Truck driver tells court he's haunted by the five deaths in Strathmerton crash he did not cause

2024.11.27 08:35 GeorgeYDesign Truck driver tells court he's haunted by the five deaths in Strathmerton crash he did not cause

Truck driver tells court he's haunted by the five deaths in Strathmerton crash he did not cause submitted by GeorgeYDesign to ABCaus [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 08:35 FaithlessnessIll1524 Cannot Authorize Premiumize

Just moved over from RDedrid and ADebrid and i have tried to authorize on Seren and Umbrella. When i click, no pairing code appears and i get a seren/umbrella error -check the log for details. I can post the log if anyone can help. However, if i click on RD or AD the code and QR appears as normal.
Also canot log in-captcha incorrect.??
submitted by FaithlessnessIll1524 to Premiumize [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 08:35 ImDownYouToo375 No root access

Hi! I've used non-root version of revanced app for why now to patch my YouTube app. World's flawlessly until this happened. I was using version 19.16.36. I'm using patcher version 1.23.2 currently. So I downloaded the recommended version (19.16.39) but it wouldn't let me install and gave me this error. Why would it ask for root out of the blue now? Can you guys help me out please?
submitted by ImDownYouToo375 to revancedapp [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 08:35 black_flame1700 PLO fighters protecting a synagogue in Beirut (1982)

PLO fighters protecting a synagogue in Beirut (1982) submitted by black_flame1700 to HistoricalCapsule [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 08:35 MrGua Welke toegevoegde waarde heb jij het afgelopen jaar geleverd?

Lang leve de eindejaarsbeoordelingen! Dit jaar met de briljante vraag, waar je kennelijk zelf als medewerker antwoord op moet geven, "Welke toegevoegde waarde heb jij het afgelopen jaar geleverd?".
Wie heeft er suggesties / tips hoe hier mee om te gaan?
submitted by MrGua to werkzaken [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 08:35 Informal_Position821 Rdo cheater

Rdo cheater, character a skeleton wearing a cape and a crown I’m pretty sure, his icon on map is a crown, he’s level 999 name starts with ba, can’t remember his full name he’s killed me on multiple occasions, spawning on top of me and killing me and my horse, and doing so parley doesn’t work. I’ve come across him twice now and wanted to see if anyone else has experiences with this guy?
submitted by Informal_Position821 to RDOnline [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 08:35 Consistent-Bit8234 If you’re looking for a remote Job I have a solution learn how to get a remote Job invest in your future, be a new man and make six figures for the first time in your life
submitted by Consistent-Bit8234 to RemoteJobs [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 08:35 mauriciomacarthys90 Ayuda! Corredores inmobiliarios comisión renta de depo

Hola amigos buenas tardes me Presento me llamo alejandro y tengo 34 años. Recientemente comenze en esto las bienes raíces.
Y me toco colocar un depo en renta. Que en.este caso era el de mi mamá. Y pues contrate a un amigo mío de varios años que ya le tengo confianza para have la operación.
Después de varias pláticas la otra corredora fue la que consiguió al cliente . Y me dijo mi amigo que ella quiere el 50% de comisión 25 el y yo 25. Al principio yo acepté.
Pero luego mi mamá me dijo que hay que apoyar a mi amigo porque nos ha apoyado antes y no le hemos dado ningún apoyo económico a lo cual yo amablemente cedí mi comisión . Estamos hablando que la renta es de 32000 pesos . Y quedó dividía así corredor ana 16000 corredor jorge 16000 (mi amigo)
Total todo bien al principio pero yo cuando fui a firmar si me sentí mal porque sentí que era mucho dinero que se le daba a los corredores ana y jorge. Pero luego dije pues al final hicieron su chamba y yo apoyo mucho a jorge porque es muy amigo y de confianza.
El problema empezó después de cerrar el trato porque me comento mi mamá que mi amigo cambió mucho el trato conmigo y se veía molesto . Desconozco si se molestó por algo .
Y pues le marque mi amigo para en la mañana para checar unas dudas del departamento como siempre le marcaba desde hace 1’año . Y pues me contesto que estuvo bien lo que organice con la inquilina y colgué. Eran las 9am .
Luego le volvi a marcar a las 9pm porque andaba un poco alterado por el arrendamiento y pues le Platiqué que no es fácil y así. Y el me dijo bueno si quieres yo lo administro y te cobro 12 por ciento por ese servicio .
Y yo le dije que no porque yo lo tengo que manejar porque es parte de mis propiedades. Y todo quedo ahí. Pero si lo sentí en la llamada algo molesto o desesperado . Porque me dijo que no le dije nada del curso que me ofreció de bienes raíces y le dije que parecía poco profesional .
El problema vino después de esta llamada porque empezó a decirme que su trabajo ya terminó en la renta del depo y que toda llamada que le haga la va cobrar . Porque dice que le llamo mucho cuando pues no era cierto le marcaba 1 o a veces 2 por semana . El resto de llamadas era para temas de planes de amigos.
Hize bien en molestarme porque me quiso cobrar cuando yo fui el que cedí mi comisión para ayudarlo incluso se lo comenté y me dijo que muchas gracias ! Que le gusta que tenga confianza. Y pues se me hizo facho que después de ayudarlo empieza a querer cobrarme llamadas y demás .
Que opinan ustedes?
Como fin de esta historia . Al final si me regreso mi parte porque le dije a mi papá que me sentí defraudado con mi amigo . Y pues no se que le dijo y me la regreso mi parte.
submitted by mauriciomacarthys90 to BienesRaicesMexico [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 08:35 OriginalLightbulb_II Episode 11: LIGHTBULB IS BACK with none other than the MePhoneX its self! We take dares and questions les go

submitted by OriginalLightbulb_II to inanimateinsanity [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 08:35 InternetAnxious1978 Help Needed with Dents & Rusted Wires on My Gli 2015

Help Needed with Dents & Rusted Wires on My Gli 2015 I’m not much of a car guy, so need your help with a couple of things:
  1. Dents on the Car
    • There are multiple dents on my car (different locations). • How much will it cost to fix these? • How long does a denter usually take to repair such dents? • I’ve heard some dents in specific places are harder to fix – is this true? • How do these dents impact resale value? I’ve heard terms like sookha and geela; can someone explain?
  2. Rusted and Hard Wires in the Engine
    • Some wires in my engine are rusted and feel quite hard. • I asked my mechanic, and he just said “chal tou rahi hai”. • My concern is, will these wires break if I touch them or when driving at high speeds? • Can they be fixed or replaced, or does it not matter? • Do they affect performance in any way?
Also please recommend a reliable guy in lahore since I am not from this city and dont know much people. TIA
submitted by InternetAnxious1978 to PakistanAutoHub [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 08:35 BiscuitWithTea What's Choking Delhi? "Fresh Air"

What's Choking Delhi? submitted by BiscuitWithTea to delhi [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 08:35 pHorniCaiTe Taytay isn't the only one who gets to clog every record plant with Crosby fodder

Taytay isn't the only one who gets to clog every record plant with Crosby fodder submitted by pHorniCaiTe to vinyljerk [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 08:35 darklord3_ [FS][US-GA]U6-LR Access Point

Hello, I have for sale a U6-LR access point from Unifi, works well, my grandparents moved into a smaller apartment and didn't need this AP anymore. I have the mounting bracket for the AP as well.
I am looking for $120 shipped.
This is in line with what these have sold for very recently on this subreddit. PMs are open, comment before PM.
I only do Paypal G&S, NO FRIENDS AND FAMILYI can ship it within 48 hours.
PS. I am also posting a HPE DL60 for local sale in the Atlanta Area, probably gonna be a rlly good deal cause I want it gone. Keep an eye out for that post.
submitted by darklord3_ to homelabsales [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 08:35 Melantonine How ?

The true wonder of life lies not merely in its interconnectedness.The real wonder of life is how an infinite, all-knowing consciousness is able to hide itself in finite forms.
submitted by Melantonine to HighStrangeness [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 08:35 MexicanaBrujeria Blood pact Ritual & Santisma Muerte

So when it comes to the Santisma Muerte devotion you can 100 % give her blood as an offering because she Aztec roots & the Mashika Aztecs did also give her blood as a offering but on the other hand I strongly strongly believe if your a beginner of the Santa Muerte you should NOT give her blood as a offering when you do this ritual you are pledging your loyalty to Santa Muerte & Santa Muerte only no other saints deity’s the only expection is you can only pray to god only exception the the reason why I say new devotee shouldn’t be offering any blood to Santa Muerte is cause you don’t know if your going to work with other entity saints or deity’s rather then Santisma Muerte. So that’s why I strongly advice you do you research and make sure if you do this ritual you would be committed to her & her only this sacred blood pact ritual is being use as a (TREND on Tiktok & I just wanted to state my opinion on the matter) mexicanabrujeria
submitted by MexicanaBrujeria to SantaMuerte [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 08:35 palepinkpiglet Customs in India on Luminette and Ayo?

submitted by palepinkpiglet to DSPD [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 08:35 Most-Atmosphere-6083 I just want to rant

I'm really tired. Tired of everything. I just needed a break. I work, I pay the rent, I pay the bills, I buy groceries, I do the housework. I just needed a break. Told my boyfriend that I needed a break and he makes me feels like it is wrong for me to say that I needed a break. When I text him, he reply short like giving me a 'yes', 'no' and he even ask me to ask my brother to pick me up from work. Am I in the wrong here for asking him that "I NEED TO TAKE A BREAK"
submitted by Most-Atmosphere-6083 to selfhelp [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 08:35 BatComplete1193 Feeling cute but a little lonely—still, rate my selfie! F21

Feeling cute but a little lonely—still, rate my selfie! F21 submitted by BatComplete1193 to selfierating [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 08:35 Topgun-Patty Take some notes

Take some notes submitted by Topgun-Patty to bollywoodmemes [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 08:35 Ok_Future1785 Send thicc chubby Asianss latinass nn irls with fatasses kik: yoshxh 05ce0d600a2d390625a7125b8438657707b249bad4c5fdd18ef6ccc8b9084fd66b

submitted by Ok_Future1785 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 08:35 RaveningScareCrow Dafuq triggered it?

Dafuq triggered it? submitted by RaveningScareCrow to TikTok [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 08:35 Electronic-Bat-4654 What to say when a person is moving to a new place

Hey guys! The name of the topic says what I’d like to know. I want to say or wish something nice to someone who’s moved or going to move soon to a new place. What do Dutch people usually say in those situations? Thanks in advance!
submitted by Electronic-Bat-4654 to learndutch [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 08:35 North_Preparation_95 Does anyone use Renko Charts for analysis? What other indicators do you use in conjunction?

Does anyone use Renko Charts for analysis? What other indicators do you use in conjunction? First time I viewed this type of chart was today. Naturally, got curious and wanted to know how popular these were. Have you heard of this type of chart before?
I read a little bit about it; but like renko, I had never heard of the other indicators.
Using more well known indicators with the renko chart gave data points for rsi, MACD, and Bollinger Bands that were very different compared to using them with a candlestick chart. Do you think this data could be valuable, or were the indicators designed specifically for candlestick type charts?
submitted by North_Preparation_95 to technicalanalysis [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 08:35 CheetahSperm18 Gyaru Stelle

Gyaru Stelle submitted by CheetahSperm18 to StelleMains [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 08:35 xo2sassy Do you consider me as hot or classy

Do you consider me as hot or classy submitted by xo2sassy to JustNiceFits [link] [comments]