2024.11.27 08:27 Imic_Hilton Tis the season 😅 why not dis? 🤣
submitted by Imic_Hilton to MergeMansion [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 08:27 Salt-Bus9757 Hi
Idk why but i feel like every two weeks. There is a civil war in here lol
submitted by Salt-Bus9757 to okbuddyblacklung [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 08:27 Any-Personality-8517 Hardware in cold temperatures
We are about to roll out a lot of new hardware (primarily PCs and monitors) in a production environment. However, the production halls can get quite cold during winter—it can easily drop to 15–16 degrees Celsius (59–61 degrees Fahrenheit) in the halls when they are closed for the night.
Will such conditions harm the hardware over time or cause any other issues? And if so, are there any good practices or recommendations to mitigate the potential impact?
The reason for my concern is that we previously had a laptop in the production area that complained every morning about the battery being close to failure. Interestingly, this stopped happening. On the days it was acting up, it was the first time this year temperatures had dropped below freezing outside.
submitted by Any-Personality-8517 to it [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 08:27 g33k_d4d Stuck in a healing loop, how do you win this?
submitted by g33k_d4d to WH40KTacticus [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 08:27 oblastta Безплатни и анонимни изследвания ТИЦ в Троян на 28.11.2024
submitted by oblastta to troyanat [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 08:27 oblastta Безплатни и анонимни изследвания ТИЦ в Троян на 28.11.2024
submitted by oblastta to troyanat [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 08:27 w4sd1 Send me anything no lim prefer fam 05ff0c47cece838250a02ee96ca07daa2127d16d2cc312214b1625c2b7ff92fc67
submitted by w4sd1 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 08:27 CyberrTT I really need help anyone?
So my gave has been messing up for awhile now. Every time better exceptions this random pay is popping up.
Im not sure what it is because I have no mods made by this creator and it's no where in my mods folder. My game was fine until I turned my script more back on but my build buttons were glitchy so I thought turning it back on would help because my kids were fully complete but it's just made it worse. what do I do??
submitted by CyberrTT to sims4cc [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 08:27 FeePuzzleheaded7082 Time is “just a blur”
Routine, routine… wake up, eat, work, go to sleep. That is what most lives look like, even mine but work is switched out with studying. Some study and work at the same time, we are truly doing everything but what we wanna do. We grow up and forget our “silly” dreams. We are now robots stuck in society doing whatever for the slightest promotion or reward. It’s a system built on small dopamine kicks but the truth is we aren’t getting happier. We aren’t spending our time in the way we could’ve.
We’ve lived in this system for so long that it’s almost impossible to imagine a possible different one. In our minds wars is sad but logical and does happen. The only reason it happens is because we allow it to! Wars aren’t logical, how many times haven’t we taught each other that we shall never resort to violence, yet all the leaders in the world do so. Apparently they didn’t learn this rule because that’s the only way they deal with stuff. Our world isn’t their world, we live by different morals and laws.
While they have their vacations pushing a button starting a war, the citizens are the ones having to do all the dirty work, sacrifice themselves. It’s motivated by loyalty for one’s land, but should we really care that much? While they are sitting on a fancy restaurant with an interesting business meeting. We are the ones having to work all our lives just to make their business thrive.
We are stuck in a loop feeding the rich and powerful. We are stuck in a loop that makes our time on earth “worthless”. Some are the exception obviously, some do work their way up and thrive. Some break out of it and move away and live their simpler lives. But most gets stuck in this loop where time just becomes a blur of our small routines we have now been put in.
submitted by FeePuzzleheaded7082 to DeepThoughts [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 08:27 NewtypeRimu I think I’ve figured out why his torso looks like that
submitted by NewtypeRimu to EnoughMuskSpam [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 08:27 tomatensuppe232 Unsicher über neuen Job - wirtschaftliche Lage, BR Zustimmung?
Hallo Leute.
Ich habe vor kurzem einen Arbeitsvertrag bei einem namhaften Industrieunternehmen im Ruhrpott unterschrieben. Das Angebot war der absolute wahnsinn (für mich persönlich) und weit über dem, was ich mir ausgemalt hatte: >100k bei 4 Jahren Berufserfahrung, 4 Tage Homeoffice pro Woche.
Soweit alles gut. Der Vertrag wurde digital unterschrieben vor einigen Wochen und Arbeitsantritt ist im Januar. Seitdem höre ich aber nichts mehr vom Unternehmen und zeitgleich liest man über Jobstreichungen, Stellenabbau, wirtschaftliche Lage... jetzt mache ich mir sorgen, dass der BR irgendwie dazwischenfunkt oder irgendwas nicht klappt. Denkt ihr ich mache mir zu unrecht gedanken? Wie funktioniert das bei großen Konzernen? Sollte ich mich nebenher weiter bewerben obwohl ich den Arbeitsvertrag digital mit allen Unterschriften bereits habe?
Es wäre wirklich ein Traum für mich dort anzufangen, vielleicht mache ich mir auch einfach zu viele Gedanken deswegen. Ich würde gerne eure Meinung hören.
submitted by tomatensuppe232 to InformatikKarriere [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 08:27 ForaBozo62 Extensão "p0..ss0 l3r" - site fora do ar
Baixo pelo github e pede chave de acesso, mas como vou ter isso se o site que la aparece (antes dava chave de acesso) tá fora do ar? Sem isso a extensão não funciona
submitted by ForaBozo62 to pirataria [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 08:27 Apprehensive_Cat1955 thama ta3with fluss en cas ou ma rja3ch masrou9 ou nn
hi, chhar tali sir9ulna dar, semain hathi chadu sare9 wa7ed min sura9... chkun 3inda fikra en cas ou masru9 ma rja3ch, ynajem yarj3li ta3with fluss ou nn ? ya3ni sare9 ou famille bta3a homa y5alsu
submitted by Apprehensive_Cat1955 to Tunisia [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 08:27 NesterAnimator Отправьте картинку, которая будет самой первой
В моём случае вот.
submitted by NesterAnimator to rusAskReddit [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 08:27 Alarmed-Carrot-8783 🚁
Y’all hear that helicopters outside ? Shit loud af gang
submitted by Alarmed-Carrot-8783 to Bronxghanistan [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 08:27 Super-Associate-4157 Should I buy a game with my current family situation?
So, my stepfather has a PS5 that I've been using for the good part of 3 years, and I even put on a game that I got with my own 60 bucks. I've been meaning to get another game for months, but my mom and stepdad's relationship recently hit a very rocky part (as I'm writing this it looks like they got back togetheare on seemingly nice terms but I'm not sure) and I've been recently allowed to go back to play ps5 and that's where the problem comes in, should I get the game now in hopes I can finish it before they break up again or wait till they get back together more stably knowing they might break up once and for all? Also, my step-siblings both roughly my age are going to move in with my stepdad (I don't exactly know when) and while my mom hasn't much of a problem with them, she doesn't like me staying alone with them because she believes I'd be disturbing them by hogging the ps5 for myself 2 evenings a week (I've asked before and they said i didn't disturb them)
So yeah, should I buy it now or wait?
submitted by Super-Associate-4157 to whatdoIdo [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 08:27 mrsdrydock Best Present (for the moment)
My mom bought me a projector 📽 just so I could watch my favorite movie on a much larger screen than I'm used to.... she did good. 😁 submitted by mrsdrydock to titanic [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 08:27 Saadyla What is this?
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Saadyla to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 08:27 jvc72 Buy Signal DOF Group ASA - 27 nov 2024 @ 09:09 -> NOK84.35
Ticker: DOFG.OL
Exchange: OSL
Time: 27 nov 2024 @ 09:09
Price: NOK84.35
Link: https://getagraph.com/OSL/stock/live-signals/DOFG.OL/ENG
submitted by jvc72 to getagraph [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 08:27 Y0SH1zzzz Speed limit
Okay so I have a fafrees f20 ultra and in p-settings there are only 25km/h and 40km/h as presets on speed limit, it has a yl81f display which usually let's you set speed to whatever you like but not in my case. Is there any way to bypass this?
I've tried running a 60v battery and capacitors are 63-100v so I ran the 60v battery down to 63v but only got 3km/h faster speed but alot more stable, maybe bms limit on stock 48v battery?
Also I've tried changing wheel size which usually doesn't work but it did trick it to go slightly faster and slower with high wheel size but now my odometer is way off, anyway to bypass this without getting wrong readings?
I'm willing to try reprogram it if someone has a clue how to
I can change current upto 50, does nothing and voltage from 24v to 60v
submitted by Y0SH1zzzz to ebikes [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 08:27 jvc72 Buy Signal Cortex USD - 27 Nov 2024 @ 03:23 -> USD0.565
Exchange: CRYPTO
Time: 27 Nov 2024 @ 03:23
Price: USD0.565
Link: https://getagraph.com/crypto-currencies/CTXCUSD/ENG
submitted by jvc72 to getagraph [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 08:27 Your_Quantum_Friend What's one thing you like and dislike about dating apps?
Tbh I don't like a single thing about them. I think most of the people are there for a one night stand and rather finding a genuine person you want to spend your life with. People just try to post their best version or best pics just so that someone could like them. I have also seen people who optimize their profile based on what the other gender likes so they can get more matches. I think this defeats the whole purpose of dating apps. What do you all think about it? I want to hear your all thoughts.
submitted by Your_Quantum_Friend to indiasocial [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 08:27 Lasagnaboy [For Hire] Professional SEO Content Writer
Hello, my name is Max and I am a professional SEO content writer.
My specialty is producing concise, easy to read, and informative content that:
2024.11.27 08:27 YoursFreaKreation My headcannon for each character and their pet
submitted by YoursFreaKreation to untildawn [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 08:27 Immediate-Mouse5517 Can anyone tell me what this custom game code is? been looking for a while and cant find it
https://preview.redd.it/kg19vsrtme3e1.png?width=1355&format=png&auto=webp&s=2ff94eb19489559b3584b2d2263aff2c45bc65b1 submitted by Immediate-Mouse5517 to Supertf [link] [comments] |