Regieleki - 188414383515

2024.11.27 07:50 hiclams9777 Regieleki - 188414383515

submitted by hiclams9777 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 07:50 meangela63 Debloated mi note 5 pro

Debloated mi note 5 pro I found a tool on GitHub To debloat MIUI with debug USB , adb jdk , Works well removed bunch of apps And i see battery long more 💪
submitted by meangela63 to Xiaomi [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 07:50 SoggyFlatbread Even more awful sharpie cards!!!

These didn't make it!!! Even more awful abominations of magic for joy.
submitted by SoggyFlatbread to mtg [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 07:50 Apprehensive_Mind963 MMO Surgery

I’m getting a mommy makeover consisting of a TT with Muscle repair, Lipo 360, Magic tight, Ab Etching, and BBL.
What are some supplies or items you found helpful during your recovery? What are some things you wish you knew to ask during pre-op? Any tips/tricks or suggestions on making the recovery smoother?
It’s coming up quickly and just realizing I probably can’t sleep on my stomach or back so thinking of maybe an inflatable avocado to sleep on or using a boppy pillow and a bunch of other pillows. What did you find useful?
Excited and Nervous!
submitted by Apprehensive_Mind963 to plasticsurgery101 [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 07:50 danielalanso Artık Enjeksiyon da Alamayacağız?! - "Yurt dışı gümrüksüz alışveriş limiti kargo dahil 30 Euro’ya düşürüldü"

Artık Enjeksiyon da Alamayacağız?! - submitted by danielalanso to Turkaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 07:50 DarkGenex Merry Christmas from Nani n Minnie

Merry Christmas from Nani n Minnie submitted by DarkGenex to RATS [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 07:50 Joesus056 Ship to ship trade.

Why isn't this a feature?
I would love to have orbital space stations capable of interacting with routed ships.
Sending out material to newly launched platforms, handling planetary trade and saving time for my trade ships between flights. They could arrive, unload any requests at the Orbital Hub, grab any supplies and any exports and zoom off again.
Currently if I want to make ship parts in space, they need to be sent down and back up to the new platform. This feels bad. It doesn't make any sense either, moving things around in space is practically free compared to moving something off the planet.
Say I have 2 trade routes, NV and NF. If I want to move items from V to F my options are;
Have a Science ship travel V to F
Build a new trade ship (not many Vulcanus items need to go to Fulgora, it's likely a one to three time shipment for my whole playthrough)
Have my NV ship drop them off on nauvis and launch them up to the NF hauler. (this seems incredibly silly when my space science platform has plenty of cargo space to hang onto the shipment, nauvis has no need to inspect my cargo and frankly it's just stepping on my galactic rights to privacy)
There is an argument for a wildcard trade ship without a real set route, that handles deliveries that don't necessitate an established route, but even that ship would benefit from ship to ship interactions and I don't wanna build a ship that won't see much use.
A central space station hub seems like it should be an option. It was one of the first things I thought to make when I realized every planet had valuable machines that were easiest to craft locally.
Even if transfers came at the cost of X rocket fuel and with smaller capacity than rockets it would be an incredibly fun system to work with. Hell make it cost barrels of steam, since pressurized gas is an efficient propellent for short distance space travel. This gives more reason to use nuclear reactors in space since you can't burn anything to heat water.
Being able to have a Ship yard in orbit over nauvis would be awesome. I should be able to prepare materials in space to build in space. It seems incredibly inefficient to not allow space to space interactions. Is there a game-balance reason I'm not aware of? Pls let me send items between platforms Wube <3
submitted by Joesus056 to factorio [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 07:50 Quiet-Upstairs8846 tyt fenim allaha emanet

tyt fenim allaha emanet Olm tyt denemesine giriyorum türkçe 35+ , Matematik 25+ , sosyal 13+ geliyor fene bir bakıyorum 2 doğru 7 yanlış mk ama şu var ben tyt fen hiç çalışmadım çünkü ayt fenin aynısı gibi geliyodu ayt feni öğrenirim zaten tyt fen basit gelir dedim demez olaydım aq! Yardım edin şu tyt feni nasıl düzeltebilirim?
submitted by Quiet-Upstairs8846 to liseliler [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 07:50 suggestionplz Trusted one way taxi to Ahmedabad

Looking for tried and tested suv taxi services from rajkot to Ahmedabad airport.
submitted by suggestionplz to rajkot [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 07:50 Charming_Youth_5281 Tips to get out of diamond in 2s

Tips to get out of diamond in 2s One thing I know I struggle with is consistency, one day I’ll win every game then next I go on a loss streak, so any tips to improve consistency would be appreciated.
submitted by Charming_Youth_5281 to RocketLeague [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 07:50 Herculumbo Which campaign to quickly hook someone?

I convinced my buddy to play and we only played the gathering. He seemed a little interested and agreed to play again. I figured we would try to finish the core since masks is a great scenario but wondering what next if I can get him there? I have Dunwich, Carcosa, and Forgotten Age and want to hit the ground running hard but not overwhelming. For context he’s a big Magic player
submitted by Herculumbo to arkhamhorrorlcg [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 07:50 Appropriate_Job4185 painfully hungry?

has anyone else had this? I'm on 7 5mg and for the most part it's great! throughout the week I'm eating well enough but still within calories and I'm not feeling hungry after I eat. the last one or 2 days of the week before I'm due another injection I wake up feeling RAVENOUS like its almost painful how hungry I am. I'm not starving myself or anything so I'm not sure why I am that hungry. I try not to eat straight away when I wake up because I feel like I'll eat everything and after waiting a while the hunger seems to die down.
submitted by Appropriate_Job4185 to mounjarouk [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 07:50 _Starblaze What issues do you face during menstruation? (For women)

I am conducting an anonymous survey about issues women face during menstruation and working on a web application that will predict the next menstruation date.
No personal data is collected. It just takes 1-2 minutes to complete. .
submitted by _Starblaze to SampleSize [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 07:50 WideVictory6751 Hung bull looking to chat with any horny cucks who want to see the women in their life dominated, can be anyone 😈. Sess and TG below:

submitted by WideVictory6751 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 07:50 yessssisyessss i want to know how to get data from a muse 2 headband using a bluetooth module and an arduino ?

so i want to use the muse 2 headband for a project and want to know how to interface it with an arduino bluetooth module and get data and what kind of data it is sending and recieving it would be helpfull to know the communication.
submitted by yessssisyessss to museheadband [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 07:50 BansalManan_ One silver ticket for Diljit Chandigarh left just at 7.5k

submitted by BansalManan_ to Tickets [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 07:50 TylerRouse Stickers for sale!! All Stickers Available!!! Do pm me for more info. 5* stickers for $3. 2x5* for $5. Race carry also available for $35/slot. Come and get it now!!!

submitted by TylerRouse to MonopolyGoCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 07:50 ProofDazzling9234 How do these buybacks work and do they actually make a difference?

Cos it seems like they are having the opposite of intended effect.
submitted by ProofDazzling9234 to baba [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 07:50 hannuh1 ANY HELP PLEASE? 🙏🏻

ANY HELP PLEASE? 🙏🏻 Realllyyyy need that wild 😭😭😭
submitted by hannuh1 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 07:50 Grand-Estimate-8228 Which fictional character would you love to meet in real life, and what would you ask them?

submitted by Grand-Estimate-8228 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 07:50 Physical_Pomelo_6434 MLBB X VENOM: Gloo x Venom Concept Collaboration Skin!

MLBB X VENOM: Gloo x Venom Concept Collaboration Skin! submitted by Physical_Pomelo_6434 to MobileLegendsGame [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 07:50 PlayAutistic2021 Also, this image

Also, this image submitted by PlayAutistic2021 to UncleSamsonite [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 07:50 Ok-Meringue-357 Who here has the YOUNGEST EX or GF? Kik is iluvflatgirls3

submitted by Ok-Meringue-357 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 07:50 Master-Preference-40 Merry Christmas To All

This is my Christmas song:
submitted by Master-Preference-40 to Reformed [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 07:50 DappyHayes Last Dallas officer known to face charges from 2020 protests pleads guilty to assault

Last Dallas officer known to face charges from 2020 protests pleads guilty to assault submitted by DappyHayes to texas [link] [comments]