薪酬体系中职位级别GM、M、P分别代表什么?这应该是职级划分的方式,总体来说分为p级与m级,p级代表执行层,也就是员工,m及代表管理层;gm代表管理高层【如高级总监】。薪酬方面:每个职级应该都分为多个档位,如p1 有一说一,玩法和战报推荐贴吧,视频录像推荐b站,b乎实在不是一个讨论游戏的好地方,云玩家和梗小鬼太多了。而且b乎p社游戏话题有一个不好的风气,就是总趋向于跟一些其他流行的游戏对比来显示自己的优越感,实在没必要。 是不是兆(M)、千(k)、毫(m)、微(μ)、皮(p)等都代表了固定的数量级,即知道了最基本的单位之后根据这些对应名称就能判断数量级? 如:长度单位最… 显示全部 第二节:如何上p站. 目前上p站主要有以下2种方式: 国内镜像站:一些国内的插画网站,通过采集p站的数据,从而实现国内无障碍访问,优点是:速度快、无障碍。缺点是:实时性稍差,部分插画在国内可能需要第二天才能看到~ 梯子(国内禁止): 访问p站 科学研究是建立在前人研究的基础上的,为了尊重前人的劳动,学术论文要求列出你的论文中的前人研究,这就是参考文献。这些符号分别代表不同类型的参考文献。m是专著,j是期刊,c是会议论文,d是学位论文,p是专利,s是标准,db是数据库,ol是指联机网络。 因而有p(a-b)=p(a-ab) = p(a) - p(ab) 扩展资料: 随着人们遇到问题的复杂程度的增加,等可能性逐渐暴露出它的弱点,特别是对于同一事件,可以从不同的等可能性角度算出不同的概率,从而产生了种种悖论。 P/F:单利现值系数表(Present Value of a Future Amount),也称为单利现值因子表。 它用于计算未来金额的现值。 这些系数表在财务会计中非常有用,可以帮助进行投资决策、贷款计算和退休规划等方面的分析。 以"p/a, 10%, 5"为例,表示在10%的利率下,将一笔未来的付款折算为现值,期数为5。 要计算p/a的值,可以将具体数值代入公式中进行计算。 对于"p/f",它是另一个常见的工程术语,表示将一笔未来的金额(p)以一定的利率(f)折算为现值的公式。具体公式为: 本文主要介绍的是P站(Pixiv)的官方网站网址及其访问方法。P站是一个全球知名的画师作品分享和交流平台,许多人寻求其网址以便浏览壁纸和漫画。以下是P站的官方网址: https://***.com. 若想访问P站,以下是详细的步骤: 在桌面,双击打开此电脑。 pixiv怎么开启r18模式?1、p站开启r18模式,首先我们在浏览器里面输入p站的网址,然后加入其首页,在右上角找到设置并单击,然后我们就可以在里面修改设置我们个人资料,我们把生日时间设置为1993年或者更早,随意设
2024.11.27 06:49 LiterallyZesty Selling Glimmer Verdant :p
NYP ig cause I have no idea how much glimmers go for submitted by LiterallyZesty to CreaturesofSonaria [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 06:49 No-Tadpoleinthepond Just venting
I have met a mother and her child a few of months ago. I am not sure of her child’s level of support is but he stims continuously, non verbal, elopes, no concept of safety, not potty trained, severe echolalia and does not follow one step instructions.
I sat in one of the class to observe for 35 minutes and noticed he was turning on/ off the lights, doesn’t sit and roams around, flat affect face, vocal stims loud, throwing the ring tossed ring across the room and going around destroying other kiddos table time activities. The staff member has to constantly follow him.
This child attends 80% of general education and 20% SpEd for therapies. She’s frustrated that her son is not learning like everyone else in the general education classroom and the staffs are allowing for plentiful breaks for sensory room. She questions why he is taking so much breaks and not in class learning. Why are they not making him sit to study and do his work.
My theory is that she didn’t agree with the professionals when an IEP was created for more special education and less general education. She advocated for her son to be in general education the max that he can get.
I guess what I am trying to get across is that it’s not fair to the child and other students in the general education class. Mother seems to be in denial. Or can it if a child is this severe with ASD? Mother once asked me do you think ASD can be cured? I said no and she gave me a funny look. Maybe that question made her in denial? Just venting.
submitted by No-Tadpoleinthepond to Autism_Parenting [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 06:49 Other-Owl9770 Anyone know how often they release new chapters?
submitted by Other-Owl9770 to fuufuijou [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 06:49 meepmeep010 It's important to brush up on history
submitted by meepmeep010 to okbuddybaldur [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 06:49 Roman-Empire_net Roman Mysteries: Top 5 Roman Cults and Secret Societies
submitted by Roman-Empire_net to ancientroma [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 06:49 AnotherJasonOnReddit Making a Meme from every line in Son of Frankenstein Day 516
submitted by AnotherJasonOnReddit to UniversalMonsterMemes [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 06:49 Princess_M_9 This is just frustrating
Yesterday I went and saw my therapist and GP and I told them that two days ago I had a spasm that lasted for second and after that I had thought that some higher intelligence in the universe was trying to send me a message or a sign to regain my divine powers then I said it out loud. “How do I regain them” I was waiting for a visual response or auditory response but I got nothing so after that, I went on the Internet and searched up stuff about the occult and then 10 minutes later those thoughts slowly faded away and those thoughts don’t even happen that often
Both my therapist and GP suggested that I should go see my psychiatrist who I saw today and prescribed me an antipsychotic and I kept telling them that I don’t think that those thoughts are bad and I don’t need the medication but they keep on saying that I need to take it and it’s just all really frustrating
submitted by Princess_M_9 to mentalhealth [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 06:49 FormulaGymBro Mick Schumacher is the most experienced Driver in the Qatar Paddock 🇶🇦🇩🇪
submitted by FormulaGymBro to formuladank [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 06:49 thing-sayer You can turn cocaine into powdered asbestos
It will be the same mass.
Have fun with mesothelioma, bitches!
submitted by thing-sayer to shittysuperpowers [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 06:49 Character-Emu4823 Cant Get Dialed In. Low T Symptoms or High E2? EOD protocol.
Been trying to get dialed in and stuck on what to do next. Protocol is 25mg Test Cyp EOD. No AI. Here are my current labs:
*These are taken 24 hours post injection.
Testosterone: 694 ng/dl
Free testosterone: 18 ng/dl
E2: 45.77 pg/ml
SHBG: 17.7 nmol/l
Albumin: 5.14 g/dl
Bio Available: 72.1 ng/dl
Feeling extremely fatigued all the time. Sleep is poor night of my injection. Brain fog like most days. Sometimes I feel puffy the day after my injection. I don't drink. I don't have sleep apnea. I eat clean. Bp, Hemoglobin, and hematocrit all in range. Full CBC panel is in range.
On 90mg E3.5 my E2 was 30. I though E2 was supposed to drop with EOD injections based on the bro science?
Honestly don't know what to do at this point. Any help is appreciated.
submitted by Character-Emu4823 to trt [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 06:49 Connect_Escape6619 Breath taking
submitted by Connect_Escape6619 to vscosloots [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 06:49 BlingBlaow-_- Playboi Carti announces I AM MUSIC WILL B PLAYED
submitted by BlingBlaow-_- to GoodAssSub [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 06:49 gentleman_fotch Pre Upgraded TM NGRS
I’m in the market for a Tokyo Marui NGRS, but I’m too old/lazy/clumsy to upgrade it myself. Does anyone have any recommendations where to get one pre upgraded? Eagle 6 pops up a lot on my searches but I was wondering if there were any others?
submitted by gentleman_fotch to Airsoft_UK [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 06:49 GethLegion1234 [Discussion] I will be switching to PC I have a lot of stuff on my PlayStation account that I’m try 1 for 1 swap for my account on PC if anyone is interested?
submitted by GethLegion1234 to Fallout76Marketplace [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 06:49 purple-orangejuice egg✨irl
submitted by purple-orangejuice to egg_irl [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 06:49 Ok_Guarantee4871 I want to try another time to quit can anyone answer me some questions about loperamide
I've been using opioids daily starting with the age of 12 and I'm 25 now so I used over half my life daily.. Mostly it was Morphine with 250 mg daily and right now it is 10 grams of kratom every 1-2 hours so 120-240 grams daily.. the annoying part is that I can't sleep through a single night because Kratom gives me a high for 30 mins, then I feel "normal" for another 30 mins and then withdrawal slowly creep up and after 2 hours it's unbearable and I wake up and would do everything for a dose because it feels like I'm already in full blown withdrawal.. I just can't handle it anymore.. they also want to ban kratom soon in my country and I don't want to go back to the morphine because morphine withdrawals were horrible even with the help of kratom..
now the worst symptom for me ist the diarrhea and throwing up when I quit because I'm 14 days doing nothing but throwing up while shitting water at the same time and it hurts sooo much I also can't do anything to distract myself because I'm throwing up and shitting really non stop...
so I thought maybe doing loperamide for the first 14 days so I can go through the other withdrawals and then after 14 days quit the loperamid and go through the stomach withdrawals? so that atleast I don't feel like utter shit while throwing up and shitting myself.. maybe that makes it more bearable..
Does this work? And if so how high should I dose loperamid, how often should I take it? Should I taper it towards the end? I'm thankful for any help, infos, experiences and so on.
Thank you and stay strong bropiates and sisiates
submitted by Ok_Guarantee4871 to OpiatesRecovery [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 06:49 Outrageous_Hawk_7919 High expectations are killing my sets. When a joke bombs, I have NO resiliency.
I usually come out very strong onstage. Lots of swagger and confidence and crush my jokes...sounds great BUT my Achillies heel is when a joke fails and I don't get a laugh on something I expect to... my confidence and stage presence just DRAIN out of my body... and I want to get offstage.
I'll go into the next bit but I'm shook from the last miss and usually won't perform it with enough energy and delivery and BOOM... that joke misses as well. Then I just want to get the hell offstage...or I'll talk about how bad this set is going...(when the audience probably doesn't think it's even going poorly).....then I just spiral out and can't even think about what to do up there....What techniques do you guys have for getting back on track when a couple jokes fall flat? Thanks.
submitted by Outrageous_Hawk_7919 to Standup [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 06:49 beixiaoshengv 🚀 I'm building the new social marketing tool and need your help! 🚀
Hi everyone!
I'm a developer working on a new social marketing tool. I need your help to make it awesome!
Here's what my tool will offer:
2024.11.27 06:49 _LivroDromula37124 Here’s the Template
submitted by _LivroDromula37124 to JackSucksAtLife [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 06:49 Gullible_Jacket_1285 LINKS __TELE @BOHGAD
submitted by Gullible_Jacket_1285 to getagraph [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 06:49 Organic_Ad_4205 College/ high school science, a 1966 Mustang, electricity, and the supernatural?
I apologize this has so few clues, but I really would like to see this movie again. I have the sense that it was low budget, maybe on the scale of Trick or Treat, in the 1980s. I think I saw it broadcast on TV, but it also could have been a 5 dollars, 5 nights, 5 movies rental.
Two or 3 late teens/ early 20s guys and the obligatory girl are doing science at night. No PPP. They could have been in a science classroom as I remember a large bar height table. They are messing about with a device that looks something like the offspring of a microwave, a Jacob's ladder, and a cross Atlantic radio. Their experiment goes a bit wrong, and an entity? gets into the electrical system and out to the power lines where it travels down them like a bat out of hell. Our cast jump in their mustang, turn onto an empty two lane road, and race the the electricity. They need to stop it before it gets....? The would be scientist go faster and faster trying to get ahead of it. The visual I remember the most is a view from the inside inside car looking up at the power lines as the electricity runs down them. It kind of looked like a light up rope. Eventually, the electricity get to a downed power line and is extinguished. I don't know if that was luck or if our cast got ahead of it and cut the line, but the cast does see this happen. They react to it like it was an every-fuck-up-learning opportunity. They are breathless and relieved, but not terribly excited. The scene ends with an attitude of gee, maybe next time we should be more careful. I think that this happened rather early on in the movie.
Thank you for any help!
submitted by Organic_Ad_4205 to NameThatMovie [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 06:49 Unlikely_Dirt411 UP neet pg round 1 result
I wanted to know who got what?
submitted by Unlikely_Dirt411 to neetpgcounselling [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 06:49 buzzingeuphorbia APAC WC Play Off (AO 2025) R1: (4) Kasidit Samrej def Jin Yuquan 7-6(8) 6-3
Kasidit is the lone Thai player left, after the exit of his compatriots Lanlana Tararudee and Peangtarn Plipuech in the women's singles... In the QF he will play (5) Xiao Linang
The other 3 QF will feature: (1) Sun Fajing vs (6) Tang Sheng (3) Mukund Sasikumar vs Zhang Tianhui (2) Rio Noguchi vs (7) Grigoriy Lomakin
submitted by buzzingeuphorbia to tennis [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 06:49 ProfessionalSide7561 gonna go get me something nice thanks eddie❤️
submitted by ProfessionalSide7561 to stakeus [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 06:49 Thebrokennewsman I just uploaded video on DB Cooper,And Came to a conclusion that based on my speculation he is Robert Rackstraw
submitted by Thebrokennewsman to TheBrokenNews [link] [comments] |