ALL PEOPLE, I would really be interested in buying VSF watch PARTS, not a full watch, but PARTS.

2024.11.27 05:30 BreathBasic3027 ALL PEOPLE, I would really be interested in buying VSF watch PARTS, not a full watch, but PARTS.

Ok so, I would really like to buy parts, and please let me know how I can get them and who can get me them. Please don't respond with "just go buy a full watch" or "most people just buy the full watch" etc. thank you for your time
submitted by BreathBasic3027 to RepTime [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 05:30 PinkVelvetSky11 21[F4M] looking for a conversation worth remembering

submitted by PinkVelvetSky11 to LetsChat [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 05:30 Supbuttercupp Questioning my sexuality

I’ve always had a difficult time figuring out my sexuality, during teenage years wouldn’t exactly feel anything towards people, I knew women were pretty ina different ways me were… but I had tons of fictional men/ boy crushes, I thought this different feeling would stop and I’d finally feel things for men once I got older, I did feel for one guy when I was around my very early 20s, but other than that it’s been almost 7 years since I’ve felt any romantic feeling for a real man (non fictional)
Does this feeling ever get away? Like, I know I’m capable of love, after I found out about demisexuality and bi/pan sexuality things started clicking… I’ve always thought I was able to love unconditionally (which I know I can still do it) but lately (aka past 5-3 years) idk it’s been hard to love men? Nearly impossible to feel anything towards them besides friendship, it’s normal to have fictional men crushes but only fall irl for women? Should I still consider myself bi/pan?
I’ve been trying to go out with more men lately (which I would get extra nervous doing or thinking about it, felt like a fraud, like I was forcing myself something I lowkey didn’t want to… idk if it was the case that I just simply didn’t feel anything towards those men or to men in general…)
I’d love to hear more about others perspective into finding out being a lesbian or this period of questions… it’s quite literally maddening
submitted by Supbuttercupp to LesbianActually [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 05:30 p-m-g73 Is my team good?

Is my team good? About to take on daharacity gym.
submitted by p-m-g73 to PokemonUnbound [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 05:30 reddit_lss_2 Save Unsave test for 27/11/2024 05:29:40

submitted by reddit_lss_2 to qa_automation_posts [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 05:30 Soya-Kun Comforting Miku (By:gokaku180)

submitted by Soya-Kun to hatsune [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 05:30 hgisYT Decided to revise my top 3 rivers post after seeing the comments over there

Decided to revise my top 3 rivers post after seeing the comments over there submitted by hgisYT to geometrydash [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 05:30 Late_Use_6243 Migration certificate obtaining

Migration certificate tu le hold garda gardai harayo bhanera arko copy lida kei problem huncha ki nai. If you have 75k due payment to my clg and you're trying to dodge it if possible. kei repercussions huncha ki nai if it is a gov. clg. Kasaile try garnu bhachha bhane pls experience bhandinu na hai.
submitted by Late_Use_6243 to NepalSocial [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 05:30 lss_bvt_and_16 Reply comment post test for 27/11/2024 05:29:35

submitted by lss_bvt_and_16 to LssAutomation [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 05:30 kdbleeep First time in my life that I ever saw a cat that won't eat meat.

submitted by kdbleeep to BestOfWholesomeSubs [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 05:30 Whole_Ad7496 Any way to fix him?

Any way to fix him? submitted by Whole_Ad7496 to transformers [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 05:30 WeedyWally [WTB] Looking for a pen and recommendations

Hey everyone,
Sorry for the vague post. Essentially, I am about to start my second year of grad school and for a few years, I've promised to treat myself to a sort of fancier fountain pen to kind of commemorate getting into my program and use it in the lab for notes. Well, I ended up buying a Lamy safari in the end last year, which I have loved, but recently I'm craving a finer nib than my medium, and considering gerting a new pen while I'm at it.
I don't quite know all that's out there so l was hoping to come here and see if someone might be selling something they reckon is a good fit for me or could recommend me one.
I want something a bit nicer, possibly in the 100-200$ range but that is worth that price. I think something themed or pretty would be really fun. One thing I have my eye on is the hex pen, since I'm in biochemistry and work a lot with DNA, but I heard that it's got some issues with yellowing and such, so I cant really rationalize the price. If you might know of science themed pens, that would right up my alley. Or maybe just something that's a bit unique or you think looks quite stunning. I like the idea of the new Harry potter pens, but I'm sadly not a fan of the series, so if you know of something similar as well that you are a fan of, then I would be interested as well!
I apologize for the vagueness since I myself don't really know exactly what I want but I would love to hear from you all either way. Thanks!
submitted by WeedyWally to Pen_Swap [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 05:30 liqdsboy What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by liqdsboy to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 05:30 hoaiqua Flowers

Flowers submitted by hoaiqua to vintagecameras [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 05:30 n1ght_w1ng08 Need assistance: No internet connection after setting up DoH

I set up NextDNS using the following guides:
Under basic setup:
Ignore WAN DNS -->Enabled
Use dnsmasq for DNS --> disabled
Under services:
SmartDNS Resolver --> Enable Resolver --> Enabled
Added DoH server under Additional Options
Dnsmasq Infrastructure --> Enable dnsmasq --> Enabled
JFFS2 Support --> Enabled
It was working well, I have a Schedule Reboot enabled everyday, I woke up and there was no internet connection. So, I had to disable the SmartDNS Resolver and enabled ignore WAN DNS first and then follow these steps again to make it work.
May I know why is this happening and how to solve this problem? Thank you.
submitted by n1ght_w1ng08 to nextdns [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 05:30 Designer-Vehicle6597 moncler

who has the best moncler batch out? who would you guys recommend
submitted by Designer-Vehicle6597 to MonclerRep [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 05:30 soderlund91 Bob_s_Burgers.jpg

submitted by soderlund91 to hakanhomelabwall [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 05:30 PoliceMisconduct David R Glisson in Georgia

submitted by PoliceMisconduct to Decertified [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 05:30 Therm00se Who wins this trade? 12 man dynasty PPR SF TEP

1st is most likely 1.05 or 1.06
submitted by Therm00se to SleeperApp [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 05:30 fieryhottiebabe Ukrainian Garlic Bread (Pampushky)

Ukrainian Garlic Bread (Pampushky) submitted by fieryhottiebabe to Breadit [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 05:30 winkie5970 Why is my base chewing through so much steel?? Oh...

Why is my base chewing through so much steel?? Oh... submitted by winkie5970 to Factoriohno [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 05:30 Inevitable-Mud3349 Trying not to quit this job

Im just ranting. Ive only been here for a few months. Am I working too hard or something? I had a closing shift and I want to get out before my scheduled time. I was scheduled to close with a manager I usually don't close with and another closer I have never closed with alone. The other closer has been here for atleast 3yrs but they were so SLOW. It's not like they've never closed before. I assure you they've closed alot more than I have. I did 90% of the close!! We got out super late because of them. I don't yell at people. I have never used an angry tone when I talk to someone but I think I should have. Is our scheduled clock out time a suggestion?? I love this place and I wanna move up in the ranks. I guess I need to communicate and grow a backbone.
submitted by Inevitable-Mud3349 to ChickFilAWorkers [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 05:30 kAcom24 How to Turn On or Off Activate Window by Hovering Over with Mouse Pointer in Windows 11?- Win11Verse

How to Turn On or Off Activate Window by Hovering Over with Mouse Pointer in Windows 11?- Win11Verse submitted by kAcom24 to Win11Verse [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 05:30 lildogidiot Path/nio or File/io

Is it better to focus on learning io or nio? I already know the basics of io like reading files, writing, comparing files and etc. I just started the java roadmap and it goes over the Path API so now Im unsure which to use. I tried searching but I cant get a clear answer. Is one more useful or widely used than the other?
submitted by lildogidiot to learnjava [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 05:30 SamEazo What happened to Robin??

What happened to Robin?? submitted by SamEazo to HonkaiStarRail [link] [comments]