Lily ❤️

2024.11.27 03:50 klausklara Lily ❤️

Lily ❤️ submitted by klausklara to Modern_Family [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 03:50 Obvious-Struggle2213 i hate this

lately ive been finding myself hating everything. school, for the subtle teasing and just my humor not lining up with my friends. home, for everything being boring. the universe, for making me like this. myself, for having a weird body and face. the list goes on. i hate it. i just want it to stop? idk. im just ranting. i swear it feels like everyone is turned on me and hates me. i feel like i see the X on everyones face like in a silent voice im just rambling omg. its not a crisis it just feels slow? break is coming so im hoping everything will be a bit more fast and less.. sludge. idk. i hope someone else knows what im talking about? i just want life to, feel more like home. yea. sorry.
submitted by Obvious-Struggle2213 to teen_venting [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 03:50 Minute_Objective_746 Is this mold on my shirt or a weird stain?

Is this mold on my shirt or a weird stain? submitted by Minute_Objective_746 to MoldlyInteresting [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 03:50 Scarvalent Sexting for FREE

I sell videos too if you’d like add my telegram scarvalent
submitted by Scarvalent to Nudes_Heaven [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 03:50 2020nursing The only winning strategy that I sort of see for Neda (Canada Season 2)!! *SPOILER*

Hey everyone,
I know there's a lot of support for Neda, through the comments I see! I too am hoping she can win it!
I think currently, with how the situation has played out, most of the faithfuls see this as a traitor-traitor-traitor banishment.
There's still a way out for Neda, and that really depends on the production.
If you guys have watched NZ Season 2, Paul didn't reveal the identity of the person banished in the last round table, nor did the identities were revealed during the final four, until the very end!
If Canada does the same, then there's a chance for Neda to win, as long as she convinces her closemates that its not her... Time will tell.
Let's see :)
submitted by 2020nursing to TheTraitors [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 03:50 Christovajal Reliable dry cleaning?

Hey guys, looking to get a suit dry cleaned and I’m not sure how to pick a dry cleaner. I’ve only searched on Apple Maps but the reviews for the cleaners around here aren’t great. Any of you have a go-to? Thanks!
submitted by Christovajal to DecaturGA [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 03:50 joesen_one A Complete Unknown Featurette - Live on Set

A Complete Unknown Featurette - Live on Set submitted by joesen_one to oscarrace [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 03:50 AccurateInflation167 Boogie2988 and WingsOfRedemption has their Thanksgiving dinner ruined by insane fat Karen

Boogie2988 and WingsOfRedemption has their Thanksgiving dinner ruined by insane fat Karen submitted by AccurateInflation167 to PKA [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 03:50 Own_Database_2303 What does my fridge say about me

What does my fridge say about me submitted by Own_Database_2303 to FridgeDetective [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 03:50 Cyro477 Siento que no le atraigo sexualmente a mi pareja tanto como ella a mi.

Llevo 4 años con mi pareja, siempre buena relación, nos llevamos bien en todos los sentidos, sin embargo a lo largo de la relación siempre me e dado cuenta que yo siempre, siempre quisiera tener seco con ella y ella muchas veces me rechaza, me hace sentir como que yo estoy mal al desearla siempre y la verdad igual es un tema porque para mi, es normal y bueno que siempre quiera tener sexo pero ella muchas veces se me niega. Aveces me hace pensar que no le gusto o que no soy suficiente y sinceramente no soy un hombre feo, tengo un físico decente pq le meto harto al gym y de cara me siento bien, yo sé que soy guapo, pero es como que esas situaciones me bajan el ánimo, hay veces que me hace sentir culpable porque quisiera tener sexo con ella, incluso diciéndome que es lo único que quiero, pero no es así nuestra relación no se basa en sexo de hecho hacemos muchas cosas juntos.... no quiero que se mal entienda el post, solo quiero pedir consejo ya que no sé si en realidad yo soy el que está mal en este tipo de situación al querer siempre sexo, quizás tengo un lívido alto y ella bajo o si realmente quizás no le atraigo.... muchas veces me hace pensar en querer buscar eso en otro lado pero no puedo caer en aquello sino para que sigo con ella... necesito saber si alguien le pasa o si realmente yo estoy mal o algo por el estilo...
submitted by Cyro477 to relaciones [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 03:50 cbbBot [Post Game Thread] Loyola Marymount defeats Belmont, 77-63

Box Score

Team 1H 2H Total
Loyola Marymount 36 41 77
Belmont 25 38 63
Index Thread for November 26, 2024
submitted by cbbBot to CollegeBasketball [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 03:50 Eastern_Protection24 Ah, the forbidden glitter…

Ah, the forbidden glitter… Customer complained of a knocking sound, verified there as in fact a knocking when the engine was running which sounded like it was coming from the drive. Drained the gear lube and found chunks of metal, drive had not completely failed yet but if I had to guess he likely went from forward to reverse without stopping in neutral, gonna be an expensive mistake. 2006 Commander with a Bravo I X.
submitted by Eastern_Protection24 to Justrolledintotheshop [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 03:50 EdgeOfTheDelta looking for mutated galis :3

hi!!! I absolutely adore galis and now really want to buy a few!! I'm interested in; pearl and glowtail!! nyp, im not too rich though
submitted by EdgeOfTheDelta to CreaturesofSonaria [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 03:50 Beratungsmarketing Local Jewish Federation groups support deal to end fighting between Israel and Hezbollah

submitted by Beratungsmarketing to World_Now [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 03:50 SnooOpinions5223 A sweater and jeans is all I need.

My fashion sense is kinda boring, to be honest.
submitted by SnooOpinions5223 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 03:50 Dear-Needleworker991 Övülmekten nefret etmek

Geçen metroyu beklerken rayların olduğu yere bir kedi geldi.Birkaç kişi farketti kediyi çağırıyorlar işaretlerle ama gelmedi tabii.Dakikaya baktım 5dk'sı vardı metronun daha.O an inip kediyi çıkarmak istedim ama yapmadım.Ölüm korkusundan vs değil zaten daha 5dk vardı hadi aksilik oldu geldi diyelim ortada boşluk var istediğim an kaçabilirdim yani.Üstüne biraz düşündüğümde övülmekten nefret ettiğim için inmediğimi çıkarabiliyorum.Oysaki oradaki kimse beni övmeyecekti.İnsanların gözü önünde iyi şeyler yapamıyorum.Övmekten kastım sözle değil düşünceyle bile insanların beni iyi görmesinden nefret ediyorum.Bir hayvan canıyla kıyasladığımda nefretim neden bu kadar ağır bastı anlamıyorum.
submitted by Dear-Needleworker991 to Psikoloji [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 03:50 mojitick [no spoilers] Jinx art by me

[no spoilers] Jinx art by me submitted by mojitick to arcane [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 03:50 Squido- Can’t sign in to my account

Can’t sign in to my account So back in 2016 me and my dad played a lot of pokemon go. I decided today I wanted to play it but it was still under my dad’s log in. We sat down and had the email switched to mine since he doesn’t play it and whenever I try to log in it won’t let me. It let him perfectly fine though. Can anyone help?
submitted by Squido- to pokemongo [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 03:50 MiniBikeGuy Should I get rid of my car?

Should I get rid of my car? I have a 2008 GMC Envoy which I've owned for a year and half. Pretty good until recently my lifter started ticking very loudly for a minute or two even when it's not a cold start. I also got some trouble codes on my dash which are. P3400 P3425 P0106 So I am wondering if I should get rid of my car or not. If so what kinda of car should I get? I want a sedan or coupe that MUST be (rwd) $18,000 or less.
submitted by MiniBikeGuy to MechanicAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 03:50 Beautiful_Patterns Sham marriage

Do people willingly get into sham marriages? I'm 34 (F). I don't have much hope of getting married. There's a lot of emotional abuse on a daily basis on the subject of my unmarried status. My mother told me she won't stop it until I get married. Although not directly, the abuse has become physical, I had to take the help of police. I have no safe space in my own house from my own family members. Yes, I have moved out. The physical assault happened after I was living by myself. Parents are old, they begged me not to take the police route (assaulter was my brother).
The only way I can live is to get married. Or this harrassment will continue. Honestly, I don't want to go to the court because my parents have lost all rationality and the 'harrassment' is an extension of their love to me - atleast that's what they think and want me to believe.
I'm not interested in getting married for the sake of it. But it is extremely difficult to live as a single woman. Id rather get sham married to someone who won't harm me in anyway, and live as roommate. I know this is not right. The other option is to kill myself which I don't want to do. I still have some love for life left.
My question - can I find someone who is in the same boat as me? Give an impression of married couple to the world while living the life you want. There's no financial/any other type of motivation involved. I just want to live my life peacefully and it won't happen unless my family and the society believes that I'm married. My parents are okay with me being a divorcee than being unmarried.
submitted by Beautiful_Patterns to Arrangedmarriage [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 03:50 Fragrant-Read5989 CTO wrecking my team

TL;DR I'm a manager, my new C-Suite Boss has picked me as an "unwilling confidant" and I'm witnessing a company wreckage in real time from the comfort of their passenger seat. Is there anything I can do to reassure my team? Why is this person doing this?
So this boss came by a year ago, great resume (a bit too great for a company our size), more of a technical background than a management type, pretty outgoing and seemingly a very caring anti-asslicker. They were given a CTO role to oversee our dev team while I'm taking care of the daily stuff. The lead dev at the time was pretty disengaged so there was a bit of manoeuvring expected from new boss to get some hires and kick back up the morale - the budget and projects were there for it. The goal for new boss was to appease the team and act as a proper liaison with the non-technical stakeholders.
Long story short a year down the line most of the team resigned, some resignations made sense but a lot others didn't add up.
Over that time my boss grew more and more openly sharing information with me, under the guise that they can trust me for some reason. While it didn't bother me initially, it has become more and more regular, some days ranging to about 2h a day of having to drop whatever I'm doing to support them on "issues" for whatever they had in mind - work related or not. There was a ton of information that shouldn't have been shared to me from both a personal a business standpoint, and helped in no way their or my work.
I pointed out that I might not be the best person to talk to, and had to become much more blunt about it when new boss escalated to asking me about help for a romantic situation to happen between them and a new hire that was instrumental in building a new team. I'm all for being easy going at work but this seemed like an incredibly dumb and a reckless thing to do.
I've started to notice around that time that new boss is not as caring as they want to project to others. A wild mix of being super judgemental or pissed at the whole team when speaking to me while being weirdly overprotective when interacting with them, behaving as if new boss was on a mission to save them from top management and themselves. On the other hand there was no work visibly output from new boss, I ended up pushing for roadmaps and developing long term tech strategies myself as new boss wasn't too invested/interested in that process. I often had to reassure my team members post meeting with the CTO as the directions given were very confusing and often impossible de resolve in the given timeframes. All that seem to matter for this person is what I thought the team was thinking of them, what I felt like about them, and how trustworthy the team would be (allegiance style, not work related).
At that time I picked up a trend of the CTO actively enabling team members to resign while not making any contingency plans or warning the CEO of risks of departures. This ranged from putting oil on fire, trying to emotionally engage team members against the rest of the C-Suite by seemingly innocently repeatedly sharing "upsetting" bits of their meetings, to sending job offers to them while letting them know they're worth "better" and can dream big, to literally knowing months in advance some members would leave from firsthand info while witholding the information from everyone else and not acting upon it.
This honestly would sound like a very weirdly effective culling ploy from higher up if I didn't end up overhearing a conversation between my boss and another new hire where they were literally planning how and when they'd both exit, reviewing together job offers and marking down PTOs for upcoming interviews they've had.
I've found the CEO pretty dumbfounded about the streak of departures as well so this definitely doesn't feels like something planned.
I'm completely at loss about the intentions of this person, can't understand what they're gaining from doing this. All I know is that they are well aware they'll have no problem being hired elsewhere and don't seem to acknowledge the repercussions of their choices company wide.
I'm not at ease thinking about all the good people working hard in other services, we're all in need of this team to keep putting new solutions on the market. Don't really know what I can do to reassure and secure the remaining team members, any advice?
submitted by Fragrant-Read5989 to managers [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 03:50 ScarcityMany1672 I need some help with some mids

Could anyone send me the links or websites of the new midfakes? Storm aquario M145Q, dark Capricorn, evil geminos, aswell as some old ones like jade Jupiter and duo Uranus(if it even exists) I don’t wanna waste money on some kind of fake
submitted by ScarcityMany1672 to BeybladeMetal [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 03:50 empallin A recent study of Gen-X has found...

A recent study of Gen-X has found... submitted by empallin to memes [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 03:50 DimensionAdmirable71 How to make the most of points for trip

Hello, I currently have 140k points after welcome bonus and wondering realistically what ways can I get most value for my points?
Wanting to go on vacation somewhere tropical for 3-5 days this summer (not relying on points totally).
Would be flying out of Austin, Texas airport.
submitted by DimensionAdmirable71 to Chase [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 03:50 gorgonopsidkid Wildlife monitoring technologies used to intimidate and spy on women, study finds

Wildlife monitoring technologies used to intimidate and spy on women, study finds submitted by gorgonopsidkid to megafaunarewilding [link] [comments]