel

ich iel submitted by 61114311536123511 to ich_iel [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:43 tinnitus_since_00 Would the Woox stock and forensic look good with OD green? Suggestions and getting the light slugger to barrel also welcome

Would the Woox stock and forensic look good with OD green? Suggestions and getting the light slugger to barrel also welcome Any suggestions for a different light or mount combo to get the light more snug to the barrel. I do like the streamlight touch pad so I think that limits me to the streamlight brand.
submitted by tinnitus_since_00 to mossberg [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:43 Noelle201311 Pls help me get this on the next reddit video (It's my first post)

Pls help me get this on the next reddit video (It's my first post) submitted by Noelle201311 to JackSucksAtLife [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:43 Jim_Chitwood Preview: Duke Blue Devils (4-1) vs Kansas Jayhawks (5-0)

Preview: Duke Blue Devils (4-1) vs Kansas Jayhawks (5-0) submitted by Jim_Chitwood to CollegeBasketball [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:43 GhostsinGlass We're nearly out of the Top 10 for homicides in Canada, progress is progress.

We're nearly out of the Top 10 for homicides in Canada, progress is progress. submitted by GhostsinGlass to ThunderBay [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:43 bleepbloopweepwoop Kwan

15 second penalty for shitting
submitted by bleepbloopweepwoop to fishtanklive [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:43 Winter-Nectarine-719 Free link please

Free link please Epocketbooks
submitted by Winter-Nectarine-719 to Novelnews [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:43 Dom_Dinz How can I control my anger when wrestling

I’ve been wrestling for two years and I just discovered the at I have a temper while wrestling. How do I control it and use it to my advantage?
submitted by Dom_Dinz to wrestling [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:43 Marctheshark101 Trying to detox making a soup but having a drink…..

submitted by Marctheshark101 to drunk [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:43 Loclocoo 22 good afternoon everyone hope your Tuesday is going good I’m on the west coast and would like to text anyone just please be 18 and up I also got discord

Hey everyone is down to text I’m a 22M year old from cali and hope can have some buddies to text I got discord as well if you prefer to text there
submitted by Loclocoo to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:43 _egg15_ ALBUM RATINGS: WAKING THE FALLEN

OVERALL THOUGHTS: huge upgrade from stst, i like how they kept some of the thrashy metalcore-y vibe but polished it up like a millionfold, instrumentally everything is very good, drumming and guitars are on point, with a couple of crazy solos and matt sounds excellent, really no major complaints besides things that ill address in a minute
Waking the Fallen: prelude so it doesnt really count, but still a step up from to end the rapture, 5.5/10
Unholy Confessions: top 3 all time a7x riffs in my opinion, absolutely slaps in every aspect, 9.25/10
Chapter Four: great drum intro, cool bibilical lyrics, chorus is decent i guess but kinda weak compared to other songs, 7.5/10
Reminissions: flamenco chorus is certainly a choice, rest of songs is pretty good though, 7/10
Desecrate Through Reverence: very sludgy sounding, the ends also cool, 7.75/10
Eternal Rest: absolute banger, one of the better ones on the album for sure, 8.25/10
Second Heartbeat: whole song is a buildup to the solo which is also fantastic, matts singing is also probably the 2nd best on the album, 8.75/10
Radiant Eclipse: probably the weakest on the album, still a decent song though, 6.5/10
IWSYT pt 1: fucking beautiful, 9.5/10
IWSYT pt 2: angry sounding, retarded solo from syn, also 7/4 time sig sounds kinda janky but works sort of, 7.75/10
Clarivoyant Disease: slower but still good, not my favorite though bc i dont like the singing, 6.75/10
And All Things Will End: good closer, kinda average within the rest of thr album, 7.75/10

  1. Waking the Fallen
  2. Sounding the Seventh Trumpet
submitted by _egg15_ to avengedsevenfold [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:43 Potential_Friend_642 [H] Filelist, M-Team, Aither [W] AlphaRatio or Blutopia

[H] Filelist, M-Team, Aither [W] AlphaRatio or Blutopia
submitted by Potential_Friend_642 to OpenInvites [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:43 nftsanir Potato Perfection: 5 Mashed Potato Secrets Chefs Don't Want You to Know!

Potato Perfection: 5 Mashed Potato Secrets Chefs Don't Want You to Know! 🔑 PRO TIPS: - Choose RIGHT potato (Yukon Gold wins!) - NEVER overmix - Warm milk = creamy magic - Salt in LAYERS - Serve immediately
👨‍🍳 INSTANT FLAVOR HACK: Roasted garlic + brown butter = GAME CHANGER
⏱️ TOTAL TIME: 30 mins 🌟 DIFFICULTY: Easy ❤️ COMFORT LEVEL: 100%
CookingTips #MashedPotatoes #FoodHacks #easyrecipes #everyonefollowers submitted by nftsanir to Morocco [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:43 Delicious-Income-567 Quest 2 tracking

I’ve seen multiple people say that since quest 2 tracking isn’t as good as quest 3 and 3S that punches don’t do as much damage. Is this true? Likes it’s already hard enough to get a knock down, is quest 2 nerfed even more?
submitted by Delicious-Income-567 to ThrillOfTheFight [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:43 SuccotashAlone1975 One boob not producing milk?

Hi! I’m a very fresh new mom - baby was born four days ago at 2:01 in the morning - I’ve been pumping to stimulate and try and get some supply and I know it’s going to take a little bit being my first child but I can get 1-2 ounces out of my right boob - but my left boob is not producing only dripping slight colostrum - it’s also turning red.
I was wondering what I can do to relieve the pain/pressure of this boob. Or what to do to make it produce some sort of milk - I’m getting super discouraged and uncomfortable.
submitted by SuccotashAlone1975 to ExclusivelyPumping [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:43 gigaork How could this deck be improved?

How could this deck be improved? submitted by gigaork to ClashRoyale [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:43 CustomerProof9282 Jamie

Jamie submitted by CustomerProof9282 to PinayBeauties [link] [comments]