Trump border chief threatens jail for Denver mayor amid deportation dispute | Tom Homan issues threat to Democrat Mike Johnston, who says he will resist Trump’s mass deportation plan

2024.11.27 03:40 IntnsRed Trump border chief threatens jail for Denver mayor amid deportation dispute | Tom Homan issues threat to Democrat Mike Johnston, who says he will resist Trump’s mass deportation plan

Trump border chief threatens jail for Denver mayor amid deportation dispute | Tom Homan issues threat to Democrat Mike Johnston, who says he will resist Trump’s mass deportation plan submitted by IntnsRed to AnythingGoesNews [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 03:40 2_Blue Jerry Phillips, Son of Sun, Steps Out on His Own

Jerry Phillips, Son of Sun, Steps Out on His Own submitted by 2_Blue to Equivocal_News [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 03:40 Serious-Spring-3071 Currently 13 days post-op (ACL reconstruction and Meniscus repair), partial WB, and feeling unmotivated

Hi all- I'm here looking for some support and reassurance that this phase will pass in the recovery (and any guidance that may help me move forward).
I'm currently 13 days post-op and have really been struggling with feeling motivated or positive the last few days. The pain hasn't been too bad overall, but I haven't been able to sleep well and I constantly just feel uncomfortable and irritable. I feel like I can't focus on doing anything long enough to distract me from the discomfort in my leg (and the general achiness that comes with being sedentary in the rest of my body) and I have noticed that I've been feeling really down overall especially in the past few days. I'm in the US and call it corny but I love Fall and the general vibes that this time of year brings and I've really been struggling with accepting that I'm missing out on so much I spend the whole year looking forward to. I'm also just feeling weighed down by how much this injury has taken from me this year and all of the otherwise exciting milestones it's feel like it's dampened, and I'm also grappling with how much time it's robbed from me this year when I felt like I finally had gotten to a place where I was effectively managing my depressive symptoms and finding balance and healing. I know 6 weeks is nothing in the grand scheme of life (if we are lucky to be able to live out a full one) but I just am really struggling right now because it feels like I'm missing out on things that normally bring me joy and feel so far away from being myself. Sorry for the long post but just looking for any guidance folks have on your own experiences of this process and what helps/ed you move forward. Thanks!
submitted by Serious-Spring-3071 to ACL [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 03:40 Dazzling-Leader7476 When did you regret turning someone down for sex?

submitted by Dazzling-Leader7476 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 03:40 Chemist-3074 [Eunuch's consort rules the world] why do the manhua authors do this??

[Eunuch's consort rules the world] why do the manhua authors do this?? This might just be one of the best oi I've ever read. If you're in this sub, you'll see someone asking "recs for ruthless FL?" Every month at least once. And this one fits the premise perfectly —morally grey scheming FL, likable side charecters, solid plot, FL leads an army, has a sense of humour and teases the ML fearlessly, handsome long haired ML (who's not a duke/emperocrown prince) with unique character design—
And then it hits you in the face.
The age difference.
IT'S SO BAD. the ML rapes the FL when she's still basically a underage teenager. Somewhere it says he's 40 and she's 16—I forgot the chapter number.
Was this seriously necessary? Trust me when I say this, absolutely everything about this manhua is perfect except the rape and ungerage part. But because if that bit, this manhua gets dropped early by the readers. What is even morre ridiculous is that the artist draws the ML and FL in such a way that they look like they have same age. And the ML eventually stops being a red flag after the first 150 chapters or so. They develop a reallly nice dynamic too.
It's not the first time this is happening, either. Majority of historical oi manhuas have an insane age difference between leads. Why?
submitted by Chemist-3074 to OtomeIsekai [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 03:40 byeblee My cat sleeps with her eyes covered

And it’s not even bright 😂
submitted by byeblee to cats [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 03:40 003T1G3R Who else got a lucky costume Pika?

Who else got a lucky costume Pika? submitted by 003T1G3R to pokemongobrag [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 03:40 Notmycupoftea12 What's your opinion on that trio?

Good choice to team them up?
submitted by Notmycupoftea12 to Boruto [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 03:40 Charming-Cake-3734 Qué manera de salir a vender 😳

submitted by Charming-Cake-3734 to dankgentina [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 03:40 PlasticAd8422 Gray overtakes Duarte in razor-thin House race

Gray overtakes Duarte in razor-thin House race submitted by PlasticAd8422 to politics [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 03:40 DaPizzaDude123 Dating apps

Okay, I found a really weird thing on Tinder. So, I've kinda been keeping dating apps separate (eg. Tinder for women and Grindr for men), and I haven't gotten any likes for months on tinder. Yesterday I decided to look for both men and women on tinder, and I've gotten 10 likes in one day. Idk, this just kinda seems weird to me. Have you guys seen a weird proportion of genders in your likes on dating apps? If so, why do you think it is?
submitted by DaPizzaDude123 to bisexual [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 03:40 reddit_lss_1 Test video post

Test video post submitted by reddit_lss_1 to AutomationPost [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 03:40 Fun-Question-46 [SPOILER] Did anyone else see this resemblance?

submitted by Fun-Question-46 to reddeadredemption [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 03:40 fightingthefrizzies Weird color on previously frozen pork

Weird color on previously frozen pork I froze this half a pork butt a while back and have been thawing it for the past couple days. When I went to go use it I noticed this weird dark/blue/green on part of the fat. Is this a sign of spoilage? Or can I just cut around it and still eat it?
submitted by fightingthefrizzies to Butchery [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 03:40 CreativeEstimate6779 Boyfriend left me on read then got mad at me

Hey guy so I went to class today I had to take an exam which is very crucial for me so I was letting my boyfriend know that I was nervous about taking the exam. He was motivating me until he said something weird and sexual he said if I’m nervous I should go squirt in my room I didn’t find it funny at all tbh. So I got upset at him for saying that and basically he didn’t want to do the back and forth so he told me to hit him up later. Later came and I was busy at school so I didn’t have the time to respond to him tbh I was really busy. He texted me at around 1pm saying “hello”, then I texted him “hi” around 3pm he read the message and did not respond to it so I didn’t bother texting him again because he have a tendency for doing stuff like that and it’s annoying. So then he reached out to back out later saying that “I guess you don’t want to talk, I told you to hit me up but you didn’t.” Then I told him I replied to his hello by saying hi and he didn’t respond, he then said he thought I didn’t want to talk just making a lot of unnecessary assumptions and making a problem out of something so small. Then he started texting saying “you do you” over all that. He’s starting things with me when he could’ve communicated certain things and then getting upset at me when he’s the one that left me on read. Idk man
submitted by CreativeEstimate6779 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 03:40 STEVE07621 Horror book recommendations??

I haven't read any horror books so....suggest me some...
submitted by STEVE07621 to suggestmeabook [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 03:40 rusakovic 📩 Sr. Product Manager Salary: 💰$125,000 - $165,000. 📍Remote job in 🇺🇸 United States

submitted by rusakovic to likeremote [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 03:40 Agreeable_Passage269 a nectarine my aunt ate that has two colors

a nectarine my aunt ate that has two colors submitted by Agreeable_Passage269 to mildlyinteresting [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 03:40 micheleferlisi Blue patent

Blue patent submitted by micheleferlisi to ClassyHeels [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 03:40 mboylan Was stretching on the floor and noticed my door hinge looking at me

Was stretching on the floor and noticed my door hinge looking at me submitted by mboylan to Pareidolia [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 03:40 Andrepartthree Punisher Max Omnibus and She Hulk John Byrne (if you're okay with amazon digital comics)

( edit - credit for this goes to
Which is a website well worth checking often in my opinion if you're okay with amazon-comixology sales (see below) )
Brand new to the forum so apologies if I break any rules without realizing it !
If you're okay with your comics being digital and being permanently tied to your amazon account ( a deal breaker for some people I know) there's a sale going on at comixology right now , $12 American for Born issues one through four and Punisher Max (2004) issues one through thirty all written by Garth Ennis.
While of course I'm familiar with the Punisher like any Marvel fan should be :) I admit the only two Punisher works I've read is "Welcome Back Frank" by Garth and Dillon which I thoroughly enjoyed (Marvel Knights series) and "Punisher Kills the Marvel Universe" which I also loved .. so I'm looking forward to reading this Punisher Max collection, from what I'm seeing on reddit threads it's considered a "must read" for comic fans :)
Here's the amazon link to it
but if that doesn't work you could always go to the comixology part of amazon and search for "Punisher Max by Garth Ennis Omnibus Vol. 1 (The Punisher (2004-2009) "
On the complete opposite end of things.. this is one of those collections people either love or hate and it's old, like 1980's to early 1990's old .. but even then I love it for Jen/She Hulk's fourth wall breaking humor and overall sense of crazy-ness.. I'm a fan of the Squirrel Girl comics and love Deadpool so no surprise there
or if that link doesn't work search on amazon's comixology website for "Sensational She-Hulk by John Byrne Omnibus (Sensational She-Hulk (1989-1994))"
$12 American for the She Hulk Marvel Graphic Novel #18 and Sensational She-Hulk #1-8, #31-46 and #48-50 and material from Marvel Comics Presents (1988) #18. The She Hulk Graphic Novel 18 is not so much She Hulk being funny and more a "serious" look at her (well as serious as you could get in the 1980's comics :P ) but I enjoyed reading it.
I believe the sale runs through December 2nd 2024.
submitted by Andrepartthree to comicbooks [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 03:40 nomesifsandsorbutts Smelly gurl

Smelly gurl How is she “candle obsessed” when it looks like any space she occupies smells like wet dog and corn chips??? Newsflash babes, need to actually USE them to get the desired effect.
submitted by nomesifsandsorbutts to remibadersnark [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 03:40 Suspicious-Note-8571 Holy fuck Binx is so damn annoying

submitted by Suspicious-Note-8571 to fishtanklive [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 03:40 DistinctOrdinary3987 Rashi Singh 🫧

Rashi Singh 🫧 submitted by DistinctOrdinary3987 to Actress_Hub98 [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 03:40 saintdaffy 20F in NJ looking for long-term friends

Hello, my name is Sarah. I want some long-term friends that I could hang out with, preferably local but also online is grand. Female only please!
I'm an INTJ-T and shy in real life but silly once I open up. You don't have to be introverted, I get along well with all personality types as long as you aren't PC. I'm a homebody but I do love a good nature spot or museum.
Some things I like to nerd out over are elder scrolls, fromsoft games, LOTR, theology, circuit boards, cosplay, and fyodor novels. I'd prefer someone that's as nerdy as me :> Some hobbies of mine are reading, rhythm games, coding, crocheting, playing guitar, cooking/baking, fashion etc. DMs are open (=
submitted by saintdaffy to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]