Get Access to Canva Pro with Today’s Updated Link [November 2024] Links #264

2024.11.27 05:41 Wiindigo Get Access to Canva Pro with Today’s Updated Link [November 2024] Links #264

Get Access to Canva Pro with Today’s Updated Link [November 2024] Links #264 submitted by Wiindigo to CanvaLinkPro [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 05:41 Mean-Exercise-1540 I want to trade my eternal clock godly but everyone declines

My stupid ass cousin was playing ttd on my acc and he gave my titan alien man, large sword cameraman and all of my mythics my ass was crying the whole night knowing how much i spent on the game and all of them got wasted by a stupid eternal trash godly so i really need a good offer to make my progress back
submitted by Mean-Exercise-1540 to ToiletTowerDefense [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 05:41 These-Government133 I admitted crying for a stupid reason to my gf

I told my current gf that I cried when a girl from highschool (as a 17yr old) broke up w me and I know that you should never cry in front of a woman. But what about telling your girl that you have done it before? Am I finished or just being paranoid? We are in our early 20s and in a relationship for 4 months. I would really like mens perspective on this. TL;DR; : Did I mess up? Men, toughts on this?
submitted by These-Government133 to AskMenAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 05:41 abuchewbacca1995 It'll be so empty without me

It'll be so empty without me submitted by abuchewbacca1995 to AFCWestMemeWar [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 05:41 ProudReaction2204 buying coffee every day from a cafe is dumb

I cannot believe people are paying $3.5-$5 every day. How crazy are you? unless you have money to literally burn, this is a horrible waste. over a week thats like $20! And then people buy lattes and cappuccinos which are 2x the price too! Unless it's fucking a holiday and you're really treating yourself, buying coffee is just plain dumb. Plus there's there's always tea you cane easily brew at home too you know...
submitted by ProudReaction2204 to unpopularopinion [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 05:41 peachystrategichoe It deleted the wrong HP bot

I had two private Harry Potter bots and it deleted one this morning. Uh, but the junky one that was my first ever attempt and therefore terrible? Like lmao what kind of algorithmic fail is that?
submitted by peachystrategichoe to CharacterAI [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 05:41 Unlikely_Action2518 Does my E2 DHIL need a E0s1 Sunday if I already have a E2s1 sparkle?

As a f2p btw player and a E2 Sparkle liker, it feel hard to just stop to use her with my favorite character E2 DHIL just because Sunday make a better team with him but at the same time, I'm a Sunday enjoyer since before penacony arc (I got interested on his design when he was showcased in a live stream). I also have Robin (E0S0) and I will assume that Sparkle+Sunday isnt a option... right? could anyone give some light about what to do for keeping up with E2 DHIL runs? Also is there a way to make E2 sparkle not lose too much in comparation to a E0s1 Sunday? I mean,,, I want to keep using DHIL for the hardest content until his limit and at the same time I don't want to stop using the characters I like and the ones I highly invested
submitted by Unlikely_Action2518 to DanhengMains [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 05:41 TabInA70sWineGoblet Where can a basic b get an eggnog latte??

I like to have just one every year. Just one. I’ve tried making them at home and it’s just not the same. If only I liked pumpkin spice…
submitted by TabInA70sWineGoblet to OaklandFood [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 05:41 Grimbrook96 Anyone have a TNV60 from mileseey?
Anyone have any experience using one of these? I was thinking about grabbing one while it was on sale.
submitted by Grimbrook96 to Thermal [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 05:41 Oliviatate01 What doll is this?

My cousin recently bought a house and while cleaning out the attic he found two American girl dolls. I’m 17 now but have quite the collection from when I was younger and recognized one was Samantha dating back to the 90’s to whenever they changed the box, but the other is completely strange and unidentified but 100% feels and has the same body molds as American girl dolls now. The box I posted is Samanthas if that can help with the dates of this other doll. She wasn’t in a box and was wearing Felicity’s dress when discovered.
submitted by Oliviatate01 to americangirl [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 05:41 bloody_mess_1985 Lauren

Lauren submitted by bloody_mess_1985 to Lauren_Searle [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 05:41 sorasfavorite just how bad are the shipping company they use?

i hear the people they use for shipping SUCK ASS, and that MEDZ stuff wasnt shipped for, like, literally months after the expected time in august. if i order the chadam ornament before monday, do you think itll get here before christmas to put on my tree? is it worth trying?
submitted by sorasfavorite to theused [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 05:41 changhong987 QC-Syns World T-shirt-¥55

QC-Syns World T-shirt-¥55 submitted by changhong987 to hoobuypost [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 05:41 aliyaah_____ How is this fit?

How is this fit? submitted by aliyaah_____ to crossdressing [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 05:41 Electrical_Alarm_290 Homemade CRT TV

Homemade CRT TV submitted by Electrical_Alarm_290 to videos [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 05:41 Infamous-Pickle-3757 Trading 650k pets go diamonds for ps99 or amp

I have 650k pets go diamonds for trade
submitted by Infamous-Pickle-3757 to RobloxCrosstrading [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 05:41 Faction_Chief /r/worldnews -

submitted by Faction_Chief to NoFilterNews [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 05:41 crystalzhou30 Tesla referral code Ty for any who uses it!
submitted by crystalzhou30 to TeslaReferralsCode [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 05:41 Faction_Chief /r/worldnews -

submitted by Faction_Chief to NoFilterNews [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 05:41 Okrule420 Sexy big tits redhead

Sexy big tits redhead submitted by Okrule420 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 05:41 GovernmentComplex651 selling 2x november 29 melb ticket

section 1 row c bought $200 each selling $150 price negotiable pm
submitted by GovernmentComplex651 to KidLAROI [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 05:41 Pleasant_Cellist_500 Any good stories from Thailand or Southeast Asia? 05e371f7f96bab923033ae8d63c62cee7690351aea789edc3ee52db2ea31a74576

submitted by Pleasant_Cellist_500 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 05:41 Faction_Chief /r/worldnews -

submitted by Faction_Chief to NoFilterNews [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 05:41 Different_Ad_7671 Created a little vibe in my bathroom today 🥰

Created a little vibe in my bathroom today 🥰 Used to be full of stuff, decided to change it up…❤️
submitted by Different_Ad_7671 to femalelivingspace [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 05:41 Saykara watch face turns black every time I try to make a custom one

I have a Samsung Galaxy 4 watch and every time I try to upload a custom watch face it either doesn't go through at all (which is 90% of the time) or when it does it just stays as a black screen. The watch is basically in perfect condition regardless of it being stored away for about 2 yrs and I've spent like 3 hours updating it so I don't understand why it still refuses to upload. If anyone knows how to fix this or a way to get around it please let me know! I've tried doing it through both the app and through the watch itself and nothing works, the only faces that work are the ones that are already available on the watch 🙁
submitted by Saykara to GalaxyWatch [link] [comments]