Was sorting through stuff to take to the charity shop and found the legends

2024.11.27 10:23 PerfectProposal1723 Was sorting through stuff to take to the charity shop and found the legends

Was sorting through stuff to take to the charity shop and found the legends submitted by PerfectProposal1723 to CasualUK [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:23 Rich_War1675 Please read the whole story

Hi, I started this fundraiser, Bring Joy to Denise After Tragedy, on GoFundMe and it would mean a lot to me if you’d be able to share or donate to it. Her son passed away 24yrs old, Nov 6,2021 from a major seizure disorder.
submitted by Rich_War1675 to Animalsthatlovemagic [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:23 life-is-alright probably one the worst youve ever seen

probably one the worst youve ever seen submitted by life-is-alright to JujutsuPowerScaling [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:23 Jayhawk1984 Midori A5 Codex clear cover fits A5 HON... barely

Midori A5 Codex clear cover fits A5 HON... barely submitted by Jayhawk1984 to hobonichi [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:23 Turtle456 zeit.geschichte: Wahre Verbrechen - Nahost-Terror in Österreich

submitted by Turtle456 to HistoryOfAustria [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:23 XBloodRushingX Mega-Altaria 🐦☁️ 769833141852

submitted by XBloodRushingX to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:23 Most-Zebra-5481 help please - symbol identification

i lost my brother last month, to suicide.
trying to come to terms with it (struggling tbh).
one thing he had was a tattoo on his wrist. Think it's a viking symbol, a combination of a couple of things, i suspect.
i've crudely recreated it below; anyone have any clues on what this might mean, please?
i'm not familiar, so would really appreciate any help.
submitted by Most-Zebra-5481 to Norse [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:23 Doktag Kendrick x Aunty Donna colab

submitted by Doktag to auntydonna [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:23 Stock_Paramedic5507 make me feel bad lol jk

make me feel bad lol jk submitted by Stock_Paramedic5507 to MakeMeFeelGood [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:23 stabvicious Greatsword without stuns be like:

Greatsword without stuns be like: submitted by stabvicious to throneandliberty [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:23 ComfortableSpend3684 KlK GagOnFeet to TRlB/C@P/EDlT my gf

KlK GagOnFeet to TRlB/C@P/EDlT my gf submitted by ComfortableSpend3684 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:23 Prize-Prop121010 الصلاه

انا كنت ملتزم جداً بالصلاه لفتره طويله و مرة واحده من ٣ شهور مبقتش اصلي نهائياً معرفش ليه. الموضوع غريب جداً و مش عارف ايه اللي حصل بالضبط خلاني كده بس انا عايز ارجع اصلي تاني و لما حاولت لقيت الموضوع صعب و تقيل عليا. انا كل اللي انا عايزه دلوقتي هو اني ارجع التزم تاني بس مش عارف ازاي
submitted by Prize-Prop121010 to EgyptExTomato [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:23 valencia_ofm Mega draft or triple draft

Anyone want to practice playing md/td? Keep getting stuck around 10-15wins in tournaments and I wanna place higher next time.
Playing on a second account so happy to join ur clan.
submitted by valencia_ofm to RoyaleAPI [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:23 hirobyl Unlock Your Creative Potential This Black Friday with Kittl! | THELOSTOFFER

submitted by hirobyl to HIROBYL [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:23 Shimanax 23 [M4F] Ghosted by a hookup

Got ghosted by a hookup even though I checked in na. Anyone wanna have fun? It's in Reddoorz Moonwalk Paranaque, I have drinks so we can talk our heart out.
Just send me your asl preferrably 18-24
submitted by Shimanax to PHR4Rhookups [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:23 crnbrry300 Meow

submitted by crnbrry300 to Pareidolia [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:23 urSeifkj Ai/Bots need a rework

I play offline mainly because of work and i am not focused on super competitive playing, but i am level 20 now, i average 200k damage in an offline match, so this isnt a newbie rant, just a serious concern. It is seriously annoying, especially in tier iii and iv, how the ai basically bullies you the entire game and you cant do much about it. Every match I shoot down drones at the very beginning, and i still get plummeted by at least 4 volleys of shells after the drones have been gone by 2-3 minutes, effectively making you rush out of hiding and nullifying the fact you are trying to angle, aim, or snipe. Even if you dont care about the artillery thing, it is visible in something more, bots can lock on you in whatever angle they are in, they dont have to be facing you or have you in their FOV, because they dont have any. Helis which cant even look vertically up will be locking on to my 3400 altitude mig31, or locking on my tank directly below them with their machine gun. Drones do that too and will bully you from just unserious angles. The most annoying thing is how vehicles with tows and atgms will lock on to you through walls and barriers, and as soon as they rush forward they shoot, not giving you time to do anything especially if you on low health, same thing with missile AAs which are locked on you in any angle or persepective you are in all the time as soon as you get below the 2000 altitude mark, then they fire all their missiles consequently, which makes your flares useless because even if you flare first two missiles, the other two and the following ones will hit. You also truly can not play as a heli in an offline match because you are immediately targeted by every machine gun and every vehicle with a guided missile in the same manner of consequential firing that makes you not able to do anything except try to escape by going too low, and therefore almost being a grounded tank not a heli. But truly the funniest thing is how your own Ai teammates dont do any of that, they dont even try to capture points, and the artillery teammates sit idle half the game. The Ai needs a rework in the sense that it should just have the same limitations as human players in some way, even if you make them harder to kill or more accurate or give them more coordination. What are your opinions guys?
submitted by urSeifkj to MWTTankBattles [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:23 LavishnessRight3885 The truth is hard to swallow…

Look, if the rumors are true then MK fans need to accept some things. I like MK1, I’ve had my problems with it, but I still think it’s a good game. With that being said I cannot ignore the problems I’ve constantly seen in its life cycle.

  1. Kameos: this was a big topic when the game was announced, and ALOT of kasual fans do not like it. And what do you need to make a lot more $$$? For Kasual fans to buy and keep playing it. I’ve talked to a lot of people who bought the game because of the hype initially but hated the Kameo system and in turn never bought the dlc etc. It’s definitely not Kasual friendly like MK11 was.
  2. The price and content: for the $$ you paid when the game released, you’d definitely expect more content, then they started adding holiday fatalities you can buy for an unreasonable price and it felt like to a lot of players they were being stringed along just for their $$$. I know people blame WB for this but I cannot believe NRS is completely innocent.
  3. The Gender swaps: in the progressive time we live in I honestly did not mind it. However it felt EXTREMELY lazy. Why gender swap when they can create new female characters or use old existing ones? A lot of people pointed out how NRS/WB just took so many pages from Marvel, and while a lot of people didn’t mind it, you have to consider a lot of other people also hated it, and negative news can spread quickly.
  4. The DLC/Khaos Reigns: while I also thought the DLC was okay. I completely understood and respected people’s decisions to not buy it. People were very disappointed with the cost to content ratio, and the story, to many was unappealing and lackluster. $50 was just way too much to a lot of people for what you got.
Conclusion: I may get downvoted and I’m okay with that. There are some things I did appreciate, like Mileena’s deception skin finally being added. But it felt like too little too late. I myself am a big MK fan just as much as the next person, but if we are to believe the MK rumors, then we need to look at what they did wrong why DLC sales and people buying content for this game continued to dwindle and accept it for what it is. You can be upset and or sad, but that’s why it’s a hard pill to swallow. Mortal Kombat is a huge franchise and there will be plenty more games so don’t worry about that. However it’s important NRS/WB learn from this, if they learn anything, that this game just wasn’t it for supporting its lifecycle, and people were just fed up with the problems listed above. You can love this game and disagree with every point I made but I do believe there’s some truth to what I’ve stated.
TLDR: MK1’s problems were its inevitable downfall
submitted by LavishnessRight3885 to MortalKombat [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:23 seathevision and they parallel again

i guess this is pt. 2 of "Sha'arnez : Tiss :: Tiss : Tai" agenda. should i call this ST:TT Saga? 😹
submitted by seathevision to RomanceClub [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:23 stargates2015 Buste protettive in polipropilene neutro 167x227 mm

Buste protettive in polipropilene neutro 167x227 mm https://preview.redd.it/7r0s8up27f3e1.jpg?width=758&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3b90805af3271afca7b0ec93f4f49a78a0f3663
Il polipropilene neutro (PP neutro) è una forma di polipropilene che non contiene additivi o coloranti che possano influenzare il colore o la reattività del materiale. Questo tipo di polipropilene viene solitamente utilizzato in applicazioni in cui è richiesta la trasparenza o la neutralità del colore, come ad esempio nella produzione di contenitori per alimenti, packaging, e materiali medicali e buste protettive per fumetti, cd, dvd o dischi in vinile.
Il polipropilene è un polimero termoplastico che offre una buona resistenza chimica, è leggero, e ha buone proprietà meccaniche, rendendolo una scelta popolare in molte industrie. La versione "neutra" si riferisce semplicemente a una specifica formulazione che evita l'uso di coloranti o additivi che potrebbero alterarne le caratteristiche base.
Le buste protettive per fumetti 167x227 mm in polipropilene neutro con spessore da 50 micron sono perfette per proteggere collezioni di fumetti manga come Kagami ga Kita, Shaman King, Yu degli Spettri, Master KEaton e la serie I Love Anime di Iacobelli.
Esistono nella dimensione 167x227 mm e sono deali per conservare le preziose collezioni di fumetti della serie Kagami ga Kita, Yu degli Spettri Perfect Edition, Master Keaton, Dr. Slump e Arale Perfect Edition, Shaman King Perfect Edition, I love Anime (Iacobelli).
Quindi le buste protettive 167x227 mm per fumetti Kagami ga Kita, I Love Anime e altri sono in polipropilene neutro e spessore da 50 micron.
submitted by stargates2015 to buste_per_fumetti [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:23 AokidAlan looking for maltese by dailong and iliesse new program. i have marcello palozzo phasic body--general preparation.

dm me if you have
submitted by AokidAlan to FitnesProgramsSharing [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:23 GyroSkunch92 How's Grand Prix Event?

Climbing my way To the Top
submitted by GyroSkunch92 to Asphalt9 [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:23 LooseReview3542 What makes a good daddy?

submitted by LooseReview3542 to askgaybros [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:23 No-Expression9924 Actress Adi DM

Actress Adi DM submitted by No-Expression9924 to MalluBiForCelebs [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:23 Leoniod69 It's always the lavawalkers

submitted by Leoniod69 to HuTao_Mains [link] [comments]
