Opinione on Motorola Edge 50 fusion

2024.11.27 06:40 YTLAIREStonks Opinione on Motorola Edge 50 fusion

I'm looking for a new phone for normal use: Reading comics, browsing on the internet, using socials and use socials. I thought of buying the Edge 50 fusion. What do you think about this phone? (btw I Need a phone with good camera, battery Life and screen; the processor, as you can see, It's not the priority. If this phone's not good, could you please suggets me other models?)
submitted by YTLAIREStonks to PickAnAndroidForMe [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 06:40 LettuceMinimum9379 Maroon

submitted by LettuceMinimum9379 to pinayinswimsuit [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 06:40 FollowingWinter847 Are there any math websites like statlect.com ? Need to learn calculus

That was it
submitted by FollowingWinter847 to learnprogramming [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 06:40 shelsifer How often do you wash your towels?

So I asked about sheets and was appalled at the range of washing a few times a week all the way to a few times a year. Now I have to know, how often are towels getting washed?
I use a towel for my body and a towel for my hair and they both get swapped out every 3-6 uses, which is weekly if not twice a week. My husband uses a towel once, occasionally twice before getting a new one. Washcloths are single use. Hand towels by the sink get swapped when they’re wet, so sometimes more than once a day to every few days.
submitted by shelsifer to Millennials [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 06:40 Stefano57 I drew an Autumn spirit girl for my project (First of 4 seasons)

I drew an Autumn spirit girl for my project (First of 4 seasons) submitted by Stefano57 to MoeMorphism [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 06:40 Tasha0997289 Hi avail my content and channel lifetime access

Hi avail my content and channel lifetime access submitted by Tasha0997289 to PinaYWalkerS2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 06:40 Quasimdo TV Shows of the Imperium: Whose Line is it Anyway

TV Shows of the Imperium: Whose Line is it Anyway submitted by Quasimdo to Grimdank [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 06:40 69silangel69 OpenAI Pauses Video Model Sora After Artist Protests Over Compensation

submitted by 69silangel69 to silangelnews [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 06:40 lemindfleya What are some of your problems/ externalities caused by stuttering

It could also be habits
Ill start.. zero communication skills, inability to make friends, low self esteem
submitted by lemindfleya to Stutter [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 06:40 Zeddd- Ram training failing DDR5

Hi I bought my new pc with Asus Tuf b650 plus and ryzen 5 7600 And 32Gbs of rams I have a weird issue with my rams, some times after maybe 7 days of no issue with my pc, I can't boot to my pc again dram orange light staying there for ever, then I have to force pc to shut it off and turn it on again to boot pc in safe mode, then after that pc keep working until same thing happen again
I updated my bios and replaced rams Still have this issue
submitted by Zeddd- to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 06:40 Inevitable_Movie_452 Who decided mutants should be unkillable

I am loving STALKER 2 so far, but I'm at the point where I've started encountering chimeras, and they take 39 SHOTS OF BUCKSHOT TO KILL ON STALKER DIFFICULTY (i counted). Same goes for controllers and bloodsuckers. So yeah, why would mutants need to be so damn difficult to kill when they weren't before, I don't get it.
submitted by Inevitable_Movie_452 to stalker [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 06:40 sopjoewoop How many head bumps is standard?

My nearly 7 month old is crawling and pulling up to stand. He has fallen back onto a skirting board or similar a few times now which are the worst. Head bumps of various descriptions happen a lot.
Not sure if I need to baby proof/supervise better? I remember this phase with my first but she was more cautious and would master a phase/stop the head bumps before trying the next a while later. This boy just keeps on pushing his boundaries!
submitted by sopjoewoop to BabyBumpsandBeyondAu [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 06:40 LongjumpingEqual8004 What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by LongjumpingEqual8004 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 06:40 SushiDaddy89 DEBATE TIME: which character has the worst mains?

DEBATE TIME: which character has the worst mains? Which character has the most insufferable playerbase? And, correspondingly, which character has the most chill playerbase?
submitted by SushiDaddy89 to Guiltygear [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 06:40 Pale_Drawing_6191 Faction battles/Faction war

Really wished there was a mode that allowed you to join faction like Zeon, Titans, Earth Federation, ect. At the beginning of a season you pick a faction and be restricted to the suits available only to that faction. I know some of the matchups would be non canon but would still be fun. And at the end of the season you would see what faction "won" the war. I know situation battles take moments in UC history and try to be accurate to the units available in that historic battle.
submitted by Pale_Drawing_6191 to GBO2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 06:40 BlockStriking1334 Teleguard group 3 +18 samples to join AFCSFKVKH

submitted by BlockStriking1334 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 06:40 Joltout Are we aware Alaitoc are potentially nearby?

I was in the meat grinder just now, and Sefoni said something along the lines of; "I hear whispers. Xeno's whispers. With a sword and crescent beneath a shifting cloak."
Don't know if this means we'll get anything to do with Aeldari in the future, but this was the first time I've heard her mention Alaitoc.
submitted by Joltout to DarkTide [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 06:40 LiquidCringe2 Crashes when changing graphics settings or alt+tab-ing

As the title says, the game will freeze pretty much every time I alt tab or change graphical settings like turning on or off V-Sync. I can't find a fix for this and it's really bugging me because I like watching YouTube videos, and I can't join a discord call mid game. To make it worse if the game is closed it just breaks my PC and makes it impossible to do anything else until I restart it, and the game never fully closes
submitted by LiquidCringe2 to haloinfinite [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 06:40 hennyl0rd ProRes, Resolve and Windows Dillemna

I need to deliver a project in 2k prores 4444, but I finished the project in resolve on windows, I have access to Mac Studios but unfortunately cannot get admin access to install my plugins
If I export dnxhr 4444, bring the video into resolve and export again for prores on a Mac am I losing quality re-encoding again? It will need to be put on another timeline/assembly with a bunch of shorts which will again be exported for the dcp in 2k ProRes 444, Should I export uncompressed instead? I may still find another Mac that I can export from but just exploring my options
submitted by hennyl0rd to editors [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 06:40 Key_Shelter_9802 Tips on looping

Hello, I’ve been playing dbd for awhile and I’m rly struggling. I play with friends and they often tell me I need to start looping as I often just run without thinking. I understand but I don’t know where to start as I see so many players looping who know what they are doing but I can’t understand how to do it on my end.
Does anyone have tips?
Thank you
submitted by Key_Shelter_9802 to deadbydaylight [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 06:40 TasteMeK VS Black Pink Crotchless Floss 🎀

VS Black Pink Crotchless Floss 🎀 submitted by TasteMeK to TasteMeKs_Worn_Drawer [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 06:40 VagueDestructSus Ae

submitted by VagueDestructSus to redditstreak [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 06:40 daddyvow Oil warning right after getting it changed and driving 1100 miles

Is that normal for a 2014 Forester? I just took it get it looked at before my trip from Washington to SoCal. and they changed the oil. But now it’s giving me the warning on startup that it needs to be replaced again.
submitted by daddyvow to SubaruForester [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 06:40 dFiddler84 Coachella Lineup but by Booking Agents etc.

Coachella Lineup but by Booking Agents etc. https://preview.redd.it/wm4inzuc3e3e1.jpg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9eed062ba9803c5dfe8a20293ee13727f626b7bf
Some really interesting breakdowns of Coachella. Check out the article here where they do a deep dive.
submitted by dFiddler84 to Coachella [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 06:40 Fire_Natsu Keep Mario away from this!!!

Keep Mario away from this!!! submitted by Fire_Natsu to saltierthankrayt [link] [comments]
