Can anyone tell me what the imagery on this postcard represents?

2024.11.27 05:31 awkwardgoblinlady Can anyone tell me what the imagery on this postcard represents?

I know the witch history, but idk what any of these other characters are or what their significance is.
submitted by awkwardgoblinlady to massachusetts [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 05:31 Cake_is_Great Made some overlays to match the the device color

Made some overlays to match the the device color submitted by Cake_is_Great to SBCGaming [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 05:31 theAerialDroneGuy New to Me - PS Vita

New to Me - PS Vita First time Vita owner. Just picked this up for $100 USD in Japan. Any favorite game recommendations?
submitted by theAerialDroneGuy to PSVita [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 05:31 soderlund91 Gladiator.jpg

Gladiator.jpg submitted by soderlund91 to hakanhomelabwall [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 05:31 Carolyonne89 Voici une partie des déclarations les plus importantes de Călin Georgescu, le candidat souverainiste aux élections présidentielles en #Roumanie : On comprend mieux pourquoi l’oligarchie mondialiste le craint et le déteste.

Voici une partie des déclarations les plus importantes de Călin Georgescu, le candidat souverainiste aux élections présidentielles en #Roumanie : On comprend mieux pourquoi l’oligarchie mondialiste le craint et le déteste. submitted by Carolyonne89 to i708wordpresscom_ [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 05:31 clearchewingum Should I sell PayPal for RocketLab?

I was predicting PayPal to return to the $250s from their play in crypto but now I’m not sure. For Rocket Lab under $30, would you swap shares?
submitted by clearchewingum to StocksAndTrading [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 05:31 Kenny23Powers Gave it fair shot but WZ downgraded overall📉Now counting down days until GTA 6⏳

submitted by Kenny23Powers to Warzone [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 05:31 Independent-Ruin-452 Can't login to rogers account in app?

I just became a new customer and when trying to log in it says we're working to fix this as soon as possible check back later l. Been like this for 2 days anyone else have this?
submitted by Independent-Ruin-452 to Rogers [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 05:31 MugShots Arrest made in mobile home fire

Arrest made in mobile home fire submitted by MugShots to ArrestStories [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 05:31 PhotosCar Audi Q5 Sportback 2025: Le nouveau standard du SUV coupé

Audi Q5 Sportback 2025: Le nouveau standard du SUV coupé submitted by PhotosCar to Photoscar [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 05:31 LiteratureNo4594 My Sunday fryup!

The toast is buttered with real butter and there's two slices.
submitted by LiteratureNo4594 to RateMyPlate [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 05:31 Deep_Laugh_755 Debería de alejarme ?

Hola a todos hace tres meses conocí a una persona , desde el primer momento quedamos en que no queríamos nada serio . Hace una semana siento que siento algo por el , me preocupo por el y realmente disfruto su compañía . El me había dicho que su ex novia le fue infiel y que ella se había de la casa. Un día de estos le dije lo que sentía , y no porque yo quería una relación sino porque sentí la necesidad de decírselo . Le dije crees que es un error amar a alguien en tan poco tiempo ? Y el me dijo que no . Y qie simplemente debíamos tener cuidado . Que el disfrutaba mi compañía , y que por el momento el no tenia sexo con alguien más , pero que en el futuro no sabía y que el podía amar pero también querer por otras mujeres, me pregunto si yo quería que me avisara cuando eso suceda, y le dije no hay problema . Nosotros hemos andado juntos con nuestros amigos , nos besamos , salimos de fiesta etc . Pero hoy escuché ,que fue el quien fue infiel a su ex y que el siempre aun estando en ja relación , siempre ha tenido sexo con otras . A pesar de que nosotros hemos sido claro con lo que queremos , me siento confundida . Además , también el cambia su manera de ser de un día para otro. Tuve que preguntarle si era cierto , y me dijo que no,ahora siento que tal ves la gente tiene razón , al menos yo quería honestidad , me parecía alguien confiable, alguien que sin importar que no fuéramos nada , podíamos decirnos la verdad . Ahora el se siente mal , no se si es porque yo le expresé lo que sentia o porque le dije que algunas personas hablan mal de él . Ahora no se si yo deba de alejarme , no se si debo de preguntarle en persona . Tal ves es muy pronto el que yo sienta algo por el. Que piensan ustedes ? Se alejarían ? O seguirían hasta ver adonde llegan las cosas .
submitted by Deep_Laugh_755 to NecesitoDesahogarme [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 05:31 EfectoGatillo The Three Amigos

The Three Amigos submitted by EfectoGatillo to hearthstone [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 05:31 Wonkers421 Printhead fans not turning on! (N4M)

Printhead fans not turning on! (N4M) The fans for both of these print heads aren’t turning on, so far iv tried:
  • checking all the connections and wires
  • turning on fan control through the handheld
  • turning fan speed to 100 through klipper
  • sending the [M106 S148-255] code through console
The printers are both brand new and this is the first time turning them on, what are your recommendations?
submitted by Wonkers421 to ElegooNeptune4 [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 05:31 Monte-Cristo2020 Auto smelter using a cobble generator, an auto hammer, Create's machinery and the funky furnace/chest upgrade mod. Simple yet effective.

Auto smelter using a cobble generator, an auto hammer, Create's machinery and the funky furnace/chest upgrade mod. Simple yet effective.
submitted by Monte-Cristo2020 to feedthebeast [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 05:31 Kitsune720 How long these supposed to last?

How long these supposed to last? submitted by Kitsune720 to MyHeroUltraRumble [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 05:31 NeighborhoodKey5202 🚨PREMIUM SALLY HAS BEEN FOUND🚨

🚨PREMIUM SALLY HAS BEEN FOUND🚨 submitted by NeighborhoodKey5202 to canceledpod [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 05:31 Jamrut Why is my first layer always like this…

My first layers keep coming out bubbly/fuzzy and I’m not sure how to fix this. The print ends up fine in the end but there’s a large quality difference between the bottom layer and top layer.
submitted by Jamrut to 3Dprinting [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 05:31 create_content The robot factory, 1930s

The robot factory, 1930s submitted by create_content to AIRetrofuturism [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 05:31 No-Deal66 Crazy-space-pirate na Indiegala.

submitted by No-Deal66 to FicouGratis [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 05:31 Janina0564 Meet Timmy!

How are we doing as month old parents of this lil guy. He seems healthy and happy
submitted by Janina0564 to axolotls [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 05:31 boweled Cmf watch pro 2 connection problem with IOS

Hi, I bought Cmf watch pro 2 and I like it but I have a problem, the watch connects to iPhone and it works notifications and other functions. But during the connection the watch sometimes disconnects by itself.
Do you have any suggestions?
submitted by boweled to CMFTech [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 05:31 forleaah Choa

Choa submitted by forleaah to KpopHotties [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 05:31 Lostdmg Is there any stuff with this guy

Is there any stuff with this guy So, I know that they just announced a new line, or something, I’m a VERY new fan, and this guy, looks cool as hell. I’m vaguely familiar with Krakoa and its premise and fate, and I want to know if there’s any stuff with this guy in it. Also, just standard Krakoa era recs would be amazing
submitted by Lostdmg to xmen [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 05:31 fragile88 Pant's Instagram story Is he regretting now for leaving DC

Pant's Instagram story Is he regretting now for leaving DC submitted by fragile88 to ipl [link] [comments]