
2024.11.27 04:34 austex99 Zap!

submitted by austex99 to NYTLetterBoxed [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 04:34 Scared-Team6115 tasse e btc

ho comprato un decimo di btc anni fa, il loro valore è salito a 30x partendo da un investimento di qualche centinaia di euro. Mi chiedo come mi devo comportare in termini di tasse se volessi convertirli in euro e ritirarli. Non so nulla di nulla. Quando li ho presi li ho messi in un hardware wallet dove sono rimasti e sono tutt'ora. Mi chiedo se devo pagare il 42% di tasse se li ritiro. Non sapendo come comportarmi e pensando che la cifra fosse veramente bassa (appunto qualche centinaia di euro), non li ho mai dichiarati nella dichiarazione delle tasse. Detto questo, non sono sicuro di doverli ritirare, direi piuttosto che ci sto pensando anche se tenderei lasciarli là e aspettare un decennio, ma non navigo nell'oro.
Le vere domande sono: se li scambio in fiat e li ritiro da exchange devo pagare il 42% di tasse? C'è qualche soglia a riguardo che mi risparmierebbe questa alta tassazione? Ci sono "escamotage" per evitare questa tassazione così alta? Avete consigli? ps non fraintendetemi, ho sempre pagato le tasse e sono favorevole ma questa volta mi sembra una mazzata bella e buona, che ovviamente sarei disposto a pagare a malincuore.
vi ringrazio
submitted by Scared-Team6115 to commercialisti [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 04:34 RedPacketSecurity Red Teaming vs. Blue Teaming in Cyber Security Explored

Red Teaming vs. Blue Teaming in Cyber Security Explored submitted by RedPacketSecurity to RedPacketSecurity [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 04:34 SGZ_MEOWY How do I transfer my map from a server to a singleplayer world?

So I was recently playing dawncraft on a server then my friend decided to stop playing with me 😭 but anyways so I transfered the world to a singleplayer world, but my map reset as well as most of my waypoints. Is there a file for the map so I can transfer that, or do I just lose my whole map?
submitted by SGZ_MEOWY to dawncraft [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 04:34 Ankit-Ricky4199 HMT maurya for sale

HMT maurya for sale Selling my HMT maurya… Recently serviced and polished with a brand new genuine leather strap…
Keeps very accurate time
Price- 1800 including shipping.
submitted by Ankit-Ricky4199 to hmtforsale [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 04:34 North_Mud512 Yuzu Chromebook

I've got the specs listed in the link and I was wondering if it would even be worth it to try running it. If so can someone please provide a guide
submitted by North_Mud512 to yuzu [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 04:34 Claymortality He really does just assume everything that happens in Gorlworld is related to him.

Just a mild rant. In his recent video about FB and copyright claiming, he’s reading her community post and says, “I also HAVE to believe that she’s really holding on to the original attempt to copyright a reaction channel, AKA ME! Because in my initial videos about this, I did cite the Ethan Kline H3H3 legal case…”
Chantal posted that in response to FFG. FFG was on a live and started talking about the Ethan case. Within 5 min of that conversation FB posted that to retort—or at least it really appeared to be related and we all know she watches FFG streams.
BUT, even if that didn’t happen or wasn’t related, it is still unbelievably annoying that Zach insists she brought it up because of something he said years ago!! And he acts so convinced that FB’s community post is directly about HIM. It just HAS to be, because everything is always about him! He’s the OG reactor and Chantal’s meth brain OBVIOUSLY remembers what Zach said 5 years ago. Ugh. When he’s not being revolting, he’s just so god damn aggravating and of course his chat believes every word out of his mouth because he’s their reactor KING.
Okay, mild rant over. We all know this is what he does, over and over and over.
submitted by Claymortality to ZacharyMichaelSnark [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 04:34 LoafHook Your third recently used emoji is your reaction to big e returning at the new days 10 year anniversary.

Your third recently used emoji is your reaction to big e returning at the new days 10 year anniversary. submitted by LoafHook to BrandonDE [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 04:34 michaelo434 [USA-CA] [H] Pokemon Black 2, Pokemon Platinum, Pokemon Snap N64 [W] Paypal

Shipping is $5 flat CONUS.
Bundle Prices including shipping All three for 310. Black 2 + Plat for 300. Black 2 + Snap for 162.5 Plat and Snap for 162.5

Pokemon Black 2 CIB 150
Pokemon Platinum Case, Game, Manual 150
Pokemon Snap Loose 15
submitted by michaelo434 to GameSale [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 04:34 Careless-Can-1403 Coding assignment integrity

I'm very confused and worried as to what just happened. I get an email saying a large portion of my coding assignment is copied or matches another student's submission. I get sent a side by side copy with highlighted lines showing what was copied. This part is extremely frustrating. ANY highlighted section is vastly different and literally cannot be copied across. Our classes are vastly different meaning it's not possible to "copy" without breaking the code. The parts which were included in the template were ALSO highlighted which makes no sense whatsoever. I do not know a single person in this unit and had 0 chance of copying someone elses work. Worst part of all, is that the side by side comparison does not show any similarities; the only one being the work on the template in the scaffold...that every single person had to use. This is very frustrating as I'm forced to deal with this now while I have a very busy period coming up
Anyone have experience with this that can advise what I should do next?
submitted by Careless-Can-1403 to usyd [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 04:34 Scary_Stable7667 Notice how Playboi Carti not on there 🔥

Notice how Playboi Carti not on there 🔥 submitted by Scary_Stable7667 to playboicarti [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 04:34 AlternativeKnown2405 Holidays

This might be a stupid question, but is everyone extremely stressed by their extended family or are there people who truly enjoy going to see relatives?
submitted by AlternativeKnown2405 to family [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 04:34 Simple-Category1827 Pokémon X and Y keep crashing on 3ds.

Before the eshop closed down I received both of these games cartridges from my friend. He never played much nor damaged the to his knowledge. Unfortunately I was stupid and didn’t open them until after the eshop closed. Anytime I try to open the games now I get the error screen. I have tried redownloading the software and updating but nothing seems to work. I come in search for help because I really want to play these games.
submitted by Simple-Category1827 to pokemon [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 04:34 Accurate-Bus-1771 Paddy agrees..

Paddy agrees.. submitted by Accurate-Bus-1771 to ufc [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 04:34 Swimming_Wishbone358 AITAH for being sad my husband (35M) was really critical on my (31F) birthday?

So today is my birthday 31/F. And we have a full house with family visiting for thanksgiving, it is also our first birthday as parents. My husband 35/M started out with a lovely effort last night telling me he ordered my favorite breakfast to be picked up in the morning, and I could get a massage in the afternoon (my parents would watch our son) and then my husband would pick up dinner at our favorite ramen place and we could decorate for Christmas.
So this morning he asked if I could drive to get breakfast because he had work. I didn’t mind the 20 minute each way drive to do that.
This morning I put away all of our fall decorations because I knew my husband was stressed with work, and I didn’t want him to be grumpy getting the Christmas decorations out (part of my gift). So I put everything away and pulled things out of storage so he wouldn’t have any problems.
I ran errands in the later morning and got the massage in the afternoon. He then asked if I could order and pick up the dinner because it would be too long of a drive for him compared to me. I made sure my mom didn’t mind watching our son, and I drove downtown, found public parking and walked to the restaurant. It’s Denver. It’s cold. I don’t complain.
When I get home, he is mad because I moved some bags near a pipe in the storage room. It was a genuine mistake. He swears I bent the pipe and it was disrespectful because he has told me to be careful with pipes in the past. I asked him if this could wait until tomorrow, it was my birthday and I made a mistake and I was sorry. He said he’s allowed to express his frustration. I normally would agree, but I just think you should get a pass on your birthday.
Anyway, after that I really didn’t want to do anything. I cried in the garage because I just wanted a happy day decorating for Christmas but by the end of the day I just wanted it to be over with. Am I the ass hole? Please let me know if I’m in the wrong, I try not to be critical and be the easy going one, but I’m just really hurt now.
submitted by Swimming_Wishbone358 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 04:33 Greedy-Remove421 Eggs

I’m trying to cook eggs for some noodles, are they supposed to look like this
submitted by Greedy-Remove421 to LivingAlone [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 04:33 fo1mock3 Great apes may have cognitive foundations for language

Great apes may have cognitive foundations for language submitted by fo1mock3 to EverythingScience [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 04:33 bpdjelly girl... she's lost it

girl... she's lost it submitted by bpdjelly to nytgamescirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 04:33 Darcona8 Idk why this sub made it to my feed but product placement was on point 😂

Idk why this sub made it to my feed but product placement was on point 😂 submitted by Darcona8 to justgalsbeingchicks [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 04:33 StardewAnonymous Tell me it’ll be okay

Bf of two years and I broke up last week due to life circumstances / realizing we were going down different paths (he wants to move out of state soon, I just started a job here and don’t want to move yet, he is adamant about leaving and I couldn’t cope with our relationship having an expiration date).
We stopped talking two days ago. I’ve managed to keep going to work and keeping up with daily life to some extent, but this is torture. It really does hurt worse when I can’t even hate him. Tell me it’ll be okay and I’ll heal from this, I’m scared we made the wrong decision and I’ll regret this. All I want is to talk to him and not being able to is so awful.
submitted by StardewAnonymous to ExNoContact [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 04:33 AltruisticGrape6421 Need advice

So I’m going up to Menominee on Friday and don’t know what flower to pick up. I am gonna pick up two ounces and was looking to get each ounce for 80-120 ik it isnt gonna be top quality. I was looking at brands like Carbon premium, Fluresh, Everyday, and some lume flower. Lmk if any of those brands are good.
submitted by AltruisticGrape6421 to Michigents [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 04:33 Mundane_Blackberry16 Welches Motherboard + Ram zu 7900XTX + Ryzen 7 9800X3D

Grüßli Müsli, ich habe eine Sapphire Radeon 7900XTX Nitro+ und den Ryzen 7 9800X3D. Ich überlege welches Motherboard und welchen Ram, sowie AIO ich dazu holen soll. Ich hab beim Motherboard an das X670E-F von ROG, beim Ram an den G-Skill Trident Z5 Royal Neo 32GB 6000 CL28 und bei der AIO an die NZXT Kraken Elite 360 V2 gedacht. Mein Plan ist mir das NZXT H9 Flow Gehäuse zu holen, deswegen auch die AIO von NZXT. Wäre der Build so fein? Liebe Grüße
submitted by Mundane_Blackberry16 to PCGamingDE [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 04:33 tarplette SkyScanner Black Friday 2024 Coupon Codes

Follow this link for SkyScanner Black Friday 2024 Coupon Codes. Access the latest deals and promotions by visiting the link, featuring a constantly updated list of coupons, promo codes, and discounts.
submitted by tarplette to DiscountExpressive [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 04:33 OGreenpoweranger SSD problems w my pc

SSD problems w my pc I just built my first pc a couple days ago and the ssd keeps flashing red when ever in use it is a team group mp44l 1tb ssd
submitted by OGreenpoweranger to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 04:33 Big_programmerr Swift is the new python

Ok don’t shoot me but People keep asking me why I am doing LeetCode in swift and after giving it some thought I have come to the conclusion that it has low risk of being obsolete and I have never seen any news of whole swift teams being fired. Make sure to check out my YouTube page where I’m doing LeetCode problems everyday in swift and don’t forget to subscribe like and comment. Interested in hearing your thoughts?
submitted by Big_programmerr to learnprogramming [link] [comments]