Master Chief's Base (Question)

谈薪时的base和总包一般都是如何构成的? 比如base10k,为简化计算暂不考虑个税,假设五险一金2k,个人缴2k,公司也应缴2k,那最后到手是8k还是6k? 也就是说这个10k包不包含公司应缴… 二、base是多义词,除了是名词外,还是动词及形容词,意思跟名词的不一样 Base动词:以…为据点(或总部等);把(总部等)设在 7. We're going to base ourselves in Tokyo and make trips from there. 我们将以东京为据点到各地旅行。 Base形容词:卑鄙的;不道德的 8. 关于base.apk的详细解释如下: 一、base.apk的基本含义. base.apk文件是一个在Android操作系统上运行的应用程序安装包。apk是Android Package的缩写,是专为Android平台设计的软件格式。base可能代表这是一个基础应用或者是一个应用的主体部分。 二、base.apk的功能 base翻译过来有:把根据地设在XX,以XX为基地的意思。 公司的总部只有一个,但是base地可能有很多个,base+城市是指:你的主要办公地点在该城市,五险一金按该城市的标准交,相应的薪酬福利按该城市的标准走,但工作中去别的城市出差相对较多。 base有“基地、总部的意思”,这里其实可以理解为你们的一个根据地。 一个公司的总部肯定只能有一个,但是Base地可以有好几个。 通常来讲,使用“base”这种说法的公司出差的情况比较多(如管理咨询公司),所以才会有这种说法。 但base还只是一个加工工厂,和国外一些大特效公司相比,base只是利用廉价劳动力加工国外的商品而已(利用名气同时加工国内商品)。并且整个公司只属于一个老板,所以以后得发展非常不确定。但可以说不管怎样没有base也就没有现在的国内特效产业。 2010-08-28 有机反应中base意思是什么? 2013-10-21 关于有机化学方程式条件的疑问 2015-07-19 有机化学中的B:是啥意思? 2013-06-14 高中化学有机化学方程式条件如何判定? 2015-10-28 高中所有有机化学方程式 2017-03-09 有机化学方程式反应条件怎么判断?怎么推断出来? 知乎,让每一次点击都充满意义 —— 欢迎来到知乎,发现问题背后的世界。 不同在于base可以作为形容词,意思是serving as a base。比如这里说base vector就是这个原因。(当然作为日常用语还有低劣的意思) 在专业术语中,就主要是看约定俗成的习惯了。线性空间的基一般都是basis,但要是比方指数的底,表达进制等等就是base. 而不会混用。 base环境是安装anaconda时候conda自动配置的。如果你自创环境需要指定python版本;在某些tensorflow版本需要支持低版本的cuda、cudnn、python版本,就需要自创环境时候指定,具体方法网上搜索或者看一下anaconda的说明书。

2024.11.27 02:22 AFMed45 Master Chief's Base (Question)

Master Chief's Base (Question) Are the three hexagons on the base from a particular ship or setting in the game? Curious what color they should be painted.
submitted by AFMed45 to Haloflashpoint [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 02:22 Monorlax Are paid relics even a thing?

When I discovered that apparently some Epic Relics are locked behind paywall I was confused, because when I searched some of the paywall relics I realized that I have some of them (2 to be exact) even tho I haven't bought their bundles. Are Paid Epic Relics really locked behind a paywall or what?
Proof I haven't bought Swain's Bundle and I have his Relic (+ Yasuo Relic, but I couldn't be sure he's a 'locked behind paywall' relic too)
Processing img x6ggd9watc3e1...
Processing img 7dlpqymltc3e1...
submitted by Monorlax to LegendsOfRuneterra [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 02:22 AmineUi Scared of buying a pc with the i9-14900hx

Hello everyone,
I want to buy an asus Rog strix G16-G614JIR-N4138W with a rtx 4070 and a i9-14900hx. Im relatively new in the pc world and heard some pretty scary review about the CPU. I mostly gonna use it to play games, work and watching séries and movies. Im scared that the cpu gonna heat a lot and crashes for just a simple task i want to work with and go to class with it.
Can you help me do i buy it or search a laptop with another cpu or even an amd ? Thanks
submitted by AmineUi to GamingLaptops [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 02:22 Playboi_Jarti Holsters

Just got my first 2 holsters from T Rex Arms. White one is for my Glock 19 and the black one is for my p365 xmacro that I get to pick up from jail on Friday.
submitted by Playboi_Jarti to CAguns [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 02:22 Mystery-man112 So it was in the strike settlement this whole time and i never read it ? 😂 who else has the same frustration when u see medical adjustment

So it was in the strike settlement this whole time and i never read it ? 😂 who else has the same frustration when u see medical adjustment submitted by Mystery-man112 to IAM751_Boeing [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 02:22 halfwayright Bradford's crazy hair (and my late realization he's been wearing the same headphones in all of these photos)

Bradford's crazy hair (and my late realization he's been wearing the same headphones in all of these photos) submitted by halfwayright to LinkinPark [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 02:22 AdNew705 Need advice

Looking to buy a decent fishing rod for my partner for Xmas from me and his children. What are some good ones? What additional things should I look for also?
We’re located in NSW.
submitted by AdNew705 to FishingAustralia [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 02:22 Sharp-Examination651 Hi I was wondering if anyone else on ps was having this problem?

basically every time i play no one is able to hear me and i am not able to hear anyone.
Does anyone know a solution to this.
submitted by Sharp-Examination651 to DeathNoteKillerWithin [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 02:22 CrazySamoan310 Insane Crip Gang. When it comes to the deepest Black hood in Long Beach, that title goes to ICG. Willie Gaither(pic 7) & Paybacc's had a hand in the creation of ICG.

Insane Crip Gang. When it comes to the deepest Black hood in Long Beach, that title goes to ICG. Willie Gaither(pic 7) & Paybacc's had a hand in the creation of ICG. submitted by CrazySamoan310 to CaliBanging [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 02:22 burningzeus85 2019 xlt 2.3t. Idle drop at stop

Like title says.
Just picked up a 2019 xlt 2.3t
Noticed when at a stop sign/light
The rpm drops to 400 or so then raises back to regular idle around 600.
Runs amazing otherwise.
No codes. No stored.
What should I look at?
submitted by burningzeus85 to FordExplorer [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 02:22 MclarenFan34 Non-car people be like:

Non-car people be like: submitted by MclarenFan34 to TeslaModel3 [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 02:22 19NotMe73 This is her happy face....I'm handing her treats....

This is her happy face....I'm handing her treats.... submitted by 19NotMe73 to OneOrangeBraincell [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 02:22 Ok_Improvement7174 ASUS tuf dash 15 display black

My laptop screen turned off mid game and will not turn back on. It doesn’t even detect its own display when I click on detect display using my other monitor. The laptop’s own display seems to not exist to the computer.
submitted by Ok_Improvement7174 to ASUS [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 02:22 Noxius_69420 De Gea or Vds

De Gea or Vds I have vds right now but should I sell him in order to buy max rank de gea they have similar stats besides handling
submitted by Noxius_69420 to FUTMobile [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 02:22 Ordinary_Helicopter1 Look for people to join

Hey guys I'm look for some people to join my clan on a modded bedrock server I play on you can join by adding ecoconnect on Minecraft or Xbox look for Lt once ur in or dm me and I'll send u my gamertag
submitted by Ordinary_Helicopter1 to MinecraftBuddies [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 02:22 Brilliant_Towel_5371 How can I improve?

How can I improve? submitted by Brilliant_Towel_5371 to LooksmaxingAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 02:22 Grondan06 Help me pls

Plzzz...Can you help me to win 4 Freebies?Absolutely Yes!
submitted by Grondan06 to TemuThings [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 02:22 thegoldendragon7678 What do you wish you could have asked your parents before they passed away?

Or before they got too old to answer the question.
My parents aren't anywhere near elderly but every year I grow more aware of spending time with them, remembering the stories they tell, and keeping close with them.
My grandparents had memory issues and I’m worried I won't be able to ask my parents everything when they get to that point.
submitted by thegoldendragon7678 to AskParents [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 02:22 themalluboyofl Poonam💥

Poonam💥 submitted by themalluboyofl to Actress_and_stuff [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 02:22 Damnsarapmo Khelsey

Khelsey submitted by Damnsarapmo to PinayBeauties [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 02:22 vezzel Madness... Indeed

Madness in ante 1, followed by ante decrease voucher card x 2.... And I still fucked the run up...
submitted by vezzel to balatro [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 02:22 Sykunno Macquarie fined $25m in UK after false trades

Macquarie fined $25m in UK after false trades Okay which one of you regards is Travis Klein?
submitted by Sykunno to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 02:22 ComputerOk8690 Install keyless go feature after purchase (push to start)

So my 2009 dodge challenger didn’t come with the keyless go package to give it push to start, would there be a way to add push to start on or is it too late? Is it as simple as adding the module or more complex?
submitted by ComputerOk8690 to Dodge [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 02:22 __-_________-__ Are light mice overrated?

I was thinking about buying a new mouse, but wasn’t sure yet.
So I decided to swap from my logitech superlight with corepad grips and corepad ctrl skates to my old gpro which is stock.
I basically only play cs and I noticed that i played both better statistically and that my accuracy went up according to leetify. I used same dpi, sens and mousepad (artisan zero) for both.
One thing I realized pretty quickly was that my aim felt much more stable and not as jittery as with the superlight, even though the corepad ctrl skates are more controlled, and i also have better grip on the superlight.
Yet i still managed to be more stable with faster skates and less grip on the gpro. So from this i am starting to question if i should buy a new mouse since the one i was looking at was 50g, since it seems like i aim better with heavier mice.
submitted by __-_________-__ to MouseReview [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 02:22 cuspofgreatness The Second Trump Transition Is Starting to Get Ugly

The Second Trump Transition Is Starting to Get Ugly submitted by cuspofgreatness to politics [link] [comments]