K表示千。1K就是1000。K是kilo(千)的首字母,一般用作单位时只写首字母。其他的比如1M表示1米。因为M是metre(米)的首字母。 在K、M、G之上,还有更大的数量单位: 1、1T (Tera,万亿,太)=10的九次方。 2、1P(Peta,千万亿,拍)=10的十二次方。 1000万存银行一年活期时利息是35000元,存银行一年定期时利息是15万元。 1000万的利息很多的,存银行一年不同存法的利息如下: 存一年活期,1000万元的利息就是10000000*0.35%(年利率)=35000元。 存一年定期,1000万元的利息就是10000000*1.5%(年利率)=150000元。 目前零钱通收益率为2.43%,1000元一年收益大概有24.3;余额宝收益2.46 %。 一年收益大概是24.6。 两者的提现费率都是0.1%,,支付宝有积分可以抵扣提现手续费。 (1)1千克=1000克 (2)1克=1000毫克 (3)1毫克=1000微克 (4)1微克=1000纳克 (5)1纳克=1000皮克 (6)1皮克=1000飞克 (7)1飞克=1000阿克. 扩展资料: 盎司(香港译为安士)是英制计量单位,符号为ounce或oz。作为重量单位时也称为英两。 (1)1盎司=28.350克 怎么换算“ml、ul、μl ”?当涉及到体积测量时,我们经常会遇到不同单位的转换,如毫升(mL)、微升(μL)、纳升(nL)和更小的皮升(pL)以及飞升(fL)。换算关系相对简单明了: 首先,1毫升等于1000微升 日常摄入热量的单位一般用“卡路里”来计算,简称卡,1千卡=1000卡(也称为1大卡)。 千焦和千卡的换算关系是:1000千焦=238.9大卡,1 大卡(千卡)=4.18千焦(KJ),一般千焦换算成大卡可以直接除以4.18来计算如果要粗略计算热量,直接除以4即可。 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。知乎凭借认真、专业、友善的社区氛围、独特的产品机制以及结构化和易获得的优质内容,聚集了中文互联网科技、商业、影视 ... 在正式的文本里,k(小写)表示 1000,K(大写)和 Ki 表示 1024,没有歧义。 M、G 等单位,和不注重大小写场合的 K,那就没有统一的标准了,只有习惯用法。 惯用 1024 的: 内存(RAM、EEPROM)容量; Windows 的存储空间 四字成语大全集1000个冷言冷语、和风细雨、热火朝天、东山再起、十字路口、取长补短、白日做梦、十指连心、不由自主、春风化雨、瓜田李下、众多非一、一表人才、先入为主、张三李四、舍己为人、五花八门、火烧眉毛、 1000元左右; 1000元-1500元; 1500元-2000元; 2000元-3000元; 3000元-4000元; 5000元以上; iPad: iPad平板推荐盘点大全! iPad哪一款性价比高? 买iPad选哪款好?看这一篇就够了! 买新iPad!可千万别错过教育优惠! 保姆级iPad实用选购攻略; 华为Pad: 华为平板推荐盘点大全; 华为 ...
2024.11.27 02:25 FlyingCarp 1000 Wins: The Fool
submitted by FlyingCarp to zachtronics [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 02:25 YellowDuck_7388 Girlfriend went through my desk while I was gone on vacation
She claimed she found pills. They were tic tacs spilled out. I have no idea why she went through my desk but it felt weird. What would you think?
submitted by YellowDuck_7388 to Advice [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 02:25 Abusedgamer Because I really am homeless and in need of help
I just joined
Not sure what to put,but just to be honest,Im homeless and hungry,got a headache
Need money for food badly,joined off the post about paypaldonation being banned,like that was a whole moment last night.
I need money for A shirt,shoes and even a rainjacket . .
Also seam tape,for my tent
Im asking for like 300,but Ill take what I can get
Mostly I really need money for food.
Right now my phone bill isnt due,so I can leave that in the back of my mind,but really and most importantly FOOD
You name it,Im hungry . .
I have cashapp,paypal and venmo so dm me which you prefer . .
Look forward to being here . .later
submitted by Abusedgamer to beg2 [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 02:25 No-Motor5963 Gunsmith part 8 what am i missing here?
submitted by No-Motor5963 to EscapefromTarkov [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 02:25 MobileSuetGundam The RG Tallgeese has been such a joy to build
I’ve not yet put the decals on, but just look at this handsome lad. The Tallgeese is easily my favorite mobile suit in Gundam Wing. Having now seen (and felt) the whole build, I reckon he’s one of my favorites in the franchise. The aesthetic, the intricacy of the parts, and just how solid he feels — this mobile suit fucks. The verniers alone gave me such joy. Thanks again to everyone who recommended this. submitted by MobileSuetGundam to Gunpla [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 02:25 Small_Cell5550 Nettie and lottie beef in 2018 pt1
from what i can hear nettie fought lotties mother and maybe sheila or kat fought lottie herself but please correct me if i am wrong, and i'm also not sure if she is nettie dil lottie the one who married whitey or not.. please do tell if you can hear more from these videos i can't hear or understand much 🙏🏽.
submitted by Small_Cell5550 to TLCGypsySisters [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 02:25 Extreme_Tax405 Building chaos resistance on balor's poison srs
I rly have problems with chaos res in this build. Most items are uniques, leaving only the helmet, gloves, and boots for chaos res. But they also demand hp, other resistances, and dexterity.
Are there any other ways to up my chaos resist except invest 10+ divines per armour piece?
submitted by Extreme_Tax405 to PathOfExileBuilds [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 02:25 BenTheNeighbor Will they make it big?
submitted by BenTheNeighbor to beachboyscirclejerk [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 02:25 jilinjames J. Cole Announces Return of Dreamville Festival in 2025
submitted by jilinjames to musicnews24 [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 02:25 Elove228 Help
Getting Kobo this Friday how much smaller is Clara color between the Libra Color. I had the Paperwhite by Kindle and was happy with the size. So should I just do the Clara color. Don't see myself using the stylus. I have one with my iPad air and gets little to no usage. Still use pen and paper for annotations
Anyone has experience with both?. I use readers with my phone and Ipad doesn't matter screen size
submitted by Elove228 to kobo [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 02:25 pisces-moon- Penis Irritation
I’ve had this issue for several months now, I think it started when I used a scented lotion. Some days it gets better and other days, like today, it flares up. By the way, I’ve not been intimate with anyone for 2+ years. Nothing seems to work. I’ve been to a walk in clinic 3 times. The first time, I got hydrocortisone 0.5%. The second time, I got Betamethasone/Clotrimazole 0.05%/1%. The third time, I got Clotrimazole 1%. Im trying to see my family doctor and a dermatologist but everything is backlogged. I’ve tried not master-baiting for 2 weeks with no change. I’m cutting out sugar, carbs, etc in case it’s a yeast infection, but no change. I used to have high libido but now erections and master-baiting cause further irritation and flare up. I’m at my wits end, this is all I can think of everyday and I’m severely depressed. Does anyone have any idea what this is and any suggestions? It feels like there is no end in sight and I’ll be stuck with this for life.
submitted by pisces-moon- to balanitis [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 02:25 Blonde_arrbuckle Is Elgin Odin?
I thought Boyd would be the most Odin like figure However, Elgin has the gift of foreshadowing, one eye, etc. Also....
"Odin has several animals, including two ravens named Hugin and Munin, who fly around the world and report back to Odin. He also has an eight-legged horse named Sleipnir, who can run through all the worlds. "
submitted by Blonde_arrbuckle to FromSeries [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 02:25 PUBLIQclopAccountant The music once Future Twilight starts talking is just "I Am The Doctor" but in 4/4 instead of its canonical 7/8
submitted by PUBLIQclopAccountant to mylittlepony [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 02:25 DaveMatthews97 Megaton's strongest mutant warrior
submitted by DaveMatthews97 to fishtanklive [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 02:25 Ill_be_here_a_week Symmetry by The Goons
submitted by Ill_be_here_a_week to fakealbumcovers [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 02:25 Expert-Purchase-750 What would you do 0516960770f5b44bbce90eab347c1e47a53d69cc0c50fbf7770bd17841d2ef3152
submitted by Expert-Purchase-750 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 02:25 Intrepid-Butterfly60 M2F
Tara tambay tayo sa baybay.
submitted by Intrepid-Butterfly60 to PuertoPrincesa [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 02:25 beccab1062 need karma! let’s chat in the comments :)
submitted by beccab1062 to commentkarma4u [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 02:25 RaggaJangle "I put hot sauce on bananas" - Binx
submitted by RaggaJangle to fishtanklive [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 02:25 Freshildinho23 Carla Brown
submitted by Freshildinho23 to celebheels [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 02:25 SuperCat76 OCs and mornings
How are your OCs when it comes to mornings? And or, what does it take to wake them up?
As for these four in the picture, from left to right.
Summer is a bit slow to wake up, acting more on automatic for the first bit of the day. She starts her day with some physical activity, like a quick jog, it is generally around halfway through that she feels fully awake.
April-Mae is the fastest one to wake up, like the rest of them she is not one for early mornings but within 5 minutes of waking up she is fully awake. She is the one who commonly makes the caffeinated drinks to help get the others going a bit quicker, but is explicitly forbidden from having any again, she is hyper enough already.
Autumn will either slap the sleep button repeatedly or get up and sit herself somewhere to do some mindless thing while waiting to be fully awake. She drinks coffee on some days but it is mostly just cream and sugar.
Winter is the hardest and slowest to wake up. Often waking up a good hour after the others are out of bed. When forced out of bed alongside the others she can be out of bed and moving, but mentally she is out. Out of the four, Winter consumes the most caffeine.
submitted by SuperCat76 to OriginalCharacter [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 02:25 Dresident6 Ashe build into squishy comps
Heyo, so the recommended builds are pretty much just lethal tempo into crit by default and it's mostly good.
But if you are, like me, playing 70% of the time into 3-4 squishies with a mix of assassins, mages etc (random top-graves-hwei-cait-morgana for example) you should just change build entirely.
This is the kind of game where you won't stack lethal tempo and get blown up in 2s at auto range.
Imho in these games the default should be switched to the comet rune, statikk first into lucidity and go lethality for the rest.
It makes these games 10 times more playable, you can still lane really good if not better, getting mid wave prio is easier and safer with lethality w + statikk and you can just outspace in teamfights with w spam from a safer distance.
Of course, do not do that into 2 tanks unless you have some heavy tank killer elsewhere.
Hope this will help some people get free lp and actually have fun instead of playing a grey screen simulator, gl hf and cya.
submitted by Dresident6 to AsheMains [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 02:25 KKoleSlaw135047 553033399129
submitted by KKoleSlaw135047 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 02:25 Avadreams4 Oil Change & Replace Brake Pads Before Selling Car to CarMax?
Please be easy on me, I don’t know much about cars. I tend to do more than I should and want to save myself some trouble and money if I can.
My car is due for both an oil change and new brake pads, but I’m selling it and wonder if I should bother and just let CarMax deal with it. I can just reset the notification on the dash. It’s a luxury car with only 37k miles and no issues.
Is it safe to assume that CarMax will check the oil and brake pads along with everything else before selling the car? That’s all I care about.
submitted by Avadreams4 to MechanicAdvice [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 02:25 Carharttbabexo Have you ever met a celebrity if so who was it?
submitted by Carharttbabexo to AskReddit [link] [comments]